Storage VPS as proxy?

I want to run a VPS as a reverse proxy (and SSL front) for various underlying services. Webhosting type stuff.

Eyeballing the SSD vs storage VPS it always seems like the storage ones make more sense for it? Memory and network allocations seem more generous & for a reverse proxy that's not going to hit HDD anyway.

Does that make sense? Only downside I can think of is the storage nodes are probably on older tech...but will that even matter for this application


  • InceptionHostingInceptionHosting Hosting ProviderOG

    It really depends, if it's not going to be busy then I would think it probably will not be human detectable either way, when it comes to being under load then you will see a difference with faster Ram/CPU.

    The real downside is really that if you do get issues with the storage VPS you will likely not get the same level of support when you say my reverse web proxy is not performing as I want it too :)

    Personally I would just buy the right tool for the job.
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @AnthonySmith said: Personally I would just buy the right tool for the job.

    Yeah that's the plan eventually. Don't see me generating real load initially anyway so more of a curiosity than hitting real limits.

    Mostly a trial anyway. Want to see how a weak reverse proxy copes in front of cloud backend stuff & what the hit of load times is

    @AnthonySmith said: same level of support

    Yeah you get what you pay for. That's fair.

  • Network > a bit of cpu > some ram > disk (?)

    I have a lot of vpses 1GB ram at veesp and buyvm doing reverse proxy (no caching/no logs) to some sites and -100Mbps is enough to serve this quantity of users
    With http 1.0 on my reverse proxy got around 30Mbps network usage and with 1.1 now is 5Mbps usage

    ofc i use cdn for my static files and my high traffic site is not WP, on other wordpress based sites 500/1000 users is around 2Mbps usage... so for me the thing which matters is unlimited bandwidth and stability, for this last i prefer to choose ssd nodes instead hdd even if offer more ram / cpu.

    Thanked by (1)Anon
  • if you want to terminate ssl at it then you can do caching, then ssd makes sense.

    If you don't need caching, it doesn't matter what you choose then, I guess.

  • @donko said:

    With http 1.0 on my reverse proxy got around 30Mbps network usage and with 1.1 now is 5Mbps usage

    wow that is remarkably low given the volume.

    @comi said: If you don't need caching, it doesn't matter what you choose then, I guess.

    Hoping to mostly build in HTML/CSS/JS JAMstack style - which cloudfront should be able to cache

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