@HarveyLee said: I'm living in China,it seems I'm not suspended due to use of proxy to access my virmach account,even there's other coworkers within the same proxy server.
You think it's only because of proxy?
So you bought your account from scalper and your current info is something along
abdabn hadjhdjha
Street ajhdjhajhdahjd 1575
Pensylvania 158751
Not enough popcorn.
Let me contribute to the suspension drama
Don't click the spoiler, not yet
Why don't you go back inside your walls? Your government doesn't want you out anyway! Stop humiliating yourself in front of the whole world, you'll only embarrass you and your country more.No wonder they discriminate against you, you are asking for it
You don't know the Chinese too well, their credo is :Be strict with others and lenient with themself. They always say one thing but do another! So don't pay too much attention to what they say, just ignore them. For example, they like play the racist card , but in fact they are one of most racist people, look how they call black people and Indians and Korean on their weibo and tiktok! So bro you take it too seriously!
I deserve to be mocked, I deserve to be cursed, I deserve to buy a service and wait for days without any solution, I deserve not to live in this world, I am a complete waste of resources.And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night
@QuantumCat said:
Hi, I'm the original owner of my account, why my vps got suspended, I have no idea what term I abused, I have all the correspondences from Virmach system from first day I registered, included notification from system and I can provide all the payment receipt for my purchasing. I just renewed annual service of all my vps on last month, that's so unfair to me.
I would like to know if I provide relavent evidents to proof that I'm the original owner of my account,(and also I can provide the evidents that I'm the domain name owner of my email address), my suspended vps can be relieved?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Best Regards
If your service got suspended, then @Virmach must be hysterical.
Since you are the original owner of the account, Virmach has to resort to another excuse to suspend old offers.
Perhaps, just maybe, there's different ways to break the TOS and reselling services is just 1 way to get suspended. I don't know... If only there was a way to read the TOS to know what can get you suspended.
@soulchief said:
I cant wait till OGF have their "Top Provider of 2022". I hope LES can vote Virmach to get back the title that jibiloh removed because he doesn't like virmach. And because I would like to see everyone on OGF completely lose it
As long as Virmach's offers are cheap enough, I don't think a superficial title will have much influence on their sales.
What I'm concerned about is, will @Virmach suspend services which are owned by original owners. Like this:
@QuantumCat said:
Hi, I'm the original owner of my account, why my vps got suspended, I have no idea what term I abused, I have all the correspondences from Virmach system from first day I registered, included notification from system and I can provide all the payment receipt for my purchasing. I just renewed annual service of all my vps on last month, that's so unfair to me.
I would like to know if I provide relavent evidents to proof that I'm the original owner of my account,(and also I can provide the evidents that I'm the domain name owner of my email address), my suspended vps can be relieved?
@soulchief said:
I cant wait till OGF have their "Top Provider of 2022". I hope LES can vote Virmach to get back the title that jibiloh removed because he doesn't like virmach. And because I would like to see everyone on OGF completely lose it
As long as Virmach's offers are cheap enough, I don't think a superficial title will have much influence on their sales.
What I'm concerned about is, will @Virmach suspend services which are owned by original owners. Like this:
@QuantumCat said:
Hi, I'm the original owner of my account, why my vps got suspended, I have no idea what term I abused, I have all the correspondences from Virmach system from first day I registered, included notification from system and I can provide all the payment receipt for my purchasing. I just renewed annual service of all my vps on last month, that's so unfair to me.
I would like to know if I provide relavent evidents to proof that I'm the original owner of my account,(and also I can provide the evidents that I'm the domain name owner of my email address), my suspended vps can be relieved?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Best Regards
If you break the TOS it doesn't matter if you're the original owner or not, you get suspended.
@HarveyLee said: I'm living in China,it seems I'm not suspended due to use of proxy to access my virmach account,even there's other coworkers within the same proxy server.
You think it's only because of proxy?
So you bought your account from scalper and your current info is something along
abdabn hadjhdjha
Street ajhdjhajhdahjd 1575
Pensylvania 158751
And I recalled one of my coworkers helped to setup my account.
There is no need to argue with them. Next time when such things occured to themselves, I hope they can recall what they said here. Actually some of them have caused dramas once in LET.So just keep your dignity and don't waste time again.
and why're yall still here
we know why @Franzkafka 's purchased account is suspended by now. @VirMach can you share the specific reason why @pdd 's account is suspended as he keeps proclaiming his innocence.
@VirMach said:
I mean clearly when there's a discussion there should be some level of shift in the discussion, which does happen, but then at some point it just fully resets and starts over.
You obviously have never had a discussion with a lawyer, have you?
@soulchief said:
If you break the TOS it doesn't matter if you're the original owner or not, you get suspended.
So you mean that Virmach doesn't bother to create excuses (whether clumsy or plausible),
Virmach just suspend services whose owner committed "pocket crimes"?
I mean the TOS is lengthy enough to scare away most, if not every customer, and when enforced, shouldn't Virmach state the exact term which its vicious customers have broken?
Or just a murmur: "You are FIRED because of violation of TOS"?
I would recommend a shorter version of "pqpt" or "dpo". Which one do you prefer?
@ForMat_eXt4 said: I mean the TOS is lengthy enough to scare away most, if not every customer, and when enforced, shouldn't Virmach state the exact term which its vicious customers have broken?
Or just a murmur: "You are FIRED because of violation of TOS"?
Most providers dont... but have you tried opening a ticket (or appeal) to get more details about your case?
Because you don't fucking expect it to happen here on forum, right?
How about instead of suspending accounts, block affected VPS' outbound traffic to that certain country so that abusers from you-know-where won't renew their service
Just my two cents.
@ForMat_eXt4 said: I mean the TOS is lengthy enough to scare away most, if not every customer, and when enforced, shouldn't Virmach state the exact term which its vicious customers have broken?
Or just a murmur: "You are FIRED because of violation of TOS"?
Most providers dont... but have you tried opening a ticket (or appeal) to get more details about your case?
Because you don't fucking expect it to happen here on forum, right?
Thanks for replying.
I haven't got any service from Virmach, and I'm expecting offers during the coming Black Friday.
As I mentioned, I'm worrying if Virmach will escalate the suspension indifferently to most, if not every product affordable (like offers cheap than 10 USD). Considering their nil after-service, I will think twice before ordering. (AWS, Azure, Atlantic, GCP, IDrive, Oracle, ... you name it, free for one year)
"Violation of TOS" is vague enough to have room for major side effect. I mean the main aim is to purge cheap offers, which were not essential when hosted in 2013 or older Intel servers, but now when Virmach initiated the Great Migration to AMD Ryzen 7950X, a "1 core" service has great performance impact on its over-sale plan.
I see no difficulty in pointing out which terms have been violated and relating proof when send emails of service suspension. After all, the lengthy TOS are held by Virmach.
BTW, I think most people here probably will happily take cheap offers from Virmach in the future, even after acknowledging the Great Migration and the Greater Suspension. **But the mentality of buyers will change: **
"Oh the Virmach's offers are indeed affordable, but how long will I be permitted to enjoy? Merely one year? Oh, I'd better take other offers."
Both Virmach and real customers fall victims to scalpers. A lose-lose situation most people don't wanna see.
@VirMach said: the general behavior associated with most these accounts.
At the time of let I said that some one were using the virmach.me registration account script.These people's account registration when the information is some random words.
I said I could provide you with the virmach.me script, but you put me on hold and never replied to my message.
Because you are dealing with the migration has been burnt out, so I have been waiting for a year to reply.
I think there is always a better solution. The communication that is needed.What we really need to solve is the abusers and the scalpers.
There isn't really a need to point out what the violation is. People who violated the TOS know exactly what the reason is... Even though they'll try and play dumb. Or they violated multiple TOS and they don't know which one they got caught for so they don't know what excuse to make.
There will always be a few that get caught up with the others and shouldn't be suspended. Those should be pretty easy to identify when they respond the suspension.
@ForMat_eXt4 said: I mean the TOS is lengthy enough to scare away most, if not every customer, and when enforced, shouldn't Virmach state the exact term which its vicious customers have broken?
Or just a murmur: "You are FIRED because of violation of TOS"?
Most providers dont... but have you tried opening a ticket (or appeal) to get more details about your case?
Because you don't fucking expect it to happen here on forum, right?
Thanks for replying.
I haven't got any service from Virmach, and I'm expecting offers during the coming Black Friday.
As I mentioned, I'm worrying if Virmach will escalate the suspension indifferently to most, if not every product affordable (like offers cheap than 10 USD). Considering their nil after-service, I will think twice before ordering. (AWS, Azure, Atlantic, GCP, IDrive, Oracle, ... you name it, free for one year)
"Violation of TOS" is vague enough to have room for major side effect. I mean the main aim is to purge cheap offers, which were not essential when hosted in 2013 or older Intel servers, but now when Virmach initiated the Great Migration to AMD Ryzen 7950X, a "1 core" service has great performance impact on its over-sale plan.
I see no difficulty in pointing out which terms have been violated and relating proof when send emails of service suspension. After all, the lengthy TOS are held by Virmach.
BTW, I think most people here probably will happily take cheap offers from Virmach in the future, even after acknowledging the Great Migration and the Greater Suspension. **But the mentality of buyers will change: **
"Oh the Virmach's offers are indeed affordable, but how long will I be permitted to enjoy? Merely one year? Oh, I'd better take other offers."
Both Virmach and real customers fall victims to scalpers. A lose-lose situation most people don't wanna see.
So in a nutshell:
I have no VirMach service, I know nothing about VirMach history, I have no idea what VirMach is doing. I ignored all those posts of people claiming here they are "innocent" and 10 minutes later revealing that they bought account / have multiaccounts and other long term users not getting suspended out of blue... I just picked one or two not debunked posts because that fit my conspiracy theory and I came here to spread FUD.
@ForMat_eXt4 said: I mean the main aim is to purge cheap offers, which were not essential when hosted in 2013 or older Intel servers, but now when Virmach initiated the Great Migration to AMD Ryzen 7950X, a "1 core" service has great performance impact on its over-sale plan
I like how you state this as if you know it to be true instead of the fear-mongering it is.
Thank you calling the Internal Revenue Service.
Your call is very important to us.
(4 hours later)
Please continue to hold while all our agents are assisting other taxpayers.
(call disconnects)
@Mumbly said: @Franzkafka, not most relevant for thread, but privilege is proper term. Server/forum isn't our, we're just visitors and they kindly allow us to use it, hence it's privilege not right.
There is no need to argue with them. Next time when such things occured to themselves, I hope they can recall what they said here. Actually some of them have caused dramas once in LET.So just keep your dignity and don't waste time again.
and why're yall still here
we know why @Franzkafka 's purchased account is suspended by now. @VirMach can you share the specific reason why @pdd 's account is suspended as he keeps proclaiming his innocence.
Actually.Until now I still can't know why my service got suspended.Virmach didn't reply my APPEAL ticket.Maybe the suspension is because the account is bought from others by me,maybe it's due to the original owner has multi accounts and this account got caught.Nobody knows the reason exactly.Even some normal users got suspended too.
@Jab said:
So in a nutshell:
I have no VirMach service, I know nothing about VirMach history, I have no idea what VirMach is doing. I ignored all those posts of people claiming here they are "innocent" and 10 minutes later revealing that they bought account / have multiaccounts and other long term users not getting suspended out of blue... I just picked one or two not debunked posts because that fit my conspiracy theory and I came here to spread FUD.
7/10 troll, because I replied, again.
I like the "I'm expecting offers during the coming Black Friday" :-)
@ForMat_eXt4 said: I mean the main aim is to purge cheap offers, which were not essential when hosted in 2013 or older Intel servers, but now when Virmach initiated the Great Migration to AMD Ryzen 7950X, a "1 core" service has great performance impact on its over-sale plan
I like how you state this as if you know it to be true instead of the fear-mongering it is.
Please take it NOT seriously, of course I don't know the details of the exodus from Colo-Crossing to Ali-Cloud.
But I know one thing for sure: people like exaggeration, web site owners like too. It is about web flow, advertisement, and perhaps privacy selling. And I create exaggeration from haze, like this:
Look at Anthony's face! It is another exaggeration which lures browsers' click.
No disrespect for Anthony. The video's link is here: NypT2CZdeiI .
I saw over 200 new posts, I wondered if Free 2GB Lifetime had been given again.
You think it's only because of proxy?
So you bought your account from scalper and your current info is something along
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Not enough popcorn.
Let me contribute to the suspension drama
Don't click the spoiler, not yet
Guess whose posts are these? click spoiler buttons now
Perhaps, just maybe, there's different ways to break the TOS and reselling services is just 1 way to get suspended. I don't know... If only there was a way to read the TOS to know what can get you suspended.
As long as Virmach's offers are cheap enough, I don't think a superficial title will have much influence on their sales.
What I'm concerned about is, will @Virmach suspend services which are owned by original owners. Like this:
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
If you break the TOS it doesn't matter if you're the original owner or not, you get suspended.
And I recalled one of my coworkers helped to setup my account.
That's too obvious for the effin' thickos.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
and why're yall still here
we know why @Franzkafka 's purchased account is suspended by now.
@VirMach can you share the specific reason why @pdd 's account is suspended as he keeps proclaiming his innocence.
You obviously have never had a discussion with a lawyer, have you?
Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews
So you mean that Virmach doesn't bother to create excuses (whether clumsy or plausible),
Virmach just suspend services whose owner committed "pocket crimes"?
I mean the TOS is lengthy enough to scare away most, if not every customer, and when enforced, shouldn't Virmach state the exact term which its vicious customers have broken?
Or just a murmur: "You are FIRED because of violation of TOS"?
I would recommend a shorter version of "pqpt" or "dpo". Which one do you prefer?
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
Most providers dont... but have you tried opening a ticket (or appeal) to get more details about your case?
Because you don't fucking expect it to happen here on forum, right?
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
How about instead of suspending accounts, block affected VPS' outbound traffic to that certain country so that abusers from you-know-where won't renew their service
Just my two cents.
^ Because no such thing as proxy or VPN exists, right?
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
enough of a deterrent. meanwhile they're given the time to move their asses out.
It'll just cause them to abuse their VPS even more before renewal is up.
Remember they wanted to call IRS!
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Thanks for replying.
I haven't got any service from Virmach, and I'm expecting offers during the coming Black Friday.
As I mentioned, I'm worrying if Virmach will escalate the suspension indifferently to most, if not every product affordable (like offers cheap than 10 USD). Considering their nil after-service, I will think twice before ordering. (AWS, Azure, Atlantic, GCP, IDrive, Oracle, ... you name it, free for one year)
"Violation of TOS" is vague enough to have room for major side effect. I mean the main aim is to purge cheap offers, which were not essential when hosted in 2013 or older Intel servers, but now when Virmach initiated the Great Migration to AMD Ryzen 7950X, a "1 core" service has great performance impact on its over-sale plan.
I see no difficulty in pointing out which terms have been violated and relating proof when send emails of service suspension. After all, the lengthy TOS are held by Virmach.
BTW, I think most people here probably will happily take cheap offers from Virmach in the future, even after acknowledging the Great Migration and the Greater Suspension. **But the mentality of buyers will change: **
"Oh the Virmach's offers are indeed affordable, but how long will I be permitted to enjoy? Merely one year? Oh, I'd better take other offers."
Both Virmach and real customers fall victims to scalpers. A lose-lose situation most people don't wanna see.
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
At the time of let I said that some one were using the virmach.me registration account script.These people's account registration when the information is some random words.
I said I could provide you with the virmach.me script, but you put me on hold and never replied to my message.
Because you are dealing with the migration has been burnt out, so I have been waiting for a year to reply.
I think there is always a better solution. The communication that is needed.What we really need to solve is the abusers and the scalpers.
There isn't really a need to point out what the violation is. People who violated the TOS know exactly what the reason is... Even though they'll try and play dumb. Or they violated multiple TOS and they don't know which one they got caught for so they don't know what excuse to make.
There will always be a few that get caught up with the others and shouldn't be suspended. Those should be pretty easy to identify when they respond the suspension.
So in a nutshell:
I have no VirMach service, I know nothing about VirMach history, I have no idea what VirMach is doing. I ignored all those posts of people claiming here they are "innocent" and 10 minutes later revealing that they bought account / have multiaccounts and other long term users not getting suspended out of blue... I just picked one or two
not debunked
posts because that fit my conspiracy theory and I came here to spread FUD.7/10 troll, because I replied, again.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
I like how you state this as if you know it to be true instead of the fear-mongering it is.
Thank you calling the Internal Revenue Service.
Your call is very important to us.
(4 hours later)
Please continue to hold while all our agents are assisting other taxpayers.
(call disconnects)
Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
Actually.Until now I still can't know why my service got suspended.Virmach didn't reply my APPEAL ticket.Maybe the suspension is because the account is bought from others by me,maybe it's due to the original owner has multi accounts and this account got caught.Nobody knows the reason exactly.Even some normal users got suspended too.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Fixed that for you. We don't have verification on that yet. Wouldn't be the first time someone said, "I didn't buy this account" and later recanted.
I like the "I'm expecting offers during the coming Black Friday" :-)
Maybe we should ask @VirMach whether there are normal users got suspended.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Please take it NOT seriously, of course I don't know the details of the exodus from Colo-Crossing to Ali-Cloud.

But I know one thing for sure: people like exaggeration, web site owners like too. It is about web flow, advertisement, and perhaps privacy selling. And I create exaggeration from haze, like this:
Look at Anthony's face! It is another exaggeration which lures browsers' click.
No disrespect for Anthony. The video's link is here: NypT2CZdeiI .
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
My crown is better.

Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
Red Dwarf stuff in the cache? Nice!
LOL! I guess not since they're not IN AliCloud.