TeamSpeak 3 installer
After a couple of tickets asking for TS3 install support I decided to fork an existing script and update it with some features like
- Downloading the latest version
- Working on both CentOS and Debian
I am not a coder by profession, I'll take all ideas, test-reports and feature requests as an opportunity to educate myself and learn something new.
I'm asking for this favor, please download, test install, let me know what you think.
I don't like you putting that read in a loop. You should ony allow y/n/abort. I guarantee there's one moron who will bash on the keyboard for a week here.
Also, holy shit, use lsb_release rather than assuming /etc/redhat-release and /etc/os-release are anything you can trust unless you parse them. Here's a silly code snippit based on CloudLinux' KernelCare installer script - I'd prefer to use lsb_release, but this /mostly/ works:
Also, might want to learn to use
ip a
; since ifconfig is officially deprecated and isn't installed by default.My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
I took a quick look, it looks good for someone who is learning Bash.
Some observations:
, don't use--no-check-certificate
is deprecated and not available everywhere.ip
is available everywhere, and should be used instead. Take a look at my installers if you need help with regex.OpenVPN installer | WireGuard installer
lsb_release isn't available everywhere, while /etc/*-release are.
OpenVPN installer | WireGuard installer
Fuck you, that's what.
It is if you install it. Look at my revised 'not quite lsb_release' info above.
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
I knew I was going to hurt some feelings.
OpenVPN installer | WireGuard installer
I'm happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but (sysv)init was and is still the standard of all time!
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
One of two reasons, either I tested before I added ca-certificates to be installed.
Or, it didn’t work without it.
can’t remember which, I’ll check it out.
I think I’ll keep it for now, still loads of old installations around that uses the old init system.
Will take a look.
Not that important though, only displaying the value in a text, not using it anywhere.
@WSS : thanks for the input. I’ll consider lsb_release.
In the templates I tried, lsb_release wasn’t available unless you installed it.
Tried to keep number of packages needed to a minimum.
Has even Red Hat stopped reading
these days?Or is there a systemd unit parsing/sourcing it?
I knew you did it on purpose! =D
I don't know anything about TeamSpeak.... is these ports are supposed to be accessible from outside?
If so, I think you would need some kind of iptables/firewalld management.
Indeed there is.
OpenVPN installer | WireGuard installer
Awesome ... Then all those old articles explaining how you get old and unpatched stuff working by using tar, cp, chmod 777 and by adding a line or two to rc.local are still relevant ...
I was going to argue relevancy but since you specified "old and unpatched stuff" I figured learning the wrong way to do things was kinda on target. :P
I think iptables is a bit out of the scope as not everyone is running it.
I will however, make a note on adding a text telling the user to open the firewall on the selected ports.