Any interest v-Dedicated servers?

Just wondering with a few topics and posts about large KVM's right now, I started to think, why not just get a small dedi?
Then the internal conversation with myself went along the lines of:
- people may not be confident enough to manage, setup, configure bare metal.
- people may not want the extra responsibility and consequences from hardware failures.
- people may enjoy having the convenience a control panel offers for managing the server.
So thinking about this what actual interest is there is v-dedicated servers?
Example package:
- E3-1270v6 (8 threads @ 3.80 Ghz) - DEDICATED
- 32 GB DDR4 Ram
- Dedicated Storage = 230GB pure NVMe Raid 1 or 460GB Raid 0 (between 1.8 and 3.6 GB/s sequential IO)
- Nested-virt enabled.
- 1 Gbit port
- /48 IPv6
- 1 x IPv4
- 30TB BW
- DDOS Protection
- Free Direct Ddmin
£59 /month
Optional extras:
£10 /month - Twice daily fully managed backup of the entire disk image for restore on request
This is just an example to work with, essentially a GIANT KVM but with fully dedicated hardware that would perform at around 99% native but with the convenience that comes with managing a VPS.
I am very interested in peoples thoughts around this such as:
- What would you remove?
- What would you add?
- What do you think of the price?
- What uses could you think of for it?
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Looking at the specs is it basically a dedicated server with 1 single large KVM on it?
Not something I'd go for myself, but it would make management easier I guess having a full VPS panel for control over it.
Price looks good. I presume usage would be aimed at people who want a dedicated, but easy management panel like you said.
yes, it really is dedicated essentially a semi-managed dedicated server with root access.
Just an example spec though.
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The times I’ve been looking for a large KVM or a dedicated it usually comes down to one large disk in the dedicated or a KVM with smaller disk but with a ”proper” raid system.
The decision then has to be between disk activity or storage.
For storage, a dedicated. For disk activity, a KVM.
I’m interested to mini dedicated like kidechiré or multicore ARM
that is a very different thing.
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I've only had two dedis so far (both cancelled by now) and managing them was the same as managing a VPS for me. Hetzer (one of them) panel is by far the best panel for people that are used to VPS, you can do basically everything there, including asking for IPMI access which is pretty quick if you require it on non busy hours for Europe.
You can also ask them to load on your own ISO. Also had a DrServer panel with way less feature (by the price was low too, so I can understand that) and looking at it, it might be easier for some people to have full panel that is VPS-alike on these cases.
Anyway, for me, as long as I can reinstall/rescue and IPMI on a dedicated, that's enough for me.
@NanoG6 Wishosting seems to have what you want.
How can you get a small dedi with Ryzen CPU? The low end dedicated offers often run on outdated hardware. Atom? No thanks.
Are you saying you would be more interested in this if it was Ryzen based?
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Nope. The E3 and E5 are quite powerful too. I'm trying to say that low end dedis are quite ancient in terms of hardware.
I'd consider adding a /29 IP on it.
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@hotlineservers have dedicated 4 Ryzen dedicated cores, 8GB, 160GB SSD @ $10/m. Think it's in Dallas.
ah ok, you mean that generally, people look for bigger VPS because you get better specs usually than a low end dedi. got it.
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What sort of Ryzen, also is that actually cores or threads?
Please also keep in mind the example above the Ram, the hard disk IOPS and the link are also dedicated.
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@AnthonySmith he doesn't seem to say. Probably 1700
$6.53 for E5x4 and plus $2.50 for Ryzenx4.
Id be interested to see if you can actually push 4 Ryzen cores to their max constantly. If you consider they are on Ryzen 3900x at best, that gives 8 x $10 = $80 per month. Do you really think that covers the cost of that hardware? I don't.
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@WSCallum would assume so, going by the price of Hetzner dedicated servers. @hotlineservers probably gets much cheaper too.
its a 3900 so 24 threads 4 x threads per $10 = $60 /month ($75 if extra $2.50 for ryzen upgrade as suggested) total revenue for the whole node which is less than cost so I think there is some confusion there, but I dont know with only limited information.
there is "dedicated" and there is "use it to 100% 24x7 but it is still contested" both get called dedicated rightly or wrongly.
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Think he said once he gets them cheap from some where like Reliablesite ?
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well its an exclusive offer I guess and could be a loss leader or limited stock, I don't know and not enough info to speculate but I do know I am sure the people that got the deal are happy and that's all that counts eh!
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Don't underestimate the power of Windows sir. I have had couple of users who managed to push ryzen to the next level ?
3900x = 12 core/24 Thread.
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Lets all test it out! (i meant push HLS apparent dedicated cores to the limit constantly)
My bad, I meant 3950x but the point still stands! $10 for 4 dedicated ryzen cores is total crap.
Clouveo - SSD/NVMe Cloud VPS & Hosting
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Yeah it is. Super filthy cheap on a 2k hardware
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For about a decade, I ran a VPS on vmware with a large UK provider at a higher monthly cost than your opening post example. The system specifications were very much less: 2GB RAM, 2 dedicated CPU and 20+100GB HDD. The important factors were however, dedicated resources, high availability/failover and multiple IP addresses.
The specifications that you list are so far above that (excluding IPs) that I personally would find it well "over the top". In my eyes, the nested virtualisation seems promising but without at least a /29 allocation, seems rather pointless, unless used with NAT (and the added complications that brings).
Half the price with half the resources (excluding IP) with failover and/or high availability - I might just have to bite your hand off for it!
Just my perspective.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Example specs are too beefy. People love dedicated cores and resources though. Additionally your right no one wants to manage bare metal and monitor raid for failure or beg a provider to upgrade the hardware.
Why not just choop that up? 1 dedicated thread, 4gb ram, 50gb nvme, 1ip, 7-8 pounds a month. Or is there not enough meat on they bone after the cost of ipv4?
Considering his site is down (at least currently) and they've only been around since February 2020 but have many locations. I'm gonna wait and see how it goes in a year then maybe consider them.
How is this then:
£32.99 /month
Optional extras:
£5 /month - once daily fully managed backup of the entire disk image for restore on request
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Again that is just a VPS, I would only be interested in doing this with actually dedicated resources.
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