"Cloud" gaming VPS (a la shadow tech) for Europe?
I was wondering, are there providers in the LE world that could offer something similar to https://shadow.tech? That is, a remote gaming VPS, for Europe.
Shadow Tech looks good but activation times are looooong. Also, never hurts to ask for alternatives.
Edit: as for specs, the lowest Shadow Tech tier is:
- GeForce GTX 1080
- "3,4 GHz" CPU (4 cores / 8 threads)
- 12 GB Ram
- 256GB SSD
for 14.99 EUR/month (German price).
Shadow.tech isn't meant for 24x7 usage, just FYI. Also, gaming VPS usually means game server VPS. I don't think any such offer (GPU and desktop CPU split up into VPS) actually exists.
This looks cool. Anyone try it yet? I think I’ll give it a shot
Update: just ordered it. 24 hours to activate
Pricing isn’t at $15/month right now - the cloud gaming service where you use it for a bit every month is in alpha testing, but you can rent dedicated GPU machines with 1080s from $96/month.
Let me know if you need any help or have any questions.
They do call it cloud gaming in the non-hosting world, but I am aware of the confusion that the usual "Game Severs" would bring here.
Not that it would apply to me, but what happens if you leave Shadow.Tech on all day long? Do they kick you out?
Alternatives to Shadow.Tech that I am aware of:
Shadow.Tech is well regarded in the gamer communities.
From where, if I may ask? For Germany it would activate end of February 2021 if ordered today. For the UK, late May 2021.
It's nice that the market is expanding, by all means! Do you have any infos on the "a bit every month" service somewhere?
Use my referral code if you signup for shadow.tech, I'll get a $1 off every referral!!!!

Basically a Shadow.tech competitor, and you would get a bit of time every month (think somewhere around 50 hours/month) to use a Windows VM complete with a 1080 Ti or better to stream your gaming.
@sgheghele Yeah, I wanted to make sure nobody misunderstood you. I'm 99% certain they have an AUP, especially for such a low-margin consumer service.
If you mean the long waiting time in your region, perhaps you should try a VPN to check for other regions that might work for you? AFAIK, shadow.tech, being a shared service, is the cheapest way to play games on a remote computer.
Only other decent option is an hourly high-clocked cloud VM with GPU (which would be very expensive) or a cheap GPU dedi (Hetzner, Dedispec and iKoula are the major options). Also, ServaRica has some shared GPU VMs out of Montreal, perhaps you should check that (just for curiosity's sake)?
I'm impressed, setup time was less than the advertised 24 hours. Here is a snip of my shadowbox
downloading some games to see how this works
I tried vortex.gg a few years back when I heard cloud gaming for the first tine. I played a very slow paced turn based game called Civ 6 on it. It was still not a very enjoyable experience.
I had to log in my steam account on a new virtual server every time, that led to endless security verification. I couldn't tell if their powerful hardware made the game load faster between turns, as the graphic was a bit distorted and laggy.
I'd say it might be a thing a the next ten years but for now I'd rather play on my old slow laptop.
Just curious, how is the performance? The P5000 is a rather old card nowadays (Worse than a 1080 for gaming).
@Kiwi84 I have not mentioned Vortex.gg because it is a high cause of complaints in r/cloudygamer (also I think it is not a full VPS). You might have been unlucky in your choice.
Definitely give cloud gaming another try. I’m using GeForce Now right now and it works pretty well. People are also happy with Stadia.
@vish have fun! I have pre-ordered Shadow Tech and it says February 25 for my activation.
It's roughly 15% slower in most games compared to a gtx1080 give or take. i can run some benchmarks for you if you wish, just let me know which ones.
This is a node in Texas mind you, other locations will have different specs no doubt.
Here is a bench on the hard drive:
I beta-tested shadow and it was already quite impressive back then, but a lot of people complained about wanting more storage. Do they offer upgrades now? They said they would
They do - in most locations.
Given the lack of services in Europe, I first tried Maximum Settings, with a 100-120ms ping to my place in Germany.
I then switched to Shadow in Chicago given the encouraging results with Maximum Settings, which is however way more expensive. It was activated in less than 24 hours. Both have roughly the same ping values to me.
Both work surprisingly well despite the distance, even for non role-based games like GTA V. I don’t play shooters, though.
Long story short, I’ll keep Shadow in Chicago up to when the one in Germany gets activated.
Why don't you use GeForce Now? Cheaper and faster with RTX GPUs. Only 5.49 euros/month.
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I guess limited by games maybe
I think there's a case for rendering/CAD/etc. that GeForce now doesn't work in those cases because you can only play limited games (I'm assuming???). Also you can't select a GPU (if you somehow need a specific model for a some random reason)
But still. Renting a GPU Dedi costs atleast about a 80 euro/month with no support for auto latency based server selection. Geforce Now only costs 5.49 euro/month.
And yeah limited games, but supports the steam library and has a one month trial. And its Nvidia.
EDIT: GeForce Now has the new RTX Tesla GPUs (RTX T10) which is 20% faster than GTX 1080 Ti.
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Yes, and for now it's only 5.45eu/month -> if u look to others it will start increase their price to
stadia 9.99eu/month
xbox ulitmate arround 14.99/15eu
@FridayNightGamer I do have GeForce Now and use it. But as @Buthead writes, several games I would like to play are not covered there.
Also, oddly enough, GeForce Now with servers in Europe is giving me more streaming issues than Shadow servers in Chicago. This might be temporary ISP/routes problems, but changing routes with a VPN does not help either.
So what? Still lot less than 80 euro/month. Also, it's not fair to compare with xbox game pass ultimate which btw contains over 200 free games, including Halo Master Chief Collection (40 percent of the free library are AAA games).
And finally, stadia is shit.. Pardon my language.
Mine works pretty good. I have no clue, but contact their support, maybe they can help. All I am saying is it's better that these services are here. Renting a GPU dedi will cost 10-15 times.
And about the library, yeah it is a butthurt. They are working on it, I guess. For now, my favorite games are there, so I am happy.
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true, it really depends on what u would like to play etc.
And renting a GPU box yes it cost a lot but let keep in mind the purpose is for gaming use.
And like most good to be true stories NVIDIA will probably change things.
At this point i think we cannot complain
Just for my brain, why not just get a physical high end graphics card on finance?
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I move around a lot. For me, I can't carry a 3 kg laptop around. Or a 10 kg desktop. For playing a game like GTA V, you kinda have to own one of them, or go for a cloud service.
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Makes sense then.
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Passionate gamers typically can fork the extra cash to buy a GPU, as cloud gaming does introduce a bit of latency, but overall, people are pivoting, especially those who game every so often and given 30-series cards are nowhere to be found.
NVIDIA actually provides GeForce NOW for free with select purchases. It's like "if we can't beat them [cloud gaming companies] join them"
Perhaps they just want to force competitor out via predatory pricing, haha.