Looking for some self hosted software for event logging / case management

Is anyone aware of any self-hosted (this is vital due to GDPR) platforms that would be suitable for the following?
Logging cases, in this context each 'case' would be a person, then logging all interactions with that person to be able to then view in a linear timeline.
So for example:
Mark may come to see me for help with his financial situation, he is not managing well generally and his mental health is declining.
I set up a case for him, which would include his name and address and contact details, enter any notes I need to about him, log any follow-up calls I might have with him or face to face meetings.
I then refer him on top see someone for help with financial management skills and also to some sort of poverty aid group, I need to be able to log that links to those external organisations have been made.
I also need to be able to link cases, for example, it may turn out that mark has a brother who is in a similar position so I would like to be able to link them as family relations and potentially link other people as acquaintances.
While this probably sounds quite bespoke it is also fairly basic in terms of capabilities, its a relational contact management and event logging system, maybe you know of something that exists or can be adapted to do this?
It is not actually for me, it is for a charity I am helping to support I thought I would ask the hive mind here before running off and trying to get something made.
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Linking identities sounds CRM like. Maybe sorta like this
for sure has CRM elements, the issue with looking at CRM platforms specifically is that they are so sales and productivity-driven usually.
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You could have a look at Monica personal relationship manager https://monicahq.com/ but I'm not sure it really has the rigor you are after.
thankyou, I did look at that as an option to adapt but it felt messy.
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Wouldn't Jira be a good fit?
Seems a bit massive to be used for that to be honest.
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Yes, this was what cane to mind first too. I should set it up for myself. I am really bad at names and faces.
This looks very interesting. I will be giving it a shot, thanks!
Let me know what you end up with. I am also interested in the same for personal use.
I am suspecting for speed it may end up being custom.
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How many cases will be active at a time? A very simple approach might be to just use wiki software. Then each case page is basically free text, you can freely link between cases, you can have pages for non-cases such as help organizations, etc. On the other hand, using a system like that takes a little more practice than a pure CRUD app.
yeah, the only issue with that being is that at a later date building in some sort of reporting gets more complex.
Also I think the barriers for the type of people using it may be too high to use a wiki, good idea though I can certainly follow the train of thought.
I am thinking about expanding on a few ruby/rails projects and customising them (probably with a lot of help) to fit.
The ruby standard admin panel
And then using something a bit like this:
Then modify it so that they can literally free type a timeline of interactions after building in better segregation.
I guess I need to draw it out, write it out and decide from there.
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I've used ActiveAdmin (a rails gem for doing easy admin screens) and I found it productive to use, though it doesn't give you much style control. You might start out with something free form (maybe even the nextcloud version of google docs) and see how usage evolves, before deciding what kinds of fields and reporting you want to support. Is there anything (even pen and paper) that they use right now? Otherwise it's a very open ended task.
Right now they are going to have to start using word document templates to record stuff which is not going to work long term, essentially they got funding to have a database developed for them, what they actually got was ripped off and an access database that is not for for purpose that the company now wants almost triple the price for, they also feel they have discharged their responsibility so there is no more money available.
Long complex story involving bad communication and incompetence bit of blame on both sides but ultimately it’s the people that need the real help that will suffer.
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umm, can you point out which part of it felt messy? Is the front-end cluttered with features you wont need? or overall projects are ill-organized?
As you've already said, it is fairly bespoke requirement, so you would need to tweak a things or two of any readymade solutions.
messy as in trying to use a chisel head as a makeshift hammer.
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Sorry, didn't understand the reference as the requirements sound like lot closer to Monica. It has ability to add contact, notes, calls, family members......
I mean it will always be a personal contact manager, perhaps someone with so much php knowledge that they have it in their username could adapt it for their needs but to me, it felt like it would always be missing the mark if delivering at all because of what it is fundamentally.
Admittedly it was a quick look in between looking at 10 other things. I will have another look.
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I agree that doing things incrementally and planning on a long-term relationship has the best chance of a positive outcome for the front-line folks that'll be using the system. Baby steps, low-lying fruit, and easy wins.
As with most such projects, the technical side is ridiculously simple; everyone and their dog has a DB and web UI. The tricky bit is the data model / table schema, which in turn reflects the complexity of the use cases, which in turn reflects the politics and expectations of the stakeholders. So the difficulty in finding a suitable turnkey solution actually should not be surprising at all: getting a solution that keeps everyone happy is a human issue that's harder than it seems, even for small organizations.
I mean, NHS's infamous National Programme for IT was essentially a big CRUD system....