ApisCP 18 year anniversary sale! And updates!
ApisCP turns 18 on December 26th, which is a great milestone as the codebase can now buy fireworks, purchase spray paint, and get tattoos without parental consent.
To kick the celebration off and help everyone move past 2020, I'm bringing back the popular 50% off discount (coupon code: ANNIVERSARY ) valid on all lifetime licenses. This discount is valid until January 1 or reseller support officially launches, whichever happens later.
Pro licenses (no domain limit) are $249, Startup (30 domain limit) is $79, and Mini (10 domain limit) is $49. These are all one-time costs. Licenses may be revoked and reissued as needed via the licensing portal, my.apiscp.com.
It's an excellent excuse to move past cPanel's price creep and myriad third-party licenses with single one-time license for all. Plus, ApisCP handles cPanel migrations with excellent fidelity.
On to interesting developments over the last month.
CentOS Stream
As we know by now CentOS is flipping upstream to RHEL instead of downstream. I've shared my thoughts on this and logged a few days of build hours on E2E tests. Unless something catastrophic happens by July, ApisCP will continue to focus on the Red Hat/CentOS ecosystem to produce the maximum integration afforded by this distro. Having faster release cycles for crucial software like systemd allows me to build more cohesive platforms with less overhead. It's a win.
Reseller support
Technology helps accomplish tasks with better precision. Reseller system , which is next to launch now that the panel proxy is done, uses project quotas and cgroup subtrees to allow overselling with online resource enforcement. Resellers can allocate beyond their package allowances to sites, but the sum of all resources can never exceed the total on the reseller; unlike prevailing reseller systems this is enforced realtime by the OS.
Given the ambitious approach to reseller support, ApisCP will only support resellers on CentOS 8 or Stream with xfs filesystems. ext4 supports project quotas on 4.x kernels; however, I've not explored it to the same extent as xfs project/group/user quotas.
Panel proxy
Lastly, panel proxy as touched on earlier allows one to run multiple ApisCP nodes from a single login portal. It's been part of the magic behind Hostineer for the last 5 years and now it's cleaned up for a wider audience. Several great minds in the ApisCP Discord have helped move this along. It's as simple as a couple configuration settings on each node. Panel proxy is broken down into 3 separate components to enhance security. Each component can be run off a free DNS-only license issued via my.apiscp.com. After reseller is implemented, I'll expand upon this to allow admin to jump locations from a single login.
already bought licenses again, before regretting it later
not confused anymore with price increases
Just 50%..
You are not going to find another control panel, of similar quality and caliber, even for double the life time price. This is a steal.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Thanks for the praise!
When you add up the ancillary costs of Softaculous, WordPress updates, CloudLinux, backups, Immunify360, mail filtering, and monitoring those costs really do exceed cPanel's magnanimous pricing of $20/month... + $16/month + $5.95/month + $12/month + $1.50/month...
ApisCP simplifies burgeoning license costs by squashing these features into a single platform. In doing so, it opens up the possibility for some unique features such as privilege-separation with Fortification, HTTP rate limiting that sieves to firewall, and a centralized panel for multi-node management. A client has already rolled out UptimeRobot and BetterUptime integration into the login portal. Someone else is working on listing WHMCS updates in the portal aside as well.
Will you show any love for debian/ubuntu later
or it is out of scope of project?
ThemeForest Profile
I've touched on this briefly with the CentOS changes. Where I want to take this platform is free from typical CLI usage into a platform that's self-sustaining. Distro won't matter in the end, but instead focus on stability.
Have you installed the trial yet? Are there any concerns you've encountered where Debian would provide a better experience? Long-term goal is to bridge any distro idiosyncrasies and build a solid, API platform that is distro agnostic.
i haven't tried trial but just explored your demo.
i am (still) waiting for a reason to buy lifetime license, because the panel and your approach for sure looks different.
ThemeForest Profile
Install the trial or get a Nexus Bytes VM (2G or +) to redeem a complimentary key
. It is worth the investment.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
That's only the end-user demo, not the sysadmin view. Best way to explore that facet is to spin up a VM with a 30-day free trial. If it doesn't work for you yet, then you're out a few pennies. Certainly keep ApisCP in mind for the future as there is still a lot to develop.
Folks that have made the switch absolutely love its architecture, but those looking for a 1:1 cPanel clone are initially dissatisfied with how different the platform is. ApisCP grew to address needs within my hosting business, which moved to automation. Automation, in turn, allowed me more time to write code and do things beyond point and click through 200 menus to enable, for example, Event MPM in Apache.
ApisCP is different in a good way.
One of the very few instances in my lifetime, I get to say that, without being wrong. Keep it up rocket man.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
i am not a cpanel guy at all, i mostly work with laravel and laravel, cpanel are not made for each other.
currently i am just using openlitespeed with their built in panel, earlier just apache with a shell script to create new virtual hosts.
if i miss anything in your apiscp, it will be OLS.
got a new vps today and i will use it to try ApisCP free trial
ThemeForest Profile
Finally installed it, it took around 25mins and was confusing at first because vps was disconnected and when i reboot, i don't see anything happening but running
shows things are being installed.first impression seems bit confusing because of above part.
but i really love the way you made use of laravel, vuepress and even laravel horizon too.
created a website, too many options... but many choices depending on site requirements... having packages would have been great (does it exists already?)
everything from there went super smooth
one final observation...
logged in as website user and went to terminal section and i can whole vps like
cd /
cd /var
tried making a file in
and everything just works.i am new to this topic but
jailed ssh
means, a user can't access whole vps right?ThemeForest Profile
If you're installing behind screen, then it'll immediately close the session on reboot. Otherwise you'll see something like,

See Plans.md
It's not the whole server, it's a synthetic filesystem unique to the account. See Filesystem.md.
Correct. This setting may not be disabled.
Nice to see you on LES @nem & ApisCP is really good. 100/100 for all the effort you have put into developing it.
Recommend: MyRoot.PW|BuyVM|Inception Hosting|Prometeus
thanks for the response @nem
ThemeForest Profile