What plugins do you use for WP cache & optimization?
Hello everyone,
I bought a webhosting package from NetCup few days ago. I found they use Apache as server and Nginx as proxy.
I only have experience on Litespeed or OpenLiteSpeed, LSCache is just perfect on Litespeed server. But on Apache server I have no idea.
There are so many cache & optimization plugins to choose. What plugins do you choose for WordPress optimization?
Thanked by (1)vpsgeek3333
Best optimization plugin is not to use Wordpress and Apache in the first place, but static generated content and nginx.
I'm more of a LAMP (yeah, web 1.0) guy because I can't debug 200 nginx configs concatted together quite as easily as Debian's Apache layout. I still prefer to avoid WordPress.
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
Thanks. What platform do you recommend for simple blog?
WordPress: Perhaps any caching system would be better than none
W3 Total Cache has worked for me in the past, same with WP fastest cache
And don't forget a CDN like CloudFlare for edge static asset caching
WP Autoptimize and and that full page cache plugin that I cant remember the name for... worked well for me.
Stay safe and healthy. Donate to the WFP.
For dynamic content, I like TextPattern. For something simple, I'd suggest https://www.htmly.com/ or https://ghost.org/
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
Thanks everyone here for your generous help!
Try Small Themes of WP's file than for plugin
Pretty standard using
WP fastest cache
wp optimize
I am now using Penscratch 2 by Automattic, really simple and clean theme for Blogging.
It's pretty light triple 2 Kb file, almost same with mine.
Theme: GeneratePress or Astra or Neve.
Caching: W3 Total Cache (best option for a VPS) or WP Fastest Cache (for Shared)
Code Optimization: Autoptimize or FVM or Cloudflare (Free)
Database Optimizatiom: WP-Optimize (not needed on a brand new WordPress site)
CDN: Cloudflare (Free) or Statically (Free, New) or BunnyCDN (paid)
DNS, SSL, & WAF: Cloudflare (Free)
people are calling them as the bad guys, but it's a good insight if you want to see the literal shitshow that take place in wordpress community
I only use Redis Object Cache plugin for my site. It's working fine!
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WP Supercache is terrific.
Wp fastest cache + Cloudflare will do a great job for us
check all options which are available in wp fastest cache free version settings
Add site in cloudflare
Enable optimisation for html,css,js one by one after that check the website properly if its working fine simply on the rocket loader and boommm check the website speed it will be 2x more then before
However for better understanding the speed concept use gtmatrix waterflow test it will tells u the proper game which u need to play
Asad Khan
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Check out Swift Lite too!
personally I dont use plugin but fastcgi and redis cache
Get rid of any plugins you don't need, and optimise the theme is the best way. If after all that you need caching, use varnish/nginx if possible.
More plugins = more to do. Wordpress isn't that's slow if set up correctly - but too many people use a separate plugin for every little bit of functionality on the site.
Great news. htmly project looks to have seen some activvity after a 4 year break. They released a new version earlier this month.
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I agree. It is pretty nice and doesn't require a lot of tweaking.
I use the one with cheetah (wp fastest cache) after trying almost every other cache plugins.
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Mostly what others have already written.
WP Fastest Cache is good.
W3TC is a pain to configure to work as good as possible, but when/if you do, it might be even better (if not configured properly, it might be slower).
My 2c on WP caching plugins.
And I used WP-Optimize, worked fine, though many recommend Autooptimize (haven't tried it).
Cloudflare doesn't hurt, especially if configured properly.
Having said all that, LiteSpeed is by far the fastest and easiest to use/configure. By so much that I would rather pay a bit more for a hosting that does offer a LiteSpeed server.
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all it depends on the nature of your WP site. For news and blog style with less programming logic, use WP Super Cache and enable page pre-load. This will create static html base on schedule.
W3TC has too many options to config, can easily messed up with css and JS. For site with many plugin and code logic, I prefer standard fastcgi cache + Autoptimize. I prefer to use Autoptimize for JS and CSS optimization, much simpler than W3TC.
I also use Optimus, free image optimization plugin to reduce image size.
I prefer doing the image optimization manually. Why?
My 2c on image compression, and optimization.
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BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews
Thanks for pointing out. Yes, as long as the resource (personnel) is available, doing image opt manually is better.