Search cloud storage with 2,5TB or more.
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a cloud storage where I can upload my encrypted containers which have a size of over 2 TB so I'm looking for a cloud provider who can offer the following.
-2.5TB or more of storage no less than 2.5TB I would prefer 5TB
- FTP access
- european server location
- Unlimited filesize
- not more than 50 Euro pain threshold 60 Euro per year
Thank you
filesize limit is easily circumvented by a file splitting utiliy
it's inconvenient for regular use, but fine for encrypted containers - you can script decryption and concatenation in one action
Hetzner Storage Box?
Nvm, saw the budget.
Maybe @cociu can offer something good for you
But I guess you will need to increase your budget
not in this budget.
You have 5Eur/mo pain threshold. This will net you 2TB at MOST even on Hosthatch's extreme discounted storage annuals.
I say, just bump it to 8-9 eur/mo and get 10TB at least from a Gsuite Biz singl account.
Gsuite buisness account is going to be your only reliable option but you still need to up your budget. Gotta keep in mind you get what you pay for and on 50eu/yr the roi for providers is terrible on hardware alone.
Recommended hosts:
Letbox, Data ideas, Hetzner, DediPath
Blackblaze b2?
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Is FTP access a must? In case it is, perhaps - although you'd have to split those containers into smaller files...
Also first and foremost, what is the use case here BTW? Also,
1. Are you OK with this data possibly being lost ? (i.e. you don't expect the storage to be redundant)
2. Do you expect to access this data frequently or for it be short lived (i.e. not store and keep but frequent updates)
In case of 1=YES, 2=YES: probably your only option is to hunt for a storage VPS on sale (possibly wait until Black Friday?)
In case of 1= NO 2=NO + you're OK with exchanging FTP as your protocol for S3: consider (storage: 0.002 EUR/GB/month, download: 0.01 EUR/GB) or (storage: around 0.001 USD/GB/month, BUT download: around 0.1 USD/GB)
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If you extend your budget, you can look at lifetime deals.
Er, wrong URL? (or they just pulled the lifetime deals)
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OP lost his shot at the Gsuite goldrush.
Wait for Nov 27
3$ for 3TB baidu account off ebay.. my 1$ team drive died every 6 month but this thing still going since 2018
their cli api is pain in the neck to uses, but it's worth it to store my chinese cartoon collection as they doesn't give a damn for dmca notices
uhh wait, i am not sure if this post is allowed or not, just dont thell the anthony guy
That doesn't sound dodgy at all. Would definitely trust that with my precious data.
Dropbox Business is also unlimited and still available, but costs 5 bucks more than GSuite Business did.
As people have mentioned gsuite, you can see OneDrive too
Nobody ever thought of telegram?
isn't that a messenger only?
You can store unlimited number of files in it. There is an implementation of a fuse filesystem using Telegram as a backend
no wonder why my Telegram was not uploading files recently properly
How do you do this?
yeah, that will fit any budget! =]
but since this is the Internet jokes can easily be taken literally (Poe's law) so I am gonna spoil the fun and say that Telegram will be well within their right to just delete all your data without hesitation, since they are a messenger and and never even promised to keep it - you will be an abuser from their point of veiw
The 1+ TB deals are available when you try to upgrade from within the 'Account' preferences, after free signup.
1 TB link:
( you could use the usual coupon codes to get a discount ranging from 10 to 40 percent).
@raman2020: thanks! (although I have to say i generally am skeptical of any lifetime deal.. but assuming it would last a couple of years, not bad
Found another option with supposedly unlimited storage (although still almost 100% above the budget requested by OP, but cheaper than multiple Gsuite/Dropbox Business accounts): -> 7.5 EUR/m.
1. Although they do say that "If the storage space exceeds 5 TB on a Personal subscription, the upload speed will be reduced." + - which is apparently 1MBps as per
2. According to the same link + the other green forum, they start to complain once you go over 10TB -> even so, some <1 EUR/TB/m. is still good IMHO
3. There is also a thing (as long as we are to believe the commenters at cloudwards) about 'commercial' files being a no-no - i.e. apparently, if you upload of a photo that you'd like to sell later on, they would treat it as a breach of their ToS.. OTL
Also do note that the Cloudwards link suggests they do not like pirated content on their servers (but since you said you'd be encrypting your containers, probably a non-issue)
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