Free MetalVPS Intel i9-13900 Traditional Shell Account! Make Your Own VPSes!



  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @H4N50 said:

    @Yqua said:

    @H4N50 said:
    Hi there! I wanted to reach out and express my interest in trying something new. Although I don't have prior experience in creating unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I believe it would be an exciting opportunity for me to learn and explore. I'm eager to take on the challenge and see what I can accomplish. Thank you for considering my request!
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP76M+51oxuJNjxGt1TZo8dEGXvzgtt1KQd/iLOxYkWu

    Hello @H4N50 ,
    could you tell us more about yourself and maybe other prior experiences you had with linux?

    I have a strong passion for Linux and open source software. While I may not have direct experience with unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I do have a solid understanding of Linux fundamentals and system administration. I also need an account since my pc is very bad and does not allow me to do almost anything, I await your response, thanks

    That sounds really great! Congrats on your solid understanding of Linux fundamentals! I will keep looking forward to additional specific details about you and the setup you plan to install on the server! Best wishes! Tom

  • @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Also another question Tom, how does one obtain sudo permissions as well?

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

  • @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    This isn't a valid ed25519 key

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @Exinjh said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.

    Is it compulsory?

    I see your question, "Is it compulsory?" Please take another look at what you told us originally at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    How can I continue giving you opportunities to show who you really are? You seem not to want to tell us, and not to tell me, even privately. :)

    (I will not run benchmarks anymore, and decrease vCPUs of my VM.)

    This misses the point! It's certainly okay to run benchmarks and to do other heavy stuff. I keep trying to say that the way to do heavy stuff is to post here about what you are doing, how, why, when, how long.

    Also, thanks for unsuspending my account!

    You're welcome! But your account seems to have been suspended again. :)

    Best wishes!

    I'm from France, I had some Linux Course, and I have weak laptop. I running there Windows 10 Lite, Windows XP SP3 Professional and Windows For Workgroups 3.11. But soon i'll try some really old Linux distro! Also, I'll share benchmark results! So, for some time I can use many performance. I'll just run benchmarks again. I will run benchmarks today or tomorrow. But it will not be so long. Why i running benchmarks? I want to show you, guys power of MetalVPS VMs! In Windows 10 Lite VM, I running Chrome, DosBox and other things.

    @Not_Oles , did you missed my message?

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • edited May 2023

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    This is what I did in terminal, also I'm using a keyboard using a OTG cable:

    ~ $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519):
    /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519 already exists.
    Overwrite (y/n)? y
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519
    Your public key has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:
    SHA256:DBipwmEKCQG3mpe2ejelAQpSdt16GmLnRgIp6222mUQ u0_a330@localhost
    The key's randomart image is:
    +--[ED25519 256]--+
    |o...o . |
    |++=.oo. . |
    |==o+. .. |
    +oE+ =o. |
    |oo * +S |
    |.+ *. = |
    | = += |
    | ..++ |
    |.. . . |

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • edited May 2023

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    This is what I did in terminal, also I'm using a keyboard using a OTG cable:

    ~ $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519):
    /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519 already exists.
    Overwrite (y/n)? y
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519
    Your public key has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:
    SHA256:DBipwmEKCQG3mpe2ejelAQpSdt16GmLnRgIp6222mUQ u0_a330@localhost
    The key's randomart image is:
    +--[ED25519 256]--+
    |o...o . |
    |++=.oo. . |
    |==o+. .. |
    +oE+ =o. |
    |oo * +S |
    |.+ *. = |
    | = += |
    | ..++ |
    |.. . . |

    You have now leaked your private key " .ssh/id_ed25519", you need to generate new keys now. Everyone with your private key would be able to login as you.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Also another question Tom, how does one obtain sudo permissions as well?

    Nobody has sudo on the i9-13900. @yqua shares the root on the i9-13900. There is a second server, an i9-9900K, on which a few guys have been added. On the i9-9900K, the guys all have sudo.

    I started the i9-9900K with a few guys who have been especially active in this thread.

    So, there is no way at present to get sudo on the i9-13900. Those active in this thread might be added, with sudo, in the i9-9900K.

    Looking ahead, all good things come into being and pass away. When it's time to wipe and reinstall the i9-13900 the guys on the i9-9900K will be able to use that server while the i9-13900 is being refreshed. :)

    Friendly greetings! 🏜️

  • @Yqua said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    This is what I did in terminal, also I'm using a keyboard using a OTG cable:

    ~ $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519):
    /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519 already exists.
    Overwrite (y/n)? y
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519
    Your public key has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:

    The key's randomart image is:
    +--[ED25519 256]--+
    |o...o . |
    |++=.oo. . |
    |==o+. .. |
    +oE+ =o. |
    |oo * +S |
    |.+ *. = |
    | = += |
    | ..++ |
    |.. . . |

    You have now leaked your private key " .ssh/id_ed25519", you need to generate new keys now. Everyone with your private key would be able to login as you.

    🤦 I'm stupid... Is "SHA256:DBipwmEKCQG3mpe2ejelAQpSdt16GmLnRgIp6222mUQ u0_a330@localhost" the public key that would be the correct formatted one?

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Yqua said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    This is what I did in terminal, also I'm using a keyboard using a OTG cable:

    ~ $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519):
    /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519 already exists.
    Overwrite (y/n)? y
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519
    Your public key has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:

    The key's randomart image is:
    +--[ED25519 256]--+
    |o...o . |
    |++=.oo. . |
    |==o+. .. |
    +oE+ =o. |
    |oo * +S |
    |.+ *. = |
    | = += |
    | ..++ |
    |.. . . |

    You have now leaked your private key " .ssh/id_ed25519", you need to generate new keys now. Everyone with your private key would be able to login as you.

    🤦 I'm stupid... Is "SHA256:DBipwmEKCQG3mpe2ejelAQpSdt16GmLnRgIp6222mUQ u0_a330@localhost" the public key that would be the correct formatted one?

    No. Your Public Key is saved in the file "ssh/".

  • @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Also another question Tom, how does one obtain sudo permissions as well?

    Nobody has sudo on the i9-13900. @yqua shares the root on the i9-13900. There is a second server, an i9-9900K, on which a few guys have been added. On the i9-9900K, the guys all have sudo.

    I started the i9-9900K with a few guys who have been especially active in this thread.

    So, there is no way at present to get sudo on the i9-13900. Those active in this thread might be added, with sudo, in the i9-9900K.

    Looking ahead, all good things come into being and pass away. When it's time to wipe and reinstall the i9-13900 the guys on the i9-9900K will be able to use that server while the i9-13900 is being refreshed. :)

    Friendly greetings! 🏜️

    Ah got it. Also here is my ssh pub key:
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICcks+nF7gVTDBnAgRd+ByWp3FZkhPQxknfWM6gFEMKR u0_a330@localhost

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @Yqua said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Yqua said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    This is what I did in terminal, also I'm using a keyboard using a OTG cable:

    ~ $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519):
    /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519 already exists.
    Overwrite (y/n)? y
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519
    Your public key has been saved in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:

    The key's randomart image is:
    +--[ED25519 256]--+
    |o...o . |
    |++=.oo. . |
    |==o+. .. |
    +oE+ =o. |
    |oo * +S |
    |.+ *. = |
    | = += |
    | ..++ |
    |.. . . |

    You have now leaked your private key " .ssh/id_ed25519", you need to generate new keys now. Everyone with your private key would be able to login as you.

    🤦 I'm stupid... Is "SHA256:DBipwmEKCQG3mpe2ejelAQpSdt16GmLnRgIp6222mUQ u0_a330@localhost" the public key that would be the correct formatted one?

    No. Your Public Key is saved in the file "ssh/".


    Thanked by (2)Yqua Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.

    Is it compulsory?

    I see your question, "Is it compulsory?" Please take another look at what you told us originally at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    How can I continue giving you opportunities to show who you really are? You seem not to want to tell us, and not to tell me, even privately. :)

    (I will not run benchmarks anymore, and decrease vCPUs of my VM.)

    This misses the point! It's certainly okay to run benchmarks and to do other heavy stuff. I keep trying to say that the way to do heavy stuff is to post here about what you are doing, how, why, when, how long.

    Also, thanks for unsuspending my account!

    You're welcome! But your account seems to have been suspended again. :)

    Best wishes!

    I'm from France, I had some Linux Course, and I have weak laptop. I running there Windows 10 Lite, Windows XP SP3 Professional and Windows For Workgroups 3.11. But soon i'll try some really old Linux distro! Also, I'll share benchmark results! So, for some time I can use many performance. I'll just run benchmarks again. I will run benchmarks today or tomorrow. But it will not be so long. Why i running benchmarks? I want to show you, guys power of MetalVPS VMs! In Windows 10 Lite VM, I running Chrome, DosBox and other things.

    @Not_Oles , did you missed my message?

    Got your message, thanks. I am a little slow. Please notice that there are messages from others to which I have not yet had a chance to reply. I need to ask you to please give me extra time. I am sorry that I am slow.

    Additionally, I continue to be challenged by the question of how to verify the information you originally provided at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    Best wishes!


    Thanked by (1)Exinjh
  • @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.

    Is it compulsory?

    I see your question, "Is it compulsory?" Please take another look at what you told us originally at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    How can I continue giving you opportunities to show who you really are? You seem not to want to tell us, and not to tell me, even privately. :)

    (I will not run benchmarks anymore, and decrease vCPUs of my VM.)

    This misses the point! It's certainly okay to run benchmarks and to do other heavy stuff. I keep trying to say that the way to do heavy stuff is to post here about what you are doing, how, why, when, how long.

    Also, thanks for unsuspending my account!

    You're welcome! But your account seems to have been suspended again. :)

    Best wishes!

    I'm from France, I had some Linux Course, and I have weak laptop. I running there Windows 10 Lite, Windows XP SP3 Professional and Windows For Workgroups 3.11. But soon i'll try some really old Linux distro! Also, I'll share benchmark results! So, for some time I can use many performance. I'll just run benchmarks again. I will run benchmarks today or tomorrow. But it will not be so long. Why i running benchmarks? I want to show you, guys power of MetalVPS VMs! In Windows 10 Lite VM, I running Chrome, DosBox and other things.

    @Not_Oles , did you missed my message?

    Got your message, thanks. I am a little slow. Please notice that there are messages from others to which I have not yet had a chance to reply. I need to ask you to please give me extra time. I am sorry that I am slow.

    Additionally, I continue to be challenged by the question of how to verify the information you originally provided at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    Best wishes!


    Also one question how much RAM and storage does the VPS have and does /dev/KVM ACTUALLY exist.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.

    Is it compulsory?

    I see your question, "Is it compulsory?" Please take another look at what you told us originally at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    How can I continue giving you opportunities to show who you really are? You seem not to want to tell us, and not to tell me, even privately. :)

    (I will not run benchmarks anymore, and decrease vCPUs of my VM.)

    This misses the point! It's certainly okay to run benchmarks and to do other heavy stuff. I keep trying to say that the way to do heavy stuff is to post here about what you are doing, how, why, when, how long.

    Also, thanks for unsuspending my account!

    You're welcome! But your account seems to have been suspended again. :)

    Best wishes!

    I'm from France, I had some Linux Course, and I have weak laptop. I running there Windows 10 Lite, Windows XP SP3 Professional and Windows For Workgroups 3.11. But soon i'll try some really old Linux distro! Also, I'll share benchmark results! So, for some time I can use many performance. I'll just run benchmarks again. I will run benchmarks today or tomorrow. But it will not be so long. Why i running benchmarks? I want to show you, guys power of MetalVPS VMs! In Windows 10 Lite VM, I running Chrome, DosBox and other things.

    @Not_Oles , did you missed my message?

    Got your message, thanks. I am a little slow. Please notice that there are messages from others to which I have not yet had a chance to reply. I need to ask you to please give me extra time. I am sorry that I am slow.

    Additionally, I continue to be challenged by the question of how to verify the information you originally provided at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    Best wishes!


    Also one question how much RAM and storage does the VPS have and does /dev/KVM ACTUALLY exist.

    Also @Not_Oles what usage are we allowed to used. Is it dependant on the usage or?

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Also another question Tom, how does one obtain sudo permissions as well?

    Nobody has sudo on the i9-13900. @yqua shares the root on the i9-13900. There is a second server, an i9-9900K, on which a few guys have been added. On the i9-9900K, the guys all have sudo.

    I started the i9-9900K with a few guys who have been especially active in this thread.

    So, there is no way at present to get sudo on the i9-13900. Those active in this thread might be added, with sudo, in the i9-9900K.

    Looking ahead, all good things come into being and pass away. When it's time to wipe and reinstall the i9-13900 the guys on the i9-9900K will be able to use that server while the i9-13900 is being refreshed. :)

    Friendly greetings! 🏜️

    Ah got it. Also here is my ssh pub key:
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICcks+nF7gVTDBnAgRd+ByWp3FZkhPQxknfWM6gFEMKR u0_a330@localhost

    I am too lazy to check whether this is the pub key that corresponds to the leaked private key. Did you make a new key pair? And is this the new public key?

    Thanked by (1)SheGivMeItAgain
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    Hi again, Blake! I am searching for your answer to the question, "In which country are you located?" I must have missed one of your posts. Please help me find the answer. Thanks!

  • @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Also another question Tom, how does one obtain sudo permissions as well?

    Nobody has sudo on the i9-13900. @yqua shares the root on the i9-13900. There is a second server, an i9-9900K, on which a few guys have been added. On the i9-9900K, the guys all have sudo.

    I started the i9-9900K with a few guys who have been especially active in this thread.

    So, there is no way at present to get sudo on the i9-13900. Those active in this thread might be added, with sudo, in the i9-9900K.

    Looking ahead, all good things come into being and pass away. When it's time to wipe and reinstall the i9-13900 the guys on the i9-9900K will be able to use that server while the i9-13900 is being refreshed. :)

    Friendly greetings! 🏜️

    Ah got it. Also here is my ssh pub key:
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICcks+nF7gVTDBnAgRd+ByWp3FZkhPQxknfWM6gFEMKR u0_a330@localhost

    I am too lazy to check whether this is the pub key that corresponds to the leaked private key. Did you make a new key pair? And is this the new public key?

    Its a new one and yes it is a new public key.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @Not_Oles said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    Hi again, Blake! I am searching for your answer to the question, "In which country are you located?" I must have missed one of your posts. Please help me find the answer. Thanks!

    Oh sorry must've missed that question! I'm from the UK, in England.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • edited May 2023

    @Not_Oles said:

    @H4N50 said:

    @Yqua said:

    @H4N50 said:
    Hi there! I wanted to reach out and express my interest in trying something new. Although I don't have prior experience in creating unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I believe it would be an exciting opportunity for me to learn and explore. I'm eager to take on the challenge and see what I can accomplish. Thank you for considering my request!
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP76M+51oxuJNjxGt1TZo8dEGXvzgtt1KQd/iLOxYkWu

    Hello @H4N50 ,
    could you tell us more about yourself and maybe other prior experiences you had with linux?

    I have a strong passion for Linux and open source software. While I may not have direct experience with unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I do have a solid understanding of Linux fundamentals and system administration. I also need an account since my pc is very bad and does not allow me to do almost anything, I await your response, thanks

    That sounds really great! Congrats on your solid understanding of Linux fundamentals! I will keep looking forward to additional specific details about you and the setup you plan to install on the server! Best wishes! Tom

    Thank you for your positive response, Tom! While my direct experience with Linux may be limited, I am genuinely eager to immerse myself in this exciting domain. I am confident in my ability to rapidly acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the project.

    I understand that specific details about my background and the proposed server setup are crucial for your consideration. Although I may not have prior Linux-related projects to highlight, I am a dedicated individual who values learning and growth. I assure you that I will invest the necessary time and effort to familiarize myself with the intricacies of the project and successfully execute the planned setup.
    Also mentioned before, my personal computer is bad and does not allow me to work on it, it would be very nice to have access to this great VPS

    Thank you again for your kind support and for considering my request.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    Hi again, Blake! I am searching for your answer to the question, "In which country are you located?" I must have missed one of your posts. Please help me find the answer. Thanks!

    Oh sorry must've missed that question! I'm from the UK, in England.

    If you are confused about ssh you can install PuTTY As it is easy to use just install open the Putty key gen set the right configs and your ready to go when logging in open normal PuTTY and Click + on SSH And Auth paste in your private key and click open should let you in (it's better to always save your PuTTY Login Configs so u don't have to do all that every time you login)

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @NotRealZeyad said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    Hi again, Blake! I am searching for your answer to the question, "In which country are you located?" I must have missed one of your posts. Please help me find the answer. Thanks!

    Oh sorry must've missed that question! I'm from the UK, in England.

    If you are confused about ssh you can install PuTTY As it is easy to use just install open the Putty key gen set the right configs and your ready to go when logging in open normal PuTTY and Click + on SSH And Auth paste in your private key and click open should let you in (it's better to always save your PuTTY Login Configs so u don't have to do all that every time you login)

    Not everyone wants to use Putty and/or has an operating system on which PuTTY runs.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @NotRealZeyad said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    Hi again, Blake! I am searching for your answer to the question, "In which country are you located?" I must have missed one of your posts. Please help me find the answer. Thanks!

    Oh sorry must've missed that question! I'm from the UK, in England.

    If you are confused about ssh you can install PuTTY As it is easy to use just install open the Putty key gen set the right configs and your ready to go when logging in open normal PuTTY and Click + on SSH And Auth paste in your private key and click open should let you in (it's better to always save your PuTTY Login Configs so u don't have to do all that every time you login)

    I'm using termux 😂

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @NotRealZeyad said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:
    Hey Oles! I'm commenting here to apply for access to the KVM group and for an account on the VPS.

    Reason why I want an account:
    I don't have a good PC for testing and making websites as I'm fairly poor, having an account would allow me to expand my knowledge on LXC/KVM/Qemu VMs which would pile on top of my already known knowledge.

    My SSH key fingerprint:

    If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try fix it!


    • Blake

    Hi Blake!

    Nice to see you! Welcome to LES and to MetalVPS!

    About making your ssh key pair. . . . What you posted is almost, but not quite what we need. Please take a look around this thread at the keys other people have posted. Also, Google is your friend.

    What equipment do you plan to use to access the server? Please tell us the equipment model name and model number plus operating system and the program providing access.

    Thanks! More soon!


    Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know;
    ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost

    Also I am going to be accessing this over a Google Pixel 4, Using termux as the SSH client.

    Please work on the key some more. The format needs to be improved. :)

    In which country are you located?

    Do you use a keyboard with your Pixel 4?

    Hi again, Blake! I am searching for your answer to the question, "In which country are you located?" I must have missed one of your posts. Please help me find the answer. Thanks!

    Oh sorry must've missed that question! I'm from the UK, in England.

    If you are confused about ssh you can install PuTTY As it is easy to use just install open the Putty key gen set the right configs and your ready to go when logging in open normal PuTTY and Click + on SSH And Auth paste in your private key and click open should let you in (it's better to always save your PuTTY Login Configs so u don't have to do all that every time you login)

    Hi @NotRealZeyad! It can be seen from the posts to which you are responding that @SheGivMeItAgain is running on a Pixel 4 and using Termux as an ssh agent. I didn't know that PuTTY was available for a Pixel 4. Thanks for helping!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @H4N50 said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @H4N50 said:

    @Yqua said:

    @H4N50 said:
    Hi there! I wanted to reach out and express my interest in trying something new. Although I don't have prior experience in creating unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I believe it would be an exciting opportunity for me to learn and explore. I'm eager to take on the challenge and see what I can accomplish. Thank you for considering my request!
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP76M+51oxuJNjxGt1TZo8dEGXvzgtt1KQd/iLOxYkWu

    Hello @H4N50 ,
    could you tell us more about yourself and maybe other prior experiences you had with linux?

    I have a strong passion for Linux and open source software. While I may not have direct experience with unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I do have a solid understanding of Linux fundamentals and system administration. I also need an account since my pc is very bad and does not allow me to do almost anything, I await your response, thanks

    That sounds really great! Congrats on your solid understanding of Linux fundamentals! I will keep looking forward to additional specific details about you and the setup you plan to install on the server! Best wishes! Tom

    Thank you for your positive response, Tom! While my direct experience with Linux may be limited, I am genuinely eager to immerse myself in this exciting domain. I am confident in my ability to rapidly acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the project.

    I understand that specific details about my background and the proposed server setup are crucial for your consideration. Although I may not have prior Linux-related projects to highlight, I am a dedicated individual who values learning and growth. I assure you that I will invest the necessary time and effort to familiarize myself with the intricacies of the project and successfully execute the planned setup.
    Also mentioned before, my personal computer is bad and does not allow me to work on it, it would be very nice to have access to this great VPS

    Thank you again for your kind support and for considering my request.

    That sounds really great! Congrats on your dedication, solid values, and investment plans! I will keep looking forward to additional specific details about you and the setup you plan to install on the server! I will keep trying to give you a MetalVPS account! Best wishes! Tom

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer
    edited May 2023

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.

    Is it compulsory?

    I see your question, "Is it compulsory?" Please take another look at what you told us originally at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    How can I continue giving you opportunities to show who you really are? You seem not to want to tell us, and not to tell me, even privately. :)

    (I will not run benchmarks anymore, and decrease vCPUs of my VM.)

    This misses the point! It's certainly okay to run benchmarks and to do other heavy stuff. I keep trying to say that the way to do heavy stuff is to post here about what you are doing, how, why, when, how long.

    Also, thanks for unsuspending my account!

    You're welcome! But your account seems to have been suspended again. :)

    Best wishes!

    I'm from France, I had some Linux Course, and I have weak laptop. I running there Windows 10 Lite, Windows XP SP3 Professional and Windows For Workgroups 3.11. But soon i'll try some really old Linux distro! Also, I'll share benchmark results! So, for some time I can use many performance. I'll just run benchmarks again. I will run benchmarks today or tomorrow. But it will not be so long. Why i running benchmarks? I want to show you, guys power of MetalVPS VMs! In Windows 10 Lite VM, I running Chrome, DosBox and other things.

    @Not_Oles , did you missed my message?

    Got your message, thanks. I am a little slow. Please notice that there are messages from others to which I have not yet had a chance to reply. I need to ask you to please give me extra time. I am sorry that I am slow.

    Additionally, I continue to be challenged by the question of how to verify the information you originally provided at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    Best wishes!


    Also one question how much RAM and storage does the VPS have and does /dev/KVM ACTUALLY exist.

    Hi @SheGivMeItAgain! MetalVPS VPSes do not have pre-set RAM and disk storage. The idea is that people make a VPS with the command line, allocating appropriate RAM and disk for the task to be done by the VM. You might want to read through the thread and several tutorials which are mentioned. You also might notice a few hints that some people could be using more than a fair share of server resources. For sure you will notice that not everyone is posting in advance about what they are doing and what resources they need and for how long. You can see several people suggesting helpfully that limits should be imposed. You can see some users calling out other users for taking too much resources. In particular, at the moment, the server is a little low on RAM and on disk. The server might soon be wiped and reinstalled. I continue to consider the much appreciated suggestions which I am receiving. Thanks to @SheGivMeItAgain and to everyone here! <3 Tom

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.

    Is it compulsory?

    I see your question, "Is it compulsory?" Please take another look at what you told us originally at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    How can I continue giving you opportunities to show who you really are? You seem not to want to tell us, and not to tell me, even privately. :)

    (I will not run benchmarks anymore, and decrease vCPUs of my VM.)

    This misses the point! It's certainly okay to run benchmarks and to do other heavy stuff. I keep trying to say that the way to do heavy stuff is to post here about what you are doing, how, why, when, how long.

    Also, thanks for unsuspending my account!

    You're welcome! But your account seems to have been suspended again. :)

    Best wishes!

    I'm from France, I had some Linux Course, and I have weak laptop. I running there Windows 10 Lite, Windows XP SP3 Professional and Windows For Workgroups 3.11. But soon i'll try some really old Linux distro! Also, I'll share benchmark results! So, for some time I can use many performance. I'll just run benchmarks again. I will run benchmarks today or tomorrow. But it will not be so long. Why i running benchmarks? I want to show you, guys power of MetalVPS VMs! In Windows 10 Lite VM, I running Chrome, DosBox and other things.

    @Not_Oles , did you missed my message?

    Got your message, thanks. I am a little slow. Please notice that there are messages from others to which I have not yet had a chance to reply. I need to ask you to please give me extra time. I am sorry that I am slow.

    Additionally, I continue to be challenged by the question of how to verify the information you originally provided at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    Best wishes!


    Also one question how much RAM and storage does the VPS have and does /dev/KVM ACTUALLY exist.

    Also @Not_Oles what usage are we allowed to used. Is it dependant on the usage or?

    HI @SheGivMeItAgain! CPU usage and network usage are undefined. It's the same as for RAM and disk. Different tasks need different allocations. The idea is that people could post about what they are doing, how much is needed, and for how long. Hopefully posting and sharing would lead to people using larger amounts of resources when those were needed. In at least a few cases, some people sometimes have been running very resource intensive VMs. It's a good question how usage should be justified. Who am I to judge what others think of as a useful, fun, or even critically important task? Friendly greetings! Tom

  • edited May 2023

    @H4N50 said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @H4N50 said:

    @Yqua said:

    @H4N50 said:
    Hi there! I wanted to reach out and express my interest in trying something new. Although I don't have prior experience in creating unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I believe it would be an exciting opportunity for me to learn and explore. I'm eager to take on the challenge and see what I can accomplish. Thank you for considering my request!
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP76M+51oxuJNjxGt1TZo8dEGXvzgtt1KQd/iLOxYkWu

    Hello @H4N50 ,
    could you tell us more about yourself and maybe other prior experiences you had with linux?

    I have a strong passion for Linux and open source software. While I may not have direct experience with unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I do have a solid understanding of Linux fundamentals and system administration. I also need an account since my pc is very bad and does not allow me to do almost anything, I await your response, thanks

    That sounds really great! Congrats on your solid understanding of Linux fundamentals! I will keep looking forward to additional specific details about you and the setup you plan to install on the server! Best wishes! Tom

    Thank you for your positive response, Tom! While my direct experience with Linux may be limited, I am genuinely eager to immerse myself in this exciting domain. I am confident in my ability to rapidly acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the project.

    I understand that specific details about my background and the proposed server setup are crucial for your consideration. Although I may not have prior Linux-related projects to highlight, I am a dedicated individual who values learning and growth. I assure you that I will invest the necessary time and effort to familiarize myself with the intricacies of the project and successfully execute the planned setup.

    Thank you again for your kind support and for considering my request.

    @Not_Oles said:

    @H4N50 said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @H4N50 said:

    @Yqua said:

    @H4N50 said:
    Hi there! I wanted to reach out and express my interest in trying something new. Although I don't have prior experience in creating unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I believe it would be an exciting opportunity for me to learn and explore. I'm eager to take on the challenge and see what I can accomplish. Thank you for considering my request!
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP76M+51oxuJNjxGt1TZo8dEGXvzgtt1KQd/iLOxYkWu

    Hello @H4N50 ,
    could you tell us more about yourself and maybe other prior experiences you had with linux?

    I have a strong passion for Linux and open source software. While I may not have direct experience with unprivileged LXC containers or unprivileged KVM VPS, I do have a solid understanding of Linux fundamentals and system administration. I also need an account since my pc is very bad and does not allow me to do almost anything, I await your response, thanks

    That sounds really great! Congrats on your solid understanding of Linux fundamentals! I will keep looking forward to additional specific details about you and the setup you plan to install on the server! Best wishes! Tom

    Thank you for your positive response, Tom! While my direct experience with Linux may be limited, I am genuinely eager to immerse myself in this exciting domain. I am confident in my ability to rapidly acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the project.

    I understand that specific details about my background and the proposed server setup are crucial for your consideration. Although I may not have prior Linux-related projects to highlight, I am a dedicated individual who values learning and growth. I assure you that I will invest the necessary time and effort to familiarize myself with the intricacies of the project and successfully execute the planned setup.
    Also mentioned before, my personal computer is bad and does not allow me to work on it, it would be very nice to have access to this great VPS

    Thank you again for your kind support and for considering my request.

    That sounds really great! Congrats on your dedication, solid values, and investment plans! I will keep looking forward to additional specific details about you and the setup you plan to install on the server! I will keep trying to give you a MetalVPS account! Best wishes! Tom

    Tom, I am pleased to share the specific details of the setup I have in mind for the server.

    Regarding the operating system, I plan to use Windows 10.

    In addition to Windows 11, I intend to install VirtualBox.
    To support my development tasks, I will install Visual Studio Code

    Furthermore, I will install the Chrome browser.

    I also wanted to know about the connection to this VPS. is it via vnc?

    Thank you for your attention to these details, and I appreciate your continued support.

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @dinopotato said: Did you know i'm clueless in linux?

    I just use it for some month

    Hi Dino! That's great!!

    You and I both are members of the Clueless Club!

    Everyone has to start at the beginning! <3

    Always best wishes!


  • @Not_Oles said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.

    Is it compulsory?

    I see your question, "Is it compulsory?" Please take another look at what you told us originally at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    How can I continue giving you opportunities to show who you really are? You seem not to want to tell us, and not to tell me, even privately. :)

    (I will not run benchmarks anymore, and decrease vCPUs of my VM.)

    This misses the point! It's certainly okay to run benchmarks and to do other heavy stuff. I keep trying to say that the way to do heavy stuff is to post here about what you are doing, how, why, when, how long.

    Also, thanks for unsuspending my account!

    You're welcome! But your account seems to have been suspended again. :)

    Best wishes!

    I'm from France, I had some Linux Course, and I have weak laptop. I running there Windows 10 Lite, Windows XP SP3 Professional and Windows For Workgroups 3.11. But soon i'll try some really old Linux distro! Also, I'll share benchmark results! So, for some time I can use many performance. I'll just run benchmarks again. I will run benchmarks today or tomorrow. But it will not be so long. Why i running benchmarks? I want to show you, guys power of MetalVPS VMs! In Windows 10 Lite VM, I running Chrome, DosBox and other things.

    @Not_Oles , did you missed my message?

    Got your message, thanks. I am a little slow. Please notice that there are messages from others to which I have not yet had a chance to reply. I need to ask you to please give me extra time. I am sorry that I am slow.

    Additionally, I continue to be challenged by the question of how to verify the information you originally provided at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    Best wishes!


    Also one question how much RAM and storage does the VPS have and does /dev/KVM ACTUALLY exist.

    Hi @SheGivMeItAgain! MetalVPS VPSes do not have pre-set RAM and disk storage. The idea is that people make a VPS with the command line, allocating appropriate RAM and disk for the task to be done by the VM. You might want to read through the thread and several tutorials which are mentioned. You also might notice a few hints that some people could be using more than a fair share of server resources. For sure you will notice that not everyone is posting in advance about what they are doing and what resources they need and for how long. You can see several people suggesting helpfully that limits should be imposed. You can see some users calling out other users for taking too much resources. In particular, at the moment, the server is a little low on RAM and on disk. The server might soon be wiped and reinstalled. I continue to consider the much appreciated suggestions which I am receiving. Thanks to @SheGivMeItAgain and to everyone here! <3 Tom

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @SheGivMeItAgain said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @Exinjh said:

    @Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.

    Is it compulsory?

    I see your question, "Is it compulsory?" Please take another look at what you told us originally at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    How can I continue giving you opportunities to show who you really are? You seem not to want to tell us, and not to tell me, even privately. :)

    (I will not run benchmarks anymore, and decrease vCPUs of my VM.)

    This misses the point! It's certainly okay to run benchmarks and to do other heavy stuff. I keep trying to say that the way to do heavy stuff is to post here about what you are doing, how, why, when, how long.

    Also, thanks for unsuspending my account!

    You're welcome! But your account seems to have been suspended again. :)

    Best wishes!

    I'm from France, I had some Linux Course, and I have weak laptop. I running there Windows 10 Lite, Windows XP SP3 Professional and Windows For Workgroups 3.11. But soon i'll try some really old Linux distro! Also, I'll share benchmark results! So, for some time I can use many performance. I'll just run benchmarks again. I will run benchmarks today or tomorrow. But it will not be so long. Why i running benchmarks? I want to show you, guys power of MetalVPS VMs! In Windows 10 Lite VM, I running Chrome, DosBox and other things.

    @Not_Oles , did you missed my message?

    Got your message, thanks. I am a little slow. Please notice that there are messages from others to which I have not yet had a chance to reply. I need to ask you to please give me extra time. I am sorry that I am slow.

    Additionally, I continue to be challenged by the question of how to verify the information you originally provided at

    Hi, @Not_Oles. I want to get an account in your MetalVPS. I'm 17 years old guy from France. I used Linux only on VMware - Alpine Linux. It's my favourite Linux distro! I want to try creating QEMU-KVM virtual machines, try creating LXC containers and proot-environments. I have nice Linux skill. Here's my SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENxEGH5VonVLWw6nyrfa9idt/mPixNsYMjdrz3iT8oX eddsa-key-20230427. I hope I'll be accepted.

    Best wishes!


    Also one question how much RAM and storage does the VPS have and does /dev/KVM ACTUALLY exist.

    Also @Not_Oles what usage are we allowed to used. Is it dependant on the usage or?

    HI @SheGivMeItAgain! CPU usage and network usage are undefined. It's the same as for RAM and disk. Different tasks need different allocations. The idea is that people could post about what they are doing, how much is needed, and for how long. Hopefully posting and sharing would lead to people using larger amounts of resources when those were needed. In at least a few cases, some people sometimes have been running very resource intensive VMs. It's a good question how usage should be justified. Who am I to judge what others think of as a useful, fun, or even critically important task? Friendly greetings! Tom

    Alright, any ETA when you can setup an account for me? Or if you even?

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer
    edited May 2023

    @somik said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @somik said:
    @Not_Oles could you please grant me access to the server as well for testing?

    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIL20uGbLP+kZoBRXDaANvHy/NeqPIfpDwrWmjBEYx6QF somik@DESKTOP-BO9INQ7


    Access to fsn granted. :) kvm group membership added.

    Please try ssh [email protected] -p 42365. Should work on IPv4 or IPv6.

    A potential issue is . . . nobody has sudo on fsn.

    Thanks for helping! <3



    Thanks. Dont think I need sudo, but if i do, i'll just pass you the command to run since I'm using the account to help you monitor the server usage/loads.

    Not sure what's the KVM group,

    root@fsn ~ # grep kvm /etc/group
    root@fsn ~ # 

    but here is what I can see

    • You have a 32 core CPU with 64 GB ram
    • CPU average usage is about 6.25% over the period of 5 mins
    • RAM usage is 61.30% at the time of checking
    • Checking disk usage require's root access so you need to run the command du -hs /home/* periodically to check.
    • user r****o is using about 200% of cpu, which is about 2 cores out of 32 (yes, linux CPU usage is weird...)
    • server load average is 1.51, 2.10, 2.57 and for a 32 core CPU, it can go up to 32, 32, 32 so still got a lot of headroom.
    • Current issues, 60% RAM usage, 90% disk usage (which you will free up)

    Did I miss anything?

    Nope! Looks like you are spot on! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

    Forgot to mention, top 4 memory usage are by 4 users who each allocated 8GB of RAM to their windows VM:

    r******o   167916  149 12.8 9443536 8416196 pts/1 Sl+  05:33  51:36 qemu-system-x86_64 -m 8G -cpu host,-hypervisor --enable-kvm -smp cores=4 -boot d -hda vm1.img -cdrom en_windows_10_22h2_x64_dvd.iso  
    e******g  125435 88.8 12.3 9750712 8098992 pts/9 Sl+  May04 2454:35 qemu-system-x86_64 -hda win10.img -m 8G  cores=4 -cpu host -enable-kvm -net nic -object rng-random,id=rng0,filename=/dev/urandom -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0 -vga qxl -monitor stdio -machine usb=on -device usb-tablet
    i******3  167164 24.3 11.9 10023656 7841624 pts/7 Sl+ 04:24  25:15 qemu-system-x86_64 -bios /home/i******3/win-vm/OVMF.fd -hda /home/i******3/win-vm/os.qcow2 -pflash /home/i******3/win-vm/OVMF-code.fd -pflash /home/i******3/win-vm/OVMF-vars.fd -vga qxl -m 8G -cpu host,-hypervisor -smp cores=4 -usbdevice tablet --enable-kvm 
    i******a+  129352 19.4 11.0 11077172 7239236 pts/17 Sl+ May04 469:10 qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu host,-hypervisor -m 8192 -smp cores=8,sockets=2 --enable-kvm -hda 11disk.qcow2 -cdrom win11.iso

    I have edited out the port ranges and usernames to protect privacy for this. If @Not_Oles is ok with it, I would prefer to put unedited version instead.

    Unless I missed it, nobody has objected to posting the usernames (which are the same as their forum nics except for capital letters usually being reduced).

    So I think we can go ahead and post statistics and command line output without redacting usernames. 🌟

    Thanked by (1)somik
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