Virmach BF Deal available for transfer (KVM in USA NY) + LunaNode credit

Hi all,

And i won $50 LunaNode Account Credit (Toronto, non-expiring). I can send it to you for $25 on bitcoin. Feel free to PM me.

I do have an idling KVM VPS from Virmach. Guys this offer is cheap, have dedicated IPv4 and it is really hard to get it that why please not ask for discount.

    BF-SPECIAL-2019 512 MB RAM
    1 vCPU
    512 MB RAM
    5 GB SSD
    1 TB Traffic
    Buffalo, NY
    Renews at only $5.32 USD per year
    Paid until 11/30/2020

I am seeking $3 (Virmach transfer fees) + $6 for service = $9. Renewal dates mentioned along with the yearly cost.

    BF-SPECIAL-2019 768 MB RAM
    1 vCPU
    768 MB RAM
    10 GB SSD
    1 TB Traffic
    Buffalo, NY
    Renews at only $6.49 USD per year
    Paid until 12/02/2020

I am seeking $3 (Virmach transfer fees) + $7 for service = $10. Renewal dates mentioned along with the yearly cost.

How to transfer?
My country do not allay receive payment in paypal that's why I prefer bitcoin.
If anybody is interested, please make sure to fulfil the Virmach transport policy and feel free to PM me.

You will need to ensure you understand the Virmach Transfer Rules:

1. You must be a VirMach customer for at least 6 months.
2. You must provide photo ID, held up to a written message "For service transfer by VirMach" and today's date.
3. You must confirm that you are giving up any duration of service owed to you, permanently, without any refund.
4. You must have a valid confirmed e-mail address matching your payment e-mail address.
5. Your service must be on an independent panel, not combined with other services. If your VPS is combined, there's an additional $2 fee.

1. Must have valid billing information on file and pass fraud checks.
2. Must have valid payment method on file, or a minimum of $5 credits on VirMach account.
3. Must create a ticket confirming receiving the transfer.


  • vyasvyas OGRetired

    Why are the rates you have quoted higher than the pro rated fees? Factor in the transfer fees, makes it even more expensive.

    Also what are Lunanode’s terms for transfer of credit? A service credit for sale seems shady to me if not mentioned along with the providers terms.

  • i want to hunting $2/year to virmach RAM 1GB

  • $2.99.

    Thanked by (1)ouvoun

    "Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay

  • vyasvyas OGRetired
    edited March 2020

    @FAT32 said:

    I underbid you at 2.98 Zimbabwe dollars . Paid via service credits

  • @vyas said:
    Why are the rates you have quoted higher than the pro rated fees? Factor in the transfer fees, makes it even more expensive.

    Don't understand what mean"pro rated fees", but if you saying about higher price for transfer. If you can buy cheaper try to find it. You pay once the price will remain low. Virmach great quality provider. Yes, bitcoins are more expensive but how much? You lose $1 or less for one VPS? In addition, a person may already have bitcoins.

    Also what are Lunanode’s terms for transfer of credit? A service credit for sale seems shady to me if not mentioned along with the providers terms.

    No terms. I need only your mail of Lunanode account. I'm not transfer credits from my account to yours, Lunanode provider will add credits it to any email that i'm sent to him.

  • vyasvyas OGRetired

    @ofit said:

    Don't understand what mean"pro rated fees", but if you saying about higher price for transfer. If you can buy cheaper try to find it. You pay once the price will remain low. Virmach great quality provider. Yes, bitcoins are more expensive but how much? You lose $1 or less for one VPS? In addition, a person may already have bitcoins.

    No terms. I need only your mail of Lunanode account. I'm not transfer credits from my account to yours, Lunanode provider will add credits it to any email that i'm sent to him.

    For Virmach,
    Have you informed Virmach that you are selling it at a higher price? Is it within their TOS?
    Also basically you are profiting from Lunanode credit- have you informed them that you are 'selling' the credits from Lunanode for a price to any third party? Do they allow it? Are they okay with it?
    I am flagging this discussion, leave it to the learned and the wise to decide the further course.

    Thanked by (2)Unixfy lentro
  • I opened a ticket with Lunanode. The agent was grumpy and unfriendly and seems unaware of LES and even thought it is a malicious link. Since you won this credit, I believe this falls to 'promotional' and cant be transferred. I also believe promotional credits, expire...

    You have to open a ticket with Lunanode and ask yourself.

  • For Virmach:

    1. You must confirm that you are giving up any duration of service owed to you, permanently, without any refund.
    2. You must have two factor authentication enabled, a verified e-mail, and valid billing information on file.
    3. Your service must be on an independent panel, not combined with other services. If your VPS is combined, there's an additional $2 fee.

    4. You must be a VirMach customer for at least 6 months.
    5. You must provide photo ID, held up to a written message "For service transfer by VirMach" and today's date.
    6. You must have a valid confirmed e-mail address matching your payment e-mail address or instead verify your other e-mail manually.

    1. Must have valid billing information on file and pass fraud checks and have two factor authentication enabled.
    2. Must have valid payment method on file, or a minimum of $5 credits on VirMach account.
    3. Must create a ticket confirming receiving the transfer.

  • WSSWSS Retired

    As long as both parties are in good standing with no abuse history, I don't think Virmach would care.

    My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.

  • @vyas said:

    For Virmach,
    Have you informed Virmach that you are selling it at a higher price? Is it within their TOS?

    No. I did not inform. I didn’t even know about it. If you already point to ToS then a quote would be nice to point out or refer to the paragraph of this ToS.
    I was not going to earn income from these VPS. I just rounded it to uppper score. it was very difficult to buy them (you can try to play the game yourself, which suits VIrmach on Black Friday), and also you had to spend time creating a topic on the forum, responding to messages from users and customers, creating Vimach tickets for transer VPS . As a result, I’ll spend 5 hours of time for buying and selling process of these VPS (actually a lot more time, since the Vimach game on Black Friday was open all the time that I spent at the computer) and I will make a profit of $ 0.68 for one and $ 0.51 for another = $ 1.19 for both. Are you ready to sell 5 hours of your time for $ 1.19?
    If there is such a point in ToS VIrmach, you should simply indicate the quote or number of the point, and not try to make me a criminal who is trying to make money. I did not try to make money, the main goals were to understand the process of transferring VPS in Virmach (I do it for the first time with Virmach, with other providers it is a little easier), start using bitcoins since I can’t use paypal, return the money spent and help people get a cheap VPS which is almost impossible to buy because I do not use these VPS.
    I considered LES a small family in which hospitality and order , not accusation and inhospitality. If you have any suspicions that I will not fulfill my obligations, can you show the evidence on which you are based?

    New Price for BF-SPECIAL-2019 512 MB RAM
    I am seeking $3 (Virmach transfer fees) + $5.31 for service = $8,31. Renewal dates mentioned along with the yearly cost.

    New Price for BF-SPECIAL-2019 768 MB RAM
    I am seeking $3 (Virmach transfer fees) + $6.48 for service = $9,48. Renewal dates mentioned along with the yearly cost.

    Also basically you are profiting from Lunanode credit- have you informed them that you are 'selling' the credits from Lunanode for a price to any third party? Do they allow it? Are they okay with it?
    I am flagging this discussion, leave it to the learned and the wise to decide the further course.

    I do not understand why I should notify someone? The rules of the lottery did not say anything that I can’t do this. And if the opposite is not written, why can not I do it?

    Here is the letter I received. Even it says that I can transfer my prize to anyone.

    Hey, you won $50 LunaNode credit in the provider poll prize lottery!
    If you'd like to claim your prize, please reply with the e-mail address of your LunaNode account! If you do not already have an account, please first create one at
    If you wish to give your prize to someone else, you must obtain the other person's e-mail address and PM it to me from your own LET account.

    Excuse me, Mr. @vyas, I don’t want anymore and I can’t spend my time on you. If I nevertheless violate any conditions, please tell me the quote or the norm of the clause of the contract. Thanks.

  • vyasvyas OGRetired
    edited April 2020

    I think you need to grow up, and understand what is being said here before you go into your tirade.

    I dare you to offer one VPS for free if you are such a noble person.

    You have mentioned renewal rates for one year. Which would imply, unless is the case Otherwise, that on 30 November 2019 you paid $5.31 for one VPS and on December 2, 2019 you paid $6.49 for another.

    So lets see....
    You used the VPs’es for nearly 4 months, then, idling or not. It is reasonable and ethical to charge for 8 months ie the remaining time. So, $3.54 for the 512 MB VPS, $4.32 for the 768 MB VPS.

    Including the $3 fees, the pro rated price should be $6.54 and $7.32 respectively.

    But maybe you don’t know that, or don’t know maths, or you feel it’s okay to let things be the way they are.
    You call LES a family and then decide to use some screwy logic to justify your pricing and basically overcharging them. Glad these are pissy low priced machines.

    Not the family values I was taught. And i wish you luck with your sale.

    Here is the letter I received. Even it says that I can transfer my prize to anyone.

    I have reached out to Lunanode, lets see what they have to say on the other matter of selling their $50 credit to third party for $25 profit. I also have the $50 credit from Lunanode, and I received the same message that you have mentioned. It does not say anywhere that you can sell it to a third party for a fee. So if you want to profit off of someone else's credit, that makes you whatever I think you are, and then it does not matter whatever you think you are or you aren't.

    There are other provides in this forum who have offered generous credit plans, I'm certain they would object to mis-use of the credit. Its their call anyways, I am done with this thread.

    Thanked by (2)skorous g4m3r
  • This is the crazy one:

    5. You must provide photo ID, held up to a written message "For service transfer by VirMach" and today's date.

    I have 2 unused VM that I would sell on, or even give away at this stage but not worth the hassle. Cost is now "written off".

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • When you decide to really buy something from me please inform me first before you will convert real money to bitcoins. Because other users can be also interested. I don’t want the situation when 2 users convert real money into bitcoins, but only one user can buy it from me. Thanks.

    @exp3 said:
    For Virmach:

    1. You must confirm that you are giving up any duration of service owed to you, permanently, without any refund.
    2. You must have two factor authentication enabled, a verified e-mail, and valid billing information on file.
    3. Your service must be on an independent panel, not combined with other services. If your VPS is combined, there's an additional $2 fee.

    4. You must be a VirMach customer for at least 6 months.
    5. You must provide photo ID, held up to a written message "For service transfer by VirMach" and today's date.
    6. You must have a valid confirmed e-mail address matching your payment e-mail address or instead verify your other e-mail manually.

    1. Must have valid billing information on file and pass fraud checks and have two factor authentication enabled.
    2. Must have valid payment method on file, or a minimum of $5 credits on VirMach account.
    3. Must create a ticket confirming receiving the transfer.

    Thanks. Look like they updated Virmach Transfer Rules. It is ok for me.

    @AlwaysSkint said:
    This is the crazy one:

    > 5. You must provide photo ID, held up to a written message "For service transfer by VirMach" and today's date. >

    I have 2 unused VM that I would sell on, or even give away at this stage but not worth the hassle. Cost is now "written off".

    Agreed but Netcup and Hetzner ask photo ID when you create account too. And for low cost VPS need much time to create topic, chat, answers and so on. In most cases do not nothing and cancel it is better way.

  • WSSWSS Retired

    @AlwaysSkint said:
    This is the crazy one:

    > 5. You must provide photo ID, held up to a written message "For service transfer by VirMach" and today's date. >

    I have 2 unused VM that I would sell on, or even give away at this stage but not worth the hassle. Cost is now "written off".

    If you can think of an easier, minimally-invasive way for proof that you are who you claim, I'd like to know about it.

    My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.

  • @WSS said:
    If you can think of an easier, minimally-invasive way for proof that you are who you claim, I'd like to know about it.

    Does it really matter!? Seller logs into Virmach panel and provides the ID of the instance (easily found in the list of services). Voila! It's not public information and if the seller raises a Ticket within Virmach, I don't see what the issue is.

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • WSSWSS Retired

    @AlwaysSkint said:

    Does it really matter!? Seller logs into Virmach panel and provides the ID of the instance (easily found in the list of services). Voila! It's not public information and if the seller raises a Ticket within Virmach, I don't see what the issue is.

    So, you've never seen an email compromised? Even using the same IP address isn't great- I've had one guy nuke his brother's service before because he got killed in some videyagame a few years back. You can't even use invoices, because guess what? WHMCS stores that under your account, too.

    If you don't like the policy, don't use the service.

    My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.

  • edited April 2020

    @WSS said: If you don't like the policy, don't use the service.

    Only affect transfers (fortunately), hence not doing one. Similarly, it's also why Netcup/Hetzner won't get my money, directly.
    (Your example has nothing to do with the transfer process, in particular.)

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • @ofit said:

    No. I did not inform. I didn’t even know about it. If you already point to ToS then a quote would be nice to point out or refer to the paragraph of this ToS.
    I was not going to earn income from these VPS. I just rounded it to uppper score. it was very difficult to buy them (you can try to play the game yourself, which suits VIrmach on Black Friday), and also you had to spend time creating a topic on the forum, responding to messages from users and customers, creating Vimach tickets for transer VPS . As a result, I’ll spend 5 hours of time for buying and selling process of these VPS (actually a lot more time, since the Vimach game on Black Friday was open all the time that I spent at the computer) and I will make a profit of $ 0.68 for one and $ 0.51 for another = $ 1.19 for both. Are you ready to sell 5 hours of your time for $ 1.19?
    If there is such a point in ToS VIrmach, you should simply indicate the quote or number of the point, and not try to make me a criminal who is trying to make money. I did not try to make money, the main goals were to understand the process of transferring VPS in Virmach (I do it for the first time with Virmach, with other providers it is a little easier), start using bitcoins since I can’t use paypal, return the money spent and help people get a cheap VPS which is almost impossible to buy because I do not use these VPS.
    I considered LES a small family in which hospitality and order , not accusation and inhospitality. If you have any suspicions that I will not fulfill my obligations, can you show the evidence on which you are based?

    New Price for BF-SPECIAL-2019 512 MB RAM
    I am seeking $3 (Virmach transfer fees) + $5.31 for service = $8,31. Renewal dates mentioned along with the yearly cost.

    New Price for BF-SPECIAL-2019 768 MB RAM
    I am seeking $3 (Virmach transfer fees) + $6.48 for service = $9,48. Renewal dates mentioned along with the yearly cost.

    I do not understand why I should notify someone? The rules of the lottery did not say anything that I can’t do this. And if the opposite is not written, why can not I do it?

    Here is the letter I received. Even it says that I can transfer my prize to anyone.

    > Hey, you won $50 LunaNode credit in the provider poll prize lottery!
    > If you'd like to claim your prize, please reply with the e-mail address of your LunaNode account! If you do not already have an account, please first create one at
    > If you wish to give your prize to someone else, you must obtain the other person's e-mail address and PM it to me from your own LET account.

    Excuse me, Mr. @vyas, I don’t want anymore and I can’t spend my time on you. If I nevertheless violate any conditions, please tell me the quote or the norm of the clause of the contract. Thanks.

    That was 'promotional' credits that you can transfer to another LET member for free if you didnt want it. But you already accepted it into your account so I doubt you will be able to transfer it now.

    As to if said credit is non-expiring you have to ask Lunanode as it is your credit. I was told off that I shouldnt be the one asking them...

  • @vyas said:
    I think you need to grow up, and understand what is being said here before you go into your tirade.

    I dare you to offer one VPS for free if you are such a noble person.

    You have mentioned renewal rates for one year. Which would imply, unless is the case Otherwise, that on 30 November 2019 you paid $5.31 for one VPS and on December 2, 2019 you paid $6.49 for another.

    So lets see....
    You used the VPs’es for nearly 4 months, then, idling or not. It is reasonable and ethical to charge for 8 months ie the remaining time. So, $3.54 for the 512 MB VPS, $4.32 for the 768 MB VPS.

    Including the $3 fees, the pro rated price should be $6.54 and $7.32 respectively.

    But maybe you don’t know that, or don’t know maths, or you feel it’s okay to let things be the way they are.
    You call LES a family and then decide to use some screwy logic to justify your pricing and basically overcharging them. Glad these are pissy low priced machines.

    Not the family values I was taught. And i wish you luck with your sale.

    I have reached out to Lunanode, lets see what they have to say on the other matter of selling their $50 credit to third party for $25 profit. I also have the $50 credit from Lunanode, and I received the same message that you have mentioned. It does not say anywhere that you can sell it to a third party for a fee. So if you want to profit off of someone else's credit, that makes you whatever I think you are, and then it does not matter whatever you think you are or you aren't.

    There are other provides in this forum who have offered generous credit plans, I'm certain they would object to mis-use of the credit. Its their call anyways, I am done with this thread.

    So were you also told off by Lunanode? What was their answer? Thank you.

  • edited April 2020

    i love my money.

    i'm sorry Sir

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