@Amadex said:
Ticket #788667 , something is offline.
I welcome myself to LowEnd Support.
I know you made the ticket before I updated the network status page, but it's been updated. I think. Also please don't make a custom ticket for that in the future. We have a button for offline.
@tenpera said: @Virmach, when Flash Sale will be activated? Please look at Invoice #1524556, it's been 2 weeks, non-provisioning, just pending.
I feel bad cancelling and refunding this. So I'll award you one prize of mentioning a $5/yr special offer and not having it cancelled and refunded. Unless you want it cancelled and refunded, which I can do. I can't do anything else and don't have an update and will not have any update for you, ever. So if it ends up taking too long for you and you want a cancellation and refund, let me know, otherwise it'll be activated eventually.
@lewis said: xplanation for no refund for double payment invoice num 1492069 (first payment for never activated service was refunded to be accurate), closed tickets of this issue, empty account bugs and now
Not double payment, it just recurred once since it was monthly and not approved. I've refunded it so you can close your third ticket now. Just to be clear, "closed tickets of this issue" means you closing them, right? I see two tickets about it, both closed by client.
@lewis said: Sorry, your account is not eligible to create any orders. ? @VirMach
It seems like your account isn't eligible to make additional purchases. It looks correct.
@lewis said: No multiple accounts no scalping barely use 10% of bandwidth.
never wanted to bother creating account here but tickets, billing and technical ( IPv6 stopped working months ago) closed or never answered. This treatment demands justice.
What justice, being able to buy more services from us? So which is it, don't buy services from VirMach or get mad that we don't want to sell you services?
你不应该购买VIR的任何服务 | You should not buy any services of VIRMACH
Ticket #788667 , something is offline.
I welcome myself to LowEnd Support.
Amadex • Hosting Forums • Webshop: Guide to Start Selling Online • Free Debit Card & Online Bank Account 🤑
Sorry, your account is not eligible to create any orders.
Ticket has been slashed. Only half offline now.
@Virmach, when Flash Sale will be activated? Please look at Invoice #1524556, it's been 2 weeks, non-provisioning, just pending.
I know you made the ticket before I updated the network status page, but it's been updated. I think. Also please don't make a custom ticket for that in the future. We have a button for offline.
Amadex • Hosting Forums • Webshop: Guide to Start Selling Online • Free Debit Card & Online Bank Account 🤑
Free Thanks please.
I have come out of lurking for the express purpose of not getting a free thanks. Thank you have a nice day and a hopeful tomorrow.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
I feel bad cancelling and refunding this. So I'll award you one prize of mentioning a $5/yr special offer and not having it cancelled and refunded. Unless you want it cancelled and refunded, which I can do. I can't do anything else and don't have an update and will not have any update for you, ever. So if it ends up taking too long for you and you want a cancellation and refund, let me know, otherwise it'll be activated eventually.
Wow, wallet and balls have been roughly squeezed by Flash Sale, no more budget for this thread.
Yo, join our premium masochist club
Preferential treatment = not fair, shame on you!

It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
@Virmach, I don't want $5 refund, I'll just wait and see.
I've created a virmach prize wheel
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh, why do ya try to cosplay the double bandwidth twat.
Also plans go cheaper and cheaper evokes me a feeling of deja vu. Ya won't go deadpool, will ya?
Yo, join our premium masochist club
We'll just keep decreasing prices to keep people worried.
I've been watching you do that for seven years. I've grown numb to thinking you're going to deadpool.
That should probably make everybody else worry.
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
The correct sentence is,
"You bring shame to your family."
just asking our resident MJJ @dahartigan for confirmation.
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
FREE Double the bandwidth
I want my last remaining flash deal provisioned!
No order ID will be mentioned!
No invoice number will be stated!
No work order will be raised!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I am not sure, for the disk of $27 plan:
40 GB SSD Storage (NVMe)
only 40gb?
Disk level has been nearly doubled, 70GB now!!
We demand bring back the Wheel of fortune!!
That was impressive.
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
i like virmach now
i need cheap vps year payment .
PENDING orders need to be activated
Not double payment, it just recurred once since it was monthly and not approved. I've refunded it so you can close your third ticket now. Just to be clear, "closed tickets of this issue" means you closing them, right? I see two tickets about it, both closed by client.
It seems like your account isn't eligible to make additional purchases. It looks correct.
What justice, being able to buy more services from us? So which is it, don't buy services from VirMach or get mad that we don't want to sell you services?
你不应该购买VIR的任何服务 | You should not buy any services of VIRMACH
We agree, so we helped out.
Provision the #1 deals