Any Lithium ion battery BF deals?

in Requests
Anyone in to electronics/batteries etc know of any good EU/UK BF deals?
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Dunno about EU/UK but is having some pretty good sales in the US and Canada. What are you looking for? If really big stuff I'll PM you a link.
just good individual cell prices or pack prices, 18650's or 25000+ mah pre made's
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues. is supposed to be good seller in general. I believe they ship to the UK (from NL). They stopped shipping to the US a while ago, causing some sadness here.
checking it out, thanks for the PM too
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grabbed 20 of these:
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Nice I guess! Those are high current cells, a bit more expensive than regular cells of the same capacity, or lower capacity than regular cells of the same price, but I guess that is what you want
Don't blow up the farm Ant.
But seriously, you're doing exactly what I want to do.
I reckon I can easily harvest 2kwh minimum for 8hrs with my shadow-free roof area.
nvm is great and so is
Both reputable and reliable suppliers for cells and batteries.
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Ant uses
What father and son are doing in this video is close to retarded. 18650 cells can be dangerous if treated that way. They have only been lucky that nothing bad happened. Gosh. People.
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
I remember one video about someone showing his wife how easy it is to split logs for firewood with an axe by putting them in a tire so it keeps the logs together for splitting.
She took a swing, missed the logs, hit the tyre and the axe bounced back into her mouth... she used to be pretty.
Amazing what people will do for views.
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That reminds me of this:
Not a BF deal or specifically EU, but....
These are pretty awesome. Set up 4 in series and you can use it as a "drop in lead acid replacement", as the lifepo4 voltages are compatible with that use. Better cycle life than traditional lithium ion, and less dangerous as well.
Dunno but I occasionally check in on youtuber HBPowerwall - he's always busy tinkering with this kind of stuff & I like his down to earth style
(no affiliation)
Because buying batteries off eBay is always a great idea... High Bandwidth European Cloud KVM | AS202297
I have had some good experiences, no point in shitting on ebay because a few people are dodgy, just do your homework and know what you are buying first.
If you are prepared to use it the buyer protection is pretty solid.
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I harvest 18650 batteries out of power banks.
Try plutonium battery.
Same one as in Nokia C3310.
I've had worse luck with Amazon than I have eBay. Got some outright clonefrauds sent from Amazon, and they didn't even give a shit. Then I got an OBDII bluetooth reader with both pirated and malware for Android, and finally was sent a box with half of the product missing (not damaged). Fuck Amazon. At least eBay gives me a chance to get my money back if they refuse to give me what I paid for.
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
+1 to that. Ebay is great if you pay with PayPal. You can get your money back easily. Amazon is crap if outside US. If I have to send back something with my own shipping cost, that cost me more then the product. - Server admins cheat codes
My OBDII reader from Amazon came with a mini CD containing a single folder named license that only contained a crack.exe.
El Jefé.
Two Held with Drugs in Bengaluru ( i think @vyas lives there too) Shipped Through Amazon From Canada ...
Amazon a Silk Road in the making ?
I swear I only bought Li-On Batteries from
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
My experiences with ebay and amazon are exactly the opposite. Here, generally speaking, ebay sucks and amazon rocks. Packages arrive sooner than expected and if there's any issues with them, you can get a pretty immediate refund without bothering with details. Returning products is generally free.
Only once Amazon sent me a package (a day ahead the estimated delivery) and the product was missing (Bluetooth headphones). First I got refunded and then I've been delivered a similar product I've ordered that same day. The second package still arrived before the estimated date of the first one, product included this time
Now, I'm not a Prime user (unless they offer a free 1-month trial, typically at least once a year) and I shop on Amazon no more than once every three-four months. I prefer other local, regional online shop stores (usually they're even cheaper) or, even better, face-to-face shopping with retailers in their meaty incarnations. I'm lucky enough to live in the countryside yet within few km from a metropolitan area, so there's plenty of choice
I've yet to venture properly on those Chinese Amazon clones. I've had only gearbest sending me something once and I've ordered on Aliexpress some Thinkpad replacements a couple of times, and some other stuff, mostly IT-related and non-critical. Biblical delivery times, the products where ok. I got a couple of batteries too, they were ok.
There's a ton of fake lithium ion cells out there (i.e. labels saying samsung such-and-such with all the right numbers, with some crap cell inside) so I wouldn't go anywhere near amazon or ebay. There are a few vendors that are able and willing to stock authentic cells. r/batteries on reddit is a decent source of info.
My limited experience with those "Chinese Amazon clones" has been fine but I did my own research beforehand, so I'd totally second the tip coming from @willie to double-check before ordering. I don't particularly care about "Authentic" cells, I'm fine enough with cells produced in the same identical facilities and performing on par or better than "Authentic" ones. But do your research.
If I were forced to blindly pick an online retailer, I'd choose Amazon over Ebay or Aliexpress, actually. Yet YMMV it seems, depending on your country.
Agree on both points.
We've returned plenty of stuff on ebay (mostly bad ram or hard drives). Sellers are super afraid to get negative feedback, so even the less reputable sellers have not had any issue letting me refund stuff.
I did look into the seller first, feedback for this specific product seems solid. As well, I tested the batteries and they hold exactly the charge they're supposed to. This seller packages up these batteries like a tank too.
Other than not really needing the product in the first place, no regrets on buying it lol.