HetrixTools Giveaway - #StayHome & #MonitorYourServers

Promo Starts On 26 March 2020 at 14:00 UTC Time.
No entries will be considered before the above posted time.
Hey there!
I honestly hope that this post finds you well and healthy during this crazy period we're going through.
I thought I'd brighten the mood a little bit with this small giveaway here.
The way I was doing promos before was spontaneously, and because of that, a lot of people wouldn't get a chance to participate, so I'm announcing this one ahead of time.
This promo will be shared between 3 different forums: LET, LES, and HostBalls HostedTalk, so you can participate in any of the threads posted on these forums, but the promo won't stack if you participate on multiple forums.
The promo is very simple and it won’t cost you anything. You’re going to get some free extra monitors added to your account, regardless of your package (free or paid).
Giving away:
+ 16 extra Blacklist Monitors
+ 5 extra Uptime Monitors / Server Monitors
These extra monitors get added to your account for free, no matter on which package you are currently on, and will remain with your account through package upgrades and downgrades forever.
So, assuming you’re on our Free packages, you’d be getting:
Blacklist Monitoring:
- 32 48 Blacklist Monitors
- 125+ RBLs
See all features on our Blacklist Monitoring Pricing Page:
Uptime Monitoring:
- 10 15 Uptime Monitors (monitor the uptime status of your website,server,services,etc)
- 10 15 Server Monitors (monitor your server resources and configure alerts for high usage)
- 1 minute check frequency
- Select 4 out of 12 monitoring locations
- Domain expiration monitor, SSL expiration monitor, nameservers change detection, etc.
See all features on our Uptime Monitoring Pricing Page:
Included in all packages:
- Private/Public Uptime Reports
- White Label Reports
- Bulk Reports (Public Status Page)
- Account Activity required for free accounts
- Notifications via Email, SMS, PushBullet, Pushover, Twitter, Slack, Discord, Mattermost, RocketChat, PagerDuty, Telegram, VictorOps, and Webhooks
- All features are included on the pricing pages linked above
How to obtain this offer:
1. Register for a free HetrixTools account (if you don’t already have one)
2. Reply in this thread with your account’s Public Key, found here https://hetrix.tools/public-key
3. Your account will be manually upgraded within 24 hours
Promo Notes:
- any type of account can participate (free and paid alike)
- this promo will stack with any previous giveaway
- valid only for the first 50 keys or until 31 March, whichever comes first
Please allow up to 24 hours for your account to be upgraded, after posting your key.
There is no need to open a support ticket about this promo upgrade.
Thanks for taking the time to read this promo post and please stay safe.
Thank you
Take a minute to read the giveaway buddy.
Enjoy meditation without religion for one month.
It said that I had to comment my public key, I did it. What did i missing?
Thanks @Andrei for another awesome and generous offer.
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del me
start from 26 March 2020.
now 24 March, two days again.
You posted prior to the start time.
Too early. Oops!
This line "Promo Starts On 26 March 2020 at 14:00 UTC Time." is not clearly visible with Dark theme enabled on the forums.
Oh got it. I'm in dark theme and the text is gray so I couldn't see it
Oh darn, dark theme is messing up the heading for some reason, and I can't edit the post anymore.
If any mods can modify the first 2 lines to be visible in both light and dark themes, that'd be great, thank you ?
I’m not here for the giveaway, I just wanted to drop by and say that I’ve been using HetrixTools’ server monitor for the past month or so and it’s friggin awesome!
It don’t be like it is until it do.
tks man
Appreciate what you’re doing here.
I signed up for an account mostly out of curiosity but if I can get more free monitors... well I might let Uptime Robot go for good!
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
best wishes to you and your family.
Those who use Dark Theme can't see this line in original post.
disqualified, please read the dates Promo Starts On 26 March 2020 at 14:00 UTC Time.
My Personal Blog 🌟🌟 Backups for $1 🔥🚀
That's what they get for using it!
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Also noting that the current free account already comes with 15 monitors not 10?
Oh yeah, good catch, it's an older post template.
Thank you
You can't even remember how much you're giving away for free these days? Thought about buying VortexNode and offering Atoms?
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
Welp, seems like it starts from the 26th, the line isn't visible in dark mode
Cool! I can't use them with my current project, so I'll let someone else pick them up.
"SAVE $100 today: $3795"
I'd buy that just for nostalgia if it was a few dollars, maybe even $7. You always remember your first deadpool host.

Oh blame myself. I'm blind.
Read the whole post just not the beginning. Dang!
Thank you for reminding!
Would love to try out your services for once!
Pub key: 955330adf6a29ff3292638109cb9f7b3
I ❤️ NexusBytes (Aff link)
Seeing so many people posting their keys over the past two days, I wonder what is the date today.
My calendar shows 25th of March. Yesterday was 24th
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Many of them might be on dark mode, and it shows up like this on dark mode: https://i.imgur.com/gnPe8Rf.png