@msatt said:
It all comes down to balance and I am sure @ehab is balanced enough to know when it is appropriate.
This is the issue. What is appropriate is also subjective; just like the rule "don't be a dick" is subjective to how the meaning of "dick" is perceived by each and every unique person. Unfortunately, the red lines will have to be drawn by moderators on a case-by-case basis through warnings and/or bans. What one perceives as joke, another one finds offensive; it's just how individuals are unique in their DNA - these cases represent the hard part of being a moderator because moderators are in the middle of such flags, as expectations might sometimes be too high.
Devil's Advocate..
Admittedly IT is a male dominated environment and most forums reflect this, in content, style and character. The OGF must really alienate the "fairer sex" and LES is following suit, from what I read. A balanced approach to the forum, should take gender into account but not pander to the snowflakes.
@AlwaysSkint said:
Devil's Advocate..
Admittedly IT is a male dominated environment and most forums reflect this, in content, style and character. The OGF must really alienate the "fairer sex" and LES is following suit, from what I read. A balanced approach to the forum, should take gender into account but not pander to the snowflakes.
So... you would want me to change my gender? Is this what you're saying?
@AlwaysSkint said:
Devil's Advocate..
Admittedly IT is a male dominated environment and most forums reflect this, in content, style and character. The OGF must really alienate the "fairer sex" and LES is following suit, from what I read. A balanced approach to the forum, should take gender into account but not pander to the snowflakes.
Maybe we could have a voluntary 'snowflake' badge so everyone knows who the easily triggered are and this of us who like to deploy 'bants' can make sure we make comments that won't infringe on their mental health?
@AlwaysSkint said:
Devil's Advocate..
Admittedly IT is a male dominated environment and most forums reflect this, in content, style and character. The OGF must really alienate the "fairer sex" and LES is following suit, from what I read. A balanced approach to the forum, should take gender into account but not pander to the snowflakes.
Maybe we could have a voluntary 'snowflake' badge so everyone knows who the easily triggered are and this of us who like to deploy 'bants' can make sure we make comments that won't infringe on their mental health?
No. This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels. It's like taking away other options from them to favour a specific option. People don't like labels, any labels, especially snowflakes. This in itself becomes a trigger for drama.
People do however like compliments and good words, so it would have to be done in such a way that the snowflake is not actually defined as a snowflake, but a very nice and diplomatic person which likes emotions and contradictions just in theory.
Writing this... I think I might become a snowflake too. Oh man!
@AlwaysSkint said:
Devil's Advocate..
Admittedly IT is a male dominated environment and most forums reflect this, in content, style and character. The OGF must really alienate the "fairer sex" and LES is following suit, from what I read. A balanced approach to the forum, should take gender into account but not pander to the snowflakes.
Maybe we could have a voluntary 'snowflake' badge so everyone knows who the easily triggered are and this of us who like to deploy 'bants' can make sure we make comments that won't infringe on their mental health?
No. This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels. It's like taking away other options from them to favour a specific option. People don't like labels, any labels, especially snowflakes. This in itself becomes a trigger for drama.
People do however like compliments and good words, so it would have to be done in such a way that the snowflake is not actually defined as a snowflake, but a very nice and diplomatic person which likes emotions and contradictions just in theory.
Writing this... I think I might become a snowflake too. Oh man!
@AlwaysSkint said:
Devil's Advocate..
Admittedly IT is a male dominated environment and most forums reflect this, in content, style and character. The OGF must really alienate the "fairer sex" and LES is following suit, from what I read. A balanced approach to the forum, should take gender into account but not pander to the snowflakes.
Maybe we could have a voluntary 'snowflake' badge so everyone knows who the easily triggered are and this of us who like to deploy 'bants' can make sure we make comments that won't infringe on their mental health?
No. This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels. It's like taking away other options from them to favour a specific option. People don't like labels, any labels, especially snowflakes. This in itself becomes a trigger for drama.
People do however like compliments and good words, so it would have to be done in such a way that the snowflake is not actually defined as a snowflake, but a very nice and diplomatic person which likes emotions and contradictions just in theory.
Writing this... I think I might become a snowflake too. Oh man!
Apply for the tag.
But what if I am not a snowflake?! How can I know for sure?!
I do not wish to deceive other "creme de la creme" members of this refined low-end community.
@AlwaysSkint said:
Devil's Advocate..
Admittedly IT is a male dominated environment and most forums reflect this, in content, style and character. The OGF must really alienate the "fairer sex" and LES is following suit, from what I read. A balanced approach to the forum, should take gender into account but not pander to the snowflakes.
Maybe we could have a voluntary 'snowflake' badge so everyone knows who the easily triggered are and this of us who like to deploy 'bants' can make sure we make comments that won't infringe on their mental health?
No. This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels. It's like taking away other options from them to favour a specific option. People don't like labels, any labels, especially snowflakes. This in itself becomes a trigger for drama.
People do however like compliments and good words, so it would have to be done in such a way that the snowflake is not actually defined as a snowflake, but a very nice and diplomatic person which likes emotions and contradictions just in theory.
Writing this... I think I might become a snowflake too. Oh man!
Apply for the tag.
But what if I am not a snowflake?! How can I know for sure?!
I do not wish to deceive other "creme de la creme" members of this refined low-end community.
You're definitely not flaky enough (pun intended).
Begs the question:
Do people know when they are a snowflake and/or does it only become apparent when someone else tells them so?
Purely rhetorical, as I don't give a shit.
This illustrates the point quite nicely, that depending on culture etc. merde, shizen, shit, shite, crap has varying acceptance of being swearing, even though we all do it it, feck.
This illustrates the point quite nicely, that depending on culture etc. merde, shizen, shit, shite, crap has varying acceptance of being swearing, even though we all do it it, feck.
So what words am I not allowed to say without activating my penalty? I'm unclear now.
@AlwaysSkint said:
This illustrates the point quite nicely, that depending on culture etc. merde, shizen, shit, shite, crap has varying acceptance of being swearing, even though we all do it it, feck.
This illustrates the point quite nicely, that depending on culture etc. merde, shizen, shit, shite, crap has varying acceptance of being swearing, even though we all do it it, feck.
In Serbia, we don't say "I don't give a shit," we say "my dick hurts" - and I think it's beautiful!
@root said: This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels.
But of course nobody sees it as a problem when we label threads, just because we dehumanize them first does it really make it some how better than labeling people ? We need to seriously ask our selves is it time to stop labeling threads. @Nekki time for another poll thread I think.
@root said: This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels.
But of course nobody sees it as a problem when we label threads, just because we dehumanize them first does it really make it some how better than labeling people ? We need to seriously ask our selves is it time to stop labeling threads. @Nekki time for another poll thread I think.
These are the real questions. Why won't anyone think of the mental health of a thread? We just treat them like dirt, fill them up with our words and when we're done with them, abandon them. To make it worse, sometimes people dig up their corpses months or even years later just to use them to inflate their post count and then abandon them like trash.
@root said: This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels.
But of course nobody sees it as a problem when we label threads, just because we dehumanize them first does it really make it some how better than labeling people ? We need to seriously ask our selves is it time to stop labeling threads. @Nekki time for another poll thread I think.
These are the real questions. Why won't anyone think of the mental health of a thread? We just treat them like dirt, fill them up with our words and when we're done with them, abandon them. To make is worse, sometimes people dig up their corpses months or even years later just to use them to inflate their post count and then abandon them like trash.
What animals we are.
This comment was very moving for me. So I be back it a few minutes.
@root said: This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels.
But of course nobody sees it as a problem when we label threads, just because we dehumanize them first does it really make it some how better than labeling people ? We need to seriously ask our selves is it time to stop labeling threads. @Nekki time for another poll thread I think.
These are the real questions. Why won't anyone think of the mental health of a thread? We just treat them like dirt, fill them up with our words and when we're done with them, abandon them. To make is worse, sometimes people dig up their corpses months or even years later just to use them to inflate their post count and then abandon them like trash.
What animals we are.
This comment was very moving for me. So I be back it a few minutes.
Treat yourself to some lube and a glove, have a posh one.
@root said: This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels.
But of course nobody sees it as a problem when we label threads, just because we dehumanize them first does it really make it some how better than labeling people ? We need to seriously ask our selves is it time to stop labeling threads. @Nekki time for another poll thread I think.
These are the real questions. Why won't anyone think of the mental health of a thread? We just treat them like dirt, fill them up with our words and when we're done with them, abandon them. To make is worse, sometimes people dig up their corpses months or even years later just to use them to inflate their post count and then abandon them like trash.
What animals we are.
This comment was very moving for me. So I be back it a few minutes.
This starts to get emotional, like a fuzzy Christmas filled with snowflakes.
@root said: This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels.
But of course nobody sees it as a problem when we label threads, just because we dehumanize them first does it really make it some how better than labeling people ? We need to seriously ask our selves is it time to stop labeling threads. @Nekki time for another poll thread I think.
These are the real questions. Why won't anyone think of the mental health of a thread? We just treat them like dirt, fill them up with our words and when we're done with them, abandon them. To make is worse, sometimes people dig up their corpses months or even years later just to use them to inflate their post count and then abandon them like trash.
What animals we are.
This comment was very moving for me. So I be back it a few minutes.
This starts to get emotional, like a fuzzy Christmas filled with snowflakes.
It was not that type of movement I was speaking of.
This is the issue. What is appropriate is also subjective; just like the rule "don't be a dick" is subjective to how the meaning of "dick" is perceived by each and every unique person. Unfortunately, the red lines will have to be drawn by moderators on a case-by-case basis through warnings and/or bans. What one perceives as joke, another one finds offensive; it's just how individuals are unique in their DNA - these cases represent the hard part of being a moderator because moderators are in the middle of such flags, as expectations might sometimes be too high.
Stacksocial link (aff) containing a gift of $10 after your first purchase.
Hear that @ehab someone else thinks that you're balanced too.
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
that's pants
But what kind?
Devil's Advocate..
Admittedly IT is a male dominated environment and most forums reflect this, in content, style and character. The OGF must really alienate the "fairer sex" and LES is following suit, from what I read. A balanced approach to the forum, should take gender into account but not pander to the snowflakes.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
So... you would want me to change my gender? Is this what you're saying?
Stacksocial link (aff) containing a gift of $10 after your first purchase.
Dinnae get me started on that crap!
Recently, UK has been putting forward gender recognition changes, FFS. /soapbox
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Thank you. I was worried for a few seconds.
Stacksocial link (aff) containing a gift of $10 after your first purchase.
Maybe we could have a voluntary 'snowflake' badge so everyone knows who the easily triggered are and this of us who like to deploy 'bants' can make sure we make comments that won't infringe on their mental health?
No. This would mean labelling such people, which in their eyes would take away their freedom of expression and definition without labels. It's like taking away other options from them to favour a specific option. People don't like labels, any labels, especially snowflakes. This in itself becomes a trigger for drama.
People do however like compliments and good words, so it would have to be done in such a way that the snowflake is not actually defined as a snowflake, but a very nice and diplomatic person which likes emotions and contradictions just in theory.
Writing this... I think I might become a snowflake too. Oh man!
Stacksocial link (aff) containing a gift of $10 after your first purchase.
Apply for the tag.
But what if I am not a snowflake?! How can I know for sure?!
I do not wish to deceive other "creme de la creme" members of this refined low-end community.
Stacksocial link (aff) containing a gift of $10 after your first purchase.
You're definitely not flaky enough (pun intended).
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BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews
Begs the question:
Do people know when they are a snowflake and/or does it only become apparent when someone else tells them so?
Purely rhetorical, as I don't give a shit.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Snowflakes know they are snowflakes, because they are constantly FURIOUS about it.
Since when did you start swearing?

It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Stacksocial link (aff) containing a gift of $10 after your first purchase.
If @AlwaysSkint has started swearing then LES is (un) officially "R" rated.
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
(Un)officially, please!
This illustrates the point quite nicely, that depending on culture etc. merde, shizen, shit, shite, crap has varying acceptance of being swearing, even though we all do it it, feck.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
So what words am I not allowed to say without activating my penalty? I'm unclear now.
i started to think @AlwaysSkint speaks like
In Serbia, we don't say "I don't give a shit," we say "my dick hurts" - and I think it's beautiful!
Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews
But of course nobody sees it as a problem when we label threads, just because we dehumanize them first does it really make it some how better than labeling people ? We need to seriously ask our selves is it time to stop labeling threads. @Nekki time for another poll thread I think.
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Heeelp! Can I go home now?
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
These are the real questions. Why won't anyone think of the mental health of a thread? We just treat them like dirt, fill them up with our words and when we're done with them, abandon them. To make it worse, sometimes people dig up their corpses months or even years later just to use them to inflate their post count and then abandon them like trash.
What animals we are.
This comment was very moving for me. So I be back it a few minutes.
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
Treat yourself to some lube and a glove, have a posh one.
This starts to get emotional, like a fuzzy Christmas filled with snowflakes.
Stacksocial link (aff) containing a gift of $10 after your first purchase.
It was not that type of movement I was speaking of.
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support