@Not_Oles said:
So, in what I think was the default Alpine 3.17 edge install, I went to make an account for @tarasis. First I made a test account for myself.
Wow, I was quite surprised when I logged in to my new notoles account and found that su(1) worked for my new account despite my not having added myself to the wheel group!
It seems:
/home/notoles # which su
/home/notoles # ls -l /bin/su
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Dec 11 05:07 /bin/su -> /bin/bbsuid
/home/notoles # ls -l /bin/bbsuid
---s--x--x 1 root root 14160 Nov 19 10:13 /bin/bbsuid
/home/notoles #
Alpine seems to have a package called bbsuid, and the linked info page says "Obsolete package that can be removed." Nevertheless,
/home/notoles # apk del bbsuid
ERROR: No such package: bbsuid
/home/notoles #
So, as it stands, it looks like any new account can become root.
Not good, of course
On second thought, isn't it the default behavior of Debian or Slackware that any user can use su?
I assume that when you said "that su(1) worked for my new account despite my not having added myself to the wheel group", you meant that su worked with the root password (as opposed to working without the root password)
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
@Not_Oles said:
Hi! Could you please post or PM me your ed25519 ssh public key? Thanks!
Are ed25519 elliptic-curve SSH keys a technical requirement here, or just a preference to encourage good practice?
Many people prefer to use smartcards for SSH access, which adds an extra physical dimension of security, but are often limited to RSA or, if supporting elliptic-curve, not ed25519.
Hi @cochon! Not a technical requirement. Somebody who for some reason is limited to RSA is free to ask. Thanks!
@root said: Maybe (as a recommendation if I may) you could setup for users some remote desktop based on something light and modern (like LXQT) instead of SSH access.
A great idea! Personally, I am satisfied with command line access. Maybe you or someone else here could set up the desktop and write a tutorial for new users? I know that a lot of people want a desktop environment.
One of the things that impressed me about the Slackware that I am running over on Darkstar was that the desktop environments seemed to work out of the box when I set them up on one of my Hetzner AX boxes. I probably posted some screenshots. I guess the Slackware desktop environments also work equally well on Darkstar, though I haven't tried them.
@iaecm said: @Not_Oles Quite interesting, I'd like to give it a try.
@iaecm's account has been provisioned. Login details in the reply to his PM. Welcome! Please let us know when you get in or if you have any problems at all. Have fun! Best wishes! Tom
Hi @tssz2022! Welcome! Could you please post your ed25519 ssh public key? I haven't seen you around too much. Would you enjoy sharing with us a bit about who and where you are? How do you expect to use your account on the server? Thanks! Tom
Hi @Fritz! Thank you for asking! I'd love to give you a free account! I just need your ed25519 ssh key. Could you please post it or PM it if you are concerned about posting it. Please let us know if there is some reason why you don't want to use ed25519. I will provision your account asap when I have your key. Kindest regards! Tom
Thanks so much for your post here and also for your PM yesterday! It's great to meet you!
I haven't seen you around too much as yet. Would you enjoy sharing a bit about who and where you are and about what you plan to do with your free MetalVPS account? Also about your connection with the company mentioned in your linked post's footer:
Hi @Fritz! Thank you for asking! I'd love to give you a free account! I just need your ed25519 ssh key. Could you please post it or PM it if you are concerned about posting it. Please let us know if there is some reason why you don't want to use ed25519. I will provision your account asap when I have your key. Kindest regards! Tom
Hi @Fritz! Thank you for asking! I'd love to give you a free account! I just need your ed25519 ssh key. Could you please post it or PM it if you are concerned about posting it. Please let us know if there is some reason why you don't want to use ed25519. I will provision your account asap when I have your key. Kindest regards! Tom
Hi @Fritz! Thank you for asking! I'd love to give you a free account! I just need your ed25519 ssh key. Could you please post it or PM it if you are concerned about posting it. Please let us know if there is some reason why you don't want to use ed25519. I will provision your account asap when I have your key. Kindest regards! Tom
Welcome! Your MetalVPS account seems to be provisioned! When you get a chance, please try to log in with your ssh key. It should work on both IPv6 and IPv4 with the ssh port changed from 22 to 42365:
Thanks so much for your post here and also for your PM yesterday! It's great to meet you!
I haven't seen you around too much as yet. Would you enjoy sharing a bit about who and where you are and about what you plan to do with your free MetalVPS account? Also about your connection with the company mentioned in your linked post's footer:
Hello @Not_Oles thank you for taking the time to answer me I was worry that you forgotten me
my name is Mohamed I am from Algeria a software engineer and msc computer science student for the VPS I want to play and learn a little about alpine and use it from time to time for my study if I need resource heavy work as AI or deep learning or bigdata of course for a very little time only
for the company on my profile I am the founder of that business
thank you Tom
Thanks for the intro! Good luck with your business venture!
Your MetalVPS account seems to have been provisioned! You might find your password in your home directory when you log in. Password login has been disabled, but you might need your password for sudo if/when we add sudo. Please feel free to change your password.
You should be able to get in with your ssh key via IPv4 or IPv6 using something like:
When you have time, I would appreciate it if you would try logging in and then please do let us know if it works.
While I am waiting to find out whether your login succeeds, I will reread all the Frequently Asked Questions on your company's pricing page. Maybe I can figure out a way to add Command Line Advertising ("CLA") to MetalVPS. Just kidding!
Thanks for the intro! Good luck with your business venture!
Your MetalVPS account seems to have been provisioned! You might find your password in your home directory when you log in. Password login has been disabled, but you might need your password for sudo if/when we add sudo. Please feel free to change your password.
You should be able to get in with your ssh key via IPv4 or IPv6 using something like:
When you have time, I would appreciate it if you would try logging in and then please do let us know if it works.
While I am waiting to find out whether your login succeeds, I will reread all the Frequently Asked Questions on your company's pricing page. Maybe I can figure out a way to add Command Line Advertising ("CLA") to MetalVPS. Just kidding!
On second thought, isn't it the default behavior of Debian or Slackware that any user can use
?I assume that when you said "that su(1) worked for my new account despite my not having added myself to the wheel group", you meant that
worked with the root password (as opposed to working without the root password)"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
@Nekki Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed it. I added your comment to the list.
I don't think you have. Do feel free to do so though, citing sources is a dying art on the internet, it seems.
On the other hand, sometimes one might have to type the strong password.
Can you accept me, I already sent to you the key yesterday
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Hi @cochon! Not a technical requirement. Somebody who for some reason is limited to RSA is free to ask. Thanks!
A great idea! Personally, I am satisfied with command line access. Maybe you or someone else here could set up the desktop and write a tutorial for new users? I know that a lot of people want a desktop environment.
One of the things that impressed me about the Slackware that I am running over on Darkstar was that the desktop environments seemed to work out of the box when I set them up on one of my Hetzner AX boxes. I probably posted some screenshots. I guess the Slackware desktop environments also work equally well on Darkstar, though I haven't tried them.
Thanks again!
Here is my key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAKXZUh0gmP00dsVfR24B9hm1J+XErwEdGwWjKmAhY7m DESKTOP-A9O8R0R
Thanks @Not_Oles
Hello! I am trying to provision accounts in the order they were requested.
@tarasis As you know, your account has been provisioned. When you have time, no rush, please let us know if you can get in.
Thanks and best wishes!
Hi @localhost!
Welcome! Your account has been provisioned. You should be able to get in via IPv4 or IPv6 with
ssh [email protected] -p 42365
Your password is in a file that you will be able to see when you log in. Please change your password.
Please let us know when you successfully log in or if something happens that you cannot.
Have fun on the server!
@iaecm's account has been provisioned. Login details in the reply to his PM. Welcome! Please let us know when you get in or if you have any problems at all. Have fun! Best wishes! Tom
Hi @tssz2022! Welcome! Could you please post your ed25519 ssh public key? I haven't seen you around too much. Would you enjoy sharing with us a bit about who and where you are? How do you expect to use your account on the server? Thanks! Tom
Hi @Fritz! Thank you for asking! I'd love to give you a free account! I just need your ed25519 ssh key. Could you please post it or PM it if you are concerned about posting it. Please let us know if there is some reason why you don't want to use ed25519. I will provision your account asap when I have your key. Kindest regards! Tom
Hi @sh97! Welcome! I set up your account and I replied to your PM. Please check your PM for details. Welcome and best wishes!
Hi @toumi111!
Thanks so much for your post here and also for your PM yesterday! It's great to meet you!
I haven't seen you around too much as yet. Would you enjoy sharing a bit about who and where you are and about what you plan to do with your free MetalVPS account? Also about your connection with the company mentioned in your linked post's footer:
Thanks again!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi Tom,
Mmmm. Juicy!
Please give me a moment!
Hi again @Fritz.
Welcome! Your MetalVPS account seems to be provisioned! When you get a chance, please try to log in with your ssh key. It should work on both IPv6 and IPv4 with the ssh port changed from 22 to 42365:
ssh [email protected] -p 42365
Password login has been disabled for ssh, but your password is in a file in your home directory. Please feel free to change it.
When you get a chance, no rush, please let us know if you can get in or if you have any issues.
Have fun on the server!
By the way, guys, Lynx is installed. Wow! 🍔
I seem to see @Nekki's comment as the first of the comment links at the bottom of the of the OP. Can anyone see @Nekki's comment? Thanks!
Hello @Not_Oles thank you for taking the time to answer me I was worry that you forgotten me
my name is Mohamed I am from Algeria a software engineer and msc computer science student for the VPS I want to play and learn a little about alpine and use it from time to time for my study if I need resource heavy work as AI or deep learning or bigdata of course for a very little time only
for the company on my profile I am the founder of that business
thank you Tom
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Hi @toumi111!
Thanks for the intro! Good luck with your business venture!
Your MetalVPS account seems to have been provisioned! You might find your password in your home directory when you log in. Password login has been disabled, but you might need your password for sudo if/when we add sudo. Please feel free to change your password.
You should be able to get in with your ssh key via IPv4 or IPv6 using something like:
ssh [email protected] -p 42365
When you have time, I would appreciate it if you would try logging in and then please do let us know if it works.
While I am waiting to find out whether your login succeeds, I will reread all the Frequently Asked Questions on your company's pricing page. Maybe I can figure out a way to add Command Line Advertising ("CLA") to MetalVPS.
Just kidding! 
Good luck on the server! Have fun!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Sweet. I will try that tomorrow. Thank you @Not_Oles
thank you Tom I've logged in successfully
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Excellent! Thank you for your report!
Accounts provisioned for @Fritz and @gomi. Login info sent via PM. Have fun! Best wishes!
Nice. How does this work?
Hi @geo! Welcome to LES! Thanks for posting!
Please read the original post in this thread at https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/5054/free-alpine-linux-shell-accounts
It's also okay to read the full two pages of the thread.
Then please feel free to make another post if you still have any questions. Thanks again!
Best wishes!
Hi Tom,
I have login successfully.
Excellent! Glad it works for you!