Stripe Pricing Changes

Just saw about this.
Starting 10 April 2023, fees for card processing, disputes, and USD currency payouts will be higher due to increases in network costs (in recent years, major card networks have introduced several new fees and increased existing fees), as well as increases in underlying service costs.
Processing: An extra 0.1-0.5% increase for UK, 0.35% increase for international.
Disputes: £15 fee turns to £20 fee and no refunds regardless of outcome.
And lots of other little changes. Probably different documents available for your local area.
Thanked by (1)Abdullah
Dentistry is my passion
True dat.
I am not that bothered about it yet as long as the fixed fee stays the same
Was just a matter of time when they started the little fees for everything model.
For some odd reason they seem to believe that currency will all go digital. Won't happen in my lifetime.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
so true, adding more fees wont help them, they will just get less people using em
It's calculated. They know so many customers are ingrained, and are too arsed to switch processors or anything. They just eat it.
Well the problem consists of the world economy about to take a big dumper. As the currency becomes worth less and less because the prices of things going through the roof they have to do something.
Employees need money for the necessities of living. They will not take a pay cut themselves and if they out right raise prices people will find alternatives since they are not getting a raise in wages either. So the naggling little fees for everything come into play in the hopes most people will not notice and will continue on.
This applies to almost any retail situation from the restaurants to the dollarstore.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
Yep, comes down to greed at the end of it all from the big stores to the people behind these companies
Sure it does ut it is higher up then even the stores.
Shell gas stations here in the U.S. had record breaking profits last year. Now I realise not every one in the world lives here but in the U.S. you damn near have to own and drive a car. It is almost a life neccessity anymore. You can not find work in most places unless you drive 20-50 miles to get to a city, because where you live the wages are low and the rest is high.
So it goes way higher then just the store anymore.
I think we should take this private or open another thread before we derail this one too much farther.
@MichaelCee I apologise for hijacking your thread.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
You do you boss. I realised all of my threads here are always ads and this year I'm putting a little bit of effort in to posting other things too (even if they are stolen borrowed). The thread is yours to do as you wish
Nah they aren't ALL ads and I appreciate the leniency none the less.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
This is an ad.
The end is nigh.
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Some options such as SEPA Direct Debit, iDEAL are still ok from a price perspective, especially for larger payments.
This is hilariously bad. It was already pretty nefarious for companies to jump on the no refund of fees on refund bandwagon, now they're going to pretend as if they're adding some insane value by doing a terrible job at dealing with disputes, as if it's not just a one minute glance and button press. Over half the time it's just some basic automatic if/then logic. Even if you just choose to lose it by default and dd no extra work for them.
It's all very coordinated at this point, anti-competitive behavior. Not literally but most companies will just immediately take any cash grab they can and create the future they want by pretending that's where the industry is headed. Who do you switch to if everyone you switch to is a few months away from implementing the same thing?
Sadly not even only with payment processors anymore.
A PMSing customer files a dispute out of spite, fully knowing that it will cost you 20 regardless outcome.
Yeah, that's fucked.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
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Stripe has one of the worst fraud protection.
Small businesses should avoid Stripe and use local payment gateway instead.
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We've had a huge card testing problem with Stripe, the worst part is you end up footing the bill for the fees when we refund said payments after there radar doesn't detect it.
We are currently looking to move to which seems reasonable fee wise and comes recommended
You've been Stripped. - Reliable, secure and affordable game hosting.
You can mandate 3DS on your card payments, that shifts the risk from you.
Also look at Radar insurance, it's 0.4% extra but Stripe bears all cost for chargebacks.
I shall take a look at this shortly thank you for your suggestion
iDeal is only relevant in The Netherlands and SEPA just in Europe, but also mainly DACH and Benelux.
We also used to have this problem quite a lot, and had to tank quite a few chargebacks. Some credit card fraudsters even had the audacity to open tickets asking why their credit was removed or to expedite their order after the payment was disputed (they're not the brightest people)
Here's what we did:
We implemented Stripe Checkout. Stripe Checkout is a payment page for Stripe payments (i.e. it redirects you to to complete the payment). This comes with complete fraud protection. If they somehow don't detect a fradulent payment, Stripe will pay for the chargeback out of pocket. The bonus of this is that you also can accept other payment methods like AliPay. There is no existing WHMCS module for it, and sadly I can't share ours for various reasons, but DeploymentCode will likely make you one. The bonus of this method is that it also can allow clients to pay with non-3DS methods like Visa gift cards.
For our Stripe legacy gateway (the one that comes with WHMCS), all new cards have 3DS enforced. We have Stripe rules which detects if a customer is adding or using the card for the first time, and if they are, it makes them go through 3D secure for the payment to be processed. It checks if the card has been used or added before.
So far, this method has pretty much blocked all card testing, to my knowledge, and I haven't gotten any disputes for payments after implementing these requirements. (Well, there was one instance, but it was through Checkout so we got reimbursed!)
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From what I can tell, the insurance only works on Stripe Checkout pages (and I believe the Stripe WHMCS integration doesn't count)
FroCDN Files - Anonymously upload up to 15GB per file for free with unlimited bandwidth. FroCDN Paste - Paste text to share with others, fork of Hastebin. Also completely free to use.
Thank you your response, i appreciate your input! I shall send them an email
I've encountered the same problem, have you tried enabling invisible captcha at checkout page ? I've enabled it my self and so far it's going well.
Hey! I did the same thing a couple months back and it certainly stopped the automated card testing we were seeing.