mrvm norway no ipv6

From 2a03:94e0:163c::1 icmp_seq=3 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable

couple of months with no ipv6 any idea?


  • Have you tried contacting MrVM?

  • @Freek said:
    Have you tried contacting MrVM?

    In the past, LES is the place to contact MrVM. I dont know if any changes.

    Action and Reaction in history

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @bicz said:
    From 2a03:94e0:163c::1 icmp_seq=3 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable

    couple of months with no ipv6 any idea?

    a couple of months? After checking out the node, I would say, max 18 days. anywho ... If was down for so long? why wait until you told me?

    Could you check now?
    the problem was related to an old setting from when the server got its ipv6 subnet from DHCP.
    The node was rebooted 18 days ago and the old gateway was set instead of the proper one.

    Please check now

  • @elliotc said:

    @Freek said:
    Have you tried contacting MrVM?

    In the past, LES is the place to contact MrVM. I dont know if any changes.

    When the old LES forum was retired, filing tickets with the providers became the new default LowEndSpirit support, IIRC ... :)

  • @mikho way more than 18 days, no problem i was full of things to do. no worries. thanx it works fine now.
    @flips was very busy period what am i missing? what happened?

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @flips said:

    @elliotc said:

    @Freek said:
    Have you tried contacting MrVM?

    In the past, LES is the place to contact MrVM. I dont know if any changes.

    When the old LES forum was retired, filing tickets with the providers became the new default LowEndSpirit support, IIRC ... :)

    I would say that depends on the type of support needed.
    if its something related to network/node/vps unable to boot... open a ticket.
    If it has ANYTHING to do with an application/software that you installed that doesn't work.

    Like OpenVPN/wireguard/random other VPN software, search this forum and if nothing found, ask the questions here, most likely it's a configuration error on your part.

  • @bicz said: what happened?

    The old LES forum was phased out, replaced with this, which has a broader purpose ... :)

  • @flips gotcha
    @mikho for everything on my part i try to spot the problem by myself, about the ticket i do recall from years ago that i must use the forum for anything related to providers, is that changed? thanx again for the previous support

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @bicz said:
    @flips gotcha
    @mikho for everything on my part i try to spot the problem by myself, about the ticket i do recall from years ago that i must use the forum for anything related to providers, is that changed? thanx again for the previous support

    When the old forum was still alive, it was dedicated to NAT services, as they were called LES services.

    As the forum has changed, this is no longer a dedicated forum for those services.

    I do recommend that questions regarding configuring applications, using auto-install scripts are posted here, as I do not give any support for that.

    Node related, issues, open a ticket. I answer them. It’s not that I leave anyone out to dry.

    Some tickets I answer with ”you will get a better response on the forum”.

    I do recommend all my customers to create an account here and be active.

    Thanked by (1)flips
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