TERRAHOST | Colocation Special in Norway! Electricity pricing LOCKED!
Terrahost has been able to lock in a 7 year deal on electricity that gives us predictability and we'll be able to provide Colocation in our Norway datacenter at a reasonable price, with a guarantee that we will NOT raise prices!
About us:
Terrahost is a hosting provider founded in 2006 located in Sandefjord, Norway. We own and operate our own datacenters in Norway. We also have locations in Amsterdam and Kansas City.
https://lg.terrahost.com/ - Sandefjord, Norway
https://lg.kc-us.terrahost.com/ - Kansas City, USA
https://lg.ams-nl.terrahost.com/ - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
AS Info: https://bgp.he.net/AS56655
BGP session: Yes, automated through ENIGMA
Recurring: Yes
Altibox (Norway)
GTT (Norway, US, Amsterdam)
Lightedge (US)
FSIX - Sandefjord (10G)
NIX1 - Oslo (10G)
FIXO - Oslo (10G)
DATAIX - Stockholm (20G)
DATAIX-UA - Stockholm (20G)
Global-IX - Stockholm (20G)
SOLIX - Stockholm (10G)
STHIX - Stockholm (10G)
KCIX - Kansas City (10G)
AMS-IX - Amsterdam (100G)
ERA-IX - Amsterdam (100G)
FSIX - Locally in our facilities, free 1G / 10G ports (https://fsix.no)
Single server colocation:
1U Colo - 175W - 100TB @ 1Gbps - €49/mo
2U Colo - 175W - 100TB @ 1Gbps - €59/mo
3U Colo - 175W - 100TB @ 1Gbps - €69/mo
4U Colo - 175W - 100TB @ 1Gbps - €79/mo
€12.5/mo per 100W additional power
€10/mo for a 10G port
Full rack colocation:
42U Rack - 1kW - 1Gbps Unmetered @ 10G Port - €499/mo (Setup fee €400)
€100/mo per 1kW additional power
To order please open a ticket or send a PM!
Is it green power or is it so w/o saying in Norway?
Yes its all hydro power.
Locked price is it good or not? Ele prices fluctuate and in the long run locked price folks will loose more.
The fixed price is higher than normal pre-war and Europe energy crisis, but for us its predictability is worth more. We can't sell colocation when prices fluctuate 10x within a month. With this deal we can guarantee no price change for the next 7 years on electricity.
Might want to remove Lagos
FroCDN Files - Anonymously upload up to 15GB per file for free with unlimited bandwidth. FroCDN Paste - Paste text to share with others, fork of Hastebin. Also completely free to use.
Devil's lawyer:
What do you guarantee the prices with?
I.e. if the prices go up after all, what happens with the customers?
Or if the prices remain the same, but you get the supply at that price cut out?
Does your TOS state any compensation if that happens? If not - then it's not a guarantee, but a promise (which I have no reason to doubt, but it's not a guarantee).
Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews
We have a fixed price deal with the government directly. Nothing will change in that period
The prices may go up overall, but the large portion of our increased costs have been electricity.
The inflation from 2010 till 2021 in Norway was on average 2.4% annually, and we never raised prices, until summer of this year. Its pretty safe to say that we will guarantee mentioned prices now that we got electricity locked in.
Does this also mean that existing KVM customers will not get price increases - due to energy on their renewals (apologies for not being directly related to colo). As my last renewal increased by 10%.
Correct. We've secured current use and then some. We will buy new contracts later if needed.
Forgot to mention, free rack and stack
What sort of rack, big boi?
Its yuge.
It's hard.