@Calin said: Hello yes it s possible this price , if you buy more than 8 TB + of space I can do at this price, at the moment I own a node with almost 200 TB free of space
@kidoh said: 1TB HDD per 2USD/m NATVPS it's possible?
Hello yes it s possible this price , if you buy more than 8 TB + of space I can do at this price, at the moment I own a node with almost 200 TB free of space
Just curious what are the specs on this node if you don't mind
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
Hi. I'm can get that 384MB extra RAM yeah? Invoice-946.pdf. Thanks.
And please reinstall OS as requested 19 January Ticket ID: TVU-902317. Takes like 2 minutes. Cheers.
@cold said: root@debian:~# ping -c 2
connect: Network is unreachable
I connect via ipv6, but I open a ticket and he will fix it soon enuff, he always does...
@cold said: root@debian:~# ping -c 2
connect: Network is unreachable
I connect via ipv6, but I open a ticket and he will fix it soon enuff, he always does...
Great, when will you check tickets btw?
I only need 1TB
Just curious what are the specs on this node if you don't mind
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
Hello @AuroraZero 194 TB HDD raid 5
1x e5-2670 v2
96 GB Ram memory
@ccc hello i m have over 70+ tickets but i m try for replay all please leave me you email address in PM for check
Hello everyone on this morning i m receive new 80+ DDr3 DIMM with 1600 MHz speed
Coming soon 128/192 GB ram memory for 45-50 euros/month dedicated server
Won't cut in line, just confirm if tickets still being checked. Thx.
after the 'fix' its still unstable...
still ontable
Hello @ccc depend on what type of ticket you mean , for example NAT KVM 64 are still pending other ticket we are working on them
@cold what it s problem more exactly?You lost packets or same things? packets should not be lost
he has no pockets!!!
in fact he has no pants.
yeah... a lot of outages...
more under or in btw
Invoice #984 Can I get the384m ram?
Hello @Calin, can you check Ticket #FDT-304462?
Thank you
Hi. I'm can get that 384MB extra RAM yeah? Invoice-946.pdf. Thanks.
And please reinstall OS as requested 19 January Ticket ID: TVU-902317. Takes like 2 minutes. Cheers.
My server has been offline for several days
Helo @quartz09 and @bacangaja3 done
@g121 what ports have?
only my box is working like trash or everyone else also?
What do you mean? Can you be more specific please?
Because I'd like to order one when my current VPS expires.
MicroLXC is lovable.
ping: www.google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution ... BUTmaybe this is only with NAT im not sure... maybe KVM is better
Maybe you should try
If this succeeds, then the problem should lies in DNS;
since you can connect the VPS via SSH, I believe at least the IPv4 network is fine.
MicroLXC is lovable.
root@debian:~# ping -c 2
connect: Network is unreachable
I connect via ipv6, but I open a ticket and he will fix it soon enuff, he always does...
Then modify the dns to IPv6 will fix.
MicroLXC is lovable.
thanks but i need ipv4
but right now its not working so I connect via ipv6
server is still on powersave mode... even though he said it would be changed.
I dont use this instance but leaving allot of preformance on the table which is why the cpu cant keep up with this oversold enviroment
Has he managed to get it up yet? Asking for a friend. 🤣
Chris on https://hostingforums.net/
Tell your friend the term house of cards comes to mind.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
Done please check
zero inventory