Hi @Nubuki! Nice to meet you! Yes, accounts remain available. Since some of us haven't yet had much chance to get to know you, maybe you might like to share a little about who and where you are plus also what you plan to do with your account? Thanks! Best wishes!
I'm a college student from Nigeria
I'm thinking of trying out a Linux system that isn't Ubuntu, debian or fedora plus it seems fun
Excellent! Wanna post or PM your ed25519 ssh public key? Thanks!
@Not_Oles said:
Hi @iaecm! Could you please share about what you are running on the server? It looks interesting! Thanks!
Sure, first I have to say the project is much interesting what I think.
I found that the server itself has public ip address and ports higher than 1024 are not forbidden by firewall. In other word, non-root user is able to bind and listen to those ports. So I use nc to setup a one http server, as it's the geek style to demonstrate that the port is accessable and public to users. The command I use is:
while true; do echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\nHello,\n\t各位seeker,现在时间是:\n\t$(TZ="UST-8" date +%c)\n\tFrom 大帅哥@nodeseek.com" | nc -l -p 2333; done
You can access this http service via curl:
curl -s
In order to keep it running in case of reboot break the service or some thing else. I use cron as simple guard process:
About setting up your nginx that you mentioned, we do have extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, so maybe you could use one or more of those. I have to look around about setting up VMs. I'm not sure that qemu works on Alpine, I'm not sure about LXC, either. I think Xen is supposed to work, but I haven't checked. As you know, this is my first time with Alpine.
Before too long I want to add more software, including a compiler and a debugger. If there are other things people want, we can install them too. Maybe change the OS at some point if people want.
Any chance you could give me some help on the question I asked about why who doesn't work?
It's nice to see someone doing something fun on the server. You made my day! Thank you!
@19930618 said:
I would also love to try one of the accounts. Thank you
Hey! Hello 19930618!
Glad to see you posting here! You're new here at LES, from April, and you only have visited a few times. Would you like, please, to introduce yourself by telling us a bit about who and where you are, your computer experience, and what you want to do on the server? Also, could you please post or PM your ed25519 public key? Thanks so much!
Well, I think you might be able to do your website on our server, but it could be a little tricky unless you have a good bit of experience. Are you planning to use a php framework? If yes, which one?
@Not_Oles said:
May I please ask how you decided on port 2333?
The number 2333 or 233 (or 233333 etc.) is Chinese version of Lol or Lmao, means big laughing. Here is a nice answer from quora FYI:
To know what 2333 means, let's get to know how 2333 comes from. In the original cat poop forum, the 233 expression is a laughing look, this expression is very common, so people often use 233 directly to express happy laughter and so on. And this word, eventually from the cat poke forum, flows to the current network environment. The founding webmaster of Mao Pu Net introduced some dynamic icons based on Yanwen from Japan as forum expressions. He added numbers to the series of expressions, ranging from 001 to 999, totaling 999. However, in daily discussions, the expressions we often use are relatively concentrated, including 011, 023, 039, 233, 253, 874 and so on. Among them, the 233 facial expression is a facial expression with a big laugh and thumping. It is commonly used to express the meaning of "it's too funny".
The expression is like this:
About who not working on alpine, I don't have too much experience on this situation neither. After all, alpine is used more in docker and personal dev case rather than server for multiple users. Maybe I dig some infomation and do some research later about it. If something helpful is found, I'll post it here.
Extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not needed, I think I can manage to use Cloudflare Origin Rules to make the (future) website work. But a compiler will be much helpful, otherwise I have to static build nginx on other machine and copy it on to here (or use caddy as http server).
Thx for your work again @Not_Oles, the process to explore the non-root alpine shell is quite enjoyable.
@iaecm said: In the original cat poop forum, the 233 expression is a laughing look
That's very funny! LOL! 233! 哈哈哈! 😸
For even more fun, I had found some pages suggesting that Port 2333 might be involved with Windows malware When I first saw port 2333, that's what I imagined you might be doing. 哈哈哈 Ersansan! 😸
I will work on the who problem a bit more, and then, if I don't get it, I will ask the guys at Alpine.
@19930618 said:
I would also love to try one of the accounts. Thank you
Hey! Hello 19930618!
Glad to see you posting here! You're new here at LES, from April, and you only have visited a few times. Would you like, please, to introduce yourself by telling us a bit about who and where you are, your computer experience, and what you want to do on the server? Also, could you please post or PM your ed25519 public key? Thanks so much!
Best wishes!
Hi Tom!
I come from China and now work in an Internet company.
I'm interested in Alpine Linux Shell. Want to learn.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID9JLXkQwQ0KJ4cVI2tVeGVH6g1iIeLD++QXS5l7FN86 root@64301888a11a
Hello Tom,
I'd like to get an account, Thanks!
I'm a developer from Egypt, I have a bit of experience with linux, some AWS knowledge
I'll use it mainly to support my regular non-business workflow (e.g testing, experimenting new tech, etc..)
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKAkkQQ60todL5py+pLVjnPw3E0kuREJNoXch3jNo5h7 used@lowend
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
I notice that @Cloudie AS924 is an upstream of this server.
Is it possible to obtain a (free) BGP session with AS924?
I recently acquired a LowEndASN and RIPE says it cannot be idle.
I'd like an LXC container, with its Ethernet adapter bridged to the physical port, to run a BGP daemon.
@yoursunny said:
I notice that @Cloudie AS924 is an upstream of this server.
Is it possible to obtain a (free) BGP session with AS924?
I recently acquired a LowEndASN and RIPE says it cannot be idle.
I'd like an LXC container, with its Ethernet adapter bridged to the physical port, to run a BGP daemon.
Hi. sounds like fun. I would like to try it out
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHgzyACucRYNEhvshqZZgBtVPxAGFCwd/FpHG8Df+o7J [email protected]
preemptively a little about me:
LInux is a hobby I started about 20 years ago. like to configure servers. apache, postfix. zfs, nextcloud, etc. I can not properly pronounce gnome vi or GNU. :-) Currently have Supermicro X8 and X9 energy hogs and an intel NUC 11 pro for htpc. Found LET and got a vm from virmach several years ago. this year came to LES to keep abreast of all the issues . Left virmach and moved to Servarica and Racknerd. Probably use your host to check routes and play around.
@19930618 said:
I would also love to try one of the accounts. Thank you
Hey! Hello 19930618!
Glad to see you posting here! You're new here at LES, from April, and you only have visited a few times. Would you like, please, to introduce yourself by telling us a bit about who and where you are, your computer experience, and what you want to do on the server? Also, could you please post or PM your ed25519 public key? Thanks so much!
Best wishes!
Hi Tom!
I come from China and now work in an Internet company.
I'm interested in Alpine Linux Shell. Want to learn.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID9JLXkQwQ0KJ4cVI2tVeGVH6g1iIeLD++QXS5l7FN86 root@64301888a11a
Your account also has a password, which you can find in a file in your home directory. You might need the password if we implement sudo. Please feel free to change your password.
Please post here to let us know whether you are able to log in.
@19930618 said:
I would also love to try one of the accounts. Thank you
Hey! Hello 19930618!
Glad to see you posting here! You're new here at LES, from April, and you only have visited a few times. Would you like, please, to introduce yourself by telling us a bit about who and where you are, your computer experience, and what you want to do on the server? Also, could you please post or PM your ed25519 public key? Thanks so much!
Best wishes!
Hi Tom!
I come from China and now work in an Internet company.
I'm interested in Alpine Linux Shell. Want to learn.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID9JLXkQwQ0KJ4cVI2tVeGVH6g1iIeLD++QXS5l7FN86 root@64301888a11a
Your account also has a password, which you can find in a file in your home directory. You might need the password if we implement sudo. Please feel free to change your password.
Please post here to let us know whether you are able to log in.
I hope you have a lot of fun on the server!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Tom hi!
I can't log in. The key should be correct. [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
hello this is nice and looks fun. i would love to try it
i am considered a baby when it comes to knowing stuff about linux since i just installed it as my desktop os 2-3 yrs ago
i've been having fun learning how to set up servers and securing them, host game servers, web services, hosting my own vpn and discord bots for myself. all those baby things.
i've been using digital ocean / linode / gcp / aws before until i decided to check out LES this year and found some goodies using a VPS from some hosting providers i found here. (gullo hosting and advinservers so far)
i want to get deeper and learn more stuff
Since the thread derailed some days ago, let us (once again) acknowledge the fine work by @Not_Oles. Courtesy chatGPT.
Can you write a story of the New Yorker in Mexico who offered free shell accounts to LowEndSpirit
Sure, here is a fictional story about a New Yorker in Mexico who offered free shell accounts to LowEndSpirit:
Once upon a time, there was a young New Yorker named Jack who had always been fascinated by technology and the endless possibilities it offered. So, when he graduated from college, Jack decided to follow his dreams and start a business in the tech industry.
After much research and planning, Jack decided to move to Mexico and open a small server hosting company and posted on an online community called LowEndSpirit. He quickly gained a reputation for providing fast, reliable, and affordable service to his customers.
As Jack's business grew, he began to receive more and more requests for shell accounts, which allow users to remotely access and manage servers. Sensing an opportunity, Jack decided to offer free shell accounts to his customers as a way to attract new business and show his appreciation for their loyalty.
At first, Jack was nervous about giving away such a valuable service for free, but he knew that it was the right thing to do. And as it turned out, his decision paid off in a big way.
Customers flocked to LowEndSpirit, and his company's popularity soared. Jack's innovative approach to business had earned him a loyal and growing customer base, and he was thrilled to see his company thrive.
In the end, Jack's generosity and commitment to excellence had paid off in a big way, and he knew that he had made the right decision in offering free shell accounts to his customers. He was proud of the company he had built and grateful for the opportunity to serve others in the tech industry. The end
Note: AI recognizes Not_Oles as young.
Minor editorial inputs by yours truly mentioned in italics
@aasim said:
Hello Tom,
I'd like to get an account, Thanks!
I'm a developer from Egypt, I have a bit of experience with linux, some AWS knowledge
I'll use it mainly to support my regular non-business workflow (e.g testing, experimenting new tech, etc..)
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKAkkQQ60todL5py+pLVjnPw3E0kuREJNoXch3jNo5h7 used@lowend
Password login has been disabled. But your account still has a password which you might need if we enable sudo. You can find your password in a file in your home directory. Please feel free to change your password.
When you get a chance, please let us know whether you can login successfully. If there is anything you need or if you have any questions, please feel free to post here in the thread.
Welcome yet again! I hope you have fun on the server!
@19930618 said:
I would also love to try one of the accounts. Thank you
Hey! Hello 19930618!
Glad to see you posting here! You're new here at LES, from April, and you only have visited a few times. Would you like, please, to introduce yourself by telling us a bit about who and where you are, your computer experience, and what you want to do on the server? Also, could you please post or PM your ed25519 public key? Thanks so much!
Best wishes!
Hi Tom!
I come from China and now work in an Internet company.
I'm interested in Alpine Linux Shell. Want to learn.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID9JLXkQwQ0KJ4cVI2tVeGVH6g1iIeLD++QXS5l7FN86 root@64301888a11a
Your account also has a password, which you can find in a file in your home directory. You might need the password if we implement sudo. Please feel free to change your password.
Please post here to let us know whether you are able to log in.
I hope you have a lot of fun on the server!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Tom hi!
I can't log in. The key should be correct. [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
Sorry to hear that you cannot login!
I double checked your home directory, .ssh subdirectory and the authorized_keys file. Everything seemed okay.
I added my key to the authorized keys file, and I couldn't login as you either.
I ran ssh with the -v flag, and there were a couple of lines that I haven't seen before.
So I still am looking into this. Having a clueless™ guy as admin isn't good sometimes. I will look around some more and see what I can learn. Apologies! And thanks for your patience!
@19930618 said:
I would also love to try one of the accounts. Thank you
Hey! Hello 19930618!
Glad to see you posting here! You're new here at LES, from April, and you only have visited a few times. Would you like, please, to introduce yourself by telling us a bit about who and where you are, your computer experience, and what you want to do on the server? Also, could you please post or PM your ed25519 public key? Thanks so much!
Best wishes!
Hi Tom!
I come from China and now work in an Internet company.
I'm interested in Alpine Linux Shell. Want to learn.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID9JLXkQwQ0KJ4cVI2tVeGVH6g1iIeLD++QXS5l7FN86 root@64301888a11a
Your account also has a password, which you can find in a file in your home directory. You might need the password if we implement sudo. Please feel free to change your password.
Please post here to let us know whether you are able to log in.
I hope you have a lot of fun on the server!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Tom hi!
I can't log in. The key should be correct. [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
Sorry to hear that you cannot login!
I double checked your home directory, .ssh subdirectory and the authorized_keys file. Everything seemed okay.
I added my key to the authorized keys file, and I couldn't login as you either.
I ran ssh with the -v flag, and there were a couple of lines that I haven't seen before.
So I still am looking into this. Having a clueless™ guy as admin isn't good sometimes. I will look around some more and see what I can learn. Apologies! And thanks for your patience!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi Tom!
I also feel strange. I have re created the key pair. Can you help me update it?
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFl6ENJuEvBfileIfG4c1v01wrR3Vh7oLNbq7NmVGbOt root@izj6cir96eip2zf2ptminaz
@19930618 said:
I would also love to try one of the accounts. Thank you
Hey! Hello 19930618!
Glad to see you posting here! You're new here at LES, from April, and you only have visited a few times. Would you like, please, to introduce yourself by telling us a bit about who and where you are, your computer experience, and what you want to do on the server? Also, could you please post or PM your ed25519 public key? Thanks so much!
Best wishes!
Hi Tom!
I come from China and now work in an Internet company.
I'm interested in Alpine Linux Shell. Want to learn.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID9JLXkQwQ0KJ4cVI2tVeGVH6g1iIeLD++QXS5l7FN86 root@64301888a11a
Your account also has a password, which you can find in a file in your home directory. You might need the password if we implement sudo. Please feel free to change your password.
Please post here to let us know whether you are able to log in.
I hope you have a lot of fun on the server!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Tom hi!
I can't log in. The key should be correct. [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
Sorry to hear that you cannot login!
I double checked your home directory, .ssh subdirectory and the authorized_keys file. Everything seemed okay.
I added my key to the authorized keys file, and I couldn't login as you either.
I ran ssh with the -v flag, and there were a couple of lines that I haven't seen before.
So I still am looking into this. Having a clueless™ guy as admin isn't good sometimes. I will look around some more and see what I can learn. Apologies! And thanks for your patience!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi Tom!
I also feel strange. I have re created the key pair. Can you help me update it?
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFl6ENJuEvBfileIfG4c1v01wrR3Vh7oLNbq7NmVGbOt root@izj6cir96eip2zf2ptminaz
Updated. If you can't log in, please try ssh with the -v flag and send me the output at the email address on my profile. Thanks!
@yoursunny said:
I notice that @Cloudie AS924 is an upstream of this server.
Is it possible to obtain a (free) BGP session with AS924?
I recently acquired a LowEndASN and RIPE says it cannot be idle.
I'd like an LXC container, with its Ethernet adapter bridged to the physical port, to run a BGP daemon.
Hi @yoursunny! I don't know if it is possible to obtain a free BGP session with AS924. I am delighted to ask @Cloudie for you if you would like me to do so. He's pretty good about getting back to me. Would you like me to ask him? Best wishes! Tom
@majokko said:
hello this is nice and looks fun. i would love to try it
i am considered a baby when it comes to knowing stuff about linux since i just installed it as my desktop os 2-3 yrs ago
i've been having fun learning how to set up servers and securing them, host game servers, web services, hosting my own vpn and discord bots for myself. all those baby things.
i've been using digital ocean / linode / gcp / aws before until i decided to check out LES this year and found some goodies using a VPS from some hosting providers i found here. (gullo hosting and advinservers so far)
i want to get deeper and learn more stuff
Your account also has a password. Password login has been disabled, but you might need your password if we implement sudo.
When you get a chance to try to login, please let us know whether login works for you.
I enjoyed the friendly message you wrote! Thanks for taking the extra time to provide the details! I hope you have fun on the server! Please don't hesitate to post any questions you have.
Pmed (in case you missed the previous message)
A php blog. It's like a wordpress.
I would also love to try one of the accounts. Thank you
Sure, first I have to say the project is much interesting what I think.
I found that the server itself has public ip address and ports higher than 1024 are not forbidden by firewall. In other word, non-root user is able to bind and listen to those ports. So I use nc to setup a one http server, as it's the geek style to demonstrate that the port is accessable and public to users. The command I use is:
You can access this http service via curl:
In order to keep it running in case of reboot break the service or some thing else. I use cron as simple guard process:
So, that's it.
In fact, I plan to compile a local nginx when I have some free time, and maybe code some python/nodejs program to play as well.
Some some notice:
It's better to change the read property for user home after first login, if user is careful about they file list.
Otherwise, curious people like me and @Not_Oles may read your file list by:
And do not use password as commandline arguments as other users could see it by default.
Hi @iaecm!
Thanks for your report!
About setting up your nginx that you mentioned, we do have extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, so maybe you could use one or more of those. I have to look around about setting up VMs. I'm not sure that qemu works on Alpine, I'm not sure about LXC, either. I think Xen is supposed to work, but I haven't checked. As you know, this is my first time with Alpine.
Before too long I want to add more software, including a compiler and a debugger. If there are other things people want, we can install them too. Maybe change the OS at some point if people want.
Any chance you could give me some help on the question I asked about why
doesn't work?It's nice to see someone doing something fun on the server. You made my day! Thank you!
Best wishes!
Hey! Hello 19930618!
Glad to see you posting here! You're new here at LES, from April, and you only have visited a few times. Would you like, please, to introduce yourself by telling us a bit about who and where you are, your computer experience, and what you want to do on the server? Also, could you please post or PM your ed25519 public key? Thanks so much!
Best wishes!
Hi tssz2022!
Well, I think you might be able to do your website on our server, but it could be a little tricky unless you have a good bit of experience. Are you planning to use a php framework? If yes, which one?
Thanks for posting!
Best wishes!
Oh, I forgot something! To add to my above reply to @iaecm:
May I please ask how you decided on port 2333?
Thanks!
The number 2333 or 233 (or 233333 etc.) is Chinese version of Lol or Lmao, means big laughing. Here is a nice answer from quora FYI:
The expression is like this:

About who not working on alpine, I don't have too much experience on this situation neither. After all, alpine is used more in docker and personal dev case rather than server for multiple users. Maybe I dig some infomation and do some research later about it. If something helpful is found, I'll post it here.
Extra IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not needed, I think I can manage to use Cloudflare Origin Rules to make the (future) website work. But a compiler will be much helpful, otherwise I have to static build nginx on other machine and copy it on to here (or use caddy as http server).
Thx for your work again @Not_Oles, the process to explore the non-root alpine shell is quite enjoyable.
That's very funny! LOL! 233! 哈哈哈! 😸
For even more fun, I had found some pages suggesting that Port 2333 might be involved with Windows malware When I first saw port 2333, that's what I imagined you might be doing. 哈哈哈 Ersansan! 😸
I will work on the
problem a bit more, and then, if I don't get it, I will ask the guys at Alpine.Thanks again! Kindest regards from Sonora!
I've not tried QEMU but LXC works fine. I run a number of LXC containers on Alpine.
Hi Tom!
I come from China and now work in an Internet company.
I'm interested in Alpine Linux Shell. Want to learn.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID9JLXkQwQ0KJ4cVI2tVeGVH6g1iIeLD++QXS5l7FN86 root@64301888a11a
Hello Tom,
I'd like to get an account, Thanks!
I'm a developer from Egypt, I have a bit of experience with linux, some AWS knowledge
I'll use it mainly to support my regular non-business workflow (e.g testing, experimenting new tech, etc..)
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKAkkQQ60todL5py+pLVjnPw3E0kuREJNoXch3jNo5h7 used@lowend
It's kind of amusing to see how suddenly, people emerge from nowhere when there's a freebie to be had
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
I notice that @Cloudie AS924 is an upstream of this server.
Is it possible to obtain a (free) BGP session with AS924?
I recently acquired a LowEndASN and RIPE says it cannot be idle.
I'd like an LXC container, with its Ethernet adapter bridged to the physical port, to run a BGP daemon.
Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
You can setup BGP multihop to announce your IP addresses to AS924. Don't need bridging.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
Hi. sounds like fun. I would like to try it out
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHgzyACucRYNEhvshqZZgBtVPxAGFCwd/FpHG8Df+o7J [email protected]
preemptively a little about me:
LInux is a hobby I started about 20 years ago. like to configure servers. apache, postfix. zfs, nextcloud, etc. I can not properly pronounce gnome vi or GNU. :-) Currently have Supermicro X8 and X9 energy hogs and an intel NUC 11 pro for htpc. Found LET and got a vm from virmach several years ago. this year came to LES to keep abreast of all the issues . Left virmach and moved to Servarica and Racknerd. Probably use your host to check routes and play around.
thanks for your effort on the communities behalf
I think rootless podman will work better.
Hi Keith!
Thanks for sharing your experience! I appreciate your taking time to share!
Hi @19930618!
Welcome to MetalVPS! Your free Alpine Linux shell account has been provisioned!
The ssh port has been changed from 22 to 42365. You should be able to get in by IPv4 or by IPv6 with something like:
ssh [email protected] -p 42365
Your account also has a password, which you can find in a file in your home directory. You might need the password if we implement
. Please feel free to change your password.Please post here to let us know whether you are able to log in.
I hope you have a lot of fun on the server!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Tom hi!
I can't log in. The key should be correct.
[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
hello this is nice and looks fun. i would love to try it
i am considered a baby
when it comes to knowing stuff about linux since i just installed it as my desktop os 2-3 yrs ago
i've been having fun learning how to set up servers and securing them, host game servers, web services, hosting my own vpn and discord bots for myself. all those baby things.
i've been using digital ocean / linode / gcp / aws before until i decided to check out LES this year and found some goodies using a VPS from some hosting providers i found here. (gullo hosting and advinservers so far)
i want to get deeper and learn more stuff
here is my key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHW5f7qfSlC4Yw8IU3PKmCkEzwY00cb7wU645nnMkYMN mimi
Since the thread derailed some days ago, let us (once again) acknowledge the fine work by @Not_Oles. Courtesy chatGPT.
Can you write a story of the New Yorker in Mexico who offered free shell accounts to LowEndSpirit
Sure, here is a fictional story about a New Yorker in Mexico who offered free shell accounts to LowEndSpirit:
Once upon a time, there was a young New Yorker named Jack who had always been fascinated by technology and the endless possibilities it offered. So, when he graduated from college, Jack decided to follow his dreams and start a business in the tech industry.
After much research and planning, Jack decided to move to Mexico and open a small server hosting company and posted on an online community called LowEndSpirit. He quickly gained a reputation for providing fast, reliable, and affordable service to his customers.
As Jack's business grew, he began to receive more and more requests for shell accounts, which allow users to remotely access and manage servers. Sensing an opportunity, Jack decided to offer free shell accounts to his customers as a way to attract new business and show his appreciation for their loyalty.
At first, Jack was nervous about giving away such a valuable service for free, but he knew that it was the right thing to do. And as it turned out, his decision paid off in a big way.
Customers flocked to LowEndSpirit, and his company's popularity soared. Jack's innovative approach to business had earned him a loyal and growing customer base, and he was thrilled to see his company thrive.
In the end, Jack's generosity and commitment to excellence had paid off in a big way, and he knew that he had made the right decision in offering free shell accounts to his customers. He was proud of the company he had built and grateful for the opportunity to serve others in the tech industry. The end
Note: AI recognizes Not_Oles as young.
Minor editorial inputs by yours truly mentioned in italics
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
Hi @aasim!
Welcome to MetalVPS! Your account has been provisioned!
The ssh port has been changed from 22 to 42365. Using your ssh key, you should be able to log in over IPv4 or IPv6 with something like:
ssh [email protected] -p 42365
Password login has been disabled. But your account still has a password which you might need if we enable
. You can find your password in a file in your home directory. Please feel free to change your password.When you get a chance, please let us know whether you can login successfully. If there is anything you need or if you have any questions, please feel free to post here in the thread.
Welcome yet again! I hope you have fun on the server!
Best wishes and kindest regards!
Sorry to hear that you cannot login!
I double checked your home directory, .ssh subdirectory and the authorized_keys file. Everything seemed okay.
I added my key to the authorized keys file, and I couldn't login as you either.
I ran ssh with the -v flag, and there were a couple of lines that I haven't seen before.
So I still am looking into this. Having a clueless™ guy as admin isn't good sometimes. I will look around some more and see what I can learn. Apologies! And thanks for your patience!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi Tom!
I also feel strange. I have re created the key pair. Can you help me update it?
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFl6ENJuEvBfileIfG4c1v01wrR3Vh7oLNbq7NmVGbOt root@izj6cir96eip2zf2ptminaz
Updated. If you can't log in, please try ssh with the -v flag and send me the output at the email address on my profile. Thanks!
Hi @yoursunny! I don't know if it is possible to obtain a free BGP session with AS924. I am delighted to ask @Cloudie for you if you would like me to do so. He's pretty good about getting back to me. Would you like me to ask him? Best wishes! Tom
Hi @majokko!
Welcome to MetalVPS' Free Alpine shell. Your account has been provisioned!
The ssh port has been changed from 22 to 42365. Using your ssh key, you should be able to get in via IPv4 or IPv6 with something like:
ssh [email protected] -p 42365
Your account also has a password. Password login has been disabled, but you might need your password if we implement
.When you get a chance to try to login, please let us know whether login works for you.
I enjoyed the friendly message you wrote! Thanks for taking the extra time to provide the details! I hope you have fun on the server! Please don't hesitate to post any questions you have.
Best wishes and kindest regards!