Haven’t seen any documentation from DA on it. Been playing around with it and works across all user levels - Admin, Reseller and User. Although I think the user level is better with the modern icon layout, just for familiarity of users (ex cPanel).
@LeonDynamic said:
Just wondering if anyone here is running DirectAdmin prerelease binary. There has been a new theme added called Facelift. It looks similar to the existing Sidebar theme but appears to be a replacement for the Standard theme as when viewed on a mobile it changes back to the Standard theme.
@Lee said: Any interest from larger cloud providers, DO, Vultr, Hetzner or others in them offering licences?
I really wanna know what's stopping them. I asked OVH once and well, we know how that goes. I think they started offering it for dedicated customers only.
@SmallWeb said: I really wanna know what's stopping them.
Licensing is always the answer. I suspect they would only offer it if it can be installed and activated without any up-front cost to them. A bit like cPanel and Plesk. DO and Vultr offer both but cPanel is a trial period, Although Vultr does offer cPanel licensing. Plesk is limited to x amount of accounts and you can upgrade.
Going to guess that DA wants x up-front or activating a licence triggers a cost that bigger providers are less interested in. They would want a trial or restricted licence that the user then has to upgrade and pay directly to DA.
@SmallWeb said: I really wanna know what's stopping them.
Licensing is always the answer. I suspect they would only offer it if it can be installed and activated without any up-front cost to them. A bit like cPanel and Plesk. DO and Vultr offer both but cPanel is a trial period, Although Vultr does offer cPanel licensing. Plesk is limited to x amount of accounts and you can upgrade.
Going to guess that DA wants x up-front or activating a licence triggers a cost that bigger providers are less interested in. They would want a trial or restricted licence that the user then has to upgrade and pay directly to DA.
Atleast from the past experience, DA supports PAYG model.
Any interest from larger cloud providers, DO, Vultr, Hetzner or others in them offering licences?
There has been some, but nothing really came of it. I have to be honest that lack of motivation on this end was part of it. Flying under the radar is our biggest strength right now. Development is more important than high volume & ultra-low margins, and creating a better product is more important to us. When I say lack of motivation, I don't mean laziness. I just mean we would rather create hype by improving the product, rather than attempting every "strategic alliance" we can get. We are kind of like the antimatter of venture capitalists.
On that note, it's been a long time since the last release but I can say we have ~100 items (features/fixes/etc) since the last one. Within the next day or two I plan to post some more fun stuff about that.
I was listening about a clothing brand recently that doesn't do influencer promotion and just likes to work on the brand and have it spread organically word of mouth rather than in your face deals with companies. It makes sense.
Congrats on your second and third post in advance.
@DA_Mark said: here has been some, but nothing really came of it. I have to be honest that lack of motivation on this end was part of it. Flying under the radar is our biggest strength right now. Development is more important than high volume & ultra-low margins, and creating a better product is more important to us. When I say lack of motivation, I don't mean laziness. I just mean we would rather create hype by improving the product, rather than attempting every "strategic alliance" we can get. We are kind of like the antimatter of venture capitalists.
Makes sense, I guess someone like DO adding it to their marketplace will end up generating more support that you care for which of course takes you all away from other tasks such as improving the panel.
So, decided it was time to get back to DA and start learning how to manage it properly. The non-compete after the sale of my hosting business is ending in the not too distant future. Maybe, might, could, possibly do something with DA in the future.
So grabbed a slice in Luxembourg to play around. Had so many other plans that involved DA last year, but COVID.
@Lee said:
So, decided it was time to get back to DA and start learning how to manage it properly. The non-compete after the sale of my hosting business is ending in the not too distant future. Maybe, might, could, possibly do something with DA in the future.
So grabbed a slice in Luxembourg to play around. Had so many other plans that involved DA last year, but COVID.
Congrats sir!
If you need to spread out your regions, we got some pops with free DA as well
Sorry for the delay, folks. Earlier in the thread @LeonDynamic posted a new skin revision he discovered in the pre-release. It's nearly complete (just some small finishing touches needed) and it's available in the pre-release and demo on our site. It is called "Refreshed."
It's has some navigation elements that are different than before, so all feedback is welcome. I know @smtalk will be paying attention to this thread too.
I'm not sure it applies to anyone here, but our bulk pricing (automatic discount on retail licenses) is now complete & automated. It will shave 15%-25% off the bill starting at four Standard licenses (or any mix of license that equates to the same dollar value), and only 10 licenses for the full discount. For folks with a handful of retail licenses, they will see a surprise discount.
@DA_Mark said:
Sorry for the delay, folks. Earlier in the thread @LeonDynamic posted a new skin revision he discovered in the pre-release. It's nearly complete (just some small finishing touches needed) and it's available in the pre-release and demo on our site. It is called "Refreshed."
It's has some navigation elements that are different than before, so all feedback is welcome. I know @smtalk will be paying attention to this thread too.
I'm not sure it applies to anyone here, but our bulk pricing (automatic discount on retail licenses) is now complete & automated. It will shave 15%-25% off the bill starting at four Standard licenses (or any mix of license that equates to the same dollar value), and only 10 licenses for the full discount. For folks with a handful of retail licenses, they will see a surprise discount.
I hope everyone has a good weekend!
LA PREM! @DA_Mark I guess these Advanved features are something super neat inhouse from the DA team?
@DA_Mark do you have anymore info on the Pro Pack. I have seen the installation doc for resource usage in 1.61.6 so looking like it could be ready to launch soon?
Had a play around with the new theme, looking really nice and feels a bit more intuitive in places where it wasn't before. Simple things make a difference.
@Lee said:
Had a play around with the new theme, looking really nice and feels a bit more intuitive in places where it wasn't before. Simple things make a difference.
What do you think about the navigation method? With menu unpinned by default and the need to hover anywhere on the left bar to open the menu. It was some kind of experiment, and the place that might (or might not) need to be changed.
@smtalk said: What do you think about the navigation method?
I like it. One of those things that you will get used to but an improvement. The only thing I don't like is that if you hover over the left side it pops up fine, but move back to the right to do something else on that page, you need to click to get the menu to disappear.
I would prefer that if I move right beyond the menu it just disappears. That's me though and just a preference. Sometimes that effect can be annoying if you move too far right when intending to click the dropdown and the menu closes.
@LeonDynamic said: @DA_Mark do you have anymore info on the Pro Pack. I have seen the installation doc for resource usage in 1.61.6 so looking like it could be ready to launch soon?
These features are in pre-release, other Pro Pack features are reserved for future releases:
Python/Java/Ruby/Perl support using Nginx Unit
Additional features for Nginx (automatic CMS templates, WordPress+FastCGI cache support). Ability to select standalone nginx for any of the domains.
Ability to throttle resources per-user (CPU/RAM/IO etc.)
This one is still in progress, but it should be available very soon:
Admin SSL (GUI for certificate management on Administrator level, automatic cross-user certificates).
So, if you're looking for resource throttling - you may install pre-release of retail DirectAdmin Standard/Lite and let us know your feedback on it It's there, and documentation is also ready for it.
@LeonDynamic said: @DA_Mark do you have anymore info on the Pro Pack. I have seen the installation doc for resource usage in 1.61.6 so looking like it could be ready to launch soon?
These features are in pre-release, other Pro Pack features are reserved for future releases:
Python/Java/Ruby/Perl support using Nginx Unit
Additional features for Nginx (automatic CMS templates, WordPress+FastCGI cache support). Ability to select standalone nginx for any of the domains.
Ability to throttle resources per-user (CPU/RAM/IO etc.)
This one is still in progress, but it should be available very soon:
Admin SSL (GUI for certificate management on Administrator level, automatic cross-user certificates).
So, if you're looking for resource throttling - you may install pre-release of retail DirectAdmin Standard/Lite and let us know your feedback on it It's there, and documentation is also ready for it.
Wow, I like the Ability to throttle resources per-user (CPU/RAM/IO etc.), Are you using cgroups for this? Like what Plesk do.
@Fritz said: Wow, I like the Ability to throttle resources per-user (CPU/RAM/IO etc.), Are you using cgroups for this? Like what Plesk do.
Cgroup v2. I may be wrong, but I don't think other panels have v2 used there (thus the implementation is quite different). It actually throttles you, instead of killing the processes with OOM (out-of-memory) error when they reach RAM limit, for example.
@Fritz said: Wow, I like the Ability to throttle resources per-user (CPU/RAM/IO etc.), Are you using cgroups for this? Like what Plesk do.
I've checked their docs. First differences that I've noticed:
1) DA has full support for LiteSpeed (Quote from their doc: "Cgroups Manager cannot limit the resources Plesk extensions and custom manually installed services consume. This is true for all Plesk extensions: LiteSpeed is no exception.").
2) DA supports the limits for Ruby/Python etc. (Quote from their doc: "Cgroups Manager does not account and limit resources for Ruby, Python, and Node.js web-applications using the Phusion Passenger.").
3) I was unable to find No. of processes and IOPS read/write limits there.
@DA_Mark have you decided about releasing the Pro Pack as an additional add-on for people with LT Licences or Datacentre Licences and what the pricing structure might look like for these?
Very Cool ?
Haven’t seen any documentation from DA on it. Been playing around with it and works across all user levels - Admin, Reseller and User. Although I think the user level is better with the modern icon layout, just for familiarity of users (ex cPanel).
Any interest from larger cloud providers, DO, Vultr, Hetzner or others in them offering licences?
I really wanna know what's stopping them. I asked OVH once and well, we know how that goes. I think they started offering it for dedicated customers only.
Licensing is always the answer. I suspect they would only offer it if it can be installed and activated without any up-front cost to them. A bit like cPanel and Plesk. DO and Vultr offer both but cPanel is a trial period, Although Vultr does offer cPanel licensing. Plesk is limited to x amount of accounts and you can upgrade.
Going to guess that DA wants x up-front or activating a licence triggers a cost that bigger providers are less interested in. They would want a trial or restricted licence that the user then has to upgrade and pay directly to DA.
Atleast from the past experience, DA supports PAYG model.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
There has been some, but nothing really came of it. I have to be honest that lack of motivation on this end was part of it. Flying under the radar is our biggest strength right now. Development is more important than high volume & ultra-low margins, and creating a better product is more important to us. When I say lack of motivation, I don't mean laziness. I just mean we would rather create hype by improving the product, rather than attempting every "strategic alliance" we can get. We are kind of like the antimatter of venture capitalists.
On that note, it's been a long time since the last release but I can say we have ~100 items (features/fixes/etc) since the last one. Within the next day or two I plan to post some more fun stuff about that.
P.S. Congrats on my first post.
I was listening about a clothing brand recently that doesn't do influencer promotion and just likes to work on the brand and have it spread organically word of mouth rather than in your face deals with companies. It makes sense.
Congrats on your second and third post in advance.
How easy would it be to offer Horde in DA? I find it much better at grouping emails by subject (for deletion) and prefer it over Roundcube.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Makes sense, I guess someone like DO adding it to their marketplace will end up generating more support that you care for which of course takes you all away from other tasks such as improving the panel.
So, decided it was time to get back to DA and start learning how to manage it properly. The non-compete after the sale of my hosting business is ending in the not too distant future. Maybe, might, could, possibly do something with DA in the future.
So grabbed a slice in Luxembourg to play around. Had so many other plans that involved DA last year, but COVID.
I hope so. The more competition, the better. For everyone involved.
Congrats sir!
If you need to spread out your regions, we got some pops with free DA as well
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Thanks, if I do something it will use my own hardware and not be lowend.
Sorry for the delay, folks. Earlier in the thread @LeonDynamic posted a new skin revision he discovered in the pre-release. It's nearly complete (just some small finishing touches needed) and it's available in the pre-release and demo on our site. It is called "Refreshed."
It's has some navigation elements that are different than before, so all feedback is welcome. I know @smtalk will be paying attention to this thread too.
I'm not sure it applies to anyone here, but our bulk pricing (automatic discount on retail licenses) is now complete & automated. It will shave 15%-25% off the bill starting at four Standard licenses (or any mix of license that equates to the same dollar value), and only 10 licenses for the full discount. For folks with a handful of retail licenses, they will see a surprise discount.
I hope everyone has a good weekend!
That is way nicer than the current ones. Especially the Icon Grid one which just makes me shudder when I see it.
I do really like that.
One note though, wonder what these "Advanved" features are?
Good work!
LA PREM! @DA_Mark I guess these Advanved features are something super neat inhouse from the DA team?
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Grr. This is the last time you guys get an Advanved preview.
Well with Jhon as your client, I didn't expect much
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
@DA_Mark do you have anymore info on the Pro Pack. I have seen the installation doc for resource usage in 1.61.6 so looking like it could be ready to launch soon?
Had a play around with the new theme, looking really nice and feels a bit more intuitive in places where it wasn't before. Simple things make a difference.
What do you think about the navigation method? With menu unpinned by default and the need to hover anywhere on the left bar to open the menu. It was some kind of experiment, and the place that might (or might not) need to be changed.
I like it. One of those things that you will get used to but an improvement. The only thing I don't like is that if you hover over the left side it pops up fine, but move back to the right to do something else on that page, you need to click to get the menu to disappear.
I would prefer that if I move right beyond the menu it just disappears. That's me though and just a preference. Sometimes that effect can be annoying if you move too far right when intending to click the dropdown and the menu closes.
These features are in pre-release, other Pro Pack features are reserved for future releases:
This one is still in progress, but it should be available very soon:
So, if you're looking for resource throttling - you may install pre-release of retail DirectAdmin Standard/Lite and let us know your feedback on it
It's there, and documentation is also ready for it.
Wow, I like the Ability to throttle resources per-user (CPU/RAM/IO etc.), Are you using cgroups for this? Like what Plesk do.
Cgroup v2. I may be wrong, but I don't think other panels have v2 used there (thus the implementation is quite different). It actually throttles you, instead of killing the processes with OOM (out-of-memory) error when they reach RAM limit, for example.
I've checked their docs. First differences that I've noticed:
1) DA has full support for LiteSpeed (Quote from their doc: "Cgroups Manager cannot limit the resources Plesk extensions and custom manually installed services consume. This is true for all Plesk extensions: LiteSpeed is no exception.").
2) DA supports the limits for Ruby/Python etc. (Quote from their doc: "Cgroups Manager does not account and limit resources for Ruby, Python, and Node.js web-applications using the Phusion Passenger.").
3) I was unable to find No. of processes and IOPS read/write limits there.
@DA_Mark have you decided about releasing the Pro Pack as an additional add-on for people with LT Licences or Datacentre Licences and what the pricing structure might look like for these?