$40/month or so Reliable US Located Dedicated Server For Running Multiple Game Servers on
Hi and evening to everyone here, I am posting this onto this forum seeing if there any other options in this community instead of the last one I tried. Seeing as you don't need to pay "to be a provider" here and maximum offering prices for dedicated unit rentals are WAY closer to these needs and requirements.
I am needing because of my fixed income of $40/month (or so) reliable dedicated server rental of the following that would be possible to run game servers off of...
At least a E3 1230v3 or better single threaded wise CPU (at least 4 cores and 8 threads is enough)
32GB is fine, though 64GB would be a "nice to have" though
At least 2 (for redundancy) SSDs (or better) 200GB (or up) disk storage
As little as 5TB on 1Gbps is totally fine
Is anybody able to offer anything or could point me in the right directions?
Thank you so much in advance!
Kimsufi/So you start
Didn't they all gone to "ECO" range now that it's all OVHCloud and I think their GAME series servers rings up at around $64.99/month?
Even so, they stupidly dropped the drops to 250Mbps instead of letting you use the full 1Gbps uplink's speed.
They're also not in the US, I know they're not great latency if you're trying to run a game server for anyone on the west coast.
They are actually in the US & only minus is the speed
Could look at PSYCHZ NETWORKS HOMIE , they have some e3 boxes for ~$30-40 per month in Los Angeles. Something like this with another SSD added for redundancy clocks in at $39. Can also go with OneProvider, there's a few offers here. 1 2 3 4 as well as their promo page
Thanks for trying to help however... According to https://eco.us.ovhcloud.com/about/ you can only get 100Mbps GAME series servers starting at 31 bucks a month, _which is ridiculous according to today's standards in terms of throughput deliveries. _
The SYS series will set you back 73 bucks a month which does comes with their weird ashed 250Mbps limitations...
Not even there "BF" series are looking good...
I will (and prefers) be avoiding Psychz Networks, due to having too much as well as extremely bad experiences in the distant past.
As for One Provider, isn't it like another "variant" of Wholesales Internet and Joe's Data Center that there no DDoS mitigation practices? or are there matters I am missing here?
250Mbit is a soft cap, you get full duplex Gigabit.
You don't need a SYS Game, so its cheaper, however, you won't have the Game AntiDDoS, which is different from the regular AntiDDoS.
AntiDDoS Game has also filters in front of the racks, to mitigate internal attacks, I assume.
All depends, if you expect to get a lot of targeted attacks.
Can agree on avoiding psychz.
Kimsufi Game is also an option but hard 100Mbit upload limit.
OP is looking for a unicorn? Happy hunting all the same, hope you bag a big one!
Didn't they just dropped ALL (even OVHCloud's) GAME series to 250Mbps on those 1Gbps links? Someone on LET just had to can all of their servers (I think 4x) because they dropped their speeds.
I know how it used to be, no idea if it recently changed, I don't have a SYS.
If all recent YABS indicate that, its likely a case, however they could be unlucky.
Some people sometimes get lucky and some get the standard cap.
my KS has even 1gig up on IPv6 and in general 1gig inside OVH even across datacenters, within the same country.
I know they have a US site, but it sure doesn't look like they have any US datacenters to me:

They DO have Hill Vince and Oregon. But I don't know for which GAME series if any. Because as you said on the SYS range it doesn't seems like they offer those options.
yea hmm SYS is limited in its locations.
If you want low ping, likely you need to go within the US, CA won't do it I guess.
The CA location is basically ON New York, like so close to the border.
The latency isn't bad if you're gaming on the eastern half of the US, but if you've got players spread out or more west coast, something like Texas or Kansas City is a better choice. SYS might work for them, but I know the location has been the reason it wasn't usable for games for me, it's just too far from California to have good latency here.
how about digitalsystem
Any specific location in the US you would be looking for? Might have something in Atlanta, Ga. PM me and we can talk about pricing if interested.
I do not have any specific locations needed here. Appreciates you making sure with me and seeing if we might be able to work something out. Will send a PM shortly.