New! The Premium $7 Deal!
The Premium $7 Deal!
Premium Ryzen VPS -- the best performance you can get without spending more than three times as much every month for your own bare metal, dedicated server!
If you are sitting between oversold and slow on one side and expensive bare metal on the other side, then this best performance, premium Ryzen VPS is perfect for you!
2 x Ryzen 3700X, 2 GB ECC RAM, 25 GB NVME RAID 1, no IPv4, 1 x /128 IPv6, 1 Gbps, $7/month
You get access to the Proxmox VE control panel. You can see real time load averages and performance graphs for the host node! Do you know any other Hosting Provider who has sufficient confidence in his host node performance to let you see the host node load average numbers? Here is the host node load average graph as it looked while I, @Not_Oles, was writing this. Please note that nproc = 16 and the load averages are 0.4 or lower! This is with 5 nice neighbors! Tons of power remains available!
Add Ons
Additional 2 x Ryzen 3700x + 2 GB ECC RAM + 25 GB NVME RAID 1, $2/month
IPv4, as well as bigger plans, are available via @Not_Oles' LES Exclusive Deals, which are visible to logged in LES visitors.
More information
Running on Hetzner AX51-NVMe in Helsinki
LXC, but KVM if you have a good reason, for example, running *BSD, Plan 9, Window$, or Apple. Or, maybe, you just like KVM.
From the control panel, you can start, stop, reboot, backup, and restore your VPS.
Almost any GNU/Linux or *BSD flavor is available. With KVM we can run your custom .iso.
IPv6 /64 or /96 or additional IPv4 addresses available if needed. Default $7 plans have 1 x /128 IPv6.
Several Yabs benchmarks were posted in a previous thread.
Free month for the first person who successfully runs KVM inside an unprivileged LXC container.
Warning! Grumpy, incompetent, clueless administrator!
Limited availability. Delivery might take awhile. ?
No service level agreement. Not for business use. Intended especially for serious computer fun!
Check out Not_Oles' 1337 front end skillz!
@Not_Oles tries to keep the system updated. Occasional reboots are guaranteed.
How to Order and Pay
To order, please post here, PM me, @Not_Oles, or use the email on my profile.
Please send Paypal payments to the email on my, @Not_Oles, profile. Please do not pay until after your VPS is set up, and until you are sure you are satisfied.
If you cannot pay by Paypal, let me know, and we will figure out another way.
Amazing Support
Support is available via posting here, LES personal messages, email to the address on my profile, and Signal App.
What People are Saying
"Yes, please. I’ll take that."
"I've been using this one from him. Highly recommend! His support is really amazing!"
"he is the sweetest guy in LES .."
Linux will run happily with only 4 MB of RAM, including all of the trolls such as Windows 98, Vim, and push-ups. (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 32)
2GB is too premium for "computer fun".
Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
You do not say anything abort bw.
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Thanks for helping me fix my mistakes! Bandwidth is shared, fair use, 1 Gbps, supposedly unlimited, but I don't know what happens if the server actually uses all the bandwidth 24/7.
Hetzner seems to have additional 1 Gbps NICs and 10 Gbps NICs as extra cost add ons. The 10 Gbps costs something like10 Euros per month extra, and, with 10 G, the bandwidth above something like 30 TB also is an additional charge. So we could get more and faster bandwidth if people wanted to pay Hetzner more.
@Not_Oles its better to cap the BW ... i know your clients are good and all but it can happen one sets up a GRE and it consumes 2TB in 24 hours "some allowance i had with one provider" ... it happened with me and got my server suspend
--- my father god rest his soul said in meaning "Close things You'll find what to open later"
Once the user does enough push-ups, the 2 GB IPv6 plan becomes the "Reseller" version, because we can add 1 x /96 IPv6 (4,294,967,296 IPv6 addresses) for only $1/mo.
With additional push-ups, the 2 GB plan maybe could be "split" (the opposite of "stacked"?): maybe I could do 4 x 500 GB + 4 x /128 IPv6 for the same price as the 2 GB plan. . . . Maybe. . . .
Google Cloud was offering free 650 MB VPSes. But I think no IPv6 there.
Hi @ehab! Thanks for your suggestion to limit bandwidth!
By the way, what's a GRE? In the US, GRE is "Graduate Record Examination." Like the SAT ("Scholastic Aptitude Test" a/k/a "college boards"), but for graduate school.
A gre tunnel if i am not wrong
Dentistry is my passion
GRE - its a network tunnel "some private link"
Generic Routing Encapsulation.
It's awesome how GRE becomes "Magic" in marketspeak.
I'd better start keeping a closer eye on my Maximum Segment Size!
Maybe, if I get everything just exactly right, my server could offer Magic Graduate Record Encapsulation! Wow! 
Thanks again @ehab!
The caveat of free Google Cloud is not the lack of IPv6, but the measly 1GB transfer per month and very expensive egress fees. Even Virmach and BF-DOLLA-NAT provide more than 1GB egress.
You should setup a brand selling 4MB IPv6-only LXC containers. User can buy a bundle of 16 containers for $1 per year.
The container wouldn't have networking anyhow. The user gets serial console access via an SSH daemon running outside their 4MB (it would consume an additional 512KB or so).
It's just like an Arduino in the cloud.
Hmm, maybe I could offer something similar as a free trial from my Antarctica location, but user will have to wait for summer.
GRE tunnels are no longer fragrant. Nowadays we use VXLAN.
The differences:
Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
Surprised re proxmox panel...that usually comes with quite a bit of admin type control no?
Wouldn’t that make you a Winter host?
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
Hi @havoc!
It sounds like you might be asking how a user could be given access to the Proxmox web GUI without also getting quite a bit of admin control.
If I understood your question, the answer might be that Proxmox has a versatile and fine grained permission system
Awhile back, @Mason and @seriesn were kind enough to introduce me to the idea of giving users access to the Proxmox web GUI. ? Thanks again, guys!
Greetings from New York City and Sonora, Mexico! ??????️