[Canada/Germany][IPv6 Only/IPv4 + IPv6] Starting at 4$/Quarter New Servers!

Hello Guys,
I come today with new offerings as we have new servers both in Canada and in Germany. To get them a bit filled up we have come with the following promotions for you:
Make sure to check them OUT!
Our servers are normally located in Canada (mainly because renewable energies) but we have found more partners around the globe that do have 100% renewable energies. We tend to pick only datacenters that are responsible with the environment and community and share the same values that we do. We are looking as of now partners in the US that do meet the same standards that we have so we collocate some gear near Mexico (our home country)
Now we have the following new promotions on our new location. This servers are provisoned using the brand new solus.io control panel.
IPv6 Only 2 Canada (Avoid IPv4 taxes)
Ram: 6 GB
Disk: 30GB SSD RAID 1
/80 IPv6 Block
Link: https://hosterlabs.net/panel/cart.php?a=add&pid=145
Cost: 4$/MonthGood Old IPv6
vCPU 1
Ram 1 GB
Disk 20 GB SSD RAID 1
/80 IPv6 Block
Cost: 4$ Quarterly
Limited Stock After Limited Stock pricing is 1.49$/Month equivalent to 6$/Quarter
Link: https://hosterlabs.net/panel/cart.php?a=add&pid=139
Most Loved Offer in Canada
IPv4: 1
RAM: 512MB
Space: 10GB NVMe
Speed: 1Gbps unmetered
Price: 5$/Quarter (Additional Yearly Discounts)
Limited Stock to 6
Pv4&6 Germany
vCPU: 2 Ryzen Hexacore
Ram: 2 GB
Disk: 15 GB NVMe RAID 1
1 IPv4 and /80 IPv6 Block
KVM Virtualization
Unmetered 1Gbps
Located in Germany, Falkenstein
Cost: 3$/Month
Link: https://hosterlabs.net/panel/cart.php?a=add&pid=135vCPU 3 Ryzen Hexacore
Ram 6 GB
Disk 30GB NVMe RAID 1
1 IPv4 and /80 IPv6 Block
KVM Virtualization
Unmetered 1Gbps
Located in Germany, Falkenstein
7$/Month Link: https://hosterlabs.net/panel/cart.php?a=add&pid=136
Looking Glass Germany: Falkenstein,Germany (Looking glass not yet available)
Looking Glass Canada: canada.lg.hosterlabs.net
Node Specifications:
Intel Xeon-E 2288G ( 8 Cores / 16 threads ) Max Speed @5Ghz with overclocking.
128GB DDR4 ECC 2666MHz
2 x 1TB NVMe in RAID 0 ( So if one drive fails, data is lost) Nevertheless, we keep remote backups of all servers. You should not trust our backups as much, as we are seeing some failures these days on the system. We are repairing them as of now.
10Gbps Downlink (Bursts) 2Gbps Uplink (Bursts)
Intel Xeon-E 2136 - 6 c / 12 t - 3.3 GHz / 4.5 GHz
64 GB DDR4 ECC 266Mhz
1Gbps Uplink/Downlink
Intel Xeon E3-1245v2
1Gbps port
IPv6 Only
2x480 SSD Raid 1
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
128 GB DDR4
2 x 512 GB NVME RAID 1
1Gbps Uplink/Downlink
BGP ok?
The all seeing eye sees everything...
Sorry for my ignorance. You mean a BGP session?
@hosterlabs any idea why my IPv6 only box has windows installed and the reinstall button just redo the same
Hello Asim,
I believe we have dealt with the issue on your support ticket
Best regards!
That's right.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
No, sadly we can not offer BGP sessions on our virtual machines. Sorry about that!