Symbolises that you are an original member, that tag will never again be available after Dec 31st 2019, it’s a preemptive celebration and thanks for being an early adopter that may not mean much now but may be something to smile about in a few years.
To me it simply means Original, although I think the origin of calling someone OG is Original Gangsta.
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For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars! Looking for cost-effective Managed/Anycast/DDoS-Protected/Geo DNS Services? Try ClouDNS (aff).
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Symbolises that you are an original member, that tag will never again be available after Dec 31st 2019, it’s a preemptive celebration and thanks for being an early adopter that may not mean much now but may be something to smile about in a few years.
To me it simply means Original, although I think the origin of calling someone OG is Original Gangsta.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
yeah, its like Dr. DRE, but for forums
IRL, OG = Original Gangsta
On the internet, and on forums, I prefer Official Groupie
For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars!
Looking for cost-effective Managed/Anycast/DDoS-Protected/Geo DNS Services? Try ClouDNS (aff).
in my neck of the hood, O.G. is actually common parlance for "Sir"
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
As in, do you say "O.G" the letters, or "og"?
Gangsta now homies!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
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For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars!
Looking for cost-effective Managed/Anycast/DDoS-Protected/Geo DNS Services? Try ClouDNS (aff).
Origionalo from LET, no clone.
This ^
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
say it like this: Oh Gee ...
use it in a sentence: "how you doing O.G."
generally signifying respectful recognition of a person who has somehow managed to survive the streets past the age of 30 or so.
or so I've been lead to believe.
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
O G (jay) Simpson
I'm Og, from the stone age. - Server admins cheat codes
Og is a tribute to those brave enough to move to Albonquetine Islands.

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Original Gravity?
Own Goal
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It means you're OwGly
Still waiting for my OG (Old Grandfather)
So on the first January we all dismiss our LET accounts and change our profile picture to this?
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I always thought it was ‘Original Generation’ as coined by the classic SRPG ‘Super Robot Taisen OG’.
Office Ghoul
oh cool
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
oh hey @sanvit how you doing O.G.
y'all got any more of that 1fichier?
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Gonna see you here more often?
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HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))