@VirMach said:
I'm genuinely going to do this soon once the last few pieces finish falling in place. My only real fear/concern is the negative productivity impact when it comes to random hotel WiFi and lack of screen space. Once I figure that out I don't mind perpetually travelling every other few days for several years.
Well, most hotel rooms would have a tv so there is some screen space I suppose. Get a decent sized but still light usb powered monitor that would fit in a backpack with laptop and other stuff. Not exactly ideal but may work. Backpack recommended because even with lighter stuff, it will eventually catch up with you, good backpack will distribute the weight.
Find the right combo and you could maybe get it all small enough for carry on with your clothes and stuff too (get a combined charger that will do phone and laptop in one, stuff like that). Then you wouldn't have to deal with checking in stuff and save that time. Plus no losing of your stuff. I did that when I did a move halfway across Canada in prime covid time, backpack with the stuff I didn't ship, breezed through both airports asap and even managed to not get sick.
It wouldn't be a fun life really and not for everyone, that's for sure. Some people do it, would basically be a one bag travel life with shitty destinations you've been to a hundred times lol
At this point, all locations can be equally expanded into since they have a lot of space and we have a lot of services, if only there was actually a good way to keep track of demand levels in realtime.
Oh, minus Tokyo of course and not because of the cost of the cabs just everything else.
@VirMach said:
I'm genuinely going to do this soon once the last few pieces finish falling in place. My only real fear/concern is the negative productivity impact when it comes to random hotel WiFi and lack of screen space. Once I figure that out I don't mind perpetually travelling every other few days for several years.
Well, most hotel rooms would have a tv so there is some screen space I suppose. Get a decent sized but still light usb powered monitor that would fit in a backpack with laptop and other stuff. Not exactly ideal but may work. Backpack recommended because even with lighter stuff, it will eventually catch up with you, good backpack will distribute the weight.
Find the right combo and you could maybe get it all small enough for carry on with your clothes and stuff too (get a combined charger that will do phone and laptop in one, stuff like that). Then you wouldn't have to deal with checking in stuff and save that time. Plus no losing of your stuff. I did that when I did a move halfway across Canada in prime covid time, backpack with the stuff I didn't ship, breezed through both airports asap and even managed to not get sick.
It wouldn't be a fun life really and not for everyone, that's for sure. Some people do it, would basically be a one bag travel life with shitty destinations you've been to a hundred times lol
I've had to work myself down from a 65" 4K monitor and like 4x "27 inch monitors on the side plus two laptops to just a 55" 4K monitor, it's insanely hard to go any lower once you get used to that type of workflow.
Yeah I generally travel very very light. There's definitely an ideal way I'd do it if there was an infinite budget. What did basically stop me from doing this plan sooner was mostly budget related, followed by having it not being realistic when I didn't even have enough time to plan it properly. Hotels and flights have taken a pretty crazy turn up. I mean everything has, that one just caught me off-guard. And AirBnb has gotten terrible, everyone stuffing fees everywhere and unreliable cancellations.
So that by itself could be fine, but then combine it with it being harder to get flights on specific times and days, then add on that I may not be able to travel light, bag fees, all the potential time lost on any bad layovers and then random periods of time like holidays when it spikes to astronomical levels, and it becomes a headache planning all of it around that, staying within budget, and then also doing everything else. I wish they could just sedate me and ship me in a box.
One idea I had is I sometimes don't sleep much anyway so I could basically cut the cost in half or less there by sleeping on flights or every other 2-3 days a hotel and then hang around the gym or Starbucks or the park but then again.. it goes back to traveling light and screen space.
Maybe you'll catch me one day in a Denny's parking lot with VR glasses on doing tickets.
@Daevien said: Get a decent sized but still light usb powered monitor ..
A small led projector? (As long as there's no 1970s wallpaper!)
I remember being excited about that phone or laptop or laptop that had a built in projector in it, I barely even remember anymore what it actually was but built by Lenovo. I think it ended up not actually being realistically usable though outside of sharing a powerpoint on a business meeting.
VR might actually be an interesting way to do it but I'd actually legitimately go crazy and blind.
@Daevien said: Well, most hotel rooms would have a tv so there is some screen space I suppose.
99% of hotels refuse to pay one nights' stay worth on a 4K TV. Seems like they update them once every 15 years. Or even a comfortable office chair that doesn't feel like you're sitting in a bathtub.
@VirMach said: .. that had a built in projector in it..
WXGA/1080p at best? I was thinking of a travel/mini 4K one; prices from as little as $100 from our favourite low-cost Asian location. (Until you discover the lies and it's actually interpolated from VGA resolution!)
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
@VirMach said:
I've had to work myself down from a 65" 4K monitor and like 4x "27 inch monitors on the side plus two laptops to just a 55" 4K monitor, it's insanely hard to go any lower once you get used to that type of workflow.
Yeah, I went from my usual 2x 4k 27" monitors and 1440p 144hz main monitor down to one 14" laptop when I moved and was waiting for my stuff to arrive / desk to be setup. It hurt lol
Cancelled flights and short notice ones, hotels and stuff would be a real pain. If it wasn't for the massive size of the US and that DC are on basically every part, I'd say go Vanlife and get a Sprinter van or something, deck it out for living out of all the time and have some spots you know you can be at for a few days with good internet and the like.
One idea I had is I sometimes don't sleep much anyway so I could basically cut the cost in half or less there by sleeping on flights or every other 2-3 days a hotel and then hang around the gym or Starbucks or the park but then again.. it goes back to traveling light and screen space.
Gym membership, gets you something to do when not working and a place to shower and stuff. Lot of Vanlife people do that with a chain that is in the areas they go.
@Daevien said: I'd say go Vanlife and get a Sprinter van or something, deck it out for living out of all the time and have some spots you know you can be at for a few days with good internet and the like.
Yeah that's actually something I've been wanting to do but for some reason I see it as "conflicting" with work since it'd basically be an inconvenience in many scenarios involving being near a datacenter area, cramped workspace. I guess think of it like taking a very very heavy luggage with guaranteed added travel times where I'd also be driving instead of trying to work from a laptop on the plane. I'd probably also go crazy parking it in a busy street with pedestrians screaming at eachother and the constant honking at street level so it means I'd have to drive it out and back an hour a day.
That seems more like the way to go when I finally reach living in the woods with no internet level.
@FrankZ said:
Ok I was kind of joking about the Uber, but if you want to send them from HV Tampa to QN Miami I would suggest getting a quote from these guys https://www.floridacouriers.com/ They are bonded, have small vehicle types for small loads, and have a regular route between Miami and Tampa. Maybe you can get a good rate as a back haul from Tampa to Miami.
$1421 or about the same cost as overnighting everything via UPS all the way to Los Angeles. How that ends up happening, I don't know but maybe they're just used to doing white glove service and urgent deliveries within the state.
Another fun way to represent it would be I hire someone here in Los Angeles for $30 an hour, buy them a flight to Tampa, get them a rental van, pay for the gas, pay them for their entire time, have them drop it off in Miami, get a hotel for the night, fly back from Miami, and the total would be about the same price. Or more commonly known as 160x $8.88 biennial deals.
@VirMach said:
Anyone please while I'm gone try to think of one good reason we should keep Tampa other than not having to migrate everyone again. I'm actually going to go touch some grass or something, sorry. Yes that means probably an 8 hour delay at least on everything. Funny how I can deal with a thousand MJJs in a telegram group and saying they're going to hire hitmen while constantly flaming me on tickets while I work without sleeping for days in a row but this is what sets me off, Hivelocity's ineptitude.
I think anyone would get triggered when the guys who are supposed to be on your team just start throwing.
@FrankZ said:
Ok I was kind of joking about the Uber, but if you want to send them from HV Tampa to QN Miami I would suggest getting a quote from these guys https://www.floridacouriers.com/ They are bonded, have small vehicle types for small loads, and have a regular route between Miami and Tampa. Maybe you can get a good rate as a back haul from Tampa to Miami.
$1421 or about the same cost as overnighting everything via UPS all the way to Los Angeles. How that ends up happening, I don't know but maybe they're just used to doing white glove service and urgent deliveries within the state.
Yea that was crazy high. I was expecting no more than $570 ($2 a mile) as it's a back haul for them.
My worker travel quote assumes hiring a worker in Memphis TN.
MEM is a central location when it comes to air travel.
FedEx selected MEM as its global hub for this reason.
There's no hotel per-diem involved.
The worker would fly out and return on the same day, using red eye flight if necessary.
They are paid for 12 hours per trip day: 8 hours in transit and 4 hours in the data center.
Their "office location" is the MEM airport, so you don't pay for the time for them to reach the airport, as it's now "commute".
@VirMach said: I wish they could just sedate me and ship me in a box.
Considering your experience with the shipping companies you would most likely wait in this box for pick up at least 6 weeks and then... they would lost box with you inside
@VirMach said: I wish they could just sedate me and ship me in a box.
Considering your experience with the shipping companies you would most likely wait in this box for pick up at least 6 weeks and then... they would lost box with you inside
He might find his lost server though? Then he just needs to do a breakout escape from the shipping companies warehouse
@VirMach said: I wish they could just sedate me and ship me in a box.
Considering your experience with the shipping companies you would most likely wait in this box for pick up at least 6 weeks and then... they would lost box with you inside
He might find his lost server though? Then he just needs to do a breakout escape from the shipping companies warehouse
Cancelled flights and short notice ones, hotels and stuff would be a real pain. If it wasn't for the massive size of the US and that DC are on basically every part, I'd say go Vanlife and get a Sprinter van or something, deck it out for living out of all the time and have some spots you know you can be at for a few days with good internet and the like.
Cancelled flights and short notice ones, hotels and stuff would be a real pain. If it wasn't for the massive size of the US and that DC are on basically every part, I'd say go Vanlife and get a Sprinter van or something, deck it out for living out of all the time and have some spots you know you can be at for a few days with good internet and the like.
I knew a few people who did this, I always sort of wanted to. Can't live without great internet so I wasn't able. Maybe when electric RVs become a thing and Starlink gets better...
Cancelled flights and short notice ones, hotels and stuff would be a real pain. If it wasn't for the massive size of the US and that DC are on basically every part, I'd say go Vanlife and get a Sprinter van or something, deck it out for living out of all the time and have some spots you know you can be at for a few days with good internet and the like.
I knew a few people who did this, I always sort of wanted to. Can't live without great internet so I wasn't able. Maybe when electric RVs become a thing and Starlink gets better...
The internet thing isn't so much the issue in this case, it's the giant distance. Lets say Virmach is in Tampa rescuing servers then needs to go to Seattle. Then to Dallas. Lot of miles to go, which are doable... if you aren't also trying to get there within hours to fix an issue.
Cancelled flights and short notice ones, hotels and stuff would be a real pain. If it wasn't for the massive size of the US and that DC are on basically every part, I'd say go Vanlife and get a Sprinter van or something, deck it out for living out of all the time and have some spots you know you can be at for a few days with good internet and the like.
I knew a few people who did this, I always sort of wanted to. Can't live without great internet so I wasn't able. Maybe when electric RVs become a thing and Starlink gets better...
The internet thing isn't so much the issue in this case, it's the giant distance. Lets say Virmach is in Tampa rescuing servers then needs to go to Seattle. Then to Dallas. Lot of miles to go, which are doable... if you aren't also trying to get there within hours to fix an issue.
You can still get there within hours, just drive REALLY fast
@tridinebandim said: reinstalled, no issue for about 1 hours (limited connection speed , higher cpu usage)
I've nuked, reinstalled and idling from yesterday, it still died few times [*]
~# last | grep reboot
reboot system boot 5.10.0-8-amd64 Tue Nov 1 12:50 still running
reboot system boot 5.10.0-8-amd64 Tue Nov 1 11:14 still running
reboot system boot 5.10.0-8-amd64 Tue Nov 1 05:52 still running
reboot system boot 5.10.0-8-amd64 Tue Nov 1 05:48 still running
reboot system boot 5.10.0-8-amd64 Tue Nov 1 04:54 still running
reboot system boot 5.10.0-8-amd64 Tue Nov 1 00:37 still running
Cancelled flights and short notice ones, hotels and stuff would be a real pain. If it wasn't for the massive size of the US and that DC are on basically every part, I'd say go Vanlife and get a Sprinter van or something, deck it out for living out of all the time and have some spots you know you can be at for a few days with good internet and the like.
I knew a few people who did this, I always sort of wanted to. Can't live without great internet so I wasn't able. Maybe when electric RVs become a thing and Starlink gets better...
The internet thing isn't so much the issue in this case, it's the giant distance. Lets say Virmach is in Tampa rescuing servers then needs to go to Seattle. Then to Dallas. Lot of miles to go, which are doable... if you aren't also trying to get there within hours to fix an issue.
You can still get there within hours, just drive REALLY fast
Kinda at odds with the aerodynamics of a brick and fuel efficiency of a tank. He'd spend hours just in gas pumping time alone. ;-)
Well, most hotel rooms would have a tv so there is some screen space I suppose. Get a decent sized but still light usb powered monitor that would fit in a backpack with laptop and other stuff. Not exactly ideal but may work. Backpack recommended because even with lighter stuff, it will eventually catch up with you, good backpack will distribute the weight.
Find the right combo and you could maybe get it all small enough for carry on with your clothes and stuff too (get a combined charger that will do phone and laptop in one, stuff like that). Then you wouldn't have to deal with checking in stuff and save that time. Plus no losing of your stuff. I did that when I did a move halfway across Canada in prime covid time, backpack with the stuff I didn't ship, breezed through both airports asap and even managed to not get sick.
It wouldn't be a fun life really and not for everyone, that's for sure. Some people do it, would basically be a one bag travel life with shitty destinations you've been to a hundred times lol
https://www.reddit.com/r/onebag/ could be helpful for ideas and prob some links to similar related sites
At this point, all locations can be equally expanded into since they have a lot of space and we have a lot of services, if only there was actually a good way to keep track of demand levels in realtime.
Oh, minus Tokyo of course and not because of the cost of the cabs just everything else.
I've had to work myself down from a 65" 4K monitor and like 4x "27 inch monitors on the side plus two laptops to just a 55" 4K monitor, it's insanely hard to go any lower once you get used to that type of workflow.
Yeah I generally travel very very light. There's definitely an ideal way I'd do it if there was an infinite budget. What did basically stop me from doing this plan sooner was mostly budget related, followed by having it not being realistic when I didn't even have enough time to plan it properly. Hotels and flights have taken a pretty crazy turn up. I mean everything has, that one just caught me off-guard. And AirBnb has gotten terrible, everyone stuffing fees everywhere and unreliable cancellations.
So that by itself could be fine, but then combine it with it being harder to get flights on specific times and days, then add on that I may not be able to travel light, bag fees, all the potential time lost on any bad layovers and then random periods of time like holidays when it spikes to astronomical levels, and it becomes a headache planning all of it around that, staying within budget, and then also doing everything else. I wish they could just sedate me and ship me in a box.
One idea I had is I sometimes don't sleep much anyway so I could basically cut the cost in half or less there by sleeping on flights or every other 2-3 days a hotel and then hang around the gym or Starbucks or the park but then again.. it goes back to traveling light and screen space.
Maybe you'll catch me one day in a Denny's parking lot with VR glasses on doing tickets.
A small led projector? (As long as there's no 1970s wallpaper!)
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
I remember being excited about that phone or laptop or laptop that had a built in projector in it, I barely even remember anymore what it actually was but built by Lenovo. I think it ended up not actually being realistically usable though outside of sharing a powerpoint on a business meeting.
VR might actually be an interesting way to do it but I'd actually legitimately go crazy and blind.
99% of hotels refuse to pay one nights' stay worth on a 4K TV. Seems like they update them once every 15 years. Or even a comfortable office chair that doesn't feel like you're sitting in a bathtub.
WXGA/1080p at best? I was thinking of a travel/mini 4K one; prices from as little as $100 from our favourite low-cost Asian location. (Until you discover the lies and it's actually interpolated from VGA resolution!)
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Yeah, I went from my usual 2x 4k 27" monitors and 1440p 144hz main monitor down to one 14" laptop when I moved and was waiting for my stuff to arrive / desk to be setup. It hurt lol
Cancelled flights and short notice ones, hotels and stuff would be a real pain. If it wasn't for the massive size of the US and that DC are on basically every part, I'd say go Vanlife and get a Sprinter van or something, deck it out for living out of all the time and have some spots you know you can be at for a few days with good internet and the like.
Gym membership, gets you something to do when not working and a place to shower and stuff. Lot of Vanlife people do that with a chain that is in the areas they go.
^ Really Hippy, man!
Typed from my 4 virtual desktop 14" laptop 1366x768 monitor
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Yeah that's actually something I've been wanting to do but for some reason I see it as "conflicting" with work since it'd basically be an inconvenience in many scenarios involving being near a datacenter area, cramped workspace. I guess think of it like taking a very very heavy luggage with guaranteed added travel times where I'd also be driving instead of trying to work from a laptop on the plane. I'd probably also go crazy parking it in a busy street with pedestrians screaming at eachother and the constant honking at street level so it means I'd have to drive it out and back an hour a day.
That seems more like the way to go when I finally reach living in the woods with no internet level.
What I really need is neuralink attached to my brain with the ability to switch between a set of 20 windows telepathically.
$1421 or about the same cost as overnighting everything via UPS all the way to Los Angeles. How that ends up happening, I don't know but maybe they're just used to doing white glove service and urgent deliveries within the state.
Another fun way to represent it would be I hire someone here in Los Angeles for $30 an hour, buy them a flight to Tampa, get them a rental van, pay for the gas, pay them for their entire time, have them drop it off in Miami, get a hotel for the night, fly back from Miami, and the total would be about the same price. Or more commonly known as 160x $8.88 biennial deals.
I think anyone would get triggered when the guys who are supposed to be on your team just start throwing.
Yea that was crazy high. I was expecting no more than $570 ($2 a mile) as it's a back haul for them.
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What you REALLY need is a Peripheral®.
Yep you can tell I'm happy my favorite author finally got one of his books made into a semi decent movie/series.
My worker travel quote assumes hiring a worker in Memphis TN.
MEM is a central location when it comes to air travel.
FedEx selected MEM as its global hub for this reason.
There's no hotel per-diem involved.
The worker would fly out and return on the same day, using red eye flight if necessary.
They are paid for 12 hours per trip day: 8 hours in transit and 4 hours in the data center.
Their "office location" is the MEM airport, so you don't pay for the time for them to reach the airport, as it's now "commute".
Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
Considering your experience with the shipping companies you would most likely wait in this box for pick up at least 6 weeks and then... they would lost box with you inside
My guess for


would be RIP disk (again, totally, panic)Something is still there, but it's meh state :P?

fsck from rescue mode kinda bring the VPS back (it booted, with different public key from cloud-init), but most services are dead :F
I guess those 20 restarts actually nuked my filesystem and the mysql replication trying to run there.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Did I miss some species?
Yo, join our premium masochist club
He might find his lost server though? Then he just needs to do a breakout escape from the shipping companies warehouse
Virmach might be like:
Yo, join our premium masochist club
This guy went through with that idea... https://ghuntley.com/
I knew a few people who did this, I always sort of wanted to. Can't live without great internet so I wasn't able. Maybe when electric RVs become a thing and Starlink gets better...
Same. I'd be happy to have mine re-created without data just to get some stability.
The internet thing isn't so much the issue in this case, it's the giant distance. Lets say Virmach is in Tampa rescuing servers then needs to go to Seattle. Then to Dallas. Lot of miles to go, which are doable... if you aren't also trying to get there within hours to fix an issue.
You can still get there within hours, just drive REALLY fast
reinstalled, no issue for about 1 hours
(limited connection speed , higher cpu usage)
I've nuked, reinstalled and idling from yesterday, it still died few times [*]

Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Kinda at odds with the aerodynamics of a brick and fuel efficiency of a tank. He'd spend hours just in gas pumping time alone. ;-)
Carry the gas with you then. Why has no one thought of this?