Dedicated server with high RAM
I'm looking for the following:
2x some E5 (total multicore GB5 score of about 8K and above)
256 GB RAM (Can be DDR3)
1 TB of SSD space
8 TB of HDD space
Whatever bandwidth @ at least 500 Mb/s with the ability to BYOIP or BGP
In Europe (doesn't really matter where)
Price: 150 $ p/m (can pay quarterly or every half a year)
DoDeca Core E5 2680 V3-12
256 GB RAM
1Gbps Ports on 5TB BW
Indian Data Center
Price: 364 USD/month
STROMONIC.COM - Web Hosting, Reseller, Managed WP, VPS, GPU & Dedicated Servers!
Data Centers: India, Finland, Canada, Bulgaria, United States
Custom Quotation: [email protected]
Price: 150 $ p/m (can pay quarterly or every half a year)
Think you're way over budget.
Yeah plus I'm looking for EU, but still thanks for trying to help
Maybe @HostSlick or @AlexBarakov could do something in this budget?
Yeah, maybe lets see
In OGF there are quite great deals from both of them with 128G RAM and dual E5, worth to check
If you're willing to consider outside of Europe, I can make an intro to ColoCrossing (yes, I know... but they are the only ones I know who can meet your prices)
Already work with Readydedis, so I can get those. Thanks for trying to help anyways!
It looks like you can fit that out at Hetzner pretty easily: and add storage.
Heymman Servers does some high RAM servers, I would maybe reach out to them.
FroCDN Files - Anonymously upload up to 15GB per file for free with unlimited bandwidth. FroCDN Paste - Paste text to share with others, fork of Hastebin. Also completely free to use.
Never have anything available in Europe
I think we can provide something similar (but not exactly the same config) @skorupion -
Either DM the config to me or post it publicly, and let's see it!
Hetzner Auction Server + tunnel to BYOIP VPS provider.
I don't think Hetzner SB is an option here. Even the most expensive servers don't have Dual CPU and I doubt you can add a second CPU socket.
Worldstream does have some Dual CPU servers in NL and AFAIK they do BYOIP but requested configurations end far beyond given budget, same applies for Clouvider. IT-Service David Froehlich | Individual network and hosting solutions | AS39083 | RIPE LIR services (IPv4, IPv6, ASN)
I don't know what GB5 benchmark is, but they have some fairly modern 1 socket servers that are probably as fast as older dual socket ones, so I thought maybe that could work for you. I was more doubtful about BYOIP. Idk if they support that, even for colo servers. I was amazed at how inexpensive high-ram servers have gotten. on SB. There are also lots of 128GB options if you can live with that.
You could also look here:,available
In the end, I'll most likely go with
Thank you all of the help!
Hello @skorupion it s possible give you
2x e5-2680 v2
256 GB Ram ddr3
1 GBps port @ 40 TB Bw
For 95 eur/month
Please contact me on PM for this offerts
The end is nigh.
Nah I'm making sure he finally colocated his servers in a professional datacenter
Hello @skorupion i m own data center , we recently moved into a fairly decent new facility
No more wooden racks?
@fluttershy no
it s metal racks
Woah fancy! Still in your home or did you move to an actual facility?
It s real facility and please no off topic
Could you please share more information about it? Where it is located?
@TeYroX Hello , facility it s situated on Romania Country , Hunedoara County , Orastie City , Transilvania Region
From Calin
Which datacenter is it, exactly? Because his metal racks could be in his home, located in Orastie.