4TB storage?

in Requests
I’m after 4TB or more storage. Not bothered about CPU/RAM. EU location. Any suggestions for where I get the most bang for my buck?
Cheapest would be from @cociu but be sure to keep your backups
Want free vps ? https://microlxc.net
Is FTP alright, or do you need a vps?
If you really need a vps, get a RS1000 from netcup, and a gsuite account, mount with rclone, and u are unlimited.
My little hobby site -> www.RaveX.eu
Install windows on pretty much any vps or dedi! -> Click here
Yes I need a VPS, no Google are not getting my money.
Well, you could go with Time4VPS - 170€/year (boils down to 14,17€/month) with annual commitment.
Got a pretty stable service the last almost 6 years.
BUT be aware, as far as I know: it is still OpenVZ6!
Good option would most probably also be BuyVM in Luxembourg, would come down to min. 2$ (smallest KVM slice) + 20$ (1.25$/256GB) for the "Block Storage Slab".
If your main goal is storage,
https://nexusbytes.com/kvm-storage-vps.html join the family
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Yeah, will swerve that.
TBH, I can't be arsed with the BuyVM stock game, if it's not in stock when I check (which it never is) I'm not wasting my time.
This sounds a bit like a cult. Is it a cult?
Yea. Big cult. Requires Pube hair sacrifice to join.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Ah man, I haven't started my pubes yet. Maybe next year :-(
Hey, have you seen @WSS?
How is he doing?
Nah, he’s long gone. He shared one of my Plex servers for a bit but he stopped using that years ago. To be fair, I don’t think he should be on internet forums, doesn’t seem like it’s good for his mental health overall.
I can recommend @SGraf (MyRoot.pw) for Storage Dedicated Servers in the EU
Greetings from 🇩🇪 North Rhine-Westphalia, Xenic.
I enjoyed how ridiculous the auction thread on LET currently is, but the servers are probably a bit too much, a Kimsufi piece o shit Atom would meet my needs for much less money.
Maybe a long shot, but find someone willing to transfer their London HostHatch storage VPS from their recent sale? On January 21, they sent out an email about some offers with limited stock, and had a few 10TB plans in stock in Chicago, Los Angeles, and London. 10TB usable space, 2 GB RAM, 15TB monthly transfer for $120/year. I've got one in Los Angeles and it's pretty good, but I'd recommend their Chicago and London locations over Los Angeles as they have better disk I/O speeds.
Just sign up at https://buyvmstock.com/ and wait. I remember reading somewhere that Fran is going to install some extra slab space (an extra 100TB I think?) in Luxembourg this month.
Daniel15 | https://d.sb/. List of all my VPSes: https://d.sb/servers
dnstools.ws - DNS lookups, pings, and traceroutes from 30 locations worldwide.
thank you for the mention.
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Sounds like effort. Maybe someone will swing by.
Nah, fuck that. Played those games years ago when BuyVM operated out of Aldryic’s Nan’s basement. No more.
We've got the following available at Frankfurt, Germany,
1024 MB RAM
4000 GB HDD
6 TB bandwidth per month
4 CPU Cores on Fair Share allocation
1 IPv4 and /64 of IPv6
$12/month or $120/year
Host-node RAID array uses RAID6
Order Link:
Note: The RAM cannot be upgraded beyond the 1 GB this plan comes with, Disk/Bandwidth can be upgraded as needed later on.
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using the cupon code "I0YDS2D60Y" will do 40% off for life for all our 3 locations : https://hostsolutions.ro/eng/hosting/kvm-storage
What CPU?
Should we tell him?
Yes, do it. He'll be happy.
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I think your love Nekki Hercules deservers at least 60% off. At least!
Nice typo if I may say so myself.
He never figured it out, bless 'im.
Nexa Racks - Reliable Web Hosting Company
Think 1TBVPS largest plan is 2TB - also not based in the EU.
Never heard of 1TBVPS. I thought he'd just badly misjudged what I was asking for.
Think this is what they are referring to.
Ta, not really what I'm looking for, I just need storage and to be able to run an OS, nothing premium.
Yeah I didn't think it was even close to what you were after. I can recommend @Mr_Tom and @liteserver - think @Mr_Tom has already given you the nod with a custom offer.