Ovh final ip price increase email
Just received this..
Dear Customer,
We have issued several communications recently regarding repricing. We covered this topic on our blog in August and September, and we also sent out emails on the topic last month.
Since 06 October 2022, the price of new Additional IP subscriptions (additional IPv4, geolocated and failover) is $2.20 per month per IP (ex. GST), with no commitment or setup fees.
To follow the price of the new subscriptions, we will gradually integrate this new pricing for Additional IPs that have been subscribed to before this date:
From 01 December 2022, existing subscriptions will be charged at $0.80 per month per IP (ex. GST). From 01 April 2023, existing subscriptions will be charged at $1.50 per month per IP (ex. GST). From 01 September 2023, existing subscriptions will be charged at $2.20 per month per IP (ex. GST).
In parallel with this pricing adjustment, we have updated the Terms and Conditions of our Additional IP service. These Terms and Conditions are effective from 06 October 2022 for new subscriptions, and from 01 December 2022 for existing subscriptions. You can access the updated version of the Special Conditions on our dedicated page.
Price adjustment: For any Additional IP service subscription, any new IPv4 address will be delivered on a monthly basis, with no commitment or setup fee.
IP blacklist and reputation: When releasing an Additional IP, if it is found to be blacklisted (RBL), we may charge a cancellation fee to cover the decommissioning costs.
Additional IP not assigned: We can retrieve unused Additional IPs (not assigned to a service) after the user has been informed.
Clarification of transfer rules: An Additional IP attributed to an OVHcloud (compatible) service can only be re-attached to another service located on the same campus.
Please read these Terms and Conditions in full. To accept the modifications, no action is required on your part. However, if you would like to decline them and cancel your service, go to the OVHcloud Control Panel, select the “Network” section, then “Public IP addresses”, or use the OVHcloud dedicated APIs.
If you have any questions or need further support after reading the documentation, please contact your account manager or customer support.
Thank you for choosing OVHcloud.
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can confirm, german version:
their already existing 'new pricing' seem to only partially affect soyoustart (like the "old one", no idea about eco), as I am still able to order single addon IPs for just a one time setup fee - on a server that hasn't reached the 16 IPs limit though. yet when trying to order a subnet of 4 or 8 IPs it calculates monthly fees... messy.
Stacksocial link (aff) containing a gift of $10 after your first purchase.
IP decom price would be interesting case
. Will it reduce spammers and does it delivers clean subnets?
2,4 PLN to USD/EUR = 0,51 EUR/USD
4,7 PLN to USD/EUR = 0,99 EUR/USD
7 PLN to USD/EUR = 1,48 EUR/USD
Seems like they have very strange currency rates...
Ab dem 1. Dezember 2022 werden bereits bestehende Abonnements zum Preis von 0,60 € (inkl. MwSt) pro Monat und IP abgerechnet.
From 01 December 2022, existing subscriptions will be charged at $0.80 per month per IP (ex. GST).
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Don't know how this whole OVHcloud rebranding worked, but for SYS I did not receive any official mail regarding the price increase, yet.
I had a really nice and easy to remember failover subnet on my SYS which was handy for recursive dns service itself. But it's never to late to learn remembering new IPs. IT-Service David Froehlich | Individual network and hosting solutions | AS39083 | RIPE LIR services (IPv4, IPv6, ASN)
same here. I'd assume they'll follow up later. also probably a reason why they rebranded to that eco thingy. the old panel is gonna be more and more grandfathered and maybe they even try to get away from manual renewal stuff.
also regarding IPs the servers sold via old Soyoustart always explicitly had 16 IP included in the rental. so this would not exactly fit their 'additional IP' product which they are now chargibg for.
maybe we are lucky and it will stay grandfathered for a bit longer, at least till they finally merge the old stuff into their eco branding.
boxes with OVH canceled ! its time to move on !!!
Personally i think this is actually 100% ok.
Ovh is loosing money as it is - And that is not sustainable. Everything is going up, and companies cannot keep prices so low just to make you happy - They will end up closing it all down instead..
poor companies, good that our incomings doubled up and now we are making millions while companies losing billions
Better for them to sell services with a loss to make you happy, and be out of business in 3 years?
Or increase prices, secure income for all the people working there to pay for their kids, houses and stuff, and also make sure the company survives ?
cmon man