@ahnlak said:
I haven't had to open a ticket in months, but I think The Backlog has been pretty drastically brought under control these days. What's the average wait time now @Virmach?
We won't be slow with these, but only if the requested information is provided and they're honest. Otherwise it will be very very slow.
There is only 1 ticket right now out of 20 of them so far that has provided sufficient information to begin the process. And many others I can already see will have suspension/administration fee generated first before further communication. Anything in between will take longer.
Support times still aren't terrific. We got another big volume of tickets after I worked it down to only a few hundred earlier last week. Priority queue is almost clean again.
i think its fair game that they wilfully break the ToS and/or at least know deep down their methods arent orthodox, so this sudden suspension isnt unfair.
@VirMach said:
Support times still aren't terrific. We got another big volume of tickets after I worked it down to only a few hundred earlier last week. Priority queue is almost clean again.
Can charge for tickets first then refund for those who opened a normal ticket after solved.
@ahnlak said:
I haven't had to open a ticket in months, but I think The Backlog has been pretty drastically brought under control these days. What's the average wait time now @Virmach?
We won't be slow with these, but only if the requested information is provided and they're honest. Otherwise it will be very very slow.
There is only 1 ticket right now out of 20 of them so far that has provided sufficient information to begin the process. And many others I can already see will have suspension/administration fee generated first before further communication. Anything in between will take longer.
Support times still aren't terrific. We got another big volume of tickets after I worked it down to only a few hundred earlier last week. Priority queue is almost clean again.
One more thing,plz modified your SUSPENSION APPEAL FORM template. Current template you just require customers answer questions While most questions have nothing to do with this cleanup.If you need customers provide more personal infos to prove he didn't violate TOS, please give your requirement clear. While not publish your announcement about this cleanup in Lowendscript forum. Again,you didn't notify your customers about this cleanup and why.
@cybertech said: many MJJs are gonna get their balls squeezed.
i think its fair game that they wilfully break the ToS and/or at least know deep down their methods arent orthodox, so this sudden suspension isnt unfair.
The funniest part about it is that, and I re-iterate, these are only the accounts we pulled in association with 13 accounts. As in, it's only 13 of the 200 that forced their service into Tokyo. Of course they were the 13 most atrocious so I'm not surprised so many others are associated with them.
@cybertech said: many MJJs are gonna get their balls squeezed.
i think its fair game that they wilfully break the ToS and/or at least know deep down their methods arent orthodox, so this sudden suspension isnt unfair.
The funniest part about it is that, and I re-iterate, these are only the accounts we pulled in association with 13 accounts. As in, it's only 13 of the 200 that forced their service into Tokyo. Of course they were the 13 most atrocious so I'm not surprised so many others are associated with them.
great! Hope after cleaning this up, we can get the Tokyo servers working fine. Just ordered a server in Tokyo but it cannot be turned on (TYOC039). I see there is a scheduled maintenance in Tokyo, guess it's due to the maintenance, right?
@Franzkafka said:
That's OK. Whatever the final result is,I still have to say:What you did is not good.You can set a deadline, require people provide more details to prove that they didn't violate your TOS.And then take actions.But you didn't, while suspended customer's service directly. It's a shame.
What YOU did is not good. You should respect the provider's terms of service before buying services from them. If you are knowingly abusing the provider, don't be surprised when they eventually no longer want to do business with you. At least they're letting you appeal your suspension.
@ccc said: Can charge for tickets first then refund for those who opened a normal ticket after solved.
We wouldn't do that for all tickets, it's too much to ask for that and unfair in some cases, plus it would be seen as a reason for us to avoid refunding it afterward and basically require a deposit to use support at all times.
We are going to consider it only for priority tickets but it may end up being a token system, where everyone gets one for free and then gets their token back if it was justified. I think that would solve any problems with that and make it better for everyone. We just need to implement and communicate it well. So once you're out of tokens (as in you misused priority) then it would require a deposit that will still be returned if it's justified.
For now we're starting to group people who make tickets they shouldn't and it gets marked so we know, and we try to focus on the people that haven't and this works out. Of course we still answer the others and mostly go based off other sorting orders unrelated.
So far it's definitely helping.
@lemoncube said:
TIL you can utilize RSS feed to get updated on Network Status. https://billing.virmach.com/networkissuesrss.php
Yeah I actually discovered this a long time ago and since discovering it basically sent out less emails unless absolutely necessary, since anyone who wants can do RSS. Of course it'd be cooler if you could have different feeds for specific servers.
@windytime said: great! Hope after cleaning this up, we can get the Tokyo servers working fine. Just ordered a server in Tokyo but it cannot be turned on (TYOC039). I see there is a scheduled maintenance in Tokyo, guess it's due to the maintenance, right?
A good number of these are naturally on Tokyo since the original 13 accounts are associated with forcing themselves into Tokyo.
TYOC039 is fine unless it's a recent activation. I have those on a list and will get to them with priority. If it's not a recent activation, it's possible that you may have re-installed it when it had an issue. And of course there may be other reasons. But you did say you just ordered it so it's the first thing. Basically it got created on a node it shouldn't have been created on, sorry about that. You'll have it re-activated and due date adjusted.
@Franzkafka said:
That's OK. Whatever the final result is,I still have to say:What you did is not good.You can set a deadline, require people provide more details to prove that they didn't violate your TOS.And then take actions.But you didn't, while suspended customer's service directly. It's a shame.
What YOU did is not good. You should respect the provider's terms of service before buying services from them. If you are knowingly abusing the provider, don't be surprised when they eventually no longer want to do business with you. At least they're letting you appeal your suspension.
Wait.Why do you think I violate Virmach's TOS? I can prove that I didn't violate any tos here. Actually I didn't complain about this cleanup,waht I complain is his unprofessional behaviors.
@Franzkafka said:
Wait.Why do you think I violate Virmach's TOS? I can prove that I didn't violate any tos here. Actually I didn't complain about this cleanup,waht I complain is his unprofessional behaviors.
If you can prove that you didn't violate TOS, then you should be fine.
@Franzkafka said:
That's OK. Whatever the final result is,I still have to say:What you did is not good.You can set a deadline, require people provide more details to prove that they didn't violate your TOS.And then take actions.But you didn't, while suspended customer's service directly. It's a shame.
What YOU did is not good. You should respect the provider's terms of service before buying services from them. If you are knowingly abusing the provider, don't be surprised when they eventually no longer want to do business with you. At least they're letting you appeal your suspension.
We may still proceed with all the others with a higher level of courtesy notices since we understand maybe it's associated with some people taking advantage of a situation without further malicious intent. It's a lot more work and usually not appreciated as it gets seen as "making up new rules." I'm fairly confident the same person would be complaining about that as well. I decided for this initial batch to process it exactly how we would normally.
So he may believe it's unprofessional to do it this way but it's generally how it works. It's not like it's some minor issue with slightly high I/O usage or CPU where previous warnings may be warranted. All it would do in this case, and one of the main reasons we did it this way outside of time constraints, is that if you let someone know that they're basically about to get permanently suspended, they either ignore it, or they can very easily lash out and use that time window as an opportunity to cause further damage. Since the group of people we're dealing with have been known to do that in the past, it made more sense to ensure it's just a suspension. In any other case, all the time, every day, people that have multiple accounts who also breach another portion of the terms of service get suspended in this exact way, and they don't come here complaining because they understand they were caught and maintain some level of self respect. And I'm not speaking of any particular person here, it's important to note that it's possible that any single person speaking here may obvious
Plus, in this case it wouldn't really benefit most the people outside of them denying any allegations which just wastes everyone's time. Same end result, and if they have important data they can still retrieve it.
@Franzkafka said:
Wait.Why do you think I violate Virmach's TOS? I can prove that I didn't violate any tos here. Actually I didn't complain about this cleanup,waht I complain is his unprofessional behaviors.
If you can prove that you didn't violate TOS, then you should be fine.
I'm interested at this point in knowing if he was the single person I replied to so far or the 19 others that had terrible appeals. Only one person even slightly attempted to provide details, maybe I missed his ticket, but it's interesting if he's that one ticket because the only reason that person was answered was because they were honest and admitted to violating the terms of service.
Okay anyway enough talking, I need to process the other half. Prepare for more crying.
I don't understand how anyone thinks we're just suspending before we've collected some level of evidence on our end. Like I'm just going through and using a random number generator to pick who to suspend next. That'd be pretty unprofessional, yes, if we first suspended people and then asked every single customer to first prove their innocence but that's not what's happening here.
It's not like we immediately terminated them all and wiped data. The suspension is the professional courtesy/half step already.
@Franzkafka said:
That's OK. Whatever the final result is,I still have to say:What you did is not good.You can set a deadline, require people provide more details to prove that they didn't violate your TOS.And then take actions.But you didn't, while suspended customer's service directly. It's a shame.
What YOU did is not good. You should respect the provider's terms of service before buying services from them. If you are knowingly abusing the provider, don't be surprised when they eventually no longer want to do business with you. At least they're letting you appeal your suspension.
We may still proceed with all the others with a higher level of courtesy notices since we understand maybe it's associated with some people taking advantage of a situation without further malicious intent. It's a lot more work and usually not appreciated as it gets seen as "making up new rules." I'm fairly confident the same person would be complaining about that as well. I decided for this initial batch to process it exactly how we would normally.
So he may believe it's unprofessional to do it this way but it's generally how it works. It's not like it's some minor issue with slightly high I/O usage or CPU where previous warnings may be warranted. All it would do in this case, and one of the main reasons we did it this way outside of time constraints, is that if you let someone know that they're basically about to get permanently suspended, they either ignore it, or they can very easily lash out and use that time window as an opportunity to cause further damage. Since the group of people we're dealing with have been known to do that in the past, it made more sense to ensure it's just a suspension. In any other case, all the time, every day, people that have multiple accounts who also breach another portion of the terms of service get suspended in this exact way, and they don't come here complaining because they understand they were caught and maintain some level of self respect. And I'm not speaking of any particular person here, it's important to note that it's possible that any single person speaking here may obvious
Plus, in this case it wouldn't really benefit most the people outside of them denying any allegations which just wastes everyone's time. Same end result, and if they have important data they can still retrieve it.
@Franzkafka said:
Wait.Why do you think I violate Virmach's TOS? I can prove that I didn't violate any tos here. Actually I didn't complain about this cleanup,waht I complain is his unprofessional behaviors.
If you can prove that you didn't violate TOS, then you should be fine.
I'm interested at this point in knowing if he was the single person I replied to so far or the 19 others that had terrible appeals. Only one person even slightly attempted to provide details, maybe I missed his ticket, but it's interesting if he's that one ticket because the only reason that person was answered was because they were honest and admitted to violating the terms of service.
Okay anyway enough talking, I need to process the other half. Prepare for more crying.
this is my APPEAL:
Suspension Reason: Account not in good standing
What were you running on your service?
I just ran a tiny service which can notify me when there are something update in my telegram.
Have you reviewed our terms of service and understand what is prohibited?
Yes,of course. I have read your tos before and I clearly know what is prohibited.
What steps will you take to prevent further abuse?
I will check more details after my service getting back.And I will check whether there are something abnormal.And make some changes here.
Do you know how to monitor your network usage, load, CPU usage, and I/O levels?
Of course I know,htop/top/iotop these commands will be helpful
May we access your service and/or reset your service if a problem is found?
yes,of course.
Can you tell me It's helpful for you to judge whether I violate your tos?I answered all questions.But I think these questions is not you need. And when you checked my ticket,you must ask me provide more info.this will waste more time.
What were you running on your service?
I just ran a tiny service which can notify me when there are something update in my telegram.
Have you reviewed our terms of service and understand what is prohibited?
Yes,of course. I have read your tos before and I clearly know what is prohibited.
What steps will you take to prevent further abuse?
I will check more details after my service getting back.And I will check whether there are something abnormal.And make some changes here.
Do you know how to monitor your network usage, load, CPU usage, and I/O levels?
Of course I know,htop/top/iotop these commands will be helpful
May we access your service and/or reset your service if a problem is found?
yes,of course.
Can you tell me It's helpful for you to judge whether I violate your tos?I answered all questions.But I think these questions is not you need. And when you checked my ticket,you must ask me provide more infos.this will waste more time.
Ah yes, you were definitely suspended for your Telegram notification bot and definitely not anything else. It's crazy how out of everyone, the most guilty always come here first to complain and scream the loudest. I'm sure you have tons of important data on there associated with sending notifications to Telegram. It's weird how you didn't even mention your data being important to you in the ticket either, you seem to be highly interested in just getting unsuspended.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
Would you like me to reply with an equally nonsensical reasoning for why you were suspended, since you made zero effort to actually appeal? Or do you want me to just close the ticket and not generate the suspension fee?
If you bought this account, you've already done enough lying and wasting time. If you claim you're the original and only owner, then it's much much worse. It sucks if you're actually a recent owner because everyone else really did a terrible job of hiding it. I'd say you should go to the seller and let him know how awful he is at doing it so he can maybe consider stopping to put everyone else at risk. I can pretty much guarantee every single person who bought one off him is going to get suspended. Anyone else I don't know, there's others on lists but this guy is one of the worst, an amateur. You should have approached this differently to give yourself a better chance. I don't understand why everyone also by default think they should act as if we're stupid instead of attempting to be honest. Maybe that worked for you when you were a child but all it does is essentially leave us no room to be able to reconsider since we can no longer trust any words that come out of your mouth.
@VirMach said:
I don't understand how anyone thinks we're just suspending before we've collected some level of evidence on our end. Like I'm just going through and using a random number generator to pick who to suspend next. That'd be pretty unprofessional, yes, if we first suspended people and then asked every single customer to first prove their innocence but that's not what's happening here.
It's not like we immediately terminated them all and wiped data. The suspension is the professional courtesy/half step already.
Though random number or community nominated accounts to be checked could be an interesting game too ...
@Franzkafka said: That's OK. Whatever the final result is,I still have to say:What you did is not good.You can set a deadline, require people provide more details to prove that they didn't violate your TOS
You don't do stuff like that because those people are already a risk. They (most of them, some could be innocent) were already caught and some people out of pettiness/"revenge"/"fuck you VirMach, I know I abused your system, but fuck you" could go to other extremes and start DDOSing/spamming/blocking IPs on GFW on purpose etc etc. Not all people are nice people and people already deemed breaking ToS are most likely not the nice people.
@Franzkafka said:
Frankly I don't want provide much private info but I will provide my proof for the first time payment.
Like VirMach states few times in messages here - you are expected to provide ALL info, not just the one that suits you. This is quiet a big red flag already - you picking up what info you want to provide, what not :-)
1) I installed Alma from WHCMS = all good. Then I installed Debian in SolusVM = flags reset.
2) I installed Alma from WHCMS = all good. Then I installed Debian 11 Netinst in WHCMS = all good.
Just in case someone else "falls into the trap".
BTW, that's quite some list of ISO, especially useful netinst/minimal/rescue/netboot.xyz, in Client Area.
@Franzkafka said:
Frankly I don't want provide much private info but I will provide my proof for the first time payment.
Like VirMach states few times in messages here - you are expected to provide ALL info, not just the one that suits you. This is quiet a big red flag already - you picking up what info you want to provide, what not :-)
The only reason I offered a quick and easy resolution in that case is because I know no one's going to do it. Essentially it's a good way to immediately prove you're innocent but since no one is suspected of that, it'll just be rounds of bad excuses.
Outside of the pricing and availability, I don't understand why anyone would purchase one of these. I understand pricing and availability are important but clearly the benefits are highly diminished if you have to pay some shady guy for an account. Every time I've asked any of these people for more information, I just get stonewalled. Like do they get off on trading these? We can pretty much have unlimited availability at some of these prices with coupons for those markets if someone wants it that bad since it's not a very "special" anymore. No one seems to want to present an actual solution.
Like for the popular $8.88 Tokyo 384MB that renews at $8.88 what did people pay? If it's like $X one-time and then they're responsible for renewal then that makes it possible to do the same thing with a setup fee. If it's re-occurring and they don't actually get full account access then $8.88+X recurring can be done as well.
Or is it the ease of immediate access instead of having to wait for more servers? Maybe the sellers are just marketing themselves better than we do.
These sellers even double dip into affiliate earnings with some crappy ponzi scheme they created and it basically ended up grinding affiliate payouts to a halt because it's so time consuming to do when pretty much 90% of affiliates are associated in some way. We've been trying to finish rolling out a few systems to help with that so we can finish vetting them and actually pay out the legitimate people so they don't think we're just scamming them.
They create so many problems but minimal benefits.
VirMach is making space available for all those ( community) who took part in the guessing game, and showing his VirmAche avatar, for real, to all the tossers (ToS breakers).
Sounds like I need lots of popcorn today, and I haven't even gotten over to the OGF yet lol. Going to be fun to see how many of the usual anti-virmach posters come out today/tomorrow about their VPS suddenly not working again.
We won't be slow with these, but only if the requested information is provided and they're honest. Otherwise it will be very very slow.
There is only 1 ticket right now out of 20 of them so far that has provided sufficient information to begin the process. And many others I can already see will have suspension/administration fee generated first before further communication. Anything in between will take longer.
Support times still aren't terrific. We got another big volume of tickets after I worked it down to only a few hundred earlier last week. Priority queue is almost clean again.
many MJJs are gonna get their balls squeezed.
i think its fair game that they wilfully break the ToS and/or at least know deep down their methods arent orthodox, so this sudden suspension isnt unfair.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Confirmed on test server. Nice one!
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
TIL you can utilize RSS feed to get updated on Network Status.
Can charge for tickets first then refund for those who opened a normal ticket after solved.
One more thing,plz modified your SUSPENSION APPEAL FORM template. Current template you just require customers answer questions While most questions have nothing to do with this cleanup.If you need customers provide more personal infos to prove he didn't violate TOS, please give your requirement clear. While not publish your announcement about this cleanup in Lowendscript forum. Again,you didn't notify your customers about this cleanup and why.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
The funniest part about it is that, and I re-iterate, these are only the accounts we pulled in association with 13 accounts. As in, it's only 13 of the 200 that forced their service into Tokyo. Of course they were the 13 most atrocious so I'm not surprised so many others are associated with them.
yet another OGF?
great! Hope after cleaning this up, we can get the Tokyo servers working fine. Just ordered a server in Tokyo but it cannot be turned on (TYOC039). I see there is a scheduled maintenance in Tokyo, guess it's due to the maintenance, right?
What YOU did is not good. You should respect the provider's terms of service before buying services from them. If you are knowingly abusing the provider, don't be surprised when they eventually no longer want to do business with you. At least they're letting you appeal your suspension.
We wouldn't do that for all tickets, it's too much to ask for that and unfair in some cases, plus it would be seen as a reason for us to avoid refunding it afterward and basically require a deposit to use support at all times.
We are going to consider it only for priority tickets but it may end up being a token system, where everyone gets one for free and then gets their token back if it was justified. I think that would solve any problems with that and make it better for everyone. We just need to implement and communicate it well. So once you're out of tokens (as in you misused priority) then it would require a deposit that will still be returned if it's justified.
For now we're starting to group people who make tickets they shouldn't and it gets marked so we know, and we try to focus on the people that haven't and this works out. Of course we still answer the others and mostly go based off other sorting orders unrelated.
So far it's definitely helping.
Yeah I actually discovered this a long time ago and since discovering it basically sent out less emails unless absolutely necessary, since anyone who wants can do RSS. Of course it'd be cooler if you could have different feeds for specific servers.
A good number of these are naturally on Tokyo since the original 13 accounts are associated with forcing themselves into Tokyo.
TYOC039 is fine unless it's a recent activation. I have those on a list and will get to them with priority. If it's not a recent activation, it's possible that you may have re-installed it when it had an issue. And of course there may be other reasons. But you did say you just ordered it so it's the first thing. Basically it got created on a node it shouldn't have been created on, sorry about that. You'll have it re-activated and due date adjusted.
Wait.Why do you think I violate Virmach's TOS? I can prove that I didn't violate any tos here. Actually I didn't complain about this cleanup,waht I complain is his unprofessional behaviors.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
If you can prove that you didn't violate TOS, then you should be fine.
We may still proceed with all the others with a higher level of courtesy notices since we understand maybe it's associated with some people taking advantage of a situation without further malicious intent. It's a lot more work and usually not appreciated as it gets seen as "making up new rules." I'm fairly confident the same person would be complaining about that as well. I decided for this initial batch to process it exactly how we would normally.
So he may believe it's unprofessional to do it this way but it's generally how it works. It's not like it's some minor issue with slightly high I/O usage or CPU where previous warnings may be warranted. All it would do in this case, and one of the main reasons we did it this way outside of time constraints, is that if you let someone know that they're basically about to get permanently suspended, they either ignore it, or they can very easily lash out and use that time window as an opportunity to cause further damage. Since the group of people we're dealing with have been known to do that in the past, it made more sense to ensure it's just a suspension. In any other case, all the time, every day, people that have multiple accounts who also breach another portion of the terms of service get suspended in this exact way, and they don't come here complaining because they understand they were caught and maintain some level of self respect. And I'm not speaking of any particular person here, it's important to note that it's possible that any single person speaking here may obvious
Plus, in this case it wouldn't really benefit most the people outside of them denying any allegations which just wastes everyone's time. Same end result, and if they have important data they can still retrieve it.
I'm interested at this point in knowing if he was the single person I replied to so far or the 19 others that had terrible appeals. Only one person even slightly attempted to provide details, maybe I missed his ticket, but it's interesting if he's that one ticket because the only reason that person was answered was because they were honest and admitted to violating the terms of service.
Okay anyway enough talking, I need to process the other half. Prepare for more crying.
I don't understand how anyone thinks we're just suspending before we've collected some level of evidence on our end. Like I'm just going through and using a random number generator to pick who to suspend next. That'd be pretty unprofessional, yes, if we first suspended people and then asked every single customer to first prove their innocence but that's not what's happening here.
It's not like we immediately terminated them all and wiped data. The suspension is the professional courtesy/half step already.
this is my APPEAL:
Suspension Reason: Account not in good standing
What were you running on your service?
I just ran a tiny service which can notify me when there are something update in my telegram.
Have you reviewed our terms of service and understand what is prohibited?
Yes,of course. I have read your tos before and I clearly know what is prohibited.
What steps will you take to prevent further abuse?
I will check more details after my service getting back.And I will check whether there are something abnormal.And make some changes here.
Do you know how to monitor your network usage, load, CPU usage, and I/O levels?
Of course I know,htop/top/iotop these commands will be helpful
May we access your service and/or reset your service if a problem is found?
yes,of course.
Can you tell me It's helpful for you to judge whether I violate your tos?I answered all questions.But I think these questions is not you need. And when you checked my ticket,you must ask me provide more info.this will waste more time.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Did you also give the documentation to prove your account ownership?
OnePoundEmail (aff link)
Frankly I don't want provide much private info but I will provide my proof for the first time payment.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
No such word (x2). Information/Info has no plural, just like sheeps.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Thank you very much. It worked great on NYCB015.
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
Ah yes, you were definitely suspended for your Telegram notification bot and definitely not anything else. It's crazy how out of everyone, the most guilty always come here first to complain and scream the loudest. I'm sure you have tons of important data on there associated with sending notifications to Telegram. It's weird how you didn't even mention your data being important to you in the ticket either, you seem to be highly interested in just getting unsuspended.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
Would you like me to reply with an equally nonsensical reasoning for why you were suspended, since you made zero effort to actually appeal? Or do you want me to just close the ticket and not generate the suspension fee?
If you bought this account, you've already done enough lying and wasting time. If you claim you're the original and only owner, then it's much much worse. It sucks if you're actually a recent owner because everyone else really did a terrible job of hiding it. I'd say you should go to the seller and let him know how awful he is at doing it so he can maybe consider stopping to put everyone else at risk. I can pretty much guarantee every single person who bought one off him is going to get suspended. Anyone else I don't know, there's others on lists but this guy is one of the worst, an amateur. You should have approached this differently to give yourself a better chance. I don't understand why everyone also by default think they should act as if we're stupid instead of attempting to be honest. Maybe that worked for you when you were a child but all it does is essentially leave us no room to be able to reconsider since we can no longer trust any words that come out of your mouth.
Though random number or community nominated accounts to be checked could be an interesting game too ...
Instaban - everywhere.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
You don't do stuff like that because those people are already a risk. They (most of them, some could be innocent) were already caught and some people out of pettiness/"revenge"/"fuck you VirMach, I know I abused your system, but fuck you" could go to other extremes and start DDOSing/spamming/blocking IPs on GFW on purpose etc etc. Not all people are nice people and people already deemed breaking ToS are most likely not the nice people.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Like VirMach states few times in messages here - you are expected to provide ALL info, not just the one that suits you. This is quiet a big red flag already - you picking up what info you want to provide, what not :-)
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Interesting?
1) I installed Alma from WHCMS = all good. Then I installed Debian in SolusVM = flags reset.
2) I installed Alma from WHCMS = all good. Then I installed Debian 11 Netinst in WHCMS = all good.
Just in case someone else "falls into the trap".
BTW, that's quite some list of ISO, especially useful netinst/minimal/rescue/netboot.xyz, in Client Area.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Shhh
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
The only reason I offered a quick and easy resolution in that case is because I know no one's going to do it. Essentially it's a good way to immediately prove you're innocent but since no one is suspected of that, it'll just be rounds of bad excuses.
Outside of the pricing and availability, I don't understand why anyone would purchase one of these. I understand pricing and availability are important but clearly the benefits are highly diminished if you have to pay some shady guy for an account. Every time I've asked any of these people for more information, I just get stonewalled. Like do they get off on trading these? We can pretty much have unlimited availability at some of these prices with coupons for those markets if someone wants it that bad since it's not a very "special" anymore. No one seems to want to present an actual solution.
Like for the popular $8.88 Tokyo 384MB that renews at $8.88 what did people pay? If it's like $X one-time and then they're responsible for renewal then that makes it possible to do the same thing with a setup fee. If it's re-occurring and they don't actually get full account access then $8.88+X recurring can be done as well.
Or is it the ease of immediate access instead of having to wait for more servers? Maybe the sellers are just marketing themselves better than we do.
These sellers even double dip into affiliate earnings with some crappy ponzi scheme they created and it basically ended up grinding affiliate payouts to a halt because it's so time consuming to do when pretty much 90% of affiliates are associated in some way. We've been trying to finish rolling out a few systems to help with that so we can finish vetting them and actually pay out the legitimate people so they don't think we're just scamming them.
They create so many problems but minimal benefits.
VirMach is making space available for all those (
community) who took part in the guessing game, and showing his VirmAche avatar, for real, to all the tossers (ToS breakers).
Sounds like I need lots of popcorn today, and I haven't even gotten over to the OGF yet lol. Going to be fun to see how many of the usual anti-virmach posters come out today/tomorrow about their VPS suddenly not working again.