High BW europe vps for vpn usage
Looking to swap out my current VPN vps, as it turns out not to be 100% stable. I dont need big specs, but i need good network, atleast 500mbit at any given time.
Cpu : any
Ram : 1gb
Disk : 10gb
Network : 1gbit port, 5+ TB / month
Location : Europe
Os : Debian 10
VPN usage will be to route my home server traffic through. There will be some torrent traffic from private trackers, but no seeding of those.
Hit me with some offers. Openvz is fine also.
My little hobby site -> www.RaveX.eu
Install windows on pretty much any vps or dedi! -> Click here
You want a dedicated server in somewhere like ovh not a VPS. No VPS host is going to offer you a guaranteed 500mbit 24x7 for $7
to open to abuse and you have confirmed torrents.
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Do keep in mind that CPU might also be of influence whether or not you can sustain 500Mbit/s concurrently, as the traffic will need to be encrypted/decrypted (I hope..)
Any decent vps with 1 core should be able to do what, if you arent running on overfilled 15 year old xeons. But thanks for the note.
My little hobby site -> www.RaveX.eu
Install windows on pretty much any vps or dedi! -> Click here
I dont want to pull 500mbit 24/7, but when i am moving files, i want to be able to use my full home connection at 500mbit. Traffic is generally low, but i do pull some torrents from time to time. Average usage past 3 months is around 4Tb / month. I dont need, or want a dedicated for this workload, as monitoring hardware, network and stuff is not something i want to do with this. I want a solution who works, and is stable long term.
Budget can be well over $7 for a solid solution.
My little hobby site -> www.RaveX.eu
Install windows on pretty much any vps or dedi! -> Click here
OVH Essential VPS might be your best bet, considering the torrent usage.

Or Hetzner cloud?
⭕ A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
⭕ Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.
Not for torrents I think.
Private trackers shouldn't cause any problems.
Check liteserver.nl
The problem is that there are "private trackers" and then there are "private trackers", there is a big difference between a public one and a private one that simply requires registration/invite often circumvented with a donation/payment anyway and actual private ones ran by known communities.
If not the latter then they almost always have sleepers, trust me I get the abuse reports followed by ticket responses saying "Sorry I thought private would be fine" followed by instance that I act as a legal shield included in the €2.50 /month
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
@AnthonySmith Fair. When I think private, I think invite-only private with no issues. If it's just hiding behind a simple reg then yeah, definitely not private.
To back up your OVH point, French provider is probably the best. OVH or Scaleway are good options.
Even they get problematic at times, no one REALLY knows everyone, I would go as far as to say they really hardly know anyone at all, pretty simple to infultrate.
I bet if someone took part in discussions periodically here for 3 months then made a post here asking for an invite if possible, someone would oblige
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Nah, not for a top tier tracker - not worth the risk.
I am not talking about "top tier" just ones that people consider "private" that really are not.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Fair comment. Semi private trackers can be just as dangerous as public, and some semi private are worse in some respects.
Currently got a VPN server on @Francisco 's LUX - Torrenting all kind of stuff no issues. Pulling about 40 TB on a $15/month slice. So the $7 should be more than enough.
Just to confirm @Francisco
You're going the distance.
Sounds good.