What free public services can I offer on a VPS?

I have a number of VPSs idling and I am thinking of some kind of public service they can be put to.

There have been offers of free VPSs on this site where the providers ask people to indicate what they wish to use the services for and then winners or chosen on the perceived merits of their use, but this is not what I am aksing about.

By a free public of service I am not thinking of something that is targeted at a particular group, or a niche service, but something that is useful to the wider public.

I am thinking of stuff I can understand and setup myself and then later on pass on or delegate management and administration to others if they prove too time consuming for me to handle.

Are there any kind of useful public services that are not properly served by commercial entities or by governments and stuff life that?

They can be focused on some countries or some regions in particular, but they have to be useful to a wider public.

Internet services like email etc are excluded.


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