When you are talking about awful speeds, how slow is it and where are you. I tried uploading a file now and got 1-1,5 MB/s. File size 255MB. Location EU. Yesterday it was little bit faster. Max was 2 MB/s.
When you are talking about awful speeds, how slow is it and where are you. I tried uploading a file now and got 1-1,5 MB/s. File size 255MB. Location EU. Yesterday it was little bit faster. Max was 2 MB/s.
Well, with you getting those speeds in EU, no wonder why I get less than 3Mbit/s in Asia.
Where are their server exactly? germany? it is strange to have bad upload/download speed from EU.
my experience is that the connection isn't stable, sometimes normal speed, later it will be much slower..
and i noticed there was no progress bar when upload/downloading.
Check their SubReddit. Since 1 year they did few important updates which helped the service to be better. I have a Lifetime 2tb, but still don't use it much ; only if i need to share something private (personnal pictures for example).
They did a survey few weeks ago, and there was 2 "weird" questions about our feeling regarding eventual partnership with another company having privacy in mind. I don't recall well about the other one, i just remember my feeling was like "Oh? Are they being bought soon or is there something happening about their brand? Is Proton interested by them as they already bought SimpleLogin last year?". To be continued.
@nick_ said: I wonder what storage space we would get if we upgraded from a 50 GB free plan to the 100 GB lifetime plan. 100 GB or 150 GB?
You can stack all offers, so it will just add to what you already have. If you had 50gb free plan and buy 100gb lifetime, you will have 150gb. If you buy another 100gb lifetime, you will have 250gb.
Site Reliability Engineer using DevOps mindset. High interest in so many hosting companies (VPN, Drive, Web, VPS, etc.) and believe in privacy.
Opinions are my own.
@lindy54 said:
In case any one has tried it, is the speed quite low for you too?
Speed is awful from my location.
Hope they are improving.
I could be wrong, but this is probably due to the nature and technical challenges of providing zero knowledge encryption. Internxt (also Zero Knowledge) is also awfully slow on upload/download due to the encryption taking place.
When I click on any referral link in this thread, it takes me to page which says only 10GB is free. Does that mean referral has been used or increased storage will be shown once I sign up?
@lesuser said:
When I click on any referral link in this thread, it takes me to page which says only 10GB is free. Does that mean referral has been used or increased storage will be shown once I sign up?
Any invite link will add extra 10 GB storage regardless of how many times it has been used. Inviters can have only 30 more GB max from 3 invitees.
We constantly strive to keep file security unbreakable for users around the world. With our client sided encryption you can protect your most confidential information, your private documents and other sensitive data on any device. Nobody (not even the Filen administrators themselves) has access to your content.
@lindy54 said:
In case any one has tried it, is the speed quite low for you too?
Speed is awful from my location.
Hope they are improving.
I could be wrong, but this is probably due to the nature and technical challenges of providing zero knowledge encryption. Internxt (also Zero Knowledge) is also awfully slow on upload/download due to the encryption taking place.
@lindy54 said:
In case any one has tried it, is the speed quite low for you too?
Speed is awful from my location.
Hope they are improving.
I could be wrong, but this is probably due to the nature and technical challenges of providing zero knowledge encryption. Internxt (also Zero Knowledge) is also awfully slow on upload/download due to the encryption taking place.
Internxt just seemed to be slow all around for me, I seem to be able to reach ~150Mbps with Filen, so not too bad.
used this and mine is https://filen.io/r/5df2027a65933d9c482d58ec7c850d5a
ThemeForest Profile
2 left, 1/3 used
so far so good experience, i still have one refferal more
Thanks for the invite. It looks promising. If anyone wants the latest invite code. (I have 3/3 referrals left.) Here is mine https://filen.io/r/0ebdfdd5b18e5097d9a31ac997523231
Vladimir S. - IT Consultant, Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Disability Advocate.
[email protected] | www.ivlad.net
I have 3/3 referrals left. If someone needs an invite code, please use the below one.
In case any one has tried it, is the speed quite low for you too?
upload ~ 1 MB/s
last 1 lucky person https://filen.io/r/a21dfd8b5984d6efd03582072d2358f9
used one
I used one. Thx!
And here's mine. https://filen.io/r/4d472d5cdb57f6663621a251065e0b51
Looks good so far.
Filen.io - use this link to signup and we both get extra 10GB free.
@nfn i used yours
here is mine: https://filen.io/r/81b8bc3a8b2398c2b38877a6a7aff6db
There's only one left!
My link has been used up. Thanks to everyone, who signed using it.
Get some hosting at https://drserver.net .
Just in case, mine's still not used.
Speed is awful from my location.
Hope they are improving.
Same. Both upload and download.
Seems to be pretty quick for me (in the UK) for upload at least. Haven't tried downloading a large file just yet, will try later on
Syuh - SFTP Storage Pods from 50GB to TBs. UK, US and DE locations.
Same here! 0/3 used.
When you are talking about awful speeds, how slow is it and where are you. I tried uploading a file now and got 1-1,5 MB/s. File size 255MB. Location EU. Yesterday it was little bit faster. Max was 2 MB/s.
Filen.io - use this link to signup and we both get extra 10GB free.
Well, with you getting those speeds in EU, no wonder why I get less than 3Mbit/s in Asia.
Where are their server exactly? germany? it is strange to have bad upload/download speed from EU.
my experience is that the connection isn't stable, sometimes normal speed, later it will be much slower..
and i noticed there was no progress bar when upload/downloading.
https://filen.io/r/0e9ec0b32522ab21038cbb847d19d25c (my referral ink)
Check their SubReddit. Since 1 year they did few important updates which helped the service to be better. I have a Lifetime 2tb, but still don't use it much ; only if i need to share something private (personnal pictures for example).
They did a survey few weeks ago, and there was 2 "weird" questions about our feeling regarding eventual partnership with another company having privacy in mind. I don't recall well about the other one, i just remember my feeling was like "Oh? Are they being bought soon or is there something happening about their brand? Is Proton interested by them as they already bought SimpleLogin last year?". To be continued.
You can stack all offers, so it will just add to what you already have. If you had 50gb free plan and buy 100gb lifetime, you will have 150gb. If you buy another 100gb lifetime, you will have 250gb.
Feel free to use my invite code (3 available):
Site Reliability Engineer using DevOps mindset. High interest in so many hosting companies (VPN, Drive, Web, VPS, etc.) and believe in privacy.
Opinions are my own.
That's great and makes sense!
App Devtools - Free Online Developer Tools | mp4tomp3.net - MP4 to MP3 Converter
I could be wrong, but this is probably due to the nature and technical challenges of providing zero knowledge encryption. Internxt (also Zero Knowledge) is also awfully slow on upload/download due to the encryption taking place.
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
1/3 left if anyone needs
When I click on any referral link in this thread, it takes me to page which says only 10GB is free. Does that mean referral has been used or increased storage will be shown once I sign up?
Powerful Core i9 VPS (aff)| List of all VirMach VPS (aff)
Any invite link will add extra 10 GB storage regardless of how many times it has been used. Inviters can have only 30 more GB max from 3 invitees.
App Devtools - Free Online Developer Tools | mp4tomp3.net - MP4 to MP3 Converter
We constantly strive to keep file security unbreakable for users around the world. With our client sided encryption you can protect your most confidential information, your private documents and other sensitive data on any device. Nobody (not even the Filen administrators themselves) has access to your content.
i hope this is true
That makes sense. The encryption thing.
Hi, I have one invite left
Internxt just seemed to be slow all around for me, I seem to be able to reach ~150Mbps with Filen, so not too bad.
Syuh - SFTP Storage Pods from 50GB to TBs. UK, US and DE locations.