You say we violated tos,but what you do yourself
Our ticket you don’t care about it,or close it directly, My opinion is who dares to issue a work order and block it directly? Anyway, your reputation is so bad that don't need a work order to solve the problem.
I bought a storage tokyo vps in March and hasn't been turned on now in October
From march to October ,it’s seven months
It only took God seven days to create the world, and it took you seven months to open a vps, but you didn’t open it to today
Anyother you move our vps to another place without our consent and you change our vps ip without our consent too
So what waht you do
@VirMach said: Will Alpine or something similar not work either? Or TinyCore?
Just tried both, even TinyCore command line only is having kernel panic "system is deadlocked on memory". Perhaps only some IoT distros will work on such low ram amount.
I have no idea how you even have a KVM service with that low of a memory to be honest. All the OVZ that got converted got extra RAM added free. Was this originally KVM? Perhaps it was one of those specials that was never meant to run anything and just be an idler or are you saying before Ryzen it worked on a specific OS?
It was KVM from the beginning (2017 easter) and yes it's meant to be an idler, been running Debian 7 x86 all the time until Ryzen happened. I didn't even remember to have it until system sent an email saying it's shutting down the VM. Debian 7 definitely won't work on Ryzen I think.
Yeah Debian 7 would've worked and it definitely has issues on Ryzen unless maybe if we re-template it from the start or do an ISO. Even then it probably will have problems.
Hmm, let me think this over and try to come back with a solution, I'd hate to just remove it. Of course there's a voice in my head screaming "why won't you just increase his RAM????????" but I'd like to not give up that easily and give it a shot first, and potentially make you less happy and spend a lot of time in the process.
@willie said:
I don't have in me to read all these past few 100s of messages but one thing that might help is on suspension, to automatically create a tarball of the user data on an ftp/scp server or similar, so the user can get the data without a bunch of manual processes and ticket charges. That idea is to allow a cleaner break and remove another avenue of whining.
That'd have essentially zero effect here since the majority of services happen to be used for purposes that don't actually involve important irreplaceable data. For storage it's mostly badly configured torrenting and mining (or whatever you want to call the act of getting points or crypto in exchange for your I/O) and for the others it's mostly a bunch of dirt cheap services used as a VPN.
Good idea though, with a few restrictions we'd have to add in like not allowing that to be done if they're hosting super illegal content, but I will say that I don't see that being anywhere near the top of our development list. If it was a button I could just check? Sure.
As a Chinese,I want to remind you that you got to be very sure about what you are now doing, because there has been a lot of discussion about this on several forums in China, they are now cursing you and ready to not renew, some even want to go to the IRS to report your company.
You can issue a warning, you can set a deadline or even add money on their VMs, but without warning and without giving them the opportunity to back up their data and just suspending is really not a very smart choice.
If it was a crackdown on scalpers,it would be justifiable which everyone agree.But a lot of innocent users have been wronged suspended on their own accounts too!
I think you are giving your business to other merchants, there are a lot of your loyal users in China who are now angry and they are very vindictive, this range of offending them, you will see the consequence as soon as this black friday and In the following time.
The Chinese have their own logic of doing things,Sometimes you have to make trade-offs when doing business with them.
You should hire a customer service that understands China and Chinese people, like Racknerd.They are very active in Chinese forums despite that the performance and price of their machine is far from being comparable to yours.They just know how to deal with Chinese customers. It will definitely take your business to the next level.
Here, I'll tell you what, we'll try to do equal quantities doing it in the ways you suggested and we can measure everyone's added displeasure, or try to conduct a poll.
You can issue a warning
This has already been done. It's called our terms of service and the dozens of times it's been discussed. What other warning did you want? Just hey stop it! And we send it to all customers, and do nothing else? Okay let's move on to the others.
you can set a deadline
How this could work is that we set everyone's next due date to be in let's say 2 weeks instead, not for any already done, but moving forward, and put in a forced cancellation request. Is that preferred? Otherwise, deadline for what?
I don't see how this could work out when everyone has different preferences as what they value, but let's go with a similar idea to something previously proposed but simplify it. If we added a $20/YR price increase instead, only on renewal, what would that achieve outside of essentially allowing them to continue the rest of their term? You said they're already not renewing anyway so how is this any different. They're not renewing. What does it matter if we say the renewal is $0 or $1000?
So instead let's say we generated a $10/YR or $10 one time fee for everyone. I'm not saying this is even remotely a good idea or that we'll do it but is this something everyone would want?
@pdd said: without giving them the opportunity to back up their data
This has already been discussed, not that it needed to be discussed since we've always provided avenues in cases of suspension to request important data. I don't think anyone's actually going to do it though, we'll see.
@pdd said: I think you are giving your business to other merchants, there are a lot of your loyal users in China who are now angry and they are very vindictive, this range of offending them, you will see the consequence as soon as this black friday and In the following time.
I think the continued misconception is that we want to continue doing business with people that cause more harm to us and continue to do so, whether intended or not. And no, I'm not saying all of our loyal China customers, only the ones that are now getting exactly what's meant to happen in this case and always has, whether you're from China or not. The only thing I've done in this case is delayed a resolution until people took it too far.
This is something that's been said every single time. There's probably been a VirMach boycott of 2021, 2020, 2019. Yet it's weird how sales just keep going up every Black Friday instead. Who even said I was going to do a sale on Black Friday? Maybe, maybe not. Point is this behavior won't work. We don't have anything to lose. We can of course be reasonable but that goes both ways.
@pdd said: But a lot of innocent users have been wronged suspended on their own accounts too!
How many of these users have blamed the culprits, the scalpers/resellers or whatever you want to call them? I'm interested, going back from right now, 12:34PM, October 20th, PST, if more users blamed the scalpers instead of us, I'm willing to reconsider some things.
Otherwise it's not possible to reason with people that are caught up in their own fantasies.
@pdd said: The Chinese have their own logic of doing things,Sometimes you have to make trade-offs when doing business with them.
You should hire a customer service that understands China and Chinese people, like Racknerd.They are very active in Chinese forums despite that the performance and price of their machine is far from being comparable to yours.They just know how to deal with Chinese customers. It will definitely take your business to the next level.
While I do not like generalizing cultures, I understand that different regions clearly have some differences in relation to running a business. That's why companies often have issues using the same model for different regions.
Where possible, we do our best to accommodate everyone. Did we immediately just jump into doing this? No. We even accept Alipay, Wechat, and have made numerous policy exceptions in the past. However, this doesn't mean we are willing to permanently and retroactively make like 3-4 policy exceptions in a row, especially not when the situation continues to worsen.
The fact of the matter is no matter how you paint it, all we are doing is effectively mass suspending multiple accounts associated directly with a very small quantity of services that were involved in multiple layers of misuse. We're not going after innocent people that were also negatively affected as a result of the actions of these people. The accounts are officially owned by the people that first created them, and those are the people being suspended.
@andylee said: I bought a storage tokyo vps in March and hasn't been turned on now in October
Did you at any point in time request a refund? Or did you yourself decide to continue to wait for it when there was no definite activation date promised? Even at the beginning we warned people that there's limited space in Tokyo storage.
As a Chinese,I want to remind you that you got to be very sure about what you are now doing, because there has been a lot of discussion about this on several forums in China, they are now cursing you and ready to not renew, some even want to go to the IRS to report your company.
You can issue a warning, you can set a deadline or even add money on their VMs, but without warning and without giving them the opportunity to back up their data and just suspending is really not a very smart choice.
If it was a crackdown on scalpers,it would be justifiable which everyone agree.But a lot of innocent users have been wronged suspended on their own accounts too!
I think you are giving your business to other merchants, there are a lot of your loyal users in China who are now angry and they are very vindictive, this range of offending them, you will see the consequence as soon as this black friday and In the following time.
The Chinese have their own logic of doing things,Sometimes you have to make trade-offs when doing business with them.
You should hire a customer service that understands China and Chinese people, like Racknerd.They are very active in Chinese forums despite that the performance and price of their machine is far from being comparable to yours.They just know how to deal with Chinese customers. It will definitely take your business to the next level.
Actually, I'm willing to consider doing it in some other way as well if you can just get me one piece of information.
In China, let's say a property developer or landlord rents an apartment to someone. I'm not going to pretend I know anything about this so let me know if there's any parts of the scenario that makes no sense. So Landlord rents apartment to Person 1 and he also rents a second apartment to Person 1. Then, Person 1 rents the first apartment to Person 2 and the second apartment to Person 3. (edit: and I must add that clearly in this case the agreement between Landlord and Person 1 explicitly prohibits this. And Person 2 is clearly aware that Person 1 is not the landlord) And then Person 3 rents the apartment to Person 4 who damages the apartment. The landlord goes hey Person 1 you're renting these two units from me, and you destroyed one. Wait, Person 1 why do you look different? Wait a minute, you're not even Person 1. (Or perhaps it is, it doesn't matter, since in this case we can't tell outside of knowing that Person 1 rents both units.) I no longer wish to rent this to you, and also the damage you have caused exceeds your security deposit and remaining rent paid. It says in the lease agreement that you shouldn't do this. Then Person 4 gets kicked out, and the landlord goes "Oh, he also was renting the other unit, and he left and didn't pay for the damages." So he goes to the other apartment, and evicts Person 2 (and yes perhaps there's an entire process but in this case we're talking about virtual servers so assume it's not that complicated.) But Person 2 replies "I'm innocent, I paid Person 1 money for this already."
Show me, with evidence, this situation occurring constantly in China and/or how it's dealt with, in this case, where the Landlord does not or cannot evict that person. If you can do that, then perhaps there's an inherent expectation for people to do something like that and have no consequences.
(edit) Fixed a typo. Also the reason I bring up this comparison that having housing is clearly something that's a common occurrence, and usually in this situation the most compassion is exhibited. So it seems like a best case scenario, in favor of an argument for us not taking action.
So far I want to share some exceptions we've made. Some people had old accounts they clearly bought and then later purchased additional services. If these are recent, it obviously adds another layer of complexity but it feels like it would be excessive to suspend those services as well. We won't suspend them and probably speak with those people in their appeal to give them a chance to properly transfer those services off. Others only have these new services and not older ones initially associated, so those will be ignored since there's no existing service associated, and we'll deal with them later since there's still potential risk associated with them having it on some random old account that's not theirs. If people believe this is somehow unfair or worse, they can mention in a suspension appeal or ticket that they would rather have their account fully closed.
Then, the majority of these are services that are expiring soon anyway so if someone has a compelling appeal, I might consider in between the options of not paying a suspension fee or paying one and having actual evidence, to extend out of courtesy a temporary unsuspension that essentially results in them being able to use the remaining month or two duration, as long as there's a clear understanding that it will be resuspended/cannot be renewed (and if they ignore it and do it anyway, well that'd be a second mistake they make that negative impacts them since it'll just be suspended still. We'll make this very clear.) I've decided while there is obviously still risk of this being a bad idea since they can turn around and try to scam someone, buyers should hopefully at this point understand that it's a very bad risk to take and technically there's no stopping someone from selling the account in a suspended state either. A scam is a scam, and the ticket is there for the other person to read/understand in any case.
Then, there are some services that may potentially be able to be refunded. We'll offer that when available, a pro-rated refund, minus a very tiny fee maybe if they drag it out (for support cost, probably like $3.) To basically agree to immediately terminate for a refund as long as they agree/understand that in the future if they're caught again the same courtesy will not be extended and that they're effectively not allowed to purchase services from us (so this means drama part 3 in 2024 when they don't listen and do it anyway.)
If in any case these people want to return as legitimate customers, the only option is to pay the $25 fee for it to be investigated and processed further. If you don't want that, it's fine, but it's understood we're parting ways permanently.
We'll still evaluate/proceed accordingly per our normal policies for any case not covered above and again all the above are meant to be alternative options as a courtesy, otherwise the default is the default. If you want a good way to make sure we don't do the above, continue calling it unfair and we'll consider not being unfair by reverting to default. Any money you may have paid to a third part, that's up to you take it up with them. I'm sure they're spectacular individuals who will do much better than we are and will obviously provide you a full refund.
And once again this is how I'm generally going to try to make slight tweaks to be more compassionate, it doesn't mean we have any obligation to do so or that we owe you anything. Another very good way to ensure we just go back to default for your case is to lie or disagree. Straight to default.
I hope this is found to be reasonable and more accommodating, but feel free to disagree on this thread. This isn't meant to be read by all customers, we'll obviously communicate any potential courtesies we extend to them individually.
There's a guy that just renewed. He's still getting suspended but I'll reach out to him (to refund.) I'm just saying this publicly in case he comes here and says we conspired against him.
After we're done with today's suspensions, there's an email I've been meaning to send out for some time now regarding potential specials, LES, and renewals (to remind people to renew since usually every year we get hundreds of tickets from people who forget to renew specials.)
Either in it, or a separate email, perhaps separate is better, we'll include a short snippet that lets people know certain accounts or their accounts is ineligible for a renewal but that we obviously reserve the right to take more immediate action, which we'll definitely use if everyone starts misbehaving. This is the lightest way I can enforce the policy and since those others aren't directly linked to the 13 accounts I mentioned as being horrendous in many ways and shameless in their abuses, I believe we're potentially less likely into running into further grief.
(And again, we don't want this to be taken the wrong way so basically anyone can contact us and insist we instead proceed as we normally would, to avoid any confusion, which is to get immediately suspended.)
(edit) And in the email going out to everyone, whether or not they're flagged, we'll also include a snippet in any case even if we split it off saying that you should definitely not renew if the account isn't yours. I'm sure people will take this at a bluff but we can finally lay to rest any rumors or complaints in regards to not getting a notice or not knowing.
Also, for now I've decided against digging any deeper outside of @infplus and anyone else interested in bringing attention to themselves.
This means probably at least a thousand people spared, who we'll give a final chance to clear out of someone else's account and set up their own if they desire. Set up their own as in a single account using a clean IP or going back to their original account they fully own and contacting us to get it sorted. For the last part I'll try to think of a good way to do it in bulk.
This still means at least 600 other accounts will receive that email regarding end of their service (to not renew.)
Note: very important, and this will be stressed in official communication, this doesn't mean you're cleared, you still need to vacate the purchased account.
@FrankZ go and get virmach out in one of your drives ..... he needs fresh air and tell him life is not so complicated. Refund/credit Refund , close .... get the ship cleaned / throw out trash and the bad apples . get the ship sailing again.
@FrankZ go and get virmach out in one of your drives ..... he needs fresh air and tell him life is not so complicated. Refund/credit Refund , close .... get the ship cleaned / throw out trash and the bad apples . get the ship sailing again.
he listens to you.
Sailing vessels seldom go in a straight line. That does not mean they are on the wrong track.
VirMach is the Captain and in my experience a good Captain is always wound a little too tight.
It's the ones that are too relaxed that you have to worry about.
Besides he gets this glimmer in his eyes when the sea is rough, so you know he just revels in it.
The only thing I saw in the fee schedule that could apply was the "hands" rate of $80.00 per half hour.
I also think you might expect a slight discount if you bought the coffee.
@Jab I wish I could do double thanks on this board, because that teary eyed cat photo was absolutely perfect.
@VirMach said:
Also, for now I've decided against digging any deeper outside of @infplus and anyone else interested in bringing attention to themselves.
This means probably at least a thousand people spared, who we'll give a final chance to clear out of someone else's account and set up their own if they desire. Set up their own as in a single account using a clean IP or going back to their original account they fully own and contacting us to get it sorted. For the last part I'll try to think of a good way to do it in bulk.
This still means at least 600 other accounts will receive that email regarding end of their service (to not renew.)
Note: very important, and this will be stressed in official communication, this doesn't mean you're cleared, you still need to vacate the purchased account.
I don't have to submit the relevant bill payment records and my identity information. It is clear that you have always regarded me as an abuser who defrauded you in order to restore my services.
(content plx)
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
You say we violated tos,but what you do yourself
Our ticket you don’t care about it,or close it directly, My opinion is who dares to issue a work order and block it directly? Anyway, your reputation is so bad that don't need a work order to solve the problem.
I bought a storage tokyo vps in March and hasn't been turned on now in October
From march to October ,it’s seven months
It only took God seven days to create the world, and it took you seven months to open a vps, but you didn’t open it to today
Anyother you move our vps to another place without our consent and you change our vps ip without our consent too
So what waht you do
^ Content delivered, thanks!
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
So, will the following pages be the sequel to the infamous
@ VirMach I know I'm wrong, don't delete my machine!
Yeah Debian 7 would've worked and it definitely has issues on Ryzen unless maybe if we re-template it from the start or do an ISO. Even then it probably will have problems.
Hmm, let me think this over and try to come back with a solution, I'd hate to just remove it. Of course there's a voice in my head screaming "why won't you just increase his RAM????????" but I'd like to not give up that easily and give it a shot first, and potentially make you less happy and spend a lot of time in the process.
That'd have essentially zero effect here since the majority of services happen to be used for purposes that don't actually involve important irreplaceable data. For storage it's mostly badly configured torrenting and mining (or whatever you want to call the act of getting points or crypto in exchange for your I/O) and for the others it's mostly a bunch of dirt cheap services used as a VPN.
Good idea though, with a few restrictions we'd have to add in like not allowing that to be done if they're hosting super illegal content, but I will say that I don't see that being anywhere near the top of our development list. If it was a button I could just check? Sure.
Here, I'll tell you what, we'll try to do equal quantities doing it in the ways you suggested and we can measure everyone's added displeasure, or try to conduct a poll.
This has already been done. It's called our terms of service and the dozens of times it's been discussed. What other warning did you want? Just hey stop it! And we send it to all customers, and do nothing else? Okay let's move on to the others.
How this could work is that we set everyone's next due date to be in let's say 2 weeks instead, not for any already done, but moving forward, and put in a forced cancellation request. Is that preferred? Otherwise, deadline for what?
I don't see how this could work out when everyone has different preferences as what they value, but let's go with a similar idea to something previously proposed but simplify it. If we added a $20/YR price increase instead, only on renewal, what would that achieve outside of essentially allowing them to continue the rest of their term? You said they're already not renewing anyway so how is this any different. They're not renewing. What does it matter if we say the renewal is $0 or $1000?
So instead let's say we generated a $10/YR or $10 one time fee for everyone. I'm not saying this is even remotely a good idea or that we'll do it but is this something everyone would want?
This has already been discussed, not that it needed to be discussed since we've always provided avenues in cases of suspension to request important data. I don't think anyone's actually going to do it though, we'll see.
I think the continued misconception is that we want to continue doing business with people that cause more harm to us and continue to do so, whether intended or not. And no, I'm not saying all of our loyal China customers, only the ones that are now getting exactly what's meant to happen in this case and always has, whether you're from China or not. The only thing I've done in this case is delayed a resolution until people took it too far.
This is something that's been said every single time. There's probably been a VirMach boycott of 2021, 2020, 2019. Yet it's weird how sales just keep going up every Black Friday instead. Who even said I was going to do a sale on Black Friday? Maybe, maybe not. Point is this behavior won't work. We don't have anything to lose. We can of course be reasonable but that goes both ways.
How many of these users have blamed the culprits, the scalpers/resellers or whatever you want to call them? I'm interested, going back from right now, 12:34PM, October 20th, PST, if more users blamed the scalpers instead of us, I'm willing to reconsider some things.
Otherwise it's not possible to reason with people that are caught up in their own fantasies.
You should hire a customer service that understands China and Chinese people, like Racknerd.They are very active in Chinese forums despite that the performance and price of their machine is far from being comparable to yours.They just know how to deal with Chinese customers. It will definitely take your business to the next level.
While I do not like generalizing cultures, I understand that different regions clearly have some differences in relation to running a business. That's why companies often have issues using the same model for different regions.
Where possible, we do our best to accommodate everyone. Did we immediately just jump into doing this? No. We even accept Alipay, Wechat, and have made numerous policy exceptions in the past. However, this doesn't mean we are willing to permanently and retroactively make like 3-4 policy exceptions in a row, especially not when the situation continues to worsen.
The fact of the matter is no matter how you paint it, all we are doing is effectively mass suspending multiple accounts associated directly with a very small quantity of services that were involved in multiple layers of misuse. We're not going after innocent people that were also negatively affected as a result of the actions of these people. The accounts are officially owned by the people that first created them, and those are the people being suspended.
This is still interesting to me, they clearly want to continue service and to renew and what do they come back with as a potential "negative" for us?
"I will do exactly the thing you're trying to do!"
Did you at any point in time request a refund? Or did you yourself decide to continue to wait for it when there was no definite activation date promised? Even at the beginning we warned people that there's limited space in Tokyo storage.
don't get me started
this word is now a trigger.
Happy Birthday GreenCloud.
Actually, I'm willing to consider doing it in some other way as well if you can just get me one piece of information.
In China, let's say a property developer or landlord rents an apartment to someone. I'm not going to pretend I know anything about this so let me know if there's any parts of the scenario that makes no sense. So Landlord rents apartment to Person 1 and he also rents a second apartment to Person 1. Then, Person 1 rents the first apartment to Person 2 and the second apartment to Person 3. (edit: and I must add that clearly in this case the agreement between Landlord and Person 1 explicitly prohibits this. And Person 2 is clearly aware that Person 1 is not the landlord) And then Person 3 rents the apartment to Person 4 who damages the apartment. The landlord goes hey Person 1 you're renting these two units from me, and you destroyed one. Wait, Person 1 why do you look different? Wait a minute, you're not even Person 1. (Or perhaps it is, it doesn't matter, since in this case we can't tell outside of knowing that Person 1 rents both units.) I no longer wish to rent this to you, and also the damage you have caused exceeds your security deposit and remaining rent paid. It says in the lease agreement that you shouldn't do this. Then Person 4 gets kicked out, and the landlord goes "Oh, he also was renting the other unit, and he left and didn't pay for the damages." So he goes to the other apartment, and evicts Person 2 (and yes perhaps there's an entire process but in this case we're talking about virtual servers so assume it's not that complicated.) But Person 2 replies "I'm innocent, I paid Person 1 money for this already."
Show me, with evidence, this situation occurring constantly in China and/or how it's dealt with, in this case, where the Landlord does not or cannot evict that person. If you can do that, then perhaps there's an inherent expectation for people to do something like that and have no consequences.
(edit) Fixed a typo. Also the reason I bring up this comparison that having housing is clearly something that's a common occurrence, and usually in this situation the most compassion is exhibited. So it seems like a best case scenario, in favor of an argument for us not taking action.
Your on the wrong tab again friend.
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i know i know ..... the word more makes me jump
wellll ... its bed time now ... so that was the last one for the road
This isn't a promise or an announcement.
So far I want to share some exceptions we've made. Some people had old accounts they clearly bought and then later purchased additional services. If these are recent, it obviously adds another layer of complexity but it feels like it would be excessive to suspend those services as well. We won't suspend them and probably speak with those people in their appeal to give them a chance to properly transfer those services off. Others only have these new services and not older ones initially associated, so those will be ignored since there's no existing service associated, and we'll deal with them later since there's still potential risk associated with them having it on some random old account that's not theirs. If people believe this is somehow unfair or worse, they can mention in a suspension appeal or ticket that they would rather have their account fully closed.
Then, the majority of these are services that are expiring soon anyway so if someone has a compelling appeal, I might consider in between the options of not paying a suspension fee or paying one and having actual evidence, to extend out of courtesy a temporary unsuspension that essentially results in them being able to use the remaining month or two duration, as long as there's a clear understanding that it will be resuspended/cannot be renewed (and if they ignore it and do it anyway, well that'd be a second mistake they make that negative impacts them since it'll just be suspended still. We'll make this very clear.) I've decided while there is obviously still risk of this being a bad idea since they can turn around and try to scam someone, buyers should hopefully at this point understand that it's a very bad risk to take and technically there's no stopping someone from selling the account in a suspended state either. A scam is a scam, and the ticket is there for the other person to read/understand in any case.
Then, there are some services that may potentially be able to be refunded. We'll offer that when available, a pro-rated refund, minus a very tiny fee maybe if they drag it out (for support cost, probably like $3.) To basically agree to immediately terminate for a refund as long as they agree/understand that in the future if they're caught again the same courtesy will not be extended and that they're effectively not allowed to purchase services from us (so this means drama part 3 in 2024 when they don't listen and do it anyway.)
If in any case these people want to return as legitimate customers, the only option is to pay the $25 fee for it to be investigated and processed further. If you don't want that, it's fine, but it's understood we're parting ways permanently.
We'll still evaluate/proceed accordingly per our normal policies for any case not covered above and again all the above are meant to be alternative options as a courtesy, otherwise the default is the default. If you want a good way to make sure we don't do the above, continue calling it unfair and we'll consider not being unfair by reverting to default. Any money you may have paid to a third part, that's up to you take it up with them. I'm sure they're spectacular individuals who will do much better than we are and will obviously provide you a full refund.
And once again this is how I'm generally going to try to make slight tweaks to be more compassionate, it doesn't mean we have any obligation to do so or that we owe you anything. Another very good way to ensure we just go back to default for your case is to lie or disagree. Straight to default.
I hope this is found to be reasonable and more accommodating, but feel free to disagree on this thread. This isn't meant to be read by all customers, we'll obviously communicate any potential courtesies we extend to them individually.
There's a guy that just renewed. He's still getting suspended but I'll reach out to him (to refund.) I'm just saying this publicly in case he comes here and says we conspired against him.
After we're done with today's suspensions, there's an email I've been meaning to send out for some time now regarding potential specials, LES, and renewals (to remind people to renew since usually every year we get hundreds of tickets from people who forget to renew specials.)
Either in it, or a separate email, perhaps separate is better, we'll include a short snippet that lets people know certain accounts or their accounts is ineligible for a renewal but that we obviously reserve the right to take more immediate action, which we'll definitely use if everyone starts misbehaving. This is the lightest way I can enforce the policy and since those others aren't directly linked to the 13 accounts I mentioned as being horrendous in many ways and shameless in their abuses, I believe we're potentially less likely into running into further grief.
(And again, we don't want this to be taken the wrong way so basically anyone can contact us and insist we instead proceed as we normally would, to avoid any confusion, which is to get immediately suspended.)
(edit) And in the email going out to everyone, whether or not they're flagged, we'll also include a snippet in any case even if we split it off saying that you should definitely not renew if the account isn't yours. I'm sure people will take this at a bluff but we can finally lay to rest any rumors or complaints in regards to not getting a notice or not knowing.
Any suggestions for the above, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Well that explains why it got so quiet, and I'm actually surprised some people stayed up arguing with me.
Also, for now I've decided against digging any deeper outside of @infplus and anyone else interested in bringing attention to themselves.
This means probably at least a thousand people spared, who we'll give a final chance to clear out of someone else's account and set up their own if they desire. Set up their own as in a single account using a clean IP or going back to their original account they fully own and contacting us to get it sorted. For the last part I'll try to think of a good way to do it in bulk.
This still means at least 600 other accounts will receive that email regarding end of their service (to not renew.)
Note: very important, and this will be stressed in official communication, this doesn't mean you're cleared, you still need to vacate the purchased account.
Final final note, you've made it this far, what's one more post?
I'm going to try to first overhaul account transfer system before sending the emails.
I will change the topic as China asleep - any updates to FFFME04?
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
TLDR version of all the above for any sane person who wants to know what I said but doesn't want to read it:
Wow, I sure spent a lot of time writing that when I could've just done the above. I hope that answers your question about FFME004.
switch on classical music
@FrankZ go and get virmach out in one of your drives ..... he needs fresh air and tell him life is not so complicated. Refund/credit Refund , close .... get the ship cleaned / throw out trash and the bad apples . get the ship sailing again.
he listens to you.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Btw, ppl on Phoenix should get an email for inevitable migration? ( i think to LA )... So i can move my server maybe to Chicago or another location.
So what's the price of having a 30-minute chat with @VirMach over coffee?
Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
Sailing vessels seldom go in a straight line. That does not mean they are on the wrong track.
VirMach is the Captain and in my experience a good Captain is always wound a little too tight.
It's the ones that are too relaxed that you have to worry about.
Besides he gets this glimmer in his eyes when the sea is rough, so you know he just revels in it.
The only thing I saw in the fee schedule that could apply was the "hands" rate of $80.00 per half hour.
I also think you might expect a slight discount if you bought the coffee.
@Jab I wish I could do double thanks on this board, because that teary eyed cat photo was absolutely perfect.
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Man, Virmach likes his life to be complicated.
Good man.
How's about a wee manual one first.
Pretty, please.. I feel so guilty for @vyas. Go on, you know you want to.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
I don't have to submit the relevant bill payment records and my identity information. It is clear that you have always regarded me as an abuser who defrauded you in order to restore my services.
I'M still waiting for mine.:)
Mjj preparing to blackfriday? xD