@teamacc said: I read it as enforcement being lacking, not the laws
Some news about the application of laws against child pornography in Brazil:
1) https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2020/02/18/professor-de-colegio-de-elite-da-zona-oeste-de-sp-e-preso-por-pornografia-infantil.ghtml
2) https://noticias.r7.com/rio-de-janeiro/homem-e-preso-por-enviar-fotos-intimas-para-menina-de-9-anos-no-rj-23062020
3) https://tribunaonline.com.br/apos-investigacao-na-suica-homem-e-condenado-por-pornografia-infantil-no-estado
4) https://www.correiodopovo.com.br/notícias/polícia/três-são-presos-em-ação-contra-pornografia-infantil-e-abuso-sexual-de-crianças-e-adolescentes-1.436735
Obviously, all the news is written in Portuguese. But it is just a demonstration of how child pornography is not tolerated in Brazil. There are laws in Brazil to combat child pornography and they are enforced.
Laws are one thing, the odds of getting conviction even with evidence is another.
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@nfn said: This is a very temped offer. Can you share what Cpu these servers use? Thanks
most are E3-1270v6, a couple of E3-1270v5's
Some news about the application of laws against child pornography in Brazil:
1) https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2020/02/18/professor-de-colegio-de-elite-da-zona-oeste-de-sp-e-preso-por-pornografia-infantil.ghtml
2) https://noticias.r7.com/rio-de-janeiro/homem-e-preso-por-enviar-fotos-intimas-para-menina-de-9-anos-no-rj-23062020
3) https://tribunaonline.com.br/apos-investigacao-na-suica-homem-e-condenado-por-pornografia-infantil-no-estado
4) https://www.correiodopovo.com.br/notícias/polícia/três-são-presos-em-ação-contra-pornografia-infantil-e-abuso-sexual-de-crianças-e-adolescentes-1.436735
Obviously, all the news is written in Portuguese. But it is just a demonstration of how child pornography is not tolerated in Brazil. There are laws in Brazil to combat child pornography and they are enforced.
Laws are one thing, the odds of getting conviction even with evidence is another.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
most are E3-1270v6, a couple of E3-1270v5's
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.