Do you like Polls

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- Do you like Polls?68 votes
- Yes38.24%
- No10.29%
- Potato51.47%
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Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
what is a poll
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Potato - Server admins cheat codes
Poll not found.
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Only with someone hanging from them and dancing.
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Yes, most of us like Potato.
would like polls in PRC.
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Who voted no? They have spoilt the zen beauty of this thread.
Excommunication is proposed.
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No more "Poll not found."
The sad thing about that is, the reason for it was that one of the hard drives in the cluster was full for YEARS and no one noticed
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My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
No matter that she fell right on her head, she is still far superior than the rest two ladies in the background.
Albeit the second one is also quite superior, but not enough in this case.
By examining the many chick fights in our vast urban jungles, i can safely say that there's only one assured winner.
Also, in a pack of ladies, there's one dominant, according to who, they all set their monthly clocks, choose gossip subjects, find good deals on fluffy soft things in malls and share secrets about teas, herbs and spices.
Women assert dominance by the size of their gluteous maximous.
The strongest gluteous maximous, always wins and always leads.
You might think you have an argument, but, gluteous maximous is stronger and thus respect is earned.
When a person with inferior gluteous maximous tries to unrightfully assert self upon somebody or a group, that ends badly in a broken ego conflict, since other gluteouses know this and defend the natural gluteoussing order.
This is autonomous and by instinct.
Eversince throughout history, can be blantly observed during Victorian times, when women wore those corsets and umbrellaskirts, which is believed to have steel reinforcements inside - only so the desired class and dominance is noticeable.
The Maximous is also used as a mind control device for men, who can even be coaxed into wars, and going to the moon, for no apparent reason and asking themselves, once there: "It's one small step for men, but why they fuck did i got here..."
hey, anytime man
@WSS Yes, Internet Historian is epic.
Also his second channel, incognito mode.
Props for his wife/girlfriend Internet Herstorian, too.