Inception Hosting - Stock clearance sale, UK+NL, its Black Friday all over again! [SUPER CHEAP] <3

Hi Folks,
Following the successful sale of Inception hosting to Clouvider and the excellent support I have been given I have finally been able to take the time to do a complete audit and stock.
Embarrassingly I have a lot of space to fill (a good problem to have) on servers that are already running in profit so I am doing a sale on that stock.
Please understand I can't say how long this will last, this sale is just to clear up the irregularities and balance things back out within Inception Hosting before launching new hardware so you have the chance to grab an absolute bargain!
If you decide to order please ignore the specs shown after you click on the order link, they are all automatically upgraded to the specs in this advert automatically upon provisioning.
UK KVM - London
- 2 CPU Cores (E3-1270v6)
- 1 GB RAM (DDR4)
- 30 GB NVMe Disk Space
- 1 gbit port speed (shared/ DDOS protection included)
- 1 TB Transfer / month
- 1 x IPv4
- 1 x /64 IPv6
- Free Direct admin license on demand
- Network test page:
Order Link
€15 /year
UK KVM - London
- 2 CPU Cores (E3-1270v6)
- 2 GB RAM (DDR4)
- 50 GB NVMe Disk Space
- 1 gbit port speed (shared/ DDOS protection included)
- 2 TB Transfer / month
- 1 x IPv4
- 1 x /64 IPv6
- Free Direct admin license on demand
- Network test page:
Order Link
€25 /year
UK KVM - London
- 2 CPU Cores (E3-1270v6)
- 4 GB RAM (DDR4)
- 70 GB NVMe Disk Space
- 1 gbit port speed (shared/ DDOS protection included)
- 4 TB Transfer / month
- 1 x IPv4
- 1 x /64 IPv6
- Free Direct admin license on demand
- Network test page:
Order Link
€45 /year
Netherlands KVM - Amsterdam (VERY LIMITED)
- 2 CPU Cores (E-2278G)
- 1 GB RAM (DDR4)
- 30 GB NVMe Disk Space
- 1 gbit port speed (shared/ DDOS protection included)
- 1 TB Transfer / month
- 1 x IPv4
- 1 x /64 IPv6
- Free Direct admin license on demand
- Network test page:
Order Link
€15 /year
Special Offer Notes:
- I cannot guarantee what node you will be placed on, while some flexibility can be extended where possible it should not be expected.
- 1 Node has an E3-1270v5 rather than v6 and another node has E-2276G if you specifically wanted the E3-1270v6 and you don't get it as the assignment is random your move request to an E3-1270v6 will be granted.
- Due to the nature and reason for this specific sale being a unique one it is not possible to convert existing orders into this deal however all efforts to allow this sort of thing in the future will be made.
- The refund policy for these is strictly 48 hours from the time of the order being placed not the standard 14 days.
- On this rare occasion you can stack the offers (London Only) up to 8GB Ram total, CPU cores do not stack, IPv6 does not stack, open a ticket after purchase and before first OS installation to request this, requests for stacking after initial OS install will not be granted.
If you ever wanted a custom plan for London now is the best time to ask if it can be done it will be done however to save some time, for these servers 2vCPU's is the maximum
This advert is not exclusive, please feel free to share it, it is being posted to LES first though
Questions and comments are all very welcome!
Cheers everyone!
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Hello Anthony nice offers
Price does not update I think
For eg
Checks out at 60 euros for an year
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
Thanks, I had not hit save yet on those pages, I actually posted this advert instead of previewing it so am playing catchup, should be fine now though
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
You know the hosting is a success, when people start buying your offers before you actually post them
London €15 /year
15 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
on order page
See :
OnePoundEmail (aff link)
Would be rude not to grab one - so got the smallest, to idle/turn off until needed.
(Hope that you're feeling much better @Ant)
(( @InceptionHosting I assume that I can't stack this onto an existing server, to bring it up to 6GB RAM etc. ))
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Sorry afraid not.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Hi Anthony, may I ask whether UK KVM NVMe still comes with free backups (for disaster recovery)?
Also, back in the autumn, there was an issue with free backups and node KVM10: has this been resolved in the meantime?
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
Damn you! I absolutely do not need another VPS right now, but still...
...hold my beer
Just tell us how to activate disaster recovery!
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
those 10Gbps ports ?
Its a work in progress, right now for most nodes it is active but no longer advertised, looking into alternatives, the issue is that the backup itself is a huge performance hit, and there is no way to do it quickly, however, the clouvider guys and resources have come up with some suggestions and things I can possibly leverage to make it better for everyone.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
only 1 ? how rude !
jokes, thanks!
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Which one? All I see are Gbit boxes.
I promised myself I wouldn't buy another VPS this year.. Oh well, I'll start that promise again in April with the new financial year.
Bought 1 now, had 4 already that do basically nothing.
I actually downloaded a UK flag icon just now to use in my ssh session manager to highlight all the IH vps's so that I don't accidentally connect to them and disturb their idling.
Okay, so if I understand well, people shouldn't make any assumptions based on the past, as far as reliable daily backups being made for the purpose of disaster recovery are concerned.
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
wow, thats some commitment to idling!
If it was offered at the time of purchase, it is happening, the plan is to either change the solution or goto raid 5/6/10 to further mitigate any risk and remove it but its a bit soon to conform anything one way or another except to say if you bought a service when it was advertised it is still happening.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
30 GB NVMe Disk Space
1 gbit port speed (shared/ DDOS protection included)
1 TB Transfer / month
1 x IPv4
1 x /64 IPv6
Free Direct admin license on demand
Network test page:
Order Link
€15 /year
Snagged one.. just coz!
Oh didn't realize that, probably a provisioning mistake & will be corrected by Ant later.
I wish he doesn't, considering that fact that the traffic is already fixed
@InceptionHosting let this be a sweet little surprise for the lucky few?
Great deals as always
@InceptionHosting let this be a sweet little surprise for the lucky few?
Traffic management is planned, looking to switch to unmetered in the not too distant future, similar to Hetzner, you get full speed for xxTB then metered to x mbit or gbit, details are still a work in progress.
Let's just say you will have options, good ones!
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
I have already three vm which are on 1270v6. I want another on 1270v5 for HA Idling. But no guarantee for 1270v5 let me keep my money.
haha fair enough, imagine if you ended up on the E-2276G what would you do with yourself !?!, idle your money, safe bet!
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
A shame, that I missed the Amsterdam one.
And just to be sure:
I can stack two of these 2GB RAM ones in London?
You can stack them up to 8GB total yes no problem.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
I already bought the 1GB Netherlands, just wonder do you have anything in NL location more than 1GB similar spec as the €25 London one.