Region/Location Question

I've been checking various providers and just having a gander around the interwebs to see where the market is at these days and I wondered what the best region or location is for certain folks - just thought I'd try and start a little discussion.


What's the best location for a dedicated server to serve people mainly spread across the US and Europe?

What's the best location to serve Asia (in general)?



  • ASIA = Singapore
    ROTW = Cociu, Romania

    I know where to get Hokkien and Hookers in Singapore. I only know where to get Hookers in Romania.

    Hope that helps eh?

    Thanked by (2)Bitmap dahartigan
  • Asia is probably Singapore, however Asia is huge so I assume you mean Eastern Asia.

    Europe/US is London, Amsterdam or Paris.

    Thanked by (1)Bitmap
  • London is not in Europe. It's in Ontario.

    Thanked by (1)dahartigan
  • Shit will get serious when @MikePT opens his DC in Ponta Delgada. Game changer.

    Thanked by (2)debaser MikePT
  • I hope he will. I <3 Sao Miguel (the Azorean island, not the guy, sorry @MikePT)

    Thanked by (1)MikePT
  • I'm comfortable enough in my sexuality to say I love @MikePT. It's 2020 guy. Don't hold back.

    Thanked by (1)MikePT
  • What can I say, I’m a Lesbian.

    Sorry for derailing your thread @Bitmap

    Thanked by (1)uptime
  • @debaser So we have now established you like seafood. But are you a Pixies fan, or Junglist, or neither?

  • @Bitmap said: What's the best location for a dedicated server to serve people mainly spread across the US and Europe?

    The main hubs are Ashburn and New York in the US and Amsterdam, Frankfurt and London in Europe.

    @Bitmap said: What's the best location to serve Asia (in general)?

    Singapore if general, with Tokio being worth of consideration for certain regions.

    Thanked by (1)Bitmap
  • I feel like geographic location is only one half of the equation. You also have to look at peering, IMO.

    Thanked by (1)Bitmap

    Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.

  • @CamoYoshi said:
    I feel like geographic location is only one half of the equation. You also have to look at peering, IMO.

    True – though, peering is a science in itself, this was literally intended as a quick-shot question, kinda' gets tedious when there's a million and one providers all operating from a couple dozen locations.

    Thanked by (1)CamoYoshi
  • @deepsouthcarolina said:
    ASIA = Singapore
    ROTW = Cociu, Romania

    I know where to get Hokkien and Hookers in Singapore. I only know where to get Hookers in Romania.

    Hope that helps eh?

    Nice try, but Hokkien is a dialect. I am not sure how you get a dialect. It's like saying you can get Afrikaans.

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  • WSSWSS Retired

    @poisson said:
    Nice try, but Hokkien is a dialect. I am not sure how you get a dialect. It's like saying you can get Afrikaans.

    Sure, you can, but as far as buying for Afrikaans, oof..

    Thanked by (1)poisson

    My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.

  • MikePTMikePT Hosting ProviderOGServices Provider

    @deepsouthcarolina said:
    Shit will get serious when @MikePT opens his DC in Ponta Delgada. Game changer.

    Would be pretty expensive but who knows! ?

    @debaser said:
    I hope he will. I <3 Sao Miguel (the Azorean island, not the guy, sorry @MikePT)

    Never been to Açores :(

    @deepsouthcarolina said:
    I'm comfortable enough in my sexuality to say I love @MikePT. It's 2020 guy. Don't hold back.

    I don't mind to be shared. I love you too ❤️??

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