Basic Network Info
Primary Network : IPv4
ISP : Alibaba.com LLC
ASN : AS8100 QuadraNet Enterprises LLC
Host : Zenlayer Inc
Location : Miami, Florida (FL)
Country : United States
Location Latency Download Speed Upload Speed Server
ISP: QuadraNet
Nearest 31.03 ms 857.42 Mbps 764.84 Mbps Wayne Highlands School District - Honesdale, PA
Cochin, IN 251.31 ms 405.14 Mbps 246.36 Mbps Jio - Kochi
Bangalore, IN 240.23 ms 410.97 Mbps 332.19 Mbps Bharti Airtel Ltd - Bangalore
Chennai, IN 242.51 ms 549.25 Mbps 233.69 Mbps Jio - Chennai
Mumbai, IN 273.47 ms 460.68 Mbps 252.67 Mbps i3D.net - Mumbai
Delhi, IN 237.87 ms 472.49 Mbps 301.26 Mbps Tata Play Fiber - New Delhi
Los Angeles, US 64.00 ms 725.39 Mbps 554.24 Mbps DediPath - Los Angeles, CA
Dallas, US 33.43 ms 729.73 Mbps 779.79 Mbps Hivelocity - Dallas, TX
New York, US 25.82 ms 817.69 Mbps 733.94 Mbps Clouvider Ltd - New York, NY
Seattle, US 69.77 ms 820.24 Mbps 565.56 Mbps Comcast - Seattle, WA
Miami, US 7.88 ms 870.25 Mbps 863.52 Mbps AT&T - Miami, FL
Montreal, CA FAILED
Paris, FR 105.00 ms 702.90 Mbps 560.45 Mbps ORANGE FRANCE - Paris
Amsterdam, NL 111.59 ms 788.75 Mbps 455.36 Mbps Hivelocity - Amsterdam
Warsaw, PL 126.69 ms 541.41 Mbps 366.22 Mbps UPC Polska - Warszawa
London, UK 94.77 ms 782.46 Mbps 462.79 Mbps VeloxServ Communications - London
Frankfurt, DE 105.67 ms 615.40 Mbps 457.01 Mbps Deutsche Telekom - Frankfurt Am Main
Dubai, AE 217.53 ms 613.63 Mbps 366.63 Mbps du - Dubai
Fujairah, AE 256.55 ms 383.06 Mbps 212.44 Mbps i3D.net - Dubai
Jeddah, KSA 163.49 ms 660.72 Mbps 372.91 Mbps Saudi Telecom Company
Shanghai, CN 271.16 ms 1.20 Mbps 3.36 Mbps China Unicom 5G - ShangHai
Guangzhou, CN 234.45 ms 147.06 Mbps 0.65 Mbps ChinaTelecom 5G - Guangzhou
Hong Kong, SAR 229.98 ms 553.70 Mbps 383.23 Mbps STC - Hong Kong
Singapore, SG 228.05 ms 437.29 Mbps 305.26 Mbps i3D.net - Singapore
Tokyo, JP 286.40 ms 455.92 Mbps 4.21 Mbps GSL Networks - Tokyo
https://capnhatuudai.com/en/ - Personal blog sharing promotion information, Domain Name Coupons, Hosting, VPS / Server, WordPress and the latest experiences and news from service providers around the world.
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
Basic Network Info
Primary Network : IPv4
ISP : Alibaba.com LLC
ASN : AS3214 xTom GmbH
Host : Zenlayer Inc
Location : Amsterdam, North Holland (NH)
Country : Netherlands
Location Latency Download Speed Upload Speed Server
ISP: xTom GmbH
Nearest 1.13 ms 927.11 Mbps 1799.44 Mbps T-Mobile Netherlands B.V. - Amsterdam
Cochin, IN 156.77 ms 415.72 Mbps 73.80 Mbps Jio - Kochi
Bangalore, IN 195.14 ms 667.68 Mbps 666.34 Mbps Bharti Airtel Ltd - Bangalore
Chennai, IN 153.94 ms 575.86 Mbps 57.85 Mbps Jio - Chennai
Mumbai, IN 123.23 ms 739.21 Mbps 674.05 Mbps i3D.net - Mumbai
Delhi, IN 144.56 ms 625.21 Mbps 581.57 Mbps Tata Play Fiber - New Delhi
Los Angeles, US 150.29 ms 436.67 Mbps 190.04 Mbps DediPath - Los Angeles, CA
Dallas, US 110.29 ms 1335.59 Mbps 713.56 Mbps Hivelocity - Dallas, TX
New York, US 74.65 ms 1072.59 Mbps 1041.48 Mbps Clouvider Ltd - New York, NY
Seattle, US 155.20 ms 865.80 Mbps 570.68 Mbps Comcast - Seattle, WA
Miami, US 113.97 ms 803.85 Mbps 712.48 Mbps AT&T - Miami, FL
Montreal, CA 111.48 ms 1027.49 Mbps 766.72 Mbps Rogers Wireless - Montréal, QC
Paris, FR 16.51 ms 1741.00 Mbps 1704.75 Mbps ORANGE FRANCE - Paris
Amsterdam, NL 0.57 ms 924.26 Mbps 876.38 Mbps Hivelocity - Amsterdam
Warsaw, PL 22.70 ms 1642.55 Mbps 1682.56 Mbps UPC Polska - Warszawa
London, UK 6.71 ms 1854.14 Mbps 1772.10 Mbps VeloxServ Communications - London
Frankfurt, DE 7.76 ms 1675.11 Mbps 1759.73 Mbps Deutsche Telekom - Frankfurt Am Main
Dubai, AE 136.38 ms 751.47 Mbps 636.48 Mbps du - Dubai
Fujairah, AE 118.43 ms 436.62 Mbps 741.76 Mbps i3D.net - Dubai
Jeddah, KSA 69.41 ms 1235.24 Mbps 1137.13 Mbps Saudi Telecom Company
Shanghai, CN 176.43 ms 422.26 Mbps 445.62 Mbps China Unicom 5G - ShangHai
Guangzhou, CN 260.94 ms 238.57 Mbps 2.88 Mbps ChinaTelecom 5G - Guangzhou
Hong Kong, SAR 233.35 ms 480.93 Mbps 315.00 Mbps STC - Hong Kong
Singapore, SG 154.16 ms 600.25 Mbps 563.10 Mbps i3D.net - Singapore
Tokyo, JP 212.43 ms 281.17 Mbps 331.20 Mbps GSL Networks - Tokyo
Sick of pissing with the code function. Does not want to work and I have been at it for 5 minutes. Yes I know how it is supposed to work but it just doesn't for some reason.
Sick of pissing with the code function. Does not want to work and I have been at it for 5 minutes. Yes I know how it is supposed to work but it just doesn't for some reason.
Sick of pissing with the code function. Does not want to work and I have been at it for 5 minutes. Yes I know how it is supposed to work but it just doesn't for some reason.
How much $?
You will have to talk to them. The deal we have is between us.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
Basic Network Info
Primary Network : IPv6
ISP : Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd.
ASN : AS133296 Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd.
Host : Hostgoi Technologies Private Limited
Location : Haldībāri, West Bengal (WB)
Country : India
Location Latency Loss DL Speed UP Speed Server
ISP: Web Werks India Pvt.
Nearest 13.16 ms 0.0% 623.78 Mbps 934.18 Mbps RailTel Corporation of India, Ltd - Nagpur
Cochin, IN 27.33 ms N/A 524.69 Mbps 930.40 Mbps Jio - Kochi
Bangalore, IN 23.98 ms 0.0% 645.06 Mbps 918.14 Mbps Bharti Airtel Ltd - Bangalore
Chennai, IN 19.77 ms N/A 649.04 Mbps 926.37 Mbps Jio - Chennai
Mumbai, IN 1.45 ms 0.0% 877.55 Mbps 911.33 Mbps i3D.net - Mumbai
Delhi, IN 22.38 ms 0.0% 556.19 Mbps 926.95 Mbps Tata Play Fiber - New Delhi
Los Angeles, US 247.40 ms 0.0% 290.49 Mbps 347.79 Mbps DediPath - Los Angeles, CA
Dallas, US 283.96 ms 0.0% 666.93 Mbps 328.36 Mbps Hivelocity - Dallas, TX
New York, US 192.41 ms 0.0% 351.48 Mbps 382.50 Mbps Clouvider Ltd - New York, NY
Seattle, US 255.14 ms N/A 366.22 Mbps 349.54 Mbps Comcast - Seattle, WA
Miami, US 215.35 ms 0.0% 427.76 Mbps 405.21 Mbps AT&T - Miami, FL
Montreal, CA 201.98 ms 0.0% 412.43 Mbps 439.18 Mbps Rogers Wireless - Montréal, QC
Paris, FR 110.61 ms 0.0% 448.88 Mbps 756.28 Mbps ORANGE FRANCE - Paris
Amsterdam, NL 131.41 ms 0.0% 803.56 Mbps 615.41 Mbps Hivelocity - Amsterdam
Warsaw, PL 138.04 ms 0.0% 440.89 Mbps 636.78 Mbps UPC Polska - Warszawa
London, UK 130.92 ms 0.0% 676.20 Mbps 692.15 Mbps VeloxServ Communications - London
Frankfurt, DE 139.48 ms 0.0% 496.13 Mbps 601.47 Mbps Deutsche Telekom - Frankfurt Am Main
Dubai, AE 225.93 ms 0.0% 483.46 Mbps 201.78 Mbps du - Dubai
Fujairah, AE 113.61 ms 0.0% 478.13 Mbps 694.54 Mbps i3D.net - Dubai
Jeddah, KSA 127.47 ms 0.0% 628.31 Mbps 674.74 Mbps Saudi Telecom Company
Shanghai, CN 262.15 ms 0.0% 441.84 Mbps 345.30 Mbps China Unicom 5G - ShangHai
Guangzhou, CN 417.69 ms 0.3% 19.18 Mbps 38.08 Mbps ChinaTelecom 5G - Guangzhou
Hong Kong, SAR 91.28 ms N/A 443.02 Mbps 858.67 Mbps STC - Hong Kong
Singapore, SG 244.23 ms 0.0% 310.29 Mbps 360.43 Mbps i3D.net - Singapore
Tokyo, JP 133.37 ms 17.8% 691.99 Mbps 147.68 Mbps GSL Networks - Tokyo
Avg DL Speed : 510.14 Mbps
Avg UL Speed : 576.93 Mbps
Total DL Data : 18.13 GB (18569 MB)
Total UL Data : 18.64 GB (19091.6 MB)
Total Data : 36.78 GB (37660.6 MB)
Finished in : 13 min 18 sec
Timestamp : 12-02-2023 12:11:26 CET
My home server
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I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
v6node, after @iandk fixes
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This is a recent KTS24 special: https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/127349/#Comment_127349
(I dropped the network test because several of the sites were busy)
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
GreenCloud EPYCDE-2.5
This gonna replace WebHorizon LXC in NL because Hybula tunnel is pissing me off with flapping here and there.
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AlibabaCloud Tokyo 1G 6M
Cheapest in Tokyo with CN2 for just 12$/y (first year only + 3 months free)
VirmAche $0.25/first quarter special (NL)
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LittleCreek Custom Package
Basic System Information:
Uptime : 5 days, 10 hours, 39 minutes
Processor : Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX, IBRS)
CPU cores : 12 @ 2499.998 MHz
AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM : 11.5 GiB
Swap : 12.0 GiB
Disk : 224.3 GiB
Distro : Rocky Linux 8.7 (Green Obsidian)
Kernel : 4.18.0-425.10.1.el8_7.x86_64
fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
Test | Value
Single Core | 567
Multi Core | 4372
Full Test | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/20333804
YABS completed in 10 min 10 sec
Sick of pissing with the code function. Does not want to work and I have been at it for 5 minutes. Yes I know how it is supposed to work but it just doesn't for some reason.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
you can use < pre > and < /pre >
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Yeah didn't work either. No idea wtf went on just didn't want to work I guess. I will as Mason about it later.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
Hetzner EX100 in Helsinki
@Not_Oles nice beast in helsinki
How much $?
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You will have to talk to them. The deal we have is between us.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
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One more seedbox
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root@Debian-1103-bullseye-arm64-base ~ # curl -sL yabs.sh | bash
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
Wed Feb 8 19:12:19 CET 2023
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
ARM compatibility is considered experimental
Basic System Information:
Uptime : 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes
Processor : Neoverse-N1
CPU cores : 80 @ 3000.0000 MHz
AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM : 125.1 GiB
Swap : 4.0 GiB
Disk : 1.7 TiB
Distro : Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Kernel : 5.10.0-16-arm64
fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
Test | Value
Single Core | 901
Multi Core | 37591
Full Test | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/20405581
YABS completed in 9 min 26 sec
Cloudfanatic Standard Plan 1GB Ram (30$/year)
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InternetPort, SE | 20 SEK/m | Random deal I found on LEB
1fire.de in 23M datacenter | 2.99 EUR/m | Recently, They introduce DDOS-Protection for all customers through Voxility
Advin Servers, Micro VPS 4GB Blackfriday, NL virtual location | 2 USD/m | Currently singhle-homed to physick network
WebHorizon OVZ, PL | 10 USD/YR | MyPersonalVPN deal from March 2022 | After migrated from OVH, FR to Mevspace, PL. due to IP Prices surge in Dec 2022
GreenHost, NL | 3.5 EUR/m for this configure | Claimed to support Internet freedom. Spin a new instance just for YABS.
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