Free NAT KVMs Courtesy of GTHost, Crunchbits, Scaleblade, and PieHasBeenEaten --
Hello LES Community!
@GTHost, @crunchbits, ScaleBlade @Jack_SBE, @PieHasBeenEaten, and @Abdullah / Webhorizon. have provided bare metal servers to The volunteers at use these servers as hypervisor nodes to make free VPSes available to the Community.
FreeVPS Specs
- 1x Core (Fair Share)
- 512MB Memory, up to 1GB with justification
- 10GB NVMe/SSD/HDD, up to 20GB with justification
- 100 Mbps Port
- 20x forwarded ports v4
- /64 v6
LES account must be 3 months or older to quality
Active account (you need to have a decent amount of recent posts)
At least 50 or more non-spammy posts
Acceptable Use Policy
Zero abuse tolerance.
All activities MUST adhere to the Donors' policies.
If we take notice that a VM gets abused, the VM will be terminated.
How To Get A Free VPS
Option 1
- Double check that you meet the above Requirements. Then head over to, click Register, and sign up. Note both your "Client No: ____" and "Your ID: ____" for use in a meaningful comment in this thread
- Make a meaningful comment in this thread, indicate you want a free VM by adding #ThanksGTHost, #Thankscrunchbits, #ThanksScaleBlade, #ThanksPieHasBeenEaten, and #ThanksWebHorizon somewhere in your comment. Meaningful comments could include, for example: questions, feedback, a suggestion, your preferred location, or your planned use of the server. Don't forget to include both "Client No: ____" and "Your ID: ____" from your sign up.
- To make this fun, and praise the providers/donor's, We require you to send a prayer along the comment you make to get a Free VPS! Long live the donor's!
Option 2
- Make a donation to any charity, post proof and desired specs.
- Donors will get double max resources (up to 2 CPU Cores, 2GB RAM, 40GB SSD, 200Mbps port.
- Guaranteed VM as long as there are available resources.
Node Specs
Node specs and Looking Glass links are posted at
Special Thanks
Thanks to @GTHost, @crunchbits, Scaleblade @Jack_SBE, @PieHasBeenEaten, and @Abdullah for making the project possible!
Thanks to @Cloudie for many kinds of help!
Thanks to @Virtfusion for a complimentary license!
Thanks to @TheOnlyDK, @FatGrizzly, and @sh97 for volunteering!
Thanks to @yoursunny for troubleshooting IPv6 issues!
Thanks to @DP for the domain name!
Thanks to @Not_Oles for the idea to make!
- There is NO SLA on this service, in fact frequent server reboots might be needed.
- NO support will be provided directly, all help requests must be posted here in this thread.
- No Backups are done on our side, disks are running in RAID0 YOLO mode.
- There is no term guarantee.
The original offer post was approved by @Mason
FreeVPS - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Is the VPS service truly free?
A: Yes, it is. We operate solely on the generous donations provided by our sponsors.
Q: Do you monitor or sell my data?
A: Absolutely not. Your activities on your VPS are completely private. However, if we notice excessive CPU usage or constant port blasting, it may lead to the involcuration of your VPS.
Q: I don't meet the eligibility requirements. Will I receive a VPS if I make a donation?
A: No, donations are intended solely to enhance the resources of your VPS and do not bypass the eligibility requirements.
Q: Why are there recurring fees of $199/$99? Doesn't that contradict the "free" aspect?
A: These fees are in place to discourage idle usage of the VPS. When your VPS is initially deployed, we add credits to your account, which can be utilized to renew your VPS tenure.
Q: Can I migrate my VPS to another location?
A: Yes, in most cases, we allow transfers. It is advisable to back up your data before making a transfer request.
Q: What are the specifications for Tokyo?
A: Please refer to the TYO announcement post. The Tokyo location operates on a donation-only basis due to limited resources and to prevent abuse.
Q: How long does it take to deploy my VPS?
A: Please allow up to 3 days for VPS deployment. FreeVPS is managed by volunteers, and deployments are carried out on a best-effort basis. However, we make every effort to deploy VPS instances on the same day of the request. If your VPS has not been deployed within a week of your request, feel free to follow up on your request.
Q: I don't meet the requirements. Is there any way to obtain a free VPS?
A: If your post history demonstrates exceptional contributions and meaningful engagement within the community, we may consider making an exception and provision a free VPS for you.
Q: Can I make a donation to a local charity?
A: Of course! You can contribute to any charity worldwide using any currency. However, it is preferable if the donation amount is equivalent to or exceeds 5 USD. If your donation receipt is not in English, please provide a translation with it. Furthermore, we kindly request that the receipt demonstrates a recent donation made within the last three months.
Q: Can I redeem the credits to USD?
A: Sure, just put a request on the thread. /s
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Active and helpful on LES? Come grab a free VPS! - | How to Apply
Reserve 2
The Ultimate Speedtest Script | Get Instant Alerts on new LES/LET deals on Telegram
Active and helpful on LES? Come grab a free VPS! - | How to Apply
Thanks for providing this for the community.
Client No: 2079
Your ID: 039833473120
I'd like to deploy a self-hosted vaultwarden server to backup passwords.
Preferred location is London, UK.
Thank you.
The great mentors, the great leaders, the great captains, the great steersmen! Long live the donors!
MicroLXC is lovable.
too quick
"From the diamonds nothing is born, from the manure the flowers are born ..."
F. De Andrè --- Free NAT KVM
I'd like to use it for remote sql server and maybe some docker application.
Client No: 2080
Your ID: 565719179644
Preferred location is London, UK, then Chicago, USA
Thanks a lot.
One question, is personal proxy application allowed on those node?
Hi, I'm not sure if you can run SQL servers in these small KVM's.
Have you made any donations to any charities in the past 3 months? That will bump your resources upto a 2GB max.
Quoting SBE's AUP, Personal proxy is allowed on LON-VMS.
As long as you're using it for yourself you should be fine, do note our vm's have a bw limit of 200GB
Hi, I'm sure that it should work with low version mysql with 512MB ram.
If you could bump it to 1G ram, it will be better.
Unfortunately, I haven't made donations recently.
Client No: 2009
Your ID: 258827031839
ThanksGTHost, #Thankscrunchbits, #ThanksScaleBlade, and #ThanksPieHasBeenEaten
Waiting since a long time from OGF
Want free vps ?
Deployed, will bump your ram to 1G in a few minutes
Location and prayer please.
@FatGrizzly Thanks for taking the initiative to start a wonderful FreeVPS thread here at LES! 💖
I hope everybody gets the server they want! 🍰
@iaecm Nope!
I recall your very kind donation of (Telegram?) access tokens for NodeSeek. That donation post resulted in my joining Nodeseek. Maybe others here also joined NodeSeek because of your donation post. Also, your comments that you posted on Nodeseek resulted in several really, really cool guys, including you, running awesome projects on MetalVPS' former free Alpine node with @Cloudie. Additionally, you donated Chinese lessons and kind advice on several occasions. Thank you! 
@FatGrizzly Is it really true that what goes around comes around? May please recognize @iaecm's several kinds of donations to our LES community? Thanks!
I'll bump his resources tomorrow! We for sure recognise you!
Europe when!?
On serious note: Good job, looks amazing and much thanks to everyone for wasting theirs time/resources on free community projects!
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
@Not_Oles Thanks for your kind words, both MetalVPS and are fantastic projects.

oh wait! i'm edit my sign
London, if not available the any location, want to learn kubernetes so will play with light weight kubernetes distribution on it, therefore would prefer a if I could get 1GB ram ,
Want free vps ?
Missed the prayer again, but I have deployed anyways. Also bumped you to 1GB RAM. Enjoy!
To all those who request a VPS, do not forget a prayer for the donor host!
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Active and helpful on LES? Come grab a free VPS! - | How to Apply
We are soon launching our new location, Phoenix, USA.
Thanks GTHost for sponsoring TWO dedi's for FreeVPS!
ThanksGTHost ← x 2
"From the diamonds nothing is born, from the manure the flowers are born ..."
F. De Andrè --- Free NAT KVM
To learn, preferred location: USA.
Client No: 2084
Your ID: 497972587087
Hi @kidoh! Do you meet the 50 post requirement? If not, please keep up the good work and reapply soon! Thanks and Best wishes!
LES account must be 3 months or older to quality
Active account (you need to have a decent amount of recent posts)
At least 50 or more non-spammy posts
A big thank you to GTHost, Crunchbits, Scaleblade, and PieHasBeenEaten for the servers you are providing for this project.
Also thank you to Cloudie, Virtfusion, TheOnlyDK, FatGrizzly, sh97, yoursunny, DP, and Not_Oles for the assistance you have or are currently providing for this project. 
Client No.: 2085
ID: 112644496630
Would like to request the UK location - I need more Euroasian network diversity!
To get the double resources I have made a $25 donation to the EFF (the extra $0.75 covers the transaction fees):
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
@CamoYoshi Hello!
There are so many reasons why I think of you as a great guy! 🤩
I trust that the admin team will provision your VPS.
Thanks for joining our FreeVPS community! I sincerely hope and trust that we can serve you well!
Thanks for donating to EFF!
VPS has been deployed, enjoy!
The Ultimate Speedtest Script | Get Instant Alerts on new LES/LET deals on Telegram
Active and helpful on LES? Come grab a free VPS! - | How to Apply
Option 2
Thanks a lot to GTHost, crunchbits, ScaleBlade, Jack_SBE and PieHasBeenEaten
Client No: 2087
Your ID: 874114457197
If possible I would like to request the UK location.
I have donated to "Save lives in Ukraine".
Hi @Alfisti!
Even though you have been here on LES for awhile, wants at least 50 or more non-spammy posts, a decent amount of which are recent.
How can everyone here at LES enjoy more comments, questions, and discussions with you? Please keep up your great work posting and then please again request a free VPS. I look forward to reading more from you! I look forward to provisioning your VPS!
I hope everyone gets the server they want!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi, probably being a dummy about this but posts here refers to 'comments' or 'discussions' as shown in the profile view?