Plex Lifetime Pass £71.24
Not sure if this is suitable for the forum, but hopefully it will help some of you guys.
Using the coupon SURVIVETHESEASON you can get a Plex Lifetime Pass for £71.25.
Apparently if you use a Brazil VPN (Brazilian Account may also be needed) using the code 375BRL will take it down to £51.71.
Thanked by (1)chocolateshirt
wow nice find!
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I already have netflix subscription and trust me plex is no where near to it. Just checked their website and it seems they don't have much of blockbusters.
DirectAdmin Web Hosting & SSD VPS Plans
Plex is more for adding your own media too though, the built-in content is basically crap
to me plex = your own personal netflix.
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Umm...but folks use Plex for their ISOs and not for the extremely limited offerings/titles on their site.
oh so you can push your own content on it also ....this is new.
DirectAdmin Web Hosting & SSD VPS Plans
I recommend taking a look at Jellyfin as well. It's an opensource alternative to Plex. No passes required
Ooh, sounds like a fun project and LESblog write up to me
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I see what you did there... but only if it's running in a Docker container
Jellyfin seems very nice. If I found a mobile client for iOS with some more features, like volume leveling and crossfades, it might be my default music server ... I've been comparing Plex, AirSonic and Jellyfin for a while now, replacing Google Play Music, where I had all my music uploaded. (YouTube Music is too limited, can't even browse genre properly, unless it changed lately.)
Totally different services. I don't know if it can be called service either, because you install it on your own server, and use your own resources. It's a great service when it still has plex cloud, you can watch movie from your google drive. But now, I begin to regret buying lifetime plex access.
Kodi has been doing that for ages.
Does it have built in google drive support ?
Plex is still a great service, and nothing comes close when it boils down to organizing library, downloading meta data and sorting collections based on it. Also, hardware decoding works like a charm. Not to mention the excellent Plexamp app, that allows you to even stream lossless music using a very polished interface.
Don't get me wrong, I use jellyfin as well - but plex beats the crap out of it and then some!
As for the gdrive support, setting up an rclone mount isn't really rocket science.
Tried rclone countless time, with countless provider, with countless installer. It just refused to works. Sometimes it just crash because too many files, messed up index, too slow, or rate limited by google. I am not even decoding.
Why the plex won't just release their google cloud plugin for the public is beyond my understanding. It's not like are using it anyway.
While bulk of my ISOs are stored on a proper storage server, I do have about 8T worth of ISOs on a Team drive that I set up a while ago for shits and giggles, to see what the fuss was all about. I was able to get it going in my first attempt, and it still works like a charm to date, without any messed up index, sluggish experience or getting throttled by Google. I can even use H/W transcoding for playing certain high bitrate remuxed ISOs from the rclone mount without any buffering / playback issues at all.
My plex server is on an NVMe based dedi with iGPU and GBit port, with Team drive mounted via rclone, and a separate 40T storage box mounted over sshfs (lol, yes). I did take certain precautions while configuring my plex server to prevent useless operations to my gdrive mount - such as limiting autoscan intervals to update plex library and stopping thumbnail generation / video trailers etc for files etc.
I guess, the fact that my plex instance is only shared with family and close friends who don't abuse it much has helped?
How much does it even cost to run such operations? Including pass and server rentals and everything?
Want free vps ?
About ~110EUR/mo for both the dedis. Local NAS / Home server isn't an option for me, so having a couple of unmetered Gbit boxes with private networking works out, as I have got some more stuff going on the NVMe box than just a plex instance
Mind telling where you have 40TB? Looking for options if gsuite/workspace unlimited goes away.
As far as plex/emby/jellyfin, I tried all of them. Plex always 'just worked'. I need that for family who isn't tech savvy. Emby and Jellyfin would sometimes just have the loading circle for at least 30 seconds, I'd stop it, try again and it was usually under 5 seconds to start. Not sure why it would hang, but that's enough to put the family off.
Sure. Hetzner FTW!
I have an SX-62. No one else offers unmetered Gbit + crazy low $/TB at such a price point
Thanks for the coupon! I used a Brazil VPN and my main non Brazil based account and was able to purchase the lifetime account for B$375 instead of 499, ~59€. Now I can use hardware based encoding for the Apple TV.
Such a great deal!!
BTW, the only coupon I could use was SURVIVETHESEASON the other said it had expired
Any guides ? Everytime I setup Plex Drive, it always fail at initial library scan. I am not even watching it.
Dont bother with plex drive. A regular rclone mount should work.
Ensure you dont dump the complete drive into your plex library. Add locations in batches, and give plex atleast 2-3h to process files with meta data to avoid running into gdrive API limits. You can even spread it out over 24h intervals the first time. That should hopefully work out for you too
I do agree that Plex and Plexamp is very nice and polished/pleasant to use.
However I find it weird that Plex/PlexAmp lack:
Another issue with Plex is that it fails to load metadata/album art on first import for many albums. (You have to edit album or tell it to rescan for it to pick up the embedded tags/art. For my library of 1600 albums, about 150 or more had to be fixed.)
Despite all this, I really like Plex, and it's wife friendly, so I picked up a lifetime pass now.
(I've only been using it for Music this time around, but know from previous experience that it's great for movies and TV episodes.)
Jellyfin also has worked really well, but the client for iOS is much less polished than PlexAmp.
As for SubSonic, I've found one nice client for iOS (play:Sub), if ran against AirSonic it picks up album art, are able to manage playlists etc. (There's a very nice *sonic server called Gonic, but the play:Sub client won't play too nicely with it, so sticking with AirSonic, even though it uses 10-15 times more RAM and CPU.)
... Maybe this is all de-railing this thread, though ...
Nice offer.
Can't see myself using plex though. tbh I just grab stuff as needed. With fast internet it's basically instant anyway
Did you try using a custom agent for the metadata? The default agent is horrible. And if you thought the metadata matching of Plex was bad, Jellyfin is even worse when it comes to matching metadata...
I didn't really use Plex myself until I discovered the HamaTV agent to solve the metadata problem for TV shows.
If your goal is just to stream without too much hassle or external players, Plex has a lot more device support compared to Jellyfin. Most TVs have the Plex app preinstalled, making it much more accessible and user friendly. They also added HDR to SDR tonemapping for Plex Pass owners recently.
This was for my own music files, all perfectly tagged, so it was more an issue of Plex to actually parse/read it. For most of them, you fix it by editing the album, then all pops up.
For Jellyfin, I found it was better than Plex for the initial import/parsing, but for some (maybe 40 of 1600) albums it didn't read the embedded album art. (Fix/workaround was to drop a folder.jpg in the folder, as I got no sensible answer on IRC on how to make it parse correctly, as the files were tagged using the same program as albums which showed up correctly.)
Where the heck do you all find such big storage boxes?
Plex vs Jellyfin?
Who else but Hetzner
Just received this promo email from Plex:
Get 20% off a Lifetime Plex Pass
Redeem code SEEYA2020 at checkout.
Available through 11:59 AM PT on December 18, 2020.