Forum upgrades this weekend [Complete]

The forum is going down or runn8ng slow during backups now, today the disk hit 100% for a bit during backups so the time has come for an upgrade.
I will be doing it when I get a good window of time I can’t say when specifically but it should take no longer than an hour, 15 minutes if it all goes smoothly.
Thought I would give a heads up.
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Yeah, site went down for a wee while around 11AM UK time.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Interesting that it's disk bound. Makes sense I guess
I thought it was my shitty internet being slow. I really appreciate the heads up.
why ipad, why!
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That's what ye get for using proprietary kit.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
I have been doing that a lot lately, just the slightest slide of the finger returns the number not the letter.
Admin needs help with money for buying more storage?
haha no I am good thanks

the forum runs on a VPS, the VPS only has 5GB storage, I am going to push the boat out and give it 20GB!!!!!
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Rocking the envelope and pushing the boat!
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
I am actually a bit confused about this, technically you should have plenty of free resources on Inception Hosting, why not allocate more instead?
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
Resources allocated to the forum aren’t available for customers. So it basically costs him money.
Cause he's tight.
I don't think so. How much more does it actually costs?
Recently he is selling UK NVMe KVM for €30/yr with 60GB NVMe (after double disk upgrade), the selling price is only €0.5/yr/GB and for sure the actual cost is lower.
That's just my observation, but maybe he have his reasons.
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
Well initially I just span up a 512mb plan for speed and simplicity and frankly I had no idea that this would take off like it did.
Being someone who still genuinely holds the values of LE* I like to do more with less
Hind sight is the worlds greatest super power though.
I upgraded the forum ram over Christmas it now has 1GB.
I don't see a situation at least not for a year+ that more than 20GB is needed, so why allocate more?
I could quite easily just allocate 16GB RAM and 1TB of NVMe space if I wanted, I dont want too.
I dont know if you will remember this but LEB used to run on a 512 or 1GB linode box for a long time, one of the biggest upsets to my mind anyway was when con man jon moved it on to a "cluster" and LE* was not even running on LE.
I accept its 2020 and LE is not today what it was in 2010 but I think it works as a good example to what you can achieve with a basic resource set.
Thats my thinking anyway, right or wrong that is my thinking.
...and I am tight.
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I wish ? it was 30GB if doubled on the smallest plan not 60GB
Which is appreciated
Engineering mantra at its finest. Good job :-)
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Well I’ve been proven wrong about the reason, so this was clearly not the consideration. Still, if you have the resources not selling them because you use them yourself means you get less revenue.
all done.
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Welcome back to the land of the living my friends.
I feel upgraded.
Thank you, @AntGoldFish.
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No, thank you @trollfeet.
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Is trollfeet an existing word? However, thanks for the update!
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Not sure how my soulname would be @trollfeet but whatever floats his goat.
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For me doing backups with "nice -n 10 ionice -c1 -n 7" has caused no slowdown in production and I'm doing hourly backups.
Good Job! Thank you