Black Friday '22 @ LowEndSpirit | Flash Deals + Discussion Thread

Welcome to the Official LowEndSpirit 2022 Black Friday thread!
No limit pricing rules in effect 25-Nov through 28-Nov in celebration of Black Friday & Cyber Monday!
Starting at 0000 UTC 25-Nov, flash deals will be posted at random throughout the entire day! Some of these are real doozies, so get your wallets prepared!
Flash deal index:
1. Alwyzon - EcoServer 3072: 29 € per year
2. Gullo's Hosting - NAT IPv4 128MB $1/yr
3. Dewlance - 2GB NVMe Shared Hosting $4.85/yr
4. KIVOBYTES - 1GB Ryzen KVM VPS $17.99/yr
5. NATVPS - NAT Resource Pools 50% off
6. CrownCloud - 2TB & 3TB Storage VPS Specials
7. LigaHosting - FR Dedicated & US/RO KVM VPS Specials
8. VisualWebTechnologies - Germany KVM & LA Dedicated Server Deal
9. CynderHost - Shared Hosting 50-60% off
10. RamNode - $10 Account Credit limited giveaway
11. Gullo's Hosting - Singapore NAT IPv4 128MB & 256MB 20% off
12. iHostART - 1TB OVZ7 VM 22 EUR / yr
13. Bark Bark - 50% Off Share Hosting Packages
14. Stromonic - Black Friday 85% Off Discounts
15. - VPS Starter EUR 1.55/mo
16. LevelOneServers - BF KVM-8GB Plan
17. Gullo's Hosting - NAT Bundles
18. SmartHost - 1GB Ryzen KVM $19.95/yr
19. iHostART - 1TB OVZ7 VM 22 EUR / yr Restock
20. OnePoundEmail - OnePoundEmail BF22
21. Dewlance - Reseller Hosting - NVMe - UK
22. Kuroit - Unmetered 1Gbps VPS in UK Offers
23. Advin Servers - $6/yr 4GB SSD KVM
24. - KVM VPS Discounts
25. Inception Hosting - 4GB Phoenix KVM
26. CrownCloud - Black Friday SSD Plans
27. Gullo's Hosting - $1/yr Direct Admin & $10/yr cPanel Hosting
28. WebHorizon - BF VPS Deals in Singapore & Netherlands
29. LiteServer - Black Friday VPS Flash Deals
30. VisualWebTechnologies - 80GB cPanel Hosting Flash Deal
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
Let's start small
5% OFF - Quantity 25
Cupon code:
CPU Ryzen 9 5950X
NVMe Storage
DDoS protection
Daily backups
Location: Germany @ Frankfurt am Main
hAhaHaha same
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
Imagine accidentally copy-pasting it and buying it being like HOLY SHIT THAT'S A GOOD DEAL
(I wouldn't be surprised if that was me tho LOL)
Let' start BIG
Flash Sale
50% Discount on annual payment
Coupon code: BF22
All orders include:
Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans
Where is the hype?
P.S. Merv is looking for you.
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Why are your pants still on?
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support • Donate
Because I am lurking around?
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
It appears I was correct
I’m sure he can GIF spam the thread over there without me.
If that's a way of asking for dick pic there's no need to be so coy.
Also, I never wear pants when the Giants are playing. It's a superstition thing.
@ehab all because of you
Now we have a Sisterhood of the travelling pants
Brotherhood of Missing pants on LES
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
The Black Friday deals will start when this thread reaches the same amount of comments as the VirMach thread. Your time starts now
Can you reply to tiket 🎟️ number 123456789 and double my bandwidth?
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Oh hai Dusty B Scissornuts
Wow, no hype at LET either.
Truly the end of times.
No Nekki, no hype.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Well if I knew that we wanted hype I would have made up some LES swag to give away to the top three commenters in this thread.
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
Others can hype, they have the capacity to hype, they're just not hyping. It's a sad time for all concerned.
I propose a short bus 🚌 for three highest commentators
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Others are busy busy busy posting order IDs for double bandwidth they never gonna use even in 1/10
or generally spamming RN threads as there are real life nice value prizes.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
I does kind of feel like the hype isn't wanted, which to me, is strange.
If that's what they enjoy, good for them.
No you can't use my buses!
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
I'll contribute buses.

LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support