@H4N50 said: @Not_Oles Hello Tom, can you add me to the server back, you had already given me an account, I want to know if I can register with the data provided previously, I await your response, thanks
When the vps turn on
Focusing on what you can contribute would work in your best interest.
I would challenge everyone who needs KVM because they think they need KVM to run a GUI, to try to make this work.
Just guessing, but maybe the server already is or could be configured so that the built-in processor graphics are enabled. If yes, then maybe installing a graphical environment directly on the Node would provide a way for Neighbors to share the graphics capability both on the Node and within LXC. KVM apparently needs passthrough to allow access to the built-in processor graphics. I seem to remember you or someone saying that passthrough requires root and that passthrough blocks other Neighbors from using the built-in graphics. I didn't know that until this thread happened.
I would challenge everyone who needs KVM because they think they need KVM to run a GUI, to try to make this work.
Just guessing, but maybe the server already is or could be configured so that the built-in processor graphics are enabled. If yes, then maybe installing a graphical environment directly on the Node would provide a way for Neighbors to share the graphics capability both on the Node and within LXC. KVM apparently needs passthrough to allow access to the built-in processor graphics. I seem to remember you or someone saying that passthrough requires root and that passthrough blocks other Neighbors from using the built-in graphics. I didn't know that until this thread happened.
Gah! I wasn't in my right mind when I posted this. This is for GPU passthrough to an LXC and once the GPU is passed through, no other people can use that GPU anymore.
If you only need a GUI you don't need GPU passthrough. Installing a desktop in LXC would suffice.
I would challenge everyone who needs KVM because they think they need KVM to run a GUI, to try to make this work.
Just guessing, but maybe the server already is or could be configured so that the built-in processor graphics are enabled. If yes, then maybe installing a graphical environment directly on the Node would provide a way for Neighbors to share the graphics capability both on the Node and within LXC. KVM apparently needs passthrough to allow access to the built-in processor graphics. I seem to remember you or someone saying that passthrough requires root and that passthrough blocks other Neighbors from using the built-in graphics. I didn't know that until this thread happened.
Gah! I wasn't in my right mind when I posted this. This is for GPU passthrough to an LXC and once the GPU is passed through, no other people can use that GPU anymore.
If you only need a GUI you don't need GPU passthrough. Installing a desktop in LXC would suffice.
And you don't even need LXC to run GUI applications, just use nxagent on the remote server (tu start your GUI application in that session) and connect via nxproxy.
@Not_Oles said:
What is the program you want to run inside Qemu-KVM?
How could you run your program directly on the metal so that Qemu-KVM would not be needed?
For now I'm not sure yet. Probably something that runs inside Linux and is interesting for me.
To run the program directly sometimes I may need sudo because of dependecies issues.
Seems reasonable. . . .
The i9-13900 isn't really ready yet, but I will make an account for you. kvm group and sudo group 🔜
The i9-9900K is turned off, which seems a shame. Could you please let me know which one of the following distros you would like?
AlmaLinux 8.7 base
Arch Linux latest minimal
CentOS 7.9 minimal
CentOS Stream 8 base
Debian 10 base
Debian 10 LAMP
Debian 11 base
Rocky Linux 8.7 base
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS minimal
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Nextcloud
Ubuntu 20.04.3 (HWE) LTS minimal
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS base
Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS base
Thanks! Best wishes and welcome, again, to MetalVPS.
The ID information provided for your MetalVPS account may be, and probably is, correct. Unfortunately, however, I haven't yet been able to find a way to verify the information. Could you please suggest three reliable third parties whom I could contact for the purpose of verifying the information? Alternatively, maybe you might like to ask three reliable third parties to email their recommendations for you to the address on my LES profile?
The whole situation surrounding ID information on the internet is a bit awkward. I apologize for the inconvenience. Maybe it will help if I tell you that, in my past experience, obtaining references from third parties has been very helpful to me. My own previous, good experiences with references is where I got the idea to insert the reference links which appear at the bottom of the MetalVPS ads.
If there is anything I can do to make the ID verification process easier for you, please let me know.
Create me an account using the previous SSH key btw
Hi @iamvinh123! As a result of the port scan that Hetzner caught, MetalVPS has an identity requirement now. How do you want to verify your identity? You could send
Phone number
Scan of government ID
to the email address on my LES profile? Or send by LES PM? Or maybe you prefer another way?
Thanks! Best!
Now I will quit metalvps due to I don't want to expose my identity to random people internet.
Create me an account using the previous SSH key btw
Hi @iamvinh123! As a result of the port scan that Hetzner caught, MetalVPS has an identity requirement now. How do you want to verify your identity? You could send
Phone number
Scan of government ID
to the email address on my LES profile? Or send by LES PM? Or maybe you prefer another way?
Thanks! Best!
Now I will quit metalvps due to I don't want to expose my identity to random people internet.
@Not_Oles wondering if i could get another account? i can provide my email, my phone number and (if needed) address and name, although not really comfortable to share that on the internet. I can do it via something such as email or signal.
Thanks for giving me a warm welcome to the LES community!
Hey! I don't know how I'm still not a part of this, but I'd like to change that
Here is my SSH pubkey: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGgXd/scB9LOKkD0K+fBlIU44JpLMztvLCh2s2ULEE7x
@dough said: @Not_Oles wondering if i could get another account? i can provide my email, my phone number and (if needed) address and name, although not really comfortable to share that on the internet. I can do it via something such as email or signal.
Thanks for giving me a warm welcome to the LES community!
Please feel free to send me whatever information you want by email to the address on my LES profile. Please don't send anything you don't want to send. Please note that my email goes through Migadu, so any email you send will at least pass through Migadu's servers and maybe will be stored there for awhile.
Hopefully, MetalVPS will be back soon, stronger than before. 🏋️
@Unixfy said:
Hey! I don't know how I'm still not a part of this, but I'd like to change that
Here is my SSH pubkey: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGgXd/scB9LOKkD0K+fBlIU44JpLMztvLCh2s2ULEE7x
Nice to see you! You are more than welcome as soon as MetalVPS resumes. 🏋️ Please feel free to join @dough looking at the Scratchpad thread Please contribute your suggestions, comments, and wisdom. Please feel free to send me an email.
I want to obtain a nat vps for linux learning and testing.
there is my ed25519 public key.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINvO6THCkKQAkLlQzy1KNGys4yVhR9Wz6N4KkN9gQmep
@mewmew said:
I want to obtain a nat vps for linux learning and testing.
there is my ed25519 public key.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINvO6THCkKQAkLlQzy1KNGys4yVhR9Wz6N4KkN9gQmep
Would have been a good idea to at least read the thread before posting details
I'm back (only for today!)
So I'm here to tell that I probably will not use metalVPS anymore, as I will be busy on another stuffs, plus final exams will start in like a week.
I really enjoyed MetalVPS in the past and learned a lot of stuffs. I hope MetalVPS will be back soon, and I hope more people can learn together using MetalVPS.
Thanks everyone for your support ))
Hi! I would love to learn about kvm! I'm a noob though so be patient with me. (i might ask a few too many questions lol)
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILmeQhXUO3WJiz0wKRl3Wx4CS88WEfJufCxIReDgyXF2 eddsa-key-20230519
Hi! I know accounts are paused but I still wanted to introduce myself here. I've been using Linux on and off for a long while now. My first experience was Ubuntu Breezy Badger, back when they started shipping free live CDs hahaha. (Any of you guys still remember Jono Bacon?) I'm not a master sysadmin in anyway and would love to get more hands-on experience. Please let me know if there is anything I can help with
@randumbguy said:
Hi! I would love to learn about kvm! I'm a noob though so be patient with me. (i might ask a few too many questions lol)
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILmeQhXUO3WJiz0wKRl3Wx4CS88WEfJufCxIReDgyXF2 eddsa-key-20230519
Welcome randumbguy to LES. All questions are welcome. Hope to see you more active around LES.
@nergar said:
Hi! I know accounts are paused but I still wanted to introduce myself here. I've been using Linux on and off for a long while now. My first experience was Ubuntu Breezy Badger, back when they started shipping free live CDs hahaha. (Any of you guys still remember Jono Bacon?) I'm not a master sysadmin in anyway and would love to get more hands-on experience. Please let me know if there is anything I can help with
Welcome nergar to LES. Ubuntu 5.10, huh? Can't say I have ever used it. I started from ubuntu 16 if i remember correctly. Before that was using CentOS. All help is welcome. Do look around the forums in case something catches your eyes.
LES does have a few other "free giveaways" running now, including lucky draws. Do apply there as well
Thanks a lot for the warm welcome @somik, and thanks for the offer to look at the giveaways. Right now I don't need anything but the opportunity to learn more about the inner working of KVM and play with it in an environment where a little oopsie doesn't cause the downtime of important servers really caught my eye.
@VMCreator is the guy who leads the Discord server FreeRDP, which is the group of guys who took wholesale advantage of the MetalVPS free offer. He created a 1.4 TB account and provided 20 or so subaccounts.
The thing I do not understand is that, other than decency, there intentionally were no constraints against doing what he did. So, why does he think he is so cool to have overcome . . . nothing?
@Nubuki said: @somik weird question but do you know of any vps provider in les that charge in each customer's currency?
Unfortunately, no. You need to convert your local currency into the host's currency for payment (with the high markup for paypal/bank). I would suggest to find a local VPS provider that is in your country so they charge you the same currency.
@Not_Oles said:
Edit: There was a post which has been removed.
@VMCreator is the guy who leads the Discord server FreeRDP, which is the group of guys who took wholesale advantage of the MetalVPS free offer. He created a 1.4 TB account and provided 20 or so subaccounts.
The thing I do not understand is that, other than decency, there intentionally were no constraints against doing what he did. So, why does he think he is so cool to have overcome . . . nothing?
Free services are always abused. Even some paid services are abused if it's cheap. Only when the service is expensive and the user has a potential to lose money if the abuse takes place (like yearly subscriptions where they ban your account and no refunds) the user thinks thrice before abusing the service. Another way to prevent it is to verify the users identity. Finally, you can make them wait for the service. Some will still abuse, but this will limit the signups as most people dont want to wait 3 months just to get something free they can get elsewhere.
@Not_Oles said:
Edit: There was a post which has been removed.
@VMCreator is the guy who leads the Discord server FreeRDP, which is the group of guys who took wholesale advantage of the MetalVPS free offer. He created a 1.4 TB account and provided 20 or so subaccounts.
The thing I do not understand is that, other than decency, there intentionally were no constraints against doing what he did. So, why does he think he is so cool to have overcome . . . nothing?
Focusing on what you can contribute would work in your best interest.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
In a hindsight, you can use GUI in LXC if you are so inclined:
I would challenge everyone who needs KVM because they think they need KVM to run a GUI, to try to make this work.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
Just guessing, but maybe the server already is or could be configured so that the built-in processor graphics are enabled. If yes, then maybe installing a graphical environment directly on the Node would provide a way for Neighbors to share the graphics capability both on the Node and within LXC. KVM apparently needs passthrough to allow access to the built-in processor graphics. I seem to remember you or someone saying that passthrough requires root and that passthrough blocks other Neighbors from using the built-in graphics. I didn't know that until this thread happened.
Gah! I wasn't in my right mind when I posted this. This is for GPU passthrough to an LXC and once the GPU is passed through, no other people can use that GPU anymore.
If you only need a GUI you don't need GPU passthrough. Installing a desktop in LXC would suffice.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
And you don't even need LXC to run GUI applications, just use nxagent on the remote server (tu start your GUI application in that session) and connect via nxproxy.
Hi @itsmepaddi!
The ID information provided for your MetalVPS account may be, and probably is, correct. Unfortunately, however, I haven't yet been able to find a way to verify the information. Could you please suggest three reliable third parties whom I could contact for the purpose of verifying the information? Alternatively, maybe you might like to ask three reliable third parties to email their recommendations for you to the address on my LES profile?
The whole situation surrounding ID information on the internet is a bit awkward. I apologize for the inconvenience. Maybe it will help if I tell you that, in my past experience, obtaining references from third parties has been very helpful to me. My own previous, good experiences with references is where I got the idea to insert the reference links which appear at the bottom of the MetalVPS ads.
If there is anything I can do to make the ID verification process easier for you, please let me know.
For Debian sid: https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/nxagent/nxagent.1.en.html
Now I will quit metalvps due to I don't want to expose my identity to random people internet.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
I bet he was really Zeyad.
Hello @Not_Oles
Could you add my ssh key? with no kvm group.
Hi @RtedPro! How can we get the guy who did the port scans to fess up and apologize?
@Not_Oles wondering if i could get another account? i can provide my email, my phone number and (if needed) address and name, although not really comfortable to share that on the internet. I can do it via something such as email or signal.
Thanks for giving me a warm welcome to the LES community!
http://dough.h4ck.me/ - we gonna get out of mcdonalds with this one!!!
Hey! I don't know how I'm still not a part of this, but I'd like to change that
Here is my SSH pubkey:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGgXd/scB9LOKkD0K+fBlIU44JpLMztvLCh2s2ULEE7x
Hi @dough!
Thanks for your message! There indeed are a bunch of nice guys here at LES!
There's a parallel thread at https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/5899/metalvps-open-scratchpad-free-metalvps-intel-i9-13900-traditional-shell-account/p1 where I have been trying to arrange ideas for refreshing MetalVPS. You might take a look at the other thread.
Please feel free to send me whatever information you want by email to the address on my LES profile. Please don't send anything you don't want to send. Please note that my email goes through Migadu, so any email you send will at least pass through Migadu's servers and maybe will be stored there for awhile.
Hopefully, MetalVPS will be back soon, stronger than before. 🏋️
Hi @Unixfy!
Nice to see you! You are more than welcome as soon as MetalVPS resumes. 🏋️ Please feel free to join @dough looking at the Scratchpad thread Please contribute your suggestions, comments, and wisdom. Please feel free to send me an email.
Kindest regards,
hello @Not_Oles !, is the free metalvps not available forever or the free metalvps has been closed?
No, it'll be available soon.
Currently Not_Oles is finalizing the terms and conditions over at this thread: https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/139928/#Comment_139928
Feel free to go through the latest version linked above and provide your input.
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
I want to obtain a nat vps for linux learning and testing.
there is my ed25519 public key.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINvO6THCkKQAkLlQzy1KNGys4yVhR9Wz6N4KkN9gQmep
Would have been a good idea to at least read the thread before posting details
Shell Accounts are on hold for now
The Ultimate Speedtest Script | Get Instant Alerts on new LES/LET deals on Telegram
Active and helpful on LES? Come grab a free VPS! - FreeVPS.org | How to Apply
I'm back (only for today!)
So I'm here to tell that I probably will not use metalVPS anymore, as I will be busy on another stuffs, plus final exams will start in like a week.
I really enjoyed MetalVPS in the past and learned a lot of stuffs. I hope MetalVPS will be back soon, and I hope more people can learn together using MetalVPS.
Thanks everyone for your support
Paddi, 19-5-2023
Hi! I would love to learn about kvm! I'm a noob though so be patient with me. (i might ask a few too many questions lol)
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILmeQhXUO3WJiz0wKRl3Wx4CS88WEfJufCxIReDgyXF2 eddsa-key-20230519
Hi! I know accounts are paused but I still wanted to introduce myself here. I've been using Linux on and off for a long while now. My first experience was Ubuntu Breezy Badger, back when they started shipping free live CDs hahaha. (Any of you guys still remember Jono Bacon?) I'm not a master sysadmin in anyway and would love to get more hands-on experience. Please let me know if there is anything I can help with
Welcome randumbguy to LES. All questions are welcome. Hope to see you more active around LES.
Welcome nergar to LES. Ubuntu 5.10, huh? Can't say I have ever used it. I started from ubuntu 16 if i remember correctly. Before that was using CentOS. All help is welcome. Do look around the forums in case something catches your eyes.
LES does have a few other "free giveaways" running now, including lucky draws. Do apply there as well
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
Thanks a lot for the warm welcome @somik, and thanks for the offer to look at the giveaways. Right now I don't need anything but the opportunity to learn more about the inner working of KVM and play with it in an environment where a little oopsie doesn't cause the downtime of important servers really caught my eye.
@somik weird question but do you know of any vps provider in les that charge in each customer's currency?
Edit: There was a post which has been removed.
@VMCreator is the guy who leads the Discord server FreeRDP, which is the group of guys who took wholesale advantage of the MetalVPS free offer. He created a 1.4 TB account and provided 20 or so subaccounts.
The thing I do not understand is that, other than decency, there intentionally were no constraints against doing what he did. So, why does he think he is so cool to have overcome . . . nothing?
I put @VMCreator's post on archive.org at https://web.archive.org/web/20230522141521/https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/140427/
in case the LES team decides to take it down.
Best wishes! Have a good day!
Unfortunately, no. You need to convert your local currency into the host's currency for payment (with the high markup for paypal/bank). I would suggest to find a local VPS provider that is in your country so they charge you the same currency.
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
Free services are always abused. Even some paid services are abused if it's cheap. Only when the service is expensive and the user has a potential to lose money if the abuse takes place (like yearly subscriptions where they ban your account and no refunds) the user thinks thrice before abusing the service. Another way to prevent it is to verify the users identity. Finally, you can make them wait for the service. Some will still abuse, but this will limit the signups as most people dont want to wait 3 months just to get something free they can get elsewhere.
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
Rude! He would earn a lifetime ban in my books.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
I feel sorry for him!