Looking for testers !free ryzen+nvme KVM !
Hello guys ,
before lunch our ryzen production we need like 30-50 testers durring up to 1 month.
What you need to do is :
Have a account in Hostsolutions.ro old for at least 3 month , not have antecedents with abuse of any kind.
You can use the kvm for everything , except scam , spam , flood , mining. etc.
Waht we look for is test the hardware/config and give us your true review.
NOTE : this is not about the network , the whole node is limited to 1gbps , we are interesed in the hardware feedback only .
What you need to do is place a order here : https://secure.hostsolutions.ro/cart.php?a=add&pid=435
and select the montly term. IF you will receive the welcome email this mean we have accept you , if your order will be canceled this mean we have denied.
The orders will be activated in 2-3 hours.
networking testing! what exact test would you like?
my interest is to see people will consider such hardware for production. I have limited the network to 1gbps to avoid abuse. I suspect proxmox is down the performance so i need the customers feedback.
Congrats on the expansion!
My account is only 2 months and 26 days so can't test it
My account is only 2 months and 26 days so can't test it
place the order and send me your email in prvate please ... for some days no problem.
Ordered , I am an existing customer on NVME line
i am also not completing 3 months
Got the email
attractive plan
@cociu facing issues , PM u or open ticket ?
just reinstall , we had missconfig something but now should be normal.
ok ,let me check .
Everything working
Noice !
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@cociu you think you could give 500gb of storage?
this way i can fit my whole postgresql database and make it a read only replica and truly test the performance of databases
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Nice, but I don't have account in there
Sultan Muda - Amazon Store
pm with your email.
Hey so my order got approved but all I got is username and password in email
No ip address?
I cannot even find that details in client area something wrong?
Sorry I did not create a ticket because I didn't want to waste your time on a free service but
Take a look at screenshot
Also it appears I wad allocated two of these ? One is now cancelled
Order I'd 7342844271
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No ip address?
I cannot even find that details in client area something wrong?
if you have a little patcinse i am sure you will have a second email with the ip. Also you have placed 2 order so i have personally cancel one to give the posibility to another user to test it.
The second email never reached me yet,(checked spam)
I only clicked on place order once.
Just see the email ip field is blank(in screenshot)
I received 2 invoice email but both have same invoice id and first one showed unpaid and second one showed paid but both had same id
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ok , reinstall it and you can find the ip in the client area. If something is faill please open a tiket.
Nope I cannot even reinstall only option I see are request cancellation and change password.
But I opened a ticket will continue discussion there. sorry you had to go through this much trouble for free service
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no worry , for this is the test to make sure in production we do not have such issue.
Signup process was smooth, I received 5 emails, The information contained in the emails was consistent with previous signups for your services. IP # is contained in the "New Dedicated Server Information" after the server is built. CentOS 7 template built correctly. So far so good
EDIT: When checking
time echo "scale=5000; 4*a(1)" | bc -lq id
you are 13.2 sec compared to other Rysen 3900X I have at 13.3 and 12.9 sec, so no real performance difference between them.LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
I noticed that email titled "New VPS Information" has additional slash in the end of domain and curly bracket in the end of url:
Manage Server: https://secure.hostsolutions.ro//clientarea.php?action=productdetails&id=1234}
One additional 'benchmark' since I just finished setting up CentminMod:
Total Install Time (curl yum + cm install + zip download): 1315.8286 seconds
please register.
does not meet the criteria bro, so leave it
Sultan Muda - Amazon Store
network has been stable ; my upstream where i am downloading is throttling the connect between
1.07 MBit/s , 100.55 kBit/s
so no complaints so far
cociu is like porn there is always more hard to resist. he can always tickle our interest and pocket. I also think hostsolutions have improved since 2015 ... keep it up -- i lknow you can
Yes, the network has been very stable.

The graphic below shows dns resolution response times, from eight different locations, from an authoritative dns server setup on the test VPS.
EDIT: Replaced duplicate Sydney with Singapore
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