HostDoc closing down
Find below which I received via email, I imagine this is the result of the community completely obliterating him over the handling of the client area bug.
HostDoc will be closing its doors today and will no longer accept orders for any service moving forward.
All payment gateways are now inactive. All clients will be refunded pro-rata and a few refunds have already began being issued. If your refund has not yet been recieved, please open a ticket and be patient, all valid requests will be refunded.
If you have a paypal subscription set up, please cancel it now.
As much as I enjoy providing a hosting service basically for free (there has never been a profit margin which was not reinvested into new hardware), and as much as I can fend away many if not most of the trolls or those that try and bring the brand or reputation down, it is a much harder feat when it is someone that was once trusted.
As such, this is a notice that backs ups should immediately be taken and alternative hosting solutions be sought as a replacement for the services you currently have with us.
Services will not go down immediately, however, acting immediately would see you prepared for when our services do eventually go down which can be up to 30 days from today.
Our cpanel shared hosting may stay available for the next 6 months. If this is the case, no further fee will be charged to current users however, you are urged to use this time to prepare backups and migrate away from HostDoc.
I am sorry to those I will be letting down with this decision.
I am sorry I could not be the host I envisioned being.
Thank you for choosing HostDoc and allowing us to serve you as best as we could.
Kind regards
Well it was fun while it lasted. At least I got a nice quad 3800x bench!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
They were useful for cheap OVH VPS, that's about it tho.
Irrespective of the drama, @HostDoc hope everything is ok for you outside of your hosting. If you are proactively refunding folks and actually had that money managed in such a way you able to do that I commend you. We've seen many hosts shut their doors in many ways -- and I cannot think of another that has done it well. Good luck with your next venture.
Edit: well assuming the best aged poorly | High Performance VPS in Seattle and Dallas since 2018
Shit. That is bad and sad. I was kinda expecting doc to pull a 180 degree after the recent incident
On the same note, granted, it will be impossible to match his offerings, as one can guess. However, If anyone interested and needs a new home, please shoot a pm. As I mentioned, won't be able to match but we can try our best to help out.
I wish Chieve all the best. Kudos for not closing operations overnight and giving users proper notice.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Not that I am surprised by this, but I trusted you. I hope some of you guys are happy now. I doubt any other providers can match any of my deals as a refugee offer. It was great while it lasted.
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
What have you got out of interest?
Omega-32 fat
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
Wow, just wow. Now, I’m guessing no one is able to match my £6/year offer with them
that was the only thing I got last BF ?
That's sad
All the best to your future endeavours Doc
2 of the most recent ones (not the extremely limited ones, still in stock after hours)
4 CPU (Ryzen 3900X)
1TB Bandwidth @ 1Gbps
Los Angeles
3 CPU (i7-7700K)
3TB Bandwidth @ 250Mbps
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
Mine was OVH France 4x 3800x same config but ECC ram, £25/yr
Was gonna move production over but alas..
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Same, was about to move production there but seems like not possible anymore.
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
Was eyeing the Singapore one with interest. Leaning towards Linode now since most providers shy away from SEA/ SA.
Edit: Did not mean it to criticise providers. Reasons for shying away are quite well known.
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
Linode is great imo.
ExtraVM - High RAM Specials
Yours truly.
You have something for me in SG?
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
You know which code to use!
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
But I don't think Mike know about that code
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
Regardless of the 4W1H, it's a sad day for lowenders indeed. A minute of silence for the fallen brand.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
is there something I should know about here
ExtraVM - High RAM Specials
Yours truly.
The recent HostDoc saga is really an example of why feedback should be listened to and how not to handle security issues, along with communication in general.
I need refuge
--I always need help..pff
Well that’s unexpected and seems a bit rash, but I’m sure there are reasons. I hope Chike is doing okay. Sounds like a difficult time for him.
If we’re sharing favorite past deals, I had the following for $6/m:
5 Core 3900X
Not a bad deal! That said, I’ve found a new home with @seriesn and I have no regrets. I’d highly recommend his service for any refugees looking for a new box.
It don’t be like it is until it do.
hmmmm ...
if I might suggest some discount codes:
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Try not to take this as a put down, but how can you do the math on such a plan and go "this sounds like a completely sustainable product that I'll possibly put my livelihood on"?
I'd shake my head when I would see their offers. They decided to chase after SMARTHOST's $5/m plan as well as other crazy offers placed on whatever equipment they feel they got a deal on (E7's??). They had a nervous breakdown with one of their providers that was completely ridiculous.
Even if you completely own your platform (IP's, hardware, can afford to order from something besides the value menu, etc), these plans are all loss leaders, or worse, "floaters", plans to make the bills this month.
Support the young and growing providers. Give them positive feedback to help them better themselves. That said, people need to stop looking the other way at obviously bad business planning and sustainable pricing all in the face of bitchin' deal.
All it does is hurt the industry for the new hosts that are trying to take thing seriously. The bigger providers can scoff this bullshit off, we'll even pull in a good chunk of the clientbase since people are done being burnt for the 9th time. The smaller providers that did everything right (owning their gear when possible, sustainable pricing, funds in the bank to support the slow months or when they aren't profitable yet, etc) suffer greatly.
EDIT - fixing some franisim's
Francisco | High Performance VPS in Seattle and Dallas since 2018
Agreed 100%! I have long term contracts with my colocation vendor, and I own pretty much every single piece of infrastructure used in the HostMaxim network. I'm not able to offer services as cheap as some of my competition, but I try to go above and beyond with support and network quality.
Agree (apart from my wallet as a customer)
I guess towards the end hostdoc went over...he did have some good points that wasnt leveraged on. PR is indeed important in every business unless it is unique tech.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.