Repost : Free Webhosting

This was posted on LET before, but with LES community growing, this should be beneficial for the new LES members as well
I am just going to drop this and leave it here for those who need something simple for their personal projects/blog/school websites etc.
This is a web hosting project that I have been doing for a little over a year now to give back to the internet (call it online charity?). (@kujoe is my inspiration)
Please don’t be a dick. Feel free to use it for personal projects. All the usual common sense based rules and regulation applies. I don’t sell your info nor spam you with “upgrades/promotions “). I respect your privacy and you as a human. However, during the signup process, you still need to provide real info. Granted I won’t be asking for ID proof but if your name is Ben Dover from 69 BIG ROD st, yeah you won’t be getting activated.
Yes, I know “Unmetered “ storage or data doesn’t exist. You do have to understand that most of the average Joe on the internet, making their first website, they don’t know how things work and we humans love to have things in bigger quantities than we actually need. So the idea was to signup for the hosting and use it that’s it. Don’t worry about the nitty-gritty maths to figure out what you need or how much.
As long as you adhere to the policy (website only content, no resource-hogging/being a dick, etc.) I will bite my tongue and stick to offering “Unmetered “ space for your personal project.
If you plan to use this for the next Facebook/Backupzilla/Imgur, etc. , this is not for you! It is free for a reason and the reason is, a user domain account is limited to 3qty of each core feature (FTP/subdomain/database/email etc) and support is strictly via the community forum.
You have all the jazz of usual hosting (auto-installer, da control panel etc). Multiple PHP version/Node.JS/Python Supported.
Spammings and other BS activities are strictly prohibited and service will be terminated at the first sign of abuse. Multiple product sign up is welcome. There’s no catch. No bait and switch. I don’t ask for much. Just be a decent human and don’t abuse it .
The service is pretty stable. I only had 2 major downtime this year (1 due to cheap hardware and other due to human error at 2 am). My uptime is almost 99.97% as of right now this year.
Okay done with the speech, here’s the link: ServedEZ
Pretty sure not violating forum rules since I am not asking for money in return of the service aka selling, I respect this community enough. Please delete this post without any hesitation if I broke any rules.
Constructive criticism is fine. SMF doesn’t have that many forum themes that are not flashy . Usage is monitored and any domain that gets 0 monthly hits or not actively updated (abandoned) after 2 months of no usage gets suspended, followed by termination if the user doesn’t respond.
Enjoy. Thanks.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Wow, really nice offer. Hope people can make good use of it.
Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server's certificate.
HTTP Strict Transport Security: false
HTTP Public Key Pinning: false
Notice anything funky about the domain name?
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
dot dot
Excuse the dots my kind sir.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Is LetsEncrypt enabled ?
my name is Ben Dover
I live on 69 Big Rod St, Screamer, Alabama
Almost anything that would find with usual shared hosting.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Hello Ben, nice to meet you.
Yours truly, Mike Litoris.
BF/CM - Buyer Beware. Conduct your own due diligence on the sustainability of the deals presented here as well as the provider's track record.
Can you ring the Big Ben, for me?
This man got MUCH to give.
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Thanks for providing this @seriesn :-)
I've had my free hosting for a few days now, using it to host a baby Blesta install (the license came free with my VPS and I wasn't keen on setting up a webserver on that box because it's for other purposes)
If you like the hosting and you find yourself liking it, if you can, show your support to @seriesn by buying a package, even the smallest cheapest one.
Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.
Take if you haven't yet
Thanks man! Appreciate it
. While I appreciate the money aspect, I appreciate the community love, support and blessings much much more 
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Thanks for the offer! After being really happy with the VPS's, i'll order one for my 1 page, no visitors website.
Perfect to host that one static page about yourself.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
Just in case I forget who I am, and where I came from.
@seriesn Could OGP-Website of Open Game Panel
Run under this ?
This is for a personal project that i plan to reboot soon.
I can’t say yes nor no , but being shared environment, I definitely wouldn’t recommend.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
I wouldn't suggest it, not a good idea to push the bounds too far on a free service run by a genuinely decent provider :-)
Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.
I agree, so have decided to plant it on a Wishosting VM
Excellent choice. Why not a Nexus Byte VM though? Or do you have bigger plans for that?
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
That Wishosting VM has been idling for quite some time.
You just did an un-LES thing by not idling it.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
Don't worry, 8 of 8 LES boxes that i have are currently idling.