Luxvps has Cheap Monster KVM VPS Systems in Germany!
Salutations, Luxvps! We’re back with more discounts right now!
Lots of deals! Would you prefer a 4GB VPS? Just 3€ each month! 8GB VPS? Just 6.95€ per month! 48GB RAM? What the heck? Yes, that one is only 23.95€/month and has 48GB!
These are KVM systems, too.
A Danish business is called Luxvps. We accept MobilePay, Crypto, and PayPal.
These systems provide quick deployment and are located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Now read more to see the offers!
KVM Rootserver Starter
1 vCores
1 Gbit internet speed | 1 TB Traffic
Location: Germany
OS: Windows or Linux, ask for others if needed.
For 3€ monthly.
MOD EDIT: removed larger packages that didn't satisfy LES pricing limits.
View larger plans HERE.
This discussion has been closed.
Any Yabs?
Hi, iaecm
What do you mean with "Yabs"?
Best regards Mathias
Hi @F1do. The people on this (and other green forums) and inexplicably obsessed by benchmarking VPS as if it is some all-encompassing barometer of quality. Over the years there have been various different approaches to this, and YABS is the current hotness.
'Yet Another Benchmark Script' (YABS), is, as the name suggests, a benchmarking script, created by our illustrious leader, @Mason. You can find out more about it here -
Arh I see! We will be doing one of these tests on our ryzen system tomorrow as well on one of our intel systems.
KVM Rootserver Starter - Ryzen or Intel?
Our KVM Rootserver line up is intel.
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No we're located in ITP FRA01
The VPS are pretty cheap no doubt, but why cheap domain? (.xyz )
Also, do you have any looking glass?
What is the CPU variant on these?
Do you support ipv6?
We originaled wanted .com but that was taken. We do own .net also. And I personally like it.
Currently we do not have a looking glass set up.
We use a Intel Xeon E5-2690v2 or Intel Xeon E5-2667v2 on our KVM Root lineup, and a mixed AMD CPU (Currently AMD 5 5600G) on our AMD Lineup.
Yes all vms comes with an IPv6
Moved from "LES Exclusive" to "Offers" as the prices and packages displayed here are publicly accessible on the website for anyone.
Also, please be aware the rules state "$7 p/month Maximum for VPS offers" so only 1 of the packages is valid for LES. Cheerio
I see thanks for the notice!
Best regards Mathias
Yabs here, great performance
Great to hear. If you have any questions or alike feel free to contact us again at
ain't it strange all have
1 TB Traffic ?
anyway.... i might test in future. Thanks for posting
We have only had a very low amount in all the time we have operated that has exceed this limit. So it should be enough for most.
Where are the tests?
and do you peer with DTAG?
In short yes, our upstream provider peers with AS3320. It should have the same "effect".
Intel only? Yabs above shows a Ryzen.
Did a mess up on iaecm's test server, it's a ryzen packet he have gotten instead of a KVM Rootserver to test.
Our KVM Rootservers run on intel.
Thanks. Next time you can copy and paste here with markdown code ticks which is easier to read on small screens than a pic.
Site without company address. Wouldn't be legal in other EU countrys, especially the one where the servers apparently reside.
Anyway, here's their company registration data for anyone wondering.
I highly doubt ITP is running their own facility.
According to their homepage that's either First-Colo / former Accelerated or Interwerk. Anyone knows if the latter one can be called Datacenter by now?
Routing to "" which I guess your servers are in goes via Combahton FFM2, which is in Interwerk.
Nonetheless good luck with your sales.
Yes, all looks like Interwerk and Cambahton combined routing. All in all medium but great for this price tag.
.xyz domain ? this smells a bit odd to me
As mentioned above "We originaled wanted .com but that was taken. We do own .net also. And I personally like it."
If you have any questions or the like please feel free to make a ticket at
when will the Special offers come again?
I own which I was going to put up for auction soon on LET along with some other hosting domains, if interested. More professional look than the .xyz. Was originally going to use it as the shorthand for that I also owned, but I've transferred that to someone else and no longer have an interest in the Luxembourg VPS market.
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We believe that privacy and freedom of expression are two very important things, so we offer solutions to accessing and publishing content safely.
[ Idaho, US | New Location w/ 5Gbps default ] [Netherlands, EU | Great connectivity to Europe ] [ CL Shared | KVM VPS | Dedicated Servers | Domain Names ]
@MannDude - That was mighty nice of you.
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