@natvps_uk said:
I’m looking for a little bit of help from our clients in China.
We’re looking at ways to allow orders from China again and we have a few options but I need to get a few things clarified.
Is cryptocurrency widely used within China?
To prevent chargeback fraud this is looking like the best option.
Would a location such as Romania, Netherlands or Bulgaria be suitable or is UK/US a must?
Would Hong Kong be preferable over European locations?
Is IPv4 a must? Would there be a market for IPv6 only services within China?
Alipay is a payment method specially provided to Chinese users by foreign service providers. Alipay will not be as easy to initiate 'dispute' as PayPal. If the service charge of Alipay is similar to that of PayPal, it would be a good choice.
Hong Kong is the best choice for Chinese users.If you provide a cheap and stable Hong Kong nat server, even if you use cryptocurrency, a payment method that is not often used by Chinese people, users will find ways to pay (for example, ask someone else to pay on behalf of them)
Other vendors' Hong Kong nat server price reference.
HK NAT Server
8.2USD /yr
1 vCPU (E5-2660V2)
512 MB RAM
1000 GB Bandwidth
IPV6*1 (HK IP)
1000Mbps Network
SG NAT Server
1 vCPU (E5-2680V2)
512 MB RAM
500 GB Bandwidth
IPV6*1 (HK IP)
1000Mbps Network
These are the usual prices.The price of Black Five will be lower.
Some Chinese users are very disgusting. They do something harmful to others but not beneficial to themselves every day.
Here's what a hostloc user said.
It means.
Every time I buy Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore nat, I will block IPv4 by GFW through some means.This will make other users uncomfortable, because they cannot use IPV4 to access.
@natvps_uk said:
I’m looking for a little bit of help from our clients in China.
We’re looking at ways to allow orders from China again and we have a few options but I need to get a few things clarified.
Is cryptocurrency widely used within China?
To prevent chargeback fraud this is looking like the best option.
Would a location such as Romania, Netherlands or Bulgaria be suitable or is UK/US a must?
Would Hong Kong be preferable over European locations?
Is IPv4 a must? Would there be a market for IPv6 only services within China?
Accept Alipay, it can be accepted through Stripe and it's one of the most popular payment methods in China. It is impossible for clients from China to chargeback via Alipay, and all payments are final. You can configure Stripe Checkout to only accept payments through AliPay.
Most people from China want APAC, so Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, etc. Although, there is still a market for cheap services in US/EU. Most Chinese clients are looking for good connectivity to China with minimal packet loss.
FroCDN Files - Anonymously upload up to 15GB per file for free with unlimited bandwidth. FroCDN Paste - Paste text to share with others, fork of Hastebin. Also completely free to use.
@natvps_uk said:
I’m looking for a little bit of help from our clients in China.
We’re looking at ways to allow orders from China again and we have a few options but I need to get a few things clarified.
Is cryptocurrency widely used within China?
To prevent chargeback fraud this is looking like the best option.
Would a location such as Romania, Netherlands or Bulgaria be suitable or is UK/US a must?
Would Hong Kong be preferable over European locations?
Is IPv4 a must? Would there be a market for IPv6 only services within China?
Are cryptocurrencies widely used in China?
No, China bans cryptocurrencies.
Will Hong Kong be more popular than European locations?
Ranking: Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea
Individual Canada, the United Kingdom, and Russia are also possible, preferably Hong Kong and Singapore
Is IPv4 required? Will there be a pure IPv6 service market in China?
ipv4 is not necessary, you can use ipv6 connection,
Unblocking Netflix is a must
@natvps_uk said:
I’m looking for a little bit of help from our clients in China.
We’re looking at ways to allow orders from China again and we have a few options but I need to get a few things clarified.
Is cryptocurrency widely used within China?
To prevent chargeback fraud this is looking like the best option.
Would a location such as Romania, Netherlands or Bulgaria be suitable or is UK/US a must?
Would Hong Kong be preferable over European locations?
Is IPv4 a must? Would there be a market for IPv6 only services within China?
Cryptocurrency is baned in law now, Alipay may be a good choice.
Any location is accepted, not UK/US only.
Hongkong is preferable over European locations, but Hongkong maybe have more costs than European locations.
Shared ipv4 should be connected by any location, not ipv6 only.
Thank you
Ok people something else you have to realize is the cost of IPs. If it gets banned by anyone on a nat IP it bans it for everyone. So the person selling the service has to change that IP to make people happy. When he does he changes for everyone using it as well. This not only cost him an IP but the time as well to pay someone to do it for him.
So I will give you an example A hoster offers a nat package for 10 year. He has 20 clients on that plan. He makes 200 a year right? Wrong, because he had to pay for the IP, the server, the people to put it all together. So let's say it costs 150 to do all that. The Hoster is making 50 dollars a year. Seems ok right? He is making money until someone burns that IP. Now he is flooded with tickets that someone has to handle so he pays someone to handle them. That will eat that 50 up, but wait there is more.
He also has to pay someone to change that IP plus he has to pay for the IP itself. At this point it is not viable for the hoster, as a business to keep going. He is going in the negative to keep this service up and running and that makes no sense what so ever no matter what country you live in.
Just my thoughts on it and does not mean a thing in the grand scheme of life.
@AuroraZero said:
Ok people something else you have to realize is the cost of IPs. If it gets banned by anyone on a nat IP it bans it for everyone. So the person selling the service has to change that IP to make people happy. When he does he changes for everyone using it as well. This not only cost him an IP but the time as well to pay someone to do it for him.
So I will give you an example A hoster offers a nat package for 10 year. He has 20 clients on that plan. He makes 200 a year right? Wrong, because he had to pay for the IP, the server, the people to put it all together. So let's say it costs 150 to do all that. The Hoster is making 50 dollars a year. Seems ok right? He is making money until someone burns that IP. Now he is flooded with tickets that someone has to handle so he pays someone to handle them. That will eat that 50 up, but wait there is more.
He also has to pay someone to change that IP plus he has to pay for the IP itself. At this point it is not viable for the hoster, as a business to keep going. He is going in the negative to keep this service up and running and that makes no sense what so ever no matter what country you live in.
Just my thoughts on it and does not mean a thing in the grand scheme of life.
This is absolutely it, then factor in the costs of the billing panel, PayPal fees, credit card fees and development fees of the Micronode panel.
The amount of time and resources it takes to stop our servers getting suspended when we have someone abusing the service.
The 3am reactive responses to suspend a VPS that is being used for hosting DMCA protected content when the providers are threatening to turn off our servers.
It’s a constant battle and sadly most of this abuse comes from China.
That doesn’t mean all clients within China are bad actors, we have hundreds of clients that reside in China that are great! But it’s a fine balance between being profitable and upsetting clients and we’re trying our best to balance that.
We’re looking at creating a sister company, new billing panel with a payment method where it is impossible to charge back.
Nodes with a higher IP count where all VPS are accessed over a DNS record rather than an IP address meaning we can swap out IPs without clients having to care about them.
Little Fraud protection but locations where abuse is more tolerated to allow us time to clean up the mess left by some clients without the constant threat of our servers being terminated.
Absolutely no support, they will be priced between £3-£5 per year and support is simply not profitable.
This is something that will be setup in the next few months but I can guarantee it won’t please everyone!
@AuroraZero said:
Ok people something else you have to realize is the cost of IPs. If it gets banned by anyone on a nat IP it bans it for everyone. So the person selling the service has to change that IP to make people happy. When he does he changes for everyone using it as well. This not only cost him an IP but the time as well to pay someone to do it for him.
So I will give you an example A hoster offers a nat package for 10 year. He has 20 clients on that plan. He makes 200 a year right? Wrong, because he had to pay for the IP, the server, the people to put it all together. So let's say it costs 150 to do all that. The Hoster is making 50 dollars a year. Seems ok right? He is making money until someone burns that IP. Now he is flooded with tickets that someone has to handle so he pays someone to handle them. That will eat that 50 up, but wait there is more.
He also has to pay someone to change that IP plus he has to pay for the IP itself. At this point it is not viable for the hoster, as a business to keep going. He is going in the negative to keep this service up and running and that makes no sense what so ever no matter what country you live in.
Just my thoughts on it and does not mean a thing in the grand scheme of life.
This is absolutely it, then factor in the costs of the billing panel, PayPal fees, credit card fees and development fees of the Micronode panel.
The amount of time and resources it takes to stop our servers getting suspended when we have someone abusing the service.
The 3am reactive responses to suspend a VPS that is being used for hosting DMCA protected content when the providers are threatening to turn off our servers.
It’s a constant battle and sadly most of this abuse comes from China.
That doesn’t mean all clients within China are bad actors, we have hundreds of clients that reside in China that are great! But it’s a fine balance between being profitable and upsetting clients and we’re trying our best to balance that.
We’re looking at creating a sister company, new billing panel with a payment method where it is impossible to charge back.
Nodes with a higher IP count where all VPS are accessed over a DNS record rather than an IP address meaning we can swap out IPs without clients having to care about them.
Little Fraud protection but locations where abuse is more tolerated to allow us time to clean up the mess left by some clients without the constant threat of our servers being terminated.
Absolutely no support, they will be priced between £3-£5 per year and support is simply not profitable.
This is something that will be setup in the next few months but I can guarantee it won’t please everyone!
Never going to please everyone my friend. That is a losing battle from the onset. The main problem I see in doing what you are proposing is the initial cost factor involved for so little profit. In the end YES it is about profit and being able to make a living. You have to be able to pay your bills as well. If you don't take care yourself you can not help anyone.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
@natvps_uk said:
I’m looking for a little bit of help from our clients in China.
We’re looking at ways to allow orders from China again and we have a few options but I need to get a few things clarified.
Is cryptocurrency widely used within China?
To prevent chargeback fraud this is looking like the best option.
Would a location such as Romania, Netherlands or Bulgaria be suitable or is UK/US a must?
Would Hong Kong be preferable over European locations?
Is IPv4 a must? Would there be a market for IPv6 only services within China?
I'm Chinese
Our favorite server is located in Hong Kong
It will be very popular if it is priced under $8
Alipay is the most popular payment tool in China
Yes stock is split, there is no way for us to automatically update whmcs to show when an item is out of stock therefore the maximum amount of available stock in the Micronode panel is the total free resource minus the amount of stock available for VPS’.
Yes stock is split, there is no way for us to automatically update whmcs to show when an item is out of stock therefore the maximum amount of available stock in the Micronode panel is the total free resource minus the amount of stock available for VPS’.
Finland will be restocked in the new year.
Got it.
I need to monitor the stok now.
Btw, I have submitted manual/self migration request as told in your post.
All VMs on the following node: uk-1.nat.natvps.uk will be migrated to a new node on January 28th 2023.
How do I know if I am on this node?
Your private IPv4 Address will be on the following subnet: 10.100.1.x
Why is this migration taking place?
The current server is old, we purchased this server when NatVPS was founded, over the last year the monthly price of this server has increased almost 4x. Not only this but the hardware is poor in comparison to our latest offerings, the disks are slowly dying and it is basically becoming unmaintainable.
We don't want the performance and stability of this node to reflect on our quality of service and we also do not want to increase costs. A migration is the only option at this point.
Your external IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses WILL change. We will communicate your new IPs a week prior to the migration to allow everyone to prepare.
We are offering everyone the chance to self migrate!
If you would like to migrate before this time please open a ticket and specify the location you would like to migrate to. We will be offering migrations to our UK, FR and CA nodes.
All users that self migrate will receive DOUBLE the RAM allocation that you currently have.
How does a self migration work?
We will allocate a new VPS to your Micronode account for 7 days to allow you to transfer everything over, after this 7 day period your existing VPS will be terminated.
What if I do not self migrate?
Your VPS will be down for up to 8 hours on Saturday 28th January 2023. Once your VPS comes back online it will have new IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses. Your data should remain intact although we recommend you take backups prior.
Where is the new node located?
The new node will be hosted with OVH and located in London.
We understand that OVH is not everyone's first choice however please understand that we are not increasing costs for our service which is already incredibly cheap. The alternative would have been to increase prices by 4x from the next billing cycle.
If you are still completely against being hosted within OVH we will offer pro rata refunds where over 4 months of the billing period is remaining.
We hope everyone understands the need for this migration, we're affected greatly by the price increases being not only a small provider but also at our highly competitive prices. The user experience on the new nodes will also be a vast improvement.
Just a reminder to anyone wanting to self migrate, the deadline for opening a ticket is January 1st 2023. After that point IPs will be allocated for automated migration.
Final reminder for anyone wanting to Self Migrate to the new UK node - January 1st is the cut off and self migrations. Free RAM upgrades will no longer be available after this point.
Just run a speedtest on UK location. Good stuff Running Wireguard with 128MB VPS and 5GB disk space. Works smoothly
@Nyr thanks for the WG script Ovpn script didn't work for some reason (this never happened before though; tried it like 3 times but connection to client profiles could never be established; install process finished but connection from end device could not be established).
@Ympker said: Ovpn script didn't work for some reason (this never happened before though; tried it like 3 times but connection to client profiles could never be established).
Please, provide the OpenVPN client connection log.
Also provide the output from the following command in the server: systemctl status [email protected]
Depending on what the connection log shows, it would also be useful if you can try to connect from a different device/network.
It is unlikely that this is something wrong with the VPN installer, but we can try to diagnose the issue if you want.
@Ympker said: Ovpn script didn't work for some reason (this never happened before though; tried it like 3 times but connection to client profiles could never be established).
Please, provide the OpenVPN client connection log.
Also provide the output from the following command in the server: systemctl status [email protected]
Depending on what the connection log shows, it would also be useful if you can try to connect from a different device/network.
It is unlikely that this is something wrong with the VPN installer, but we can try to diagnose the issue if you want.
Thanks for the quick catch-up. Already uninstalled it and tried Wireguard, which worked smoothly from the get-go, so it is indeed possible there was some issue on my device.
I pmed you the log (as it contains some ip addresses).
@Ympker said: @natvps_uk any hint when Finland is gonna be restocked?
I have a 128mb Finland VPS I don't use I can transfer out for free if you want, already checked a little bit ago & natvps said the transfer would be fine as long as it's to an existing customer with an account in good standing.
Alipay is a payment method specially provided to Chinese users by foreign service providers. Alipay will not be as easy to initiate 'dispute' as PayPal. If the service charge of Alipay is similar to that of PayPal, it would be a good choice.
Hong Kong is the best choice for Chinese users.If you provide a cheap and stable Hong Kong nat server, even if you use cryptocurrency, a payment method that is not often used by Chinese people, users will find ways to pay (for example, ask someone else to pay on behalf of them)
Other vendors' Hong Kong nat server price reference.
These are the usual prices.The price of Black Five will be lower.
Some Chinese users are very disgusting. They do something harmful to others but not beneficial to themselves every day.
Here's what a hostloc user said.
It means.
When other forum users accuse him of this behavior, he feels happy because he has disgusted other users.
Accept Alipay, it can be accepted through Stripe and it's one of the most popular payment methods in China. It is impossible for clients from China to chargeback via Alipay, and all payments are final. You can configure Stripe Checkout to only accept payments through AliPay.
Most people from China want APAC, so Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, etc. Although, there is still a market for cheap services in US/EU. Most Chinese clients are looking for good connectivity to China with minimal packet loss.
FroCDN Files - Anonymously upload up to 15GB per file for free with unlimited bandwidth. FroCDN Paste - Paste text to share with others, fork of Hastebin. Also completely free to use.
Are cryptocurrencies widely used in China?
No, China bans cryptocurrencies.
Will Hong Kong be more popular than European locations?
Ranking: Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea
Individual Canada, the United Kingdom, and Russia are also possible, preferably Hong Kong and Singapore
Is IPv4 required? Will there be a pure IPv6 service market in China?
ipv4 is not necessary, you can use ipv6 connection,
Unblocking Netflix is a must
Cryptocurrency is baned in law now, Alipay may be a good choice.
Any location is accepted, not UK/US only.
Hongkong is preferable over European locations, but Hongkong maybe have more costs than European locations.
Shared ipv4 should be connected by any location, not ipv6 only.
Thank you
Ok people something else you have to realize is the cost of IPs. If it gets banned by anyone on a nat IP it bans it for everyone. So the person selling the service has to change that IP to make people happy. When he does he changes for everyone using it as well. This not only cost him an IP but the time as well to pay someone to do it for him.
So I will give you an example A hoster offers a nat package for 10 year. He has 20 clients on that plan. He makes 200 a year right? Wrong, because he had to pay for the IP, the server, the people to put it all together. So let's say it costs 150 to do all that. The Hoster is making 50 dollars a year. Seems ok right? He is making money until someone burns that IP. Now he is flooded with tickets that someone has to handle so he pays someone to handle them. That will eat that 50 up, but wait there is more.
He also has to pay someone to change that IP plus he has to pay for the IP itself. At this point it is not viable for the hoster, as a business to keep going. He is going in the negative to keep this service up and running and that makes no sense what so ever no matter what country you live in.
Just my thoughts on it and does not mean a thing in the grand scheme of life.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
This is absolutely it, then factor in the costs of the billing panel, PayPal fees, credit card fees and development fees of the Micronode panel.
The amount of time and resources it takes to stop our servers getting suspended when we have someone abusing the service.
The 3am reactive responses to suspend a VPS that is being used for hosting DMCA protected content when the providers are threatening to turn off our servers.
It’s a constant battle and sadly most of this abuse comes from China.
That doesn’t mean all clients within China are bad actors, we have hundreds of clients that reside in China that are great! But it’s a fine balance between being profitable and upsetting clients and we’re trying our best to balance that.
We’re looking at creating a sister company, new billing panel with a payment method where it is impossible to charge back.
Nodes with a higher IP count where all VPS are accessed over a DNS record rather than an IP address meaning we can swap out IPs without clients having to care about them.
Little Fraud protection but locations where abuse is more tolerated to allow us time to clean up the mess left by some clients without the constant threat of our servers being terminated.
Absolutely no support, they will be priced between £3-£5 per year and support is simply not profitable.
This is something that will be setup in the next few months but I can guarantee it won’t please everyone!
Never going to please everyone my friend. That is a losing battle from the onset. The main problem I see in doing what you are proposing is the initial cost factor involved for so little profit. In the end YES it is about profit and being able to make a living. You have to be able to pay your bills as well. If you don't take care yourself you can not help anyone.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
I see DDOS coming from somone who can't get their money back.
Quite possibly, we got DDOSd last week because someone’s order got marked as Fraud. If anything that just proves our fraud protection works….
I'm Chinese
Our favorite server is located in Hong Kong
It will be very popular if it is priced under $8
Alipay is the most popular payment tool in China
You are out of stock for Micronode instance but the stock is still available for normal order.
Do you split the stock?
Yes stock is split, there is no way for us to automatically update whmcs to show when an item is out of stock therefore the maximum amount of available stock in the Micronode panel is the total free resource minus the amount of stock available for VPS’.
Finland will be restocked in the new year.
Got it.
I need to monitor the stok now.
Btw, I have submitted manual/self migration request as told in your post.
Just a reminder to anyone wanting to self migrate, the deadline for opening a ticket is January 1st 2023. After that point IPs will be allocated for automated migration.
Ahhh damn was hoping this was the gender reveal announcement.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
i can help you if you need a good circumcision doctor.
That was done long ago. Two ex wives completed that transformation.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
your a Yeti, you still grow... i need to check
Final reminder for anyone wanting to Self Migrate to the new UK node - January 1st is the cut off and self migrations. Free RAM upgrades will no longer be available after this point.
Sorry for necro but any updates on France http proxy?
Want free vps ? https://microlxc.net
All locations now have the use of the loadbalancer service which has now replaced the old http proxy.
Do you have any tutorial on how to set it up ? I couldn't find it in knowledgebase ,
Want free vps ? https://microlxc.net
Just run a speedtest on UK location. Good stuff
Running Wireguard with 128MB VPS and 5GB disk space. Works smoothly 
@Nyr thanks for the WG script
Ovpn script didn't work for some reason (this never happened before though; tried it like 3 times but connection to client profiles could never be established; install process finished but connection from end device could not be established).
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
Please, provide the OpenVPN client connection log.
Also provide the output from the following command in the server:
systemctl status [email protected]
Depending on what the connection log shows, it would also be useful if you can try to connect from a different device/network.
It is unlikely that this is something wrong with the VPN installer, but we can try to diagnose the issue if you want.
OpenVPN installer | WireGuard installer
Thanks for the quick catch-up. Already uninstalled it and tried Wireguard, which worked smoothly from the get-go, so it is indeed possible there was some issue on my device.
I pmed you the log (as it contains some ip addresses).
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
@natvps_uk any hint when Finland is gonna be restocked?
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
hopefully FI gets restocked for instances soon.
I have a 128mb Finland VPS I don't use I can transfer out for free if you want, already checked a little bit ago & natvps said the transfer would be fine as long as it's to an existing customer with an account in good standing.
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